Chicago Shootings Leave 47 Shot, 4 Fatally; Mt. Sinai Hospital Closes Emergency Room

Chicago Shootings Leave 47 Shot, 4 Fatally; Mt. Sinai Hospital Closes Emergency Room

Chicago shootings leave 47 shot, 4 fatally; Mt. Sinai Hospital closes emergency room |
4 Aug 19 ~ By Michelle Gallardo and Meghan Kluth
CHICAGO (WLS) -- A West Side hospital was forced to stop accepting patients on the tail end of a violent weekend that has left 47 people been shot, four fatally, across the city.... The sheer number of shooting victims overwhelmed not just 10th district police but emergency rooms as well. Mt. Sinai Hospital in Douglas Park was forced to go on bypass for several hours.... The sheer number of shooting victims overwhelmed not just 10th district police but emergency rooms as well. Mt. Sinai Hospital in Douglas Park was forced to go on bypass for several hours. While investigators continue to follow up on last night's shootings, Chicago police said they're bringing in 50 additional officers and three organized crime teams to the district in anticipation of retaliatory shootings Sunday evening.
While investigators continue to follow up on last night's shootings, Chicago police said they're bringing in 50 additional officers and three organized crime teams to the district in anticipation of retaliatory shootings Sunday evening.

Shh shh, delete this! It goes against the Lame Stream Media's narrative! Certainly this mass shooting is overlooked. How’s that Blue Democrat gun control thing working out in Chicago? Indeed, this is overlooked because the elephant in the room is drug gangs protecting their drug market with violent street enforcement. As long as the proper technology is not used to smash the drug distribution system, drugs will continue to destroy America. Drugs destroy America. However, it is the theme of the Blue Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat to control their Blue Plantation cities.
Actually, Chicago, Baltimore and other Blue Plantation cities massively dwarfs all the “mass shootings”, combined, everywhere else in the US. Yet it never gets a mention outside local media. Seldom by the LSM....
You should understand that Chicago does not have walls. It is very easy to fill a car up with guns and drive into Chicago. A city can't have strong gun control when surrounded by neighbors with weak laws.

Aw bullshit.

Chicago has a massive police force who could be stopping cars and doing body cavity searches if they wanted to stop it in their town.

Ok stupid. Stopping cars for no reason is racial profiling. Everyone has a cell phone and videoing everything. You pull a car over you better have a reason to do it. Cops do there best to do there jobs but are under a microscope with every step being watched. You can have an opinion when you have walked in our shoes, until then just shut up and let the real men do the hard work. Sit behind your desk and play on your computer

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Uninsured Blacks need to be required to pay cash for the medical expenses they incur or take a walk to Africa or where ever the fuck the savages feel must comfortable. Their savage behavior is one reason medical insurance is so expensive.
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Just another day in the Democrat killing fields of Chicago and Baltimore. Remember the only time they care about a death in the inner city is if it is a Black youth killed by a cop. They really love to bash cops.

Right, but you right wing, Trump Humpers care about young black kids dying in Chicago. Criminals break the law, cops are suppose to uphold the law. So yea folks usually have a problem with cops UNJUSTLY gunning folks down, oh wait folks like you don't mind them having a license to kill as long as the victim is black.
Personally I could care less about young, low IQ Blacks since they are all on taxpayer supported welfare that I pay for and do nothing for my benefit in return to supporting them and in fact act in a savage manner, raping, assaulting, murdering. Supa, can you provide any evidence a cop ever killed a Black unjustly?
Chicago Shootings Leave 47 Shot, 4 Fatally; Mt. Sinai Hospital Closes Emergency Room

Chicago shootings leave 47 shot, 4 fatally; Mt. Sinai Hospital closes emergency room |
4 Aug 19 ~ By Michelle Gallardo and Meghan Kluth
CHICAGO (WLS) -- A West Side hospital was forced to stop accepting patients on the tail end of a violent weekend that has left 47 people been shot, four fatally, across the city.... The sheer number of shooting victims overwhelmed not just 10th district police but emergency rooms as well. Mt. Sinai Hospital in Douglas Park was forced to go on bypass for several hours.... The sheer number of shooting victims overwhelmed not just 10th district police but emergency rooms as well. Mt. Sinai Hospital in Douglas Park was forced to go on bypass for several hours. While investigators continue to follow up on last night's shootings, Chicago police said they're bringing in 50 additional officers and three organized crime teams to the district in anticipation of retaliatory shootings Sunday evening.
While investigators continue to follow up on last night's shootings, Chicago police said they're bringing in 50 additional officers and three organized crime teams to the district in anticipation of retaliatory shootings Sunday evening.

