Chicago Shootings Leave 47 Shot, 4 Fatally; Mt. Sinai Hospital Closes Emergency Room

So when will America say enough is enough? Do you have to wait until someone you love gets gunned down before you say "Time to ban guns?"
Bottom line: A nutcase would not have killed and injured close to 50 people with a knife or another available weapon.
Do something about America's gun crisis. Or is the juvenile mentality of gun nuts and profits for the rich more important than children's lives?
Chicagoland has some of the strongest gun laws in the US. How has that prevented anything?
Chicago Shootings Leave 47 Shot, 4 Fatally; Mt. Sinai Hospital Closes Emergency Room

Chicago shootings leave 47 shot, 4 fatally; Mt. Sinai Hospital closes emergency room |
4 Aug 19 ~ By Michelle Gallardo and Meghan Kluth
CHICAGO (WLS) -- A West Side hospital was forced to stop accepting patients on the tail end of a violent weekend that has left 47 people been shot, four fatally, across the city.... The sheer number of shooting victims overwhelmed not just 10th district police but emergency rooms as well. Mt. Sinai Hospital in Douglas Park was forced to go on bypass for several hours.... The sheer number of shooting victims overwhelmed not just 10th district police but emergency rooms as well. Mt. Sinai Hospital in Douglas Park was forced to go on bypass for several hours. While investigators continue to follow up on last night's shootings, Chicago police said they're bringing in 50 additional officers and three organized crime teams to the district in anticipation of retaliatory shootings Sunday evening.
While investigators continue to follow up on last night's shootings, Chicago police said they're bringing in 50 additional officers and three organized crime teams to the district in anticipation of retaliatory shootings Sunday evening.

Shh shh, delete this! It goes against the Lame Stream Media's narrative! Certainly this mass shooting is overlooked. How’s that Blue Democrat gun control thing working out in Chicago? Indeed, this is overlooked because the elephant in the room is drug gangs protecting their drug market with violent street enforcement. As long as the proper technology is not used to smash the drug distribution system, drugs will continue to destroy America. Drugs destroy America. However, it is the theme of the Blue Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat to control their Blue Plantation cities.
Actually, Chicago, Baltimore and other Blue Plantation cities massively dwarfs all the “mass shootings”, combined, everywhere else in the US. Yet it never gets a mention outside local media. Seldom by the LSM....
More guns please.
Chicago Shootings Leave 47 Shot, 4 Fatally; Mt. Sinai Hospital Closes Emergency Room

Chicago shootings leave 47 shot, 4 fatally; Mt. Sinai Hospital closes emergency room |
4 Aug 19 ~ By Michelle Gallardo and Meghan Kluth
CHICAGO (WLS) -- A West Side hospital was forced to stop accepting patients on the tail end of a violent weekend that has left 47 people been shot, four fatally, across the city.... The sheer number of shooting victims overwhelmed not just 10th district police but emergency rooms as well. Mt. Sinai Hospital in Douglas Park was forced to go on bypass for several hours.... The sheer number of shooting victims overwhelmed not just 10th district police but emergency rooms as well. Mt. Sinai Hospital in Douglas Park was forced to go on bypass for several hours. While investigators continue to follow up on last night's shootings, Chicago police said they're bringing in 50 additional officers and three organized crime teams to the district in anticipation of retaliatory shootings Sunday evening.
While investigators continue to follow up on last night's shootings, Chicago police said they're bringing in 50 additional officers and three organized crime teams to the district in anticipation of retaliatory shootings Sunday evening.

Shh shh, delete this! It goes against the Lame Stream Media's narrative! Certainly this mass shooting is overlooked. How’s that Blue Democrat gun control thing working out in Chicago? Indeed, this is overlooked because the elephant in the room is drug gangs protecting their drug market with violent street enforcement. As long as the proper technology is not used to smash the drug distribution system, drugs will continue to destroy America. Drