Chicago may double last years murders

And mayor “‘Beatle juice “ just fiddles and not a word
That is why you know Crusty Joe don't give a rat's ass if you are killed with a semi automatic fire arm Because if he did he would be banning democrats since that is where all the killing happens Proof he's just a stupid dictator want-2-bee
Not to worry!

Under the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., the homicides in Chicago will drop to zero in 2021.

Here in Los Angeles. we have had more than 300 homicides, but our new district attorney (who was the D.A. in San Francisco) is instituting a "Care, first; jail, last" policy, so next year there should be no more homicides. All those robbers, sucker punchers, looters, rapists, and murderers will be transformed by LOVE.
Trump only had little success on the border until he passed action that they must stay in Mexico before any hearing . The wall has reduced mass waves coming over but it still needs 2 more yrs

And mayor “‘Beatle juice “ just fiddles and not a word
That is why you know Crusty Joe don't give a rat's ass if you are killed with a semi automatic fire arm Because if he did he would be banning democrats since that is where all the killing happens Proof he's just a stupid dictator want-2-bee
You think street dealers vote?
Why should anyone outside Chicago care? How can you attribute this to the Mayor, for Christ sake? This has been going on for a couple generations.

The only lives that MATTER are the productive, law-abiding innocents who are killed in the so-called crossfire. Can anyone ascertain how many of these victims actually matter? Not many, I suspect. Most of these homicides occur at times and in places where there is no good reason to be.

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