Shh shh, delete this! It goes against the Lame Stream Media's narrative! Certainly this mass shooting is overlooked. How’s that Blue Democrat gun control thing working out in Chicago? Indeed, this is overlooked because the elephant in the room is drug gangs protecting their drug market with violent street enforcement. As long as the proper technology is not used to smash the drug distribution system, drugs will continue to destroy America. Drugs destroy America. However, it is the theme of the Blue Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat to control their Blue Plantation cities.
Actually, Chicago, Baltimore and other Blue Plantation cities massively dwarfs all the “mass shootings”, combined, everywhere else in the US. Yet it never gets a mention outside local media. Seldom by the LSM....
You should understand that Chicago does not have walls. It is very easy to fill a car up with guns and drive into Chicago. A city can't have strong gun control when surrounded by neighbors with weak laws.
Strange, the neighbors don't' seem to have that problem. You cannot wall the whole world off. Chicago first, then its neighbors, then the neighbors of the neighbors. Why, soon enough, you'll have the entire world enslaved.
Just another day in the Democrat killing fields of Chicago and Baltimore. Remember the only time they care about a death in the inner city is if it is a Black youth killed by a cop. They really love to bash cops.

Right, but you right wing, Trump Humpers care about young black kids dying in Chicago. Criminals break the law, cops are suppose to uphold the law. So yea folks usually have a problem with cops UNJUSTLY gunning folks down, oh wait folks like you don't mind them having a license to kill as long as the victim is black.
In a nation of 300 million, what statistic do you have that gives us the number of "UNJUSTLY" killed blacks by cops.
Personally, I would have stepped off my horse and knocked that nigga the fuck out.

How do these animals fucking afford to live in the New York metro area? What welfare are they using? I am open to using it also, but then again I am a law abiding White whose ancestors created this country.
Chicago Shootings Leave 47 Shot, 4 Fatally; Mt. Sinai Hospital Closes Emergency Room

Chicago shootings leave 47 shot, 4 fatally; Mt. Sinai Hospital closes emergency room |
4 Aug 19 ~ By Michelle Gallardo and Meghan Kluth
CHICAGO (WLS) -- A West Side hospital was forced to stop accepting patients on the tail end of a violent weekend that has left 47 people been shot, four fatally, across the city.... The sheer number of shooting victims overwhelmed not just 10th district police but emergency rooms as well. Mt. Sinai Hospital in Douglas Park was forced to go on bypass for several hours.... The sheer number of shooting victims overwhelmed not just 10th district police but emergency rooms as well. Mt. Sinai Hospital in Douglas Park was forced to go on bypass for several hours. While investigators continue to follow up on last night's shootings, Chicago police said they're bringing in 50 additional officers and three organized crime teams to the district in anticipation of retaliatory shootings Sunday evening.
While investigators continue to follow up on last night's shootings, Chicago police said they're bringing in 50 additional officers and three organized crime teams to the district in anticipation of retaliatory shootings Sunday evening.

Shh shh, delete this! It goes against the Lame Stream Media's narrative! Certainly this mass shooting is overlooked. How’s that Blue Democrat gun control thing working out in Chicago? Indeed, this is overlooked because the elephant in the room is drug gangs protecting their drug market with violent street enforcement. As long as the proper technology is not used to smash the drug distribution system, drugs will continue to destroy America. Drugs destroy America. However, it is the theme of the Blue Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat to control their Blue Plantation cities.
Actually, Chicago, Baltimore and other Blue Plantation cities massively dwarfs all the “mass shootings”, combined, everywhere else in the US. Yet it never gets a mention outside local media. Seldom by the LSM....
Trump caused this.
Chicago Shootings Leave 47 Shot, 4 Fatally; Mt. Sinai Hospital Closes Emergency Room

Chicago shootings leave 47 shot, 4 fatally; Mt. Sinai Hospital closes emergency room |
4 Aug 19 ~ By Michelle Gallardo and Meghan Kluth
CHICAGO (WLS) -- A West Side hospital was forced to stop accepting patients on the tail end of a violent weekend that has left 47 people been shot, four fatally, across the city.... The sheer number of shooting victims overwhelmed not just 10th district police but emergency rooms as well. Mt. Sinai Hospital in Douglas Park was forced to go on bypass for several hours.... The sheer number of shooting victims overwhelmed not just 10th district police but emergency rooms as well. Mt. Sinai Hospital in Douglas Park was forced to go on bypass for several hours. While investigators continue to follow up on last night's shootings, Chicago police said they're bringing in 50 additional officers and three organized crime teams to the district in anticipation of retaliatory shootings Sunday evening.
While investigators continue to follow up on last night's shootings, Chicago police said they're bringing in 50 additional officers and three organized crime teams to the district in anticipation of retaliatory shootings Sunday evening.

