Chicago gang member arrested in execution of 9 year old

This highlights the reason we have more gun crime in the U.S......our criminals commit murder more......European and Australian criminals have guns, they just don't use them to commit murder...especially like this...

This monster had originally intended to lure the 9 year old and grab him, then cut off his ears and fingers.....then to shoot him....I heard the charges read on the local news.......what criminal in Europe would murder a 9 year old child for the crimes of his gang banger father......?
The silver lining is, the death of a nine year old child is a tragedy. But that child would have grown up to be a gang banging dindu. So it was really premature street justice.

I have to disagree...though his becoming like his father was more likely than not....he deserved a chance.....
Oh please, the kid was 9. He has to start dealing and killing by 11. He had two more years of chance.
Actually 9 year old kids are frequently drug runners in that culture.
Gangs give members a feeling of power and of being protected. Not so different from the fans huddling behind Trump and his idiot ideas.
As long as you have a whole lot of people who feel powerless and vulnerable, they will seek relief. The only way to stop the gang violence is to offer positive pathways out of the ghettos. If you've got some sensible new ideas, I'd love to hear them.
How about you go into the nearest negro thug shithole and offer to take a few of them to live with you?
I know it's a small step but I'm sure, as you say, you will be offering them a "positive pathway out of the ghetto right?
Last thing: Where would you like whatever 'personal possessions' you will have left to be sent to?
The nero/Latino gangs plus the PP abortion mills are going to 'fix' the problem in time anyway right?
It's estimated that Chicago could see 700 murders this year and most of the victims are black and hispanic gang members. Gangster Dwight Boone-Doty allegedly lured 9 year Tyshawn Lee from a playground into a vacant ally with candy and shot him multiple times allegedly in retaliation for his father being a rival gang member The Guardian news source rambles about decades old discrimination in housing and strangely enough the Freddie Gray shooting in Baltimore while the headline mentions "gun violence" but not "gang violence". Decades of liberalism and the crisis faced by the white liberal mayor, who ironically once coined the phrase "never let a crisis go to waste", was not addressed in the article.
Chicago gun epidemic, out of control: the execution of nine-year-old Tyshawn Lee

That one?
Gangs give members a feeling of power and of being protected. Not so different from the fans huddling behind Trump and his idiot ideas.
As long as you have a whole lot of people who feel powerless and vulnerable, they will seek relief. The only way to stop the gang violence is to offer positive pathways out of the ghettos. If you've got some sensible new ideas, I'd love to hear them.

Boy...that was a stupid post.........

comparing law abiding citizens to violent nuts on the left really need help.
Looking at human beings as human beings is not stupid, Guy. Trumpsters are scared of terrorism and scared of immigrants so they are banding together to 'save' themselves. I've talked to people who grew up in neighborhoods overrun with gangs. They join gangs for the same reasons people everywhere band together for a sense of security and a feeling of power. I'm not disagreeing that LE needs to keep confronting gangs and try to stop them--but this is a warning: Sending a young kid to prison is the BEST way to introduce him to gangs. My son is a corrections officer in New York and it is the prison's #1 problem. Gangs pretty much run the show there and there is no way to be a 'neutral' inmate. I think both our ideas might be helpful, both at the same time. I certainly am not one of the folks spitting on cops as "racist." Cops have a hard, miserable job and they get very little recognition or $ for it. If they weren't dedicated to keeping people safe, we'd have no cops at all.
Gangs give members a feeling of power and of being protected. Not so different from the fans huddling behind Trump and his idiot ideas.
As long as you have a whole lot of people who feel powerless and vulnerable, they will seek relief. The only way to stop the gang violence is to offer positive pathways out of the ghettos. If you've got some sensible new ideas, I'd love to hear them.

Boy...that was a stupid post.........

comparing law abiding citizens to violent nuts on the left really need help.
Looking at human beings as human beings is not stupid, Guy. Trumpsters are scared of terrorism and scared of immigrants so they are banding together to 'save' themselves. I've talked to people who grew up in neighborhoods overrun with gangs. They join gangs for the same reasons people everywhere band together for a sense of security and a feeling of power. I'm not disagreeing that LE needs to keep confronting gangs and try to stop them--but this is a warning: Sending a young kid to prison is the BEST way to introduce him to gangs. My son is a corrections officer in New York and it is the prison's #1 problem. Gangs pretty much run the show there and there is no way to be a 'neutral' inmate. I think both our ideas might be helpful, both at the same time. I certainly am not one of the folks spitting on cops as "racist." Cops have a hard, miserable job and they get very little recognition or $ for it. If they weren't dedicated to keeping people safe, we'd have no cops at all.
Why cant you guys just have friends, like white people? We dont need a group for power or security, we just like having friends and doing non criminal stuff with them.
Gangs give members a feeling of power and of being protected. Not so different from the fans huddling behind Trump and his idiot ideas.
As long as you have a whole lot of people who feel powerless and vulnerable, they will seek relief. The only way to stop the gang violence is to offer positive pathways out of the ghettos. If you've got some sensible new ideas, I'd love to hear them.

