Chicago crime: 33 shot, 9 fatally in weekend violence, including boy, teen

Filth, poverty and living in danger are always going to be the Democrat goal. Democrats need to keep them poor, pissed off and dependent on government. That makes them easier to exploit.
Evidently Beetlejuice thinks all the killing is great, and BLM doesn't give a rats ass about it either.

So let 'em keep killing each other. Maybe they'll kill enough people to learn something, although I highly doubt that, or they'll kill enough democrats that maybe we'll see a shift in how people vote, although I highly doubt too.
Great job Mayor Lightfoot and fellow Democrats! Do these black lives matter, or just the ones shot by a white person?

Say, whitey did not shoot any of them did they?

That's all anyone cares about.
Great job Mayor Lightfoot and fellow Democrats! Do these black lives matter, or just the ones shot by a white person?

As long as people were maintaining their social distance. There should be a law against shooting someone from point-blank range.
Great job Mayor Lightfoot and fellow Democrats! Do these black lives matter, or just the ones shot by a white person?

Say, whitey did not shoot any of them did they?

That's all anyone cares about.
Thank God no... it was just all blacks killing blacks, or blacks killing white people... so it's all cool... everything is fine... nothing to see here... keep your federal troops out, they have it all under control.
Great job Mayor Lightfoot and fellow Democrats! Do these black lives matter, or just the ones shot by a white person?

As long as people were maintaining their social distance. There should be a law against shooting someone from point-blank range.
Yes but did the shooters at least have masks on?
Great job Mayor Lightfoot and fellow Democrats! Do these black lives matter, or just the ones shot by a white person?

Say, whitey did not shoot any of them did they?

That's all anyone cares about.
Thank God no... it was just all blacks killing blacks, or blacks killing white people... so it's all cool... everything is fine... nothing to see here... keep your federal troops out, they have it all under control.
Why was this tread even started then?

All we can do is keep abortion clinics positioned strategically around minority communities and let those that survive Planned Parenthood murder themselves into oblivion.

Take New York city, for example. They have more black abortions than births, a true accomplishment for the racist Margaret Sanger loving Progressives. And every time a black murders another black, a Progressive demon gets their wings.
..murders are highER in all the black cities
..blacks are murdering each other at even HIGHER rates
..good thing they got rid of those statues and bad mouth the cops
Chicago needs more cops on the street and strict crime laws. Not rocket science.
The floppy eared kid that was killed (shot multiple times!) was an 'A' student.
Great job Mayor Lightfoot and fellow Democrats! Do these black lives matter, or just the ones shot by a white person?

As long as people were maintaining their social distance. There should be a law against shooting someone from point-blank range.

And that is another advantage to guns.....they allow criminals to maintain social distancing rules when they commit murder....
Great job Mayor Lightfoot and fellow Democrats! Do these black lives matter, or just the ones shot by a white person?

Only 9 killed and 33 shot? That's only a 27% kill rate. Maybe the NRA needs to give some training seminars in Chicago.
I feel that it is unfair to blame Mayor Lightfoot.

I feel that most Americans attribute the weekly slaughter in Chicago to one or a combination of three reasons: (a) systemic racism, (b) a cultural deficit, or (c) a genetic factor.

I feel that most Americans think that they know what the likely explanation is. So do I.

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