Shh shh, delete this! It goes against the Lame Stream Media's narrative! Certainly this mass shooting is overlooked. How’s that Blue Democrat gun control thing working out in Chicago? Indeed, this is overlooked because the elephant in the room is drug gangs protecting their drug market with violent street enforcement. As long as the proper technology is not used to smash the drug distribution system, drugs will continue to destroy America. Drugs destroy America. However, it is the theme of the Blue Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat to control their Blue Plantation cities.
Actually, Chicago, Baltimore and other Blue Plantation cities massively dwarfs all the “mass shootings”, combined, everywhere else in the US. Yet it never gets a mention outside local media. Seldom by the LSM....
You should understand that Chicago does not have walls. It is very easy to fill a car up with guns and drive into Chicago. A city can't have strong gun control when surrounded by neighbors with weak laws.

And yet Houston...with gun stores on every corner, people carrying guns all over the place, and the state of Texas on the border with the Drug Cartel state of Mexico has a lower gun murder rate than Chicago....

It isn't is democrat judges in Chicago who keep letting violent gun offenders out on bond, and out of prison with light sentences even for repeat gun crimes....

Top cop laments violence as 66 shot, 5 fatally, over long Fourth of July weekend

Between last Wednesday and Friday, 42 people were charged with felony gun-related offenses, he said, but only 15 remain in custody.

That lack of accountability for gun offenders has damaged the Police Department’s relationship with the communities most beset by violence, Johnson said, making victims of crimes less likely to cooperate with officers.
“It’s not about mass incarceration. It’s not about having quotas. But when somebody has a demonstrated track record of being a violent gun offender, that should say something to the judges who are making decisions about bail. They shouldn’t be out on the street,” Lightfoot said. “We can’t keep our communities safe if people just keep cycling through the system because what that says to them is, I can do whatever I want, I can carry whatever I want, I can shoot up a crowd and I’m going to be back on the street. How does that make sense? It doesn’t.”

CWB Chicago: You Be The Judge: We give you the case details. You try to guess their bail amount.

McKay was sentenced to four years for robbery in 2008; two years for aggravated unlawful use of a weapon (firearm) in 2010; seven years for being a felon in possession of a weapon (firearm) in 2012; and three years for possession of fentanyl in 2016.
For McKay, who has two gun convictions and a robbery conviction, Willis set bail at….$5,000. McKay will need to put down a 10% deposit of $500 to go free. Willis also ordered him to go on electronic monitoring if he is released.

Some details that Willis did not know:
• McKay’s 2008 robbery conviction involved an armed carjacking. Prosecutors reduced the charge to “ordinary” robbery as part of a plea deal.• In 2012, McKay’s second gun case also included allegations that he fired the weapon. Prosecutors dropped the weapon discharge count and seven other weapons charges in a plea deal.• The 2016 drug possession charge started as allegations of manufacture-delivery of fentanyl, but, again, prosecutors pleaded that down to possession.

Officials Address 'Vicious Cycle' Of I-Bond Violations After Violent Weekend

Many of the gun offenders arrested by Chicago police over the weekend walked out of jail on bond, without having to pay a dime.

As of Monday morning, 19 people had been arrested on gun-related charges. By Monday afternoon, 11 were back on the street, some with prior gun offenses.

“We know who a lot of these people are,” Chicago Police Supt. Eddie Johnson said. “And how do we know that? Because we keep arresting them over and over and over and over and over again. And it’s just a vicious cycle.”

In a tweet Sunday night, a Chicago police spokesperson criticized the practice of letting gun offenders out on Individual Recognizance Bonds or “I-Bonds.”

The tweet said, in part, “Letting gun offenders out on I-Bonds shows there is absolutely no repercussion for carrying illegal guns In Chicago.”
In a statement, an office representative said since the beginning of this year, 72% of gun related cases received monetary bail or no bond.

The man who is charged with driving the carjacked SUV of a Whitney Young High School teacher this week is on probation for possessing a handgun—a probation term that was cut in half just three weeks ago by a Cook County judge.