Boy...that was a stupid post.........

comparing law abiding citizens to violent nuts on the left really need help.
Looking at human beings as human beings is not stupid, Guy. Trumpsters are scared of terrorism and scared of immigrants so they are banding together to 'save' themselves. I've talked to people who grew up in neighborhoods overrun with gangs. They join gangs for the same reasons people everywhere band together for a sense of security and a feeling of power. I'm not disagreeing that LE needs to keep confronting gangs and try to stop them--but this is a warning: Sending a young kid to prison is the BEST way to introduce him to gangs. My son is a corrections officer in New York and it is the prison's #1 problem. Gangs pretty much run the show there and there is no way to be a 'neutral' inmate. I think both our ideas might be helpful, both at the same time. I certainly am not one of the folks spitting on cops as "racist." Cops have a hard, miserable job and they get very little recognition or $ for it. If they weren't dedicated to keeping people safe, we'd have no cops at all.
Why cant you guys just have friends, like white people? We dont need a group for power or security, we just like having friends and doing non criminal stuff with them.
Oh, Godboy. I am white, honey, and you're right we don't need a group to feel secure or powerful. That's because it is our birthright. I'd love it if everyone just stopped fighting and killing and hating, but just wishing it won't make it so. It's important to understand what's behind all that dysfunction. Some people just want to throw them all in prison and make us pay for their room and board for years. If that is the only solution, it won't stop anything.
Gangs give members a feeling of power and of being protected. Not so different from the fans huddling behind Trump and his idiot ideas.
As long as you have a whole lot of people who feel powerless and vulnerable, they will seek relief. The only way to stop the gang violence is to offer positive pathways out of the ghettos. If you've got some sensible new ideas, I'd love to hear them.

Boy...that was a stupid post.........

comparing law abiding citizens to violent nuts on the left really need help.
Looking at human beings as human beings is not stupid, Guy. Trumpsters are scared of terrorism and scared of immigrants so they are banding together to 'save' themselves. I've talked to people who grew up in neighborhoods overrun with gangs. They join gangs for the same reasons people everywhere band together for a sense of security and a feeling of power. I'm not disagreeing that LE needs to keep confronting gangs and try to stop them--but this is a warning: Sending a young kid to prison is the BEST way to introduce him to gangs. My son is a corrections officer in New York and it is the prison's #1 problem. Gangs pretty much run the show there and there is no way to be a 'neutral' inmate. I think both our ideas might be helpful, both at the same time. I certainly am not one of the folks spitting on cops as "racist." Cops have a hard, miserable job and they get very little recognition or $ for it. If they weren't dedicated to keeping people safe, we'd have no cops at all.
Why cant you guys just have friends, like white people? We dont need a group for power or security, we just like having friends and doing non criminal stuff with them.
Oh, Godboy. I am white, honey, and you're right we don't need a group to feel secure or powerful. That's because it is our birthright. I'd love it if everyone just stopped fighting and killing and hating, but just wishing it won't make it so. It's important to understand what's behind all that dysfunction. Some people just want to throw them all in prison and make us pay for their room and board for years. If that is the only solution, it won't stop anything.
Why do you feel the need to make excuses for what we all know is a highly dysfunctional culture? How on earth do you expect them to change their culture if people refuse to admit there is something seriously wrong? The time for pampering is over. They need a heavy dose of ciriticism from every person in the US. Shame is a powerful motivator.
Gangs give members a feeling of power and of being protected. Not so different from the fans huddling behind Trump and his idiot ideas.
As long as you have a whole lot of people who feel powerless and vulnerable, they will seek relief. The only way to stop the gang violence is to offer positive pathways out of the ghettos. If you've got some sensible new ideas, I'd love to hear them.

