Chen Guangcheng


Sep 23, 2010
This guy better be careful:

Blind Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng is holed up in the US embassy in Beijing but is not seeking asylum, another rights activist said Monday as the spectre of a China-US diplomatic wrangle loomed.

Chinese activist in US embassy: fellow dissident
By Claire Cozens | AFP – 1 hour 17 minutes ago

Chinese activist in US embassy: fellow dissident - Yahoo! News Canada

Chen would be called pro-life in this country. If he is relying on help from an Administration that is top-heavy with baby butchers he is in deep do-do. More so now that Bill Clinton and Hussein are in love:

Obama and Bill Clinton campaign together, stress economy
Reuters | 19 hours ago
By Laura MacInnis

Obama and Bill Clinton campaign together, stress economy

Also, Hillary Clinton is now secretary of state. When she was co-president she never batted an eye when she and Bubba approved of slaughtering more than 80 Americans in the Branch Davidian Compound for no reason other than to end a standoff that was embarrassing them.

Put the pro-life issue aside and Chen is still in the hands of people who will never offend Communists. Note that Janet Reno is the only villain missing in Chan’s case:

Thanks to Janet Reno, Eric Holder and Bill Clinton, Elian is now a full slave of the Castro brothers

Elian Gonzalez
It's a little bit disconcerting that Bill Clinton is campaigning with the guy who called his wife a drunk.

Likewise it is disconcerting to try to imagine that a country like the United States which has as much if not more blood on its hands than China would NOT consider Chen an Eric Rudolph with an epicanthic fold.
Poor Chen! Appealing to Hillary Clinton to save him from Communists is like Joan of Ark asking the guy with the matches to light her last cigarette.

Chen says he now wants to leave China as soon as possible: “My fervent hope is that it would be possible for me and my family to leave for the U.S. on Hillary Clinton’s plane.”

When U.S. officials escorted him out of the U.S. embassy shortly after 3 p.m. Wednesday, Chen thought he’d extracted a promise that at least one of them would stay with him at the hospital, he said. “Many Americans were with me while I checked into the hospital and doctors examined me. Lots of them,” he told me from his hospital bed, where he’s being treated for broken bones in one foot, an injury sustained when he fell after climbing a wall during his daring escape from house arrest late last month. “But when I was brought to the hospital room, they all left. I don’t know where they went.” The ordeal was all the more bewildering because Chen is blind and was hurt during his escape; he needs crutches or a wheelchair to move around.

Activist Chen Guangcheng: Let Me Leave China on Hillary Clinton’s Plane
May 2, 2012 10:10 PM EDT

Activist Chen Guangcheng: Let Me Leave China on Hillary Clinton
Chen misunderstands the United States. We are more heavily invested in abortion than China is. China has a one child policy by political pressure, we have a NO child policy by social pressure. China has govrernment agents, we have a citizern stassi.

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