The CPD arrest report that documents the capture of Nicholas Williams on Tuesday says cops and federal agents found Williams “in possession” of a loaded 9-millimeter handgun with a defaced serial number. But, a source with knowledge of the case told CWBChicago tonight that the gun was “ditched” and weapons charges could not be approved.

The Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office did not immediately respond to an after-hours email seeking comment.

Court records show that in Aug. 2017 Williams was charged with felony unlawful use of a weapon for allegedly carrying a handgun in the front of his waistband during a traffic stop on the West Side. Police said in a report that the gun had been reported stolen one month earlier.

A grand jury returned a 12 felony count true bill against Williams. But the Cook County State’s Attorney dropped all charges on May 3, 2018.

Five months after that case was dropped, Williams was charged with a new set of eight weapons felonies for allegedly carrying a handgun in the front of his waistband while riding his bike on the West Side.


Last month, Judge Maria Kuriakos-Ciesil sentenced Williams to two year’s probation, 30 hours of community service and 175 days time served in the case.

His attorneys asked for a reduced sentence and, on April 29th, Kuriakos-Ciesil granted the motion by reducing Williams’ punishment to one year of TASC probation and 30 hours of community service.

14 year old shot two men, released without bond or home confinement...

Cook County, IL: 14-Year-Old Charged With Shooting Two, Freed Without Supervision - The Truth About Guns

Welcome to Cook County, Illinois, where crime often has no meaningful consequences. Between a State’s Attorney’s Office reluctant to file charges and judges who mollycoddles defendants, Chicagoland has become the modern Wild West.

Case in point: a 14-year-old who (reportedly) shot and tried to kill two in a nice uptown neighborhood was released by a judge Friday to his parent with no bond – not even electronic home monitoring.

The Cook County judge claims the police failed to bring this suspected would-be gang killer (pictured above, right) in front of a judge quickly enough. So the judge, in order to penalize the police, released the kid without conditions other than to report to court next week.

Of course, the judge is really only penalizing the community as the accused certainly missed his calling as a choir boy.

The police, on the other hand, said they had concerns about the young man’s safety. Police released images of the suspects to the media in an effort to identify them and the media published them.

The Chicago mainstream media refer to the accused as a “boy.” Even though this “boy”reportedly shot one man in the back, abdomen, buttocks and groin and the other in the head.
Why do Black leaders stay silent year after year as they see many times the mass shootings in terms of death rolling up in their inner cities?

Because the rich democrats in the protected areas of these cities don't care about the poor blacks who suffer when democrat judges let repeat gun offenders back onto the streets....and as long as those Black leaders produce the votes every 2 years, the Black leaders get power in the democrat party...
Just another day in the Democrat killing fields of Chicago and Baltimore. Remember the only time they care about a death in the inner city is if it is a Black youth killed by a cop. They really love to bash cops.
How sad, but unfortunately true. What can we and LE do about this mess?

The cops are doing their job...they arrest these guys over and over again...the problem is that democrat judges keep letting repeat gun offenders out on Bond, and they keep giving them light sentences....

You will find that the shooters will have long histories of crime and violence, often with multiple gun convictions...which, you would think, would keep them locked up a long time....but they aren't, they are released in days of capture on Bond...the gun charge is bargained away, and they get less than 3 years .....

Officials Address 'Vicious Cycle' Of I-Bond Violations After Violent Weekend

Many of the gun offenders arrested by Chicago police over the weekend walked out of jail on bond, without having to pay a dime.

As of Monday morning, 19 people had been arrested on gun-related charges. By Monday afternoon, 11 were back on the street, some with prior gun offenses.

“We know who a lot of these people are,” Chicago Police Supt. Eddie Johnson said. “And how do we know that? Because we keep arresting them over and over and over and over and over again. And it’s just a vicious cycle.”

In a tweet Sunday night, a Chicago police spokesperson criticized the practice of letting gun offenders out on Individual Recognizance Bonds or “I-Bonds.”

The tweet said, in part, “Letting gun offenders out on I-Bonds shows there is absolutely no repercussion for carrying illegal guns In Chicago.”
In a statement, an office representative said since the beginning of this year, 72% of gun related cases received monetary bail or no bond.

The man who is charged with driving the carjacked SUV of a Whitney Young High School teacher this week is on probation for possessing a handgun—a probation term that was cut in half just three weeks ago by a Cook County judge.