Boy...that was a stupid post.........

comparing law abiding citizens to violent nuts on the left really need help.
Looking at human beings as human beings is not stupid, Guy. Trumpsters are scared of terrorism and scared of immigrants so they are banding together to 'save' themselves. I've talked to people who grew up in neighborhoods overrun with gangs. They join gangs for the same reasons people everywhere band together for a sense of security and a feeling of power. I'm not disagreeing that LE needs to keep confronting gangs and try to stop them--but this is a warning: Sending a young kid to prison is the BEST way to introduce him to gangs. My son is a corrections officer in New York and it is the prison's #1 problem. Gangs pretty much run the show there and there is no way to be a 'neutral' inmate. I think both our ideas might be helpful, both at the same time. I certainly am not one of the folks spitting on cops as "racist." Cops have a hard, miserable job and they get very little recognition or $ for it. If they weren't dedicated to keeping people safe, we'd have no cops at all.
Why cant you guys just have friends, like white people? We dont need a group for power or security, we just like having friends and doing non criminal stuff with them.
Oh, Godboy. I am white, honey, and you're right we don't need a group to feel secure or powerful. That's because it is our birthright. I'd love it if everyone just stopped fighting and killing and hating, but just wishing it won't make it so. It's important to understand what's behind all that dysfunction. Some people just want to throw them all in prison and make us pay for their room and board for years. If that is the only solution, it won't stop anything.
Everyone already knows you're white because you're white-splaining everything, every word dripping with white guilt. It blinds you to the fact that white culture is superior to black culture and that the only way for blacks to stop killing and hating is to start acting more like white people. I'm neither black nor white, but I've learned to embrace white culture and in doing so, my family is prosperous and safe, something that would have been impossible if the white man never stepped foot on this continent.

It isn't a crime to be white. Celebrate it.

Jesus is risen indeed!
Gangs give members a feeling of power and of being protected. Not so different from the fans huddling behind Trump and his idiot ideas.
As long as you have a whole lot of people who feel powerless and vulnerable, they will seek relief. The only way to stop the gang violence is to offer positive pathways out of the ghettos. If you've got some sensible new ideas, I'd love to hear them.

Boy...that was a stupid post.........

comparing law abiding citizens to violent nuts on the left really need help.
Looking at human beings as human beings is not stupid, Guy. Trumpsters are scared of terrorism and scared of immigrants so they are banding together to 'save' themselves. I've talked to people who grew up in neighborhoods overrun with gangs. They join gangs for the same reasons people everywhere band together for a sense of security and a feeling of power. I'm not disagreeing that LE needs to keep confronting gangs and try to stop them--but this is a warning: Sending a young kid to prison is the BEST way to introduce him to gangs. My son is a corrections officer in New York and it is the prison's #1 problem. Gangs pretty much run the show there and there is no way to be a 'neutral' inmate. I think both our ideas might be helpful, both at the same time. I certainly am not one of the folks spitting on cops as "racist." Cops have a hard, miserable job and they get very little recognition or $ for it. If they weren't dedicated to keeping people safe, we'd have no cops at all.

No twit.....comparing normal people to violent gangs is the problem......people supporting a political candidate vs. joining a violent criminal enterprise are two different things...of course as a lefty your brain has a problem understanding Right and Wrong and Good and Evil......
Gangs give members a feeling of power and of being protected. Not so different from the fans huddling behind Trump and his idiot ideas.
As long as you have a whole lot of people who feel powerless and vulnerable, they will seek relief. The only way to stop the gang violence is to offer positive pathways out of the ghettos. If you've got some sensible new ideas, I'd love to hear them.
The first paragraph is truly bizarre. The second which seeks to vindicate bullies and thugs is even more so.
It's estimated that Chicago could see 700 murders this year and most of the victims are black and hispanic gang members. Gangster Dwight Boone-Doty allegedly lured 9 year Tyshawn Lee from a playground into a vacant ally with candy and shot him multiple times allegedly in retaliation for his father being a rival gang member The Guardian news source rambles about decades old discrimination in housing and strangely enough the Freddie Gray shooting in Baltimore while the headline mentions "gun violence" but not "gang violence". Decades of liberalism and the crisis faced by the white liberal mayor, who ironically once coined the phrase "never let a crisis go to waste", was not addressed in the article.
700 murders would be a couple hundred less than they were seeing in the 1990`s wouldn`t it?
Crime in Chicago - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's estimated that Chicago could see 700 murders this year and most of the victims are black and hispanic gang members. Gangster Dwight Boone-Doty allegedly lured 9 year Tyshawn Lee from a playground into a vacant ally with candy and shot him multiple times allegedly in retaliation for his father being a rival gang member The Guardian news source rambles about decades old discrimination in housing and strangely enough the Freddie Gray shooting in Baltimore while the headline mentions "gun violence" but not "gang violence". Decades of liberalism and the crisis faced by the white liberal mayor, who ironically once coined the phrase "never let a crisis go to waste", was not addressed in the article.
700 murders would be a couple hundred less than they were seeing in the 1990`s wouldn`t it?
Crime in Chicago - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And on the rise thanks to the Ferguson is always a bright idea to attack the police...and encourage them to stop confronting bad guys.....does wonders for the crime rate.....
Gangs give members a feeling of power and of being protected. Not so different from the fans huddling behind Trump and his idiot ideas.
As long as you have a whole lot of people who feel powerless and vulnerable, they will seek relief. The only way to stop the gang violence is to offer positive pathways out of the ghettos. If you've got some sensible new ideas, I'd love to hear them.

