Chicago Police Statistics Destroy Black Lives Matter Narrative


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Chicago Police Statistics Destroy Black Lives Matter Narrative

20 Jul 2020 ~~ By Parker Beauregard
Last week in Chicago, a protest of sorts obediently marched to the tune of hackneyed charges of systemic injustice. The tired narrative droned on about bad policing, police targeting of the black community, and too much jail or prison time. This kept the crowd from considering alternatives to their afternoon work, such as offering a token of gratitude to thankless peacekeepers in their own backyard, the murder capital of America. One wonders if they know that out of the 560 homicides, 475 victims were black, killed not by the police or whites, but by other blacks.
What is not laughable is the fact that along with the uncertainty that comes with making public contact comes the very real physical danger police put themselves in. In the course of making public contacts, the department reported that 1,242 officers were injured during use of force encounters. Unjustified shootings? A complete myth. Of those, 337 faced severe assault. In light of this information, it's astounding that more use of force did not occur. It certainly would have been warranted.
It has been said before and bears repeating. The brave men and women who put on the uniform every day, particularly in an extremely volatile and dangerous city like Chicago, deserve our utmost respect. The black community performed a boycott of sorts on July 2 to remind us of their economic buying power, but life generally went on as normal. If the Chicago police took a day off, the result would be pure death and chaos, really affecting black lives. It's time to get priorities in order.
It's time for Black Lives Matter to thank a police officer for making black lives matter.

Hmm...., Systematic anti-White racism, defunding police, rioting are all excuses for their own poor decision making, lack of accountability in their communities and personal lives.
Blacks are the least accountable ethnic group in this country. They always lay blame elsewhere for any problems they have.
Take care of your kids, go to school, be good citizens, get a job, stop killing each other.
Thanks to Prgressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Blue City mayors, gangs and BLM in Chicago, NYC, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles and St Louis, are becoming free fire and no-go zones.
The PMS/DSA Democrat Communist Left is at war with the USA.
Organizers and leaders of BLM proudly proclaim they are trained PMS/DSA Communist terrorists actually no different than ISIS or the Taliban - They are a violent- radical organization ( well funded by Tech companies and ActBlue) and are intent on overthrowing of the United States. "Black Lives" in their name is just camouflage Marxist Socialist Communism for their evil intent
Watch the race hustlers of this forum ignore this appalling statistic:

One wonders if they know that out of the 560 homicides, 475 victims were black, killed not by the police or whites, but by other blacks.

They prefer to scream over the rare white on black killing, they do it because of their hate. They don't give a shit about all those black on black killings because there is no race issue to hustle there, that is why they ignore it so much.
Watch the race hustlers of this forum ignore this appalling statistic:

One wonders if they know that out of the 560 homicides, 475 victims were black, killed not by the police or whites, but by other blacks.

They prefer to scream over the rare white on black killing, they do it because of their hate. They don't give a shit about all those black on black killings because there is no race issue to hustle there, that is why they ignore it so much.
The race hustler posted the OP. Chicago is not the only town in America and Chicago is not even in the top ten in violence. So this is just more white race hustling.

More blacks died in Chicago from white racism induced stress causing high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes than were shot.

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