The CPD arrest report that documents the capture of Nicholas Williams on Tuesday says cops and federal agents found Williams “in possession” of a loaded 9-millimeter handgun with a defaced serial number. But, a source with knowledge of the case told CWBChicago tonight that the gun was “ditched” and weapons charges could not be approved.

The Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office did not immediately respond to an after-hours email seeking comment.

Court records show that in Aug. 2017 Williams was charged with felony unlawful use of a weapon for allegedly carrying a handgun in the front of his waistband during a traffic stop on the West Side. Police said in a report that the gun had been reported stolen one month earlier.

A grand jury returned a 12 felony count true bill against Williams. But the Cook County State’s Attorney dropped all charges on May 3, 2018.

Five months after that case was dropped, Williams was charged with a new set of eight weapons felonies for allegedly carrying a handgun in the front of his waistband while riding his bike on the West Side.


Last month, Judge Maria Kuriakos-Ciesil sentenced Williams to two year’s probation, 30 hours of community service and 175 days time served in the case.

His attorneys asked for a reduced sentence and, on April 29th, Kuriakos-Ciesil granted the motion by reducing Williams’ punishment to one year of TASC probation and 30 hours of community service.

14 year old shot two men, released without bond or home confinement...

Cook County, IL: 14-Year-Old Charged With Shooting Two, Freed Without Supervision - The Truth About Guns

Welcome to Cook County, Illinois, where crime often has no meaningful consequences. Between a State’s Attorney’s Office reluctant to file charges and judges who mollycoddles defendants, Chicagoland has become the modern Wild West.

Case in point: a 14-year-old who (reportedly) shot and tried to kill two in a nice uptown neighborhood was released by a judge Friday to his parent with no bond – not even electronic home monitoring.

The Cook County judge claims the police failed to bring this suspected would-be gang killer (pictured above, right) in front of a judge quickly enough. So the judge, in order to penalize the police, released the kid without conditions other than to report to court next week.

Of course, the judge is really only penalizing the community as the accused certainly missed his calling as a choir boy.

The police, on the other hand, said they had concerns about the young man’s safety. Police released images of the suspects to the media in an effort to identify them and the media published them.

The Chicago mainstream media refer to the accused as a “boy.” Even though this “boy”reportedly shot one man in the back, abdomen, buttocks and groin and the other in the head.
Just another day in the Democrat killing fields of Chicago and Baltimore. Remember the only time they care about a death in the inner city is if it is a Black youth killed by a cop. They really love to bash cops.

Right, but you right wing, Trump Humpers care about young black kids dying in Chicago. Criminals break the law, cops are suppose to uphold the law. So yea folks usually have a problem with cops UNJUSTLY gunning folks down, oh wait folks like you don't mind them having a license to kill as long as the victim is black.
In a nation of 300 million, what statistic do you have that gives us the number of "UNJUSTLY" killed blacks by cops.

1 is too many, especially if YOU are that 1.
Chicago Shootings Leave 47 Shot, 4 Fatally; Mt. Sinai Hospital Closes Emergency Room

Chicago shootings leave 47 shot, 4 fatally; Mt. Sinai Hospital closes emergency room |
4 Aug 19 ~ By Michelle Gallardo and Meghan Kluth
CHICAGO (WLS) -- A West Side hospital was forced to stop accepting patients on the tail end of a violent weekend that has left 47 people been shot, four fatally, across the city.... The sheer number of shooting victims overwhelmed not just 10th district police but emergency rooms as well. Mt. Sinai Hospital in Douglas Park was forced to go on bypass for several hours.... The sheer number of shooting victims overwhelmed not just 10th district police but emergency rooms as well. Mt. Sinai Hospital in Douglas Park was forced to go on bypass for several hours. While investigators continue to follow up on last night's shootings, Chicago police said they're bringing in 50 additional officers and three organized crime teams to the district in anticipation of retaliatory shootings Sunday evening.
While investigators continue to follow up on last night's shootings, Chicago police said they're bringing in 50 additional officers and three organized crime teams to the district in anticipation of retaliatory shootings Sunday evening.

Shh shh, delete this! It goes against the Lame Stream Media's narrative! Certainly this mass shooting is overlooked. How’s that Blue Democrat gun control thing working out in Chicago? Indeed, this is overlooked because the elephant in the room is drug gangs protecting their drug market with violent street enforcement. As long as the proper technology is not used to smash the drug distribution system, drugs will continue to destroy America. Drugs destroy America. However, it is the theme of the Blue Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat to control their Blue Plantation cities.
Actually, Chicago, Baltimore and other Blue Plantation cities massively dwarfs all the “mass shootings”, combined, everywhere else in the US. Yet it never gets a mention outside local media. Seldom by the LSM....

