Cheney's daughter pregnant

There are former straights who will disagree with you :dunno:

Maybe, but the fact that they are formerly straight just reinforces my argument that its a choice. At one time they chose to live another life.

Nice try, but next time think out your response.
**(smirks, points to signature line)** :)

Don't look now, but your lack of conviction is showing again.

By trying to place the blame of a rape on the victim in part or in whole for any reason, you are, in fact, trying to justify the rapist's actions.
Nope. Because it's a bullshit site which is all religious dogma and no science. No question that our knowledge isn't complete. But that doesn't invalidate the things we DO know..... like all the prayers and religion in the world doesn't make someone not gay... it just makes them closeted.

No jill... you're going farther downhill grabbing for straws, and frankly, it's kind of pathetic. But, back to that webpage, it sites more links to more pure scientific fact than I can pack in this thread. Face it, THERE IS NO PROOF OF A FAGGOT GENE... NONE! ZIP! ZILCH! NADDA! If there was, you'd splatter it all over this thread. So quit defending homosexuality as if you were going to convince me or anyone else that you're right, because we all know you're not. Homo's *CHOOSE* to act out their sick impulses. It's a *CHOICE*. It's not genetic. It's a mental illness, and yes, it is treatable. But, people like you, the militant left and the big mouth, shout opposing views down people, like to dismiss these breakthroughs as nothing, even when the treated individuals themselves try and tell you, YES, I WAS CURED!

We have your number jillie. We know you lie. We know you're an enabler to a sickness that's vile and disgusting, and SHOULD be in the closet. I have no respect for you, because in a sense, you are the worst enemy a queer has, because you tell him he's OK, when in fact, he's very, very sick, and needs to be told to get help.
Actually, one becomes an alcholic by genetic predisposition in conjunction with environment. Depending on who you ask, homosexuality is either determined by genetics or a combination of genes and environment, at least in the case of men. They think there might be more choice, in some instances, when it comes to women.

On the other hand, when your male role model is Dick Cheney, I can see where one could be turned off to guys. ;)

I consider homosexuality, being left handed, smoking, and drinking and many other things to be choices. Gee. I feel thirsty. A beer would taste good. I know that it might be dangerous for me to go out and drink but I am so thirsty for a beer. I will consider the risks and get a drink or not get a drink. I feel more comfortable writing with my left and than with my right hand. If I tried long and hard enough, I could learn to use my right hand and may begin to prefer it – with enough conditioning. The same goes for smoking. If you know that smoking is bad for you, do not put a cigarette in your mouth. It is as simple as that. A homosexual cam become a heterosexual if he chooses to do so, It may take a long time of conditioning but it is possible.

Yet, is it really necessary for one to go through the trouble to be heterosexual if he feels more comfortable in a homosexual relationship? No.
Turkey baster bastard babies are immoral. Deliberately raising children without a father is immoral. Lesbianism is immoral. For the Cheneys to celebrate their daugher's actions is immoral.

Hello,:bye1: perhaps you haven't noticed that the election swung to the Democrats last time? Not because the Dems are so great, but because conservatives are unhappy with the actions of Republicans. In many respects they might as well be Democrats.:mad: Conservatives have already had their "therapy".

I agree with you that the folks doing the baby making are wrong ethically and morally.....but, I hope you understand that the baby is innocent of the parents folly......

I even have a hard time calling them "bastards"......Maybe it's my generation, but I think it's like hanging a Scarlet "A" on a kids neck for his/her whole life.

The folks that want to have a baby via the old turkey baster, are the at-fault ones........,but I think God looks at that baby from that union via baster or hetero and within marriage as it's own individual little life that He created, and it shouldn't be titled anything but a baby, and human in need of love, acceptance, and a normal bringing-up. A normal bringing up is not in a Lesbian marriage arrangement, or a gay male couple arrangement either.

Parental modeling, and sexual orientation starts early in a kids life.....and same sex parental modeling isn't moral or biblical. It grieves God.......but I know that God will still work his darndest to offer opportunities for that child from that gay wedlock to see the "truth" and "light" of whats right.

Lot's door was nearly pounded down by the residents of Sodom that wanted to have sex with the two angels that were staying in Lot's house.......This present, perverse, generation is no more perverse than any other.......just more public, and bold..........

The Cheney's don't have too much most matters. They do love their daughter, and, I'm sure are grieved by her sexual orientation choice in her life, yet are trying to be supportive..