Boy...that was a stupid post.........

comparing law abiding citizens to violent nuts on the left really need help.
Looking at human beings as human beings is not stupid, Guy. Trumpsters are scared of terrorism and scared of immigrants so they are banding together to 'save' themselves. I've talked to people who grew up in neighborhoods overrun with gangs. They join gangs for the same reasons people everywhere band together for a sense of security and a feeling of power. I'm not disagreeing that LE needs to keep confronting gangs and try to stop them--but this is a warning: Sending a young kid to prison is the BEST way to introduce him to gangs. My son is a corrections officer in New York and it is the prison's #1 problem. Gangs pretty much run the show there and there is no way to be a 'neutral' inmate. I think both our ideas might be helpful, both at the same time. I certainly am not one of the folks spitting on cops as "racist." Cops have a hard, miserable job and they get very little recognition or $ for it. If they weren't dedicated to keeping people safe, we'd have no cops at all.
Why cant you guys just have friends, like white people? We dont need a group for power or security, we just like having friends and doing non criminal stuff with them.
Oh, Godboy. I am white, honey, and you're right we don't need a group to feel secure or powerful. That's because it is our birthright. I'd love it if everyone just stopped fighting and killing and hating, but just wishing it won't make it so. It's important to understand what's behind all that dysfunction. Some people just want to throw them all in prison and make us pay for their room and board for years. If that is the only solution, it won't stop anything.
Why do you feel the need to make excuses for what we all know is a highly dysfunctional culture? How on earth do you expect them to change their culture if people refuse to admit there is something seriously wrong? The time for pampering is over. They need a heavy dose of ciriticism from every person in the US. Shame is a powerful motivator.
I can't believe you're saying "they" are not already shamed. That started about 400 years ago. At this point, the thugs need a heavy dose of shaming from their own people, but not from white folks.
Boy...that was a stupid post.........

comparing law abiding citizens to violent nuts on the left really need help.
Looking at human beings as human beings is not stupid, Guy. Trumpsters are scared of terrorism and scared of immigrants so they are banding together to 'save' themselves. I've talked to people who grew up in neighborhoods overrun with gangs. They join gangs for the same reasons people everywhere band together for a sense of security and a feeling of power. I'm not disagreeing that LE needs to keep confronting gangs and try to stop them--but this is a warning: Sending a young kid to prison is the BEST way to introduce him to gangs. My son is a corrections officer in New York and it is the prison's #1 problem. Gangs pretty much run the show there and there is no way to be a 'neutral' inmate. I think both our ideas might be helpful, both at the same time. I certainly am not one of the folks spitting on cops as "racist." Cops have a hard, miserable job and they get very little recognition or $ for it. If they weren't dedicated to keeping people safe, we'd have no cops at all.
Why cant you guys just have friends, like white people? We dont need a group for power or security, we just like having friends and doing non criminal stuff with them.
Oh, Godboy. I am white, honey, and you're right we don't need a group to feel secure or powerful. That's because it is our birthright. I'd love it if everyone just stopped fighting and killing and hating, but just wishing it won't make it so. It's important to understand what's behind all that dysfunction. Some people just want to throw them all in prison and make us pay for their room and board for years. If that is the only solution, it won't stop anything.
Why do you feel the need to make excuses for what we all know is a highly dysfunctional culture? How on earth do you expect them to change their culture if people refuse to admit there is something seriously wrong? The time for pampering is over. They need a heavy dose of ciriticism from every person in the US. Shame is a powerful motivator.
I can't believe you're saying "they" are not already shamed. That started about 400 years ago. At this point, the thugs need a heavy dose of shaming from their own people, but not from white folks.
Someone who plugs a 9-year old is not going to be shamed by anyone. You're stupid.

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