This has been going on for years. I guess it's okay for gang members to gun down anyone they want anytime they want. So these aren't even reported because it's a chance you take for living in these shithole lib run cities. Put up Chicago's murder numbers for the year so far! Crickets that's what I thought!
Chicago Shootings Leave 47 Shot, 4 Fatally; Mt. Sinai Hospital Closes Emergency Room

Chicago shootings leave 47 shot, 4 fatally; Mt. Sinai Hospital closes emergency room |
4 Aug 19 ~ By Michelle Gallardo and Meghan Kluth
CHICAGO (WLS) -- A West Side hospital was forced to stop accepting patients on the tail end of a violent weekend that has left 47 people been shot, four fatally, across the city.... The sheer number of shooting victims overwhelmed not just 10th district police but emergency rooms as well. Mt. Sinai Hospital in Douglas Park was forced to go on bypass for several hours.... The sheer number of shooting victims overwhelmed not just 10th district police but emergency rooms as well. Mt. Sinai Hospital in Douglas Park was forced to go on bypass for several hours. While investigators continue to follow up on last night's shootings, Chicago police said they're bringing in 50 additional officers and three organized crime teams to the district in anticipation of retaliatory shootings Sunday evening.
While investigators continue to follow up on last night's shootings, Chicago police said they're bringing in 50 additional officers and three organized crime teams to the district in anticipation of retaliatory shootings Sunday evening.

Shh shh, delete this! It goes against the Lame Stream Media's narrative! Certainly this mass shooting is overlooked. How’s that Blue Democrat gun control thing working out in Chicago? Indeed, this is overlooked because the elephant in the room is drug gangs protecting their drug market with violent street enforcement. As long as the proper technology is not used to smash the drug distribution system, drugs will continue to destroy America. Drugs destroy America. However, it is the theme of the Blue Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat to control their Blue Plantation cities.
Actually, Chicago, Baltimore and other Blue Plantation cities massively dwarfs all the “mass shootings”, combined, everywhere else in the US. Yet it never gets a mention outside local media. Seldom by the LSM....

This has been going on for years. I guess it's okay for gang members to gun down anyone they want anytime they want. So these aren't even reported because it's a chance you take for living in these shithole lib run cities. Put up Chicago's murder numbers for the year so far! Crickets that's what I thought!

That # is 590 murders in 2018 over 2900 shot , 496 shot and killed where is the outrage, from the MSM. So if these guys went off in Chicago you wouldn't here a peep. Black on black murders don't fit the narrative!
4 out of 47. The first thing towards clean up is give dem niggaz some shooting lessons !
The DEMs and the DEM MSM WANT there to be negro on negro violence drug addiction.
The more the better.
It's all about the negro vote baby.
Some asshole on CNN claimed the endemic negro on negro violence in every DEM run inner city shithole was Trump's fault.
So when will America say enough is enough? Do you have to wait until someone you love gets gunned down before you say "Time to ban guns?"
Bottom line: A nutcase would not have killed and injured close to 50 people with a knife or another available weapon.
Do something about America's gun crisis. Or is the juvenile mentality of gun nuts and profits for the rich more important than children's lives?
Just another day in the Democrat killing fields of Chicago and Baltimore. Remember the only time they care about a death in the inner city is if it is a Black youth killed by a cop. They really love to bash cops.

Right, but you right wing, Trump Humpers care about young black kids dying in Chicago. Criminals break the law, cops are suppose to uphold the law. So yea folks usually have a problem with cops UNJUSTLY gunning folks down, oh wait folks like you don't mind them having a license to kill as long as the victim is black.
No American deserves to live in the hell holes of our Inner Cities no matter what color they are. You haven't been on the board very long, I've been posting that for years. The Democrats run those cities but the GOP has ignored the problem also. President Trump signed the FIrst Step Act which was the first action taken that addresses part of the problem.
Why do Black leaders stay silent year after year as they see many times the mass shootings in terms of death rolling up in their inner cities?
It's all about the negro vote.
Keep the negroes on the plantation by giving them "free shit" just before every election cycle.
The 'young black men' who are killing each other don't vote anyway so who gives a shit about them?
You people are the problem. Black this and that. Negro this and that. White, black, brown, they're all Americans. You want to kill and fight yourselves. That's how stupid you people are.

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