If you have raised kids, you must know that they often make moral, and ethical choices that don't go well with you as parents, yet, you still try to exhibit unconditional love.....of course that's what our Saviour exhibited towards us who had monsterous "logs" in our eyes. It's by grace that God welcomes/accepts us into his kingdom, not any meritorious works of ourselves earned us salvation.

Well, again, here you have the Cheney's daughter in a relationship with another Lesbian gal, and they have elected to raise a child via using their reproductive capacities as females of our species. It wasn't an option before Invitreo, but now is. So what should the Cheney's do.......totally cut-off their relationship with their daughter? What would this do in respect to their grand child's relationship with with grandma and grandpa. Well, as you most likely know........cutting off their daughter may indeed be a death sentence for getting time with your grandchild......It also means grandchild doesn't get exposed to Grandma and grandpa's heterosexual relationship based on marriage. So some potential biblical/normal parental modeling exposure is cut-off.

That baby has a chance to see and be loved by heterosexual grandparents, and that's a good thing. This child has a chance to see the modeling of his/her married grandma and grandpa's life. We have to be very careful to not limit God, or to throw the baby out with the dirty bath water. Kids don't necessarily end up homosexual because their parents are. Kid's are like Sherlock Holmes........they study their parent's lives.....they study/mimic other couples and single's lives as well. If the the Cheneys love this grandchild with a godly, Christian, love of total acceptance, despite their inner conviction that they would have wished/prayed their daughter not be chosing this homosexual life, then the baby/grandchild will pick up positive vibes about Grandma and Grandpa's life and lifestyle.

Remember, it's "not what I say, but what I do" in a relationship that makes the difference. Agape love, is the greatest love of all. It is the love that's made of a glue that says, "commitment", "acceptance", and unconditional love........I think the Cheney's are being tested to no-end in that category, and I applaud them.

I have raised three sons........all married now. Two of them put his mom and I through all kinds of torment and anxious suffering/worry. We've spent hours in courtrooms, had to mediate and help them in their marriages as name it. One son has had two DUI, or DWI's in his life......with on and off drug addictions, but is now sober and raising two beautiful children, and has a wonderful supportive wife. His wife's dad is gay, and didn't "come out" until my daughter-in-law was in her teens. Think about the trauma and strife this brought to her life and her siblings, yet this young lady, our daughter-in-law, has chosen to model her life after my wife and myself and our marriage. We haven't bad mouthed or said anything bad about her parents and their poor modeling as parents, but tried to be supportive of her(our daughter in law).

There are many who are technically, "bastards" in this world, but I doubt their maker, sees or titles them that way.
Don't look now, but your lack of conviction is showing again.

By trying to place the blame of a rape on the victim in part or in whole for any reason, you are, in fact, trying to justify the rapist's actions.
If the victim wears suggestive clothing in a high crime area at night, she is partly to blame. Just as someone who leaves their car running at a C store is to blame. Its called being personally responsible, something that you Libs refuse to recognize.
Most of us have known a gay pewrson who has switched back to normal, therefore proving that it is a choice. I don't know what NARTH is, so obviously this agumant has nothing to do with that.

I don't.
Most of us have known a gay pewrson who has switched back to normal, therefore proving that it is a choice. I don't know what NARTH is, so obviously this agumant has nothing to do with that.

*cough* Bullshit! *cough*
If the victim wears suggestive clothing in a high crime area at night, she is partly to blame. Just as someone who leaves their car running at a C store is to blame. Its called being personally responsible, something that you Libs refuse to recognize.

Has your wife or daughter(s) (if you have any) ever worn a swimsuit at a public beach? If so, I suppose you think that any man who saw them there is at any time of their choosing entitled to force them into sex having witnessed their display of skin. Your position on this is a joke...and borderline retarded.
Most of us have known a gay pewrson who has switched back to normal, therefore proving that it is a choice. I don't know what NARTH is, so obviously this agumant has nothing to do with that.
I'm with Missleman: bullshit. I don't know any and I know someone who tried to become straight and it only made his life a lot worse off.
Has your wife or daughter(s) (if you have any) ever worn a swimsuit at a public beach? If so, I suppose you think that any man who saw them there is at any time of their choosing entitled to force them into sex having witnessed their display of skin. Your position on this is a joke...and borderline retarded.

Borderline??? :angel:

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