Chelsea Handler Immediately Blames Republicans For Shooting.Before Any Facts Come Out.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:th_panties: Oh God, here we go again. But then again, anyone surprised/not surprised? I will keep this thread short. No need to explain these typical liberals who immediately blame Bush/GOP/and maybe even Trump for any horrific tragedy that happens in the USA, and sometimes overseas.
For all we know, Chelsea probably thinks that the GOP caused Pearl Harbour.
Chelsea Handler to GOP after Florida shooting: 'You all have blood on your hands'
The dumb liberal crackpots think that the mass shooters, criminals and terrorist would obey gun ban laws.
The right to self defense is the most
basic human right, and that is what the Second Amendment is really all about.

The expiration Monday of a 10-year federal ban on assault weapons means firearms like AK-47s, Uzis and TEC-9s can now be legally bought — a development that has critics upset and gun owners pleased.

The 1994 ban, signed by then President Clinton, outlawed 19 types of military-style assault weapons. A clause directed that the ban expire unless Congress specifically reauthorized it, which it did not.


National police organizations such as the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the International Brotherhood of Police Officers and the Fraternal Order of Police all support the renewal of the ban.

Congress lets assault weapons ban expire


The House on Thursday struck down an Obama-era regulation that could block some recipients of disability benefits from buying guns.

The House voted 235-180 to roll back a rule that required the Social Security Administration to report people who receive disability benefits and have a mental health condition to the FBI’s background check system. The database is used to determine eligibility for buying a firearm.

House votes to overturn Obama gun rule
House GOP Blocks Measure to Prevent Mentally Ill People From Getting Firearms

House Republicans voted Thursday to gut an Obama administration gun-control regulation that would have helped prevent some mentally ill people from purchasing firearms. The rule, which the NRA opposed and the House struck down 235–180, would have applied to people who receive Social Security disability or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits and are unable to manage their own finances because of a documented mental illness, including schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. It would have covered about 75,000 people, reports USA Today.

Under the rule, which was finalized in the last days of the Obama administration and now will no longer be, the Social Security Administration would have reported these particular individuals to the FBI, so their names would have come up in a background check if someone tried to purchase a firearm. The SSA would also notify those potentially affected by the rule, and implement a system so people could appeal their placements on the background-check list, if necessary.

House GOP Blocks Measure to Prevent Mentally Ill People From Getting Firearms
The public health challenge posed by the tens of thousands of Americans shot to death each year wasn’t always the subject of such a toxic partisan divide. There used to be a bit of flexibility between the parties before the gun lobby so relentlessly targeted politicians who dared to consider compromise.


Mr. Reagan, unlike Republican party leaders these days, reconsidered the issue and eventually showed a willingness to embrace reasonable bipartisan proposals to protect the public from gun abusers. Two years after he left office, Mr. Reagan surprised the nation by endorsing the proposed Brady Law that established federal background checks of firearm buyers for criminal records and histories of mental disturbance.


No less important was Mr. Reagan’s endorsement in 1994 of the assault weapons ban that was a major attempt to deal with efforts by domestic arms makers to sell adapted weapons of war to civilian buyers in the name of sportsmanship. “We can dry up the supply of these guns, making them less accessible to criminals,” Mr. Reagan declared in a joint letter to Congress with former presidents Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford. The measure banning a wide range of military style guns and large-capacity ammunition clips narrowly passed, with supporters citing the letter. One lawmaker who dropped his opposition, Representative Michael Andrews, a Democrat and hunter from Texas, declared, “Anyone that needs a 20-round clip of high-velocity ammunition to fell a duck or deer needs to look into taking up golf.”

Unfortunately, his warning against loosing war-zone firepower on the home front is relevant once more. For the ban was limited to 10 years in a final compromise and expired in 2004 despite promises from Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama to seek reenactment. The marketplace in assault weapons has since blossomed grimly, feeding the incidents of high-speed, multiple-victim shootings — — that increasingly bedevil the nation.

When Ronald Reagan Embraced Gun Control

The dumb liberal crackpots think that the mass shooters, criminals and terrorist would obey gun ban laws.
The right to self defense is the most
basic human right, and that is what the Second Amendment is really all about.
Eventually governor Cuomo will say something many bullets does it take to kill a dee_yahh?
Why more than 100 gun control proposals in Congress since 2011 have failed

Over just the past five years, lawmakers have introduced more than 100 gun control proposals in Congress, since Gabrielle Giffords and 18 other people were shot in Tucson, Arizona in January 2011.

Not one of them has been passed into law, and very few of the proposals even made it to the House or Senate floor.

Why more than 100 gun control proposals in Congress since 2011 have failed
MAY 3, 2016

As States Expand Gun Rights, the Police Object

Guns in bars. Guns in airports. Guns in day care centers and sports arenas. Conservative state lawmakers around the country are pressing to weaken an array of gun regulations, in some cases greatly expanding where owners can carry their weapons.

But the legislators are encountering stiff opposition from what has been a trusted ally: law enforcement.

In more than a dozen states with traditions of robust support for gun ownership rights, and where legislatures have moved to relax gun laws during the past year, the local police have become increasingly vocal in denouncing the measures. They say the new laws expose officers to greater danger and prevent them from doing their jobs effectively.

“We are a gun society and we recognize that, but we should be writing gun laws that make us safer,” said Leonard Papania, the police chief in Gulfport, who opposes part of a new state law that creates exceptions to the rules for concealed-carry permits. “Do you want every incident on your street to escalate to acts of gun violence?”

As States Expand Gun Rights, the Police Object
Nikolas Cruz was not under any treatment for mental illness. The useless and politically driven FBI was warned. Why did they do nothing? Was it because the FBI made a political decision to not investigate a hispanic?
"There has long been a tension between the interests of law enforcement and the efforts to roll back gun regulations, but the conflicts are becoming more frequent as gun laws are expanded, particularly in states with permissive policies. Police officers in Maine and Texas have described coming across people displaying their weapons near schools and libraries, daring anyone to call the police and challenge their newly won rights."

“What is alarming to the police is that they have no power to ascertain the potential criminal background of an armed individual until a crime is committed, and by then it is too late,” said Ladd Everitt, the spokesman for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, an advocacy group.

The objections to these laws are not only about officer safety. Law enforcement officials also argue that creating more exceptions to gun regulations will impede investigations. The discovery of an unpermitted weapon typically gives officers probable cause to conduct searches, but some of the new laws could take away that option.

As States Expand Gun Rights, the Police Object
Law enforcement officials in the state said the political power of the gun rights lobby had overwhelmed their calls for caution.

“We’re advocating the safety for our police officers, but on the other side, you have the N.R.A. and other special interest groups that say, ‘If you’ll do this, we’ll endorse you and make you look good,’ ” Ken Winter, the executive director of the Mississippi Association of Chiefs of Police, said of his efforts at lobbying in the Legislature. “We don’t have anything to offer them other than good advice.”

Local law enforcement agencies opposed to enhancing gun possession rights have generally lost recent legislative battles.

Maine enacted a law last year allowing people to carry concealed weapons without a permit or training, despite the objections of Michael Sauschuck, the police chief in Portland, the state’s largest city.

“It is absolutely ludicrous to me that we require people to go take a test to get a driver’s license, but we are allowing people to carry a deadly weapon on their person without any procedures regulating it,” Chief Sauschuck said.
In Texas, where concealed handguns will be allowed in university classrooms beginning Aug. 1, law enforcement officials won a surprise victory last year after Art Acevedo, the police chief in Austin, held a news conference where he was flanked by law enforcement leaders from across the state.

His message to conservative Republican lawmakers, who were seeking to limit police officers’ authority to question people with firearms as part of the state’s open-carry legislation, was blunt.

“You can’t be the party of law and order and not listen to your police chiefs,” Chief Acevedo said.

As States Expand Gun Rights, the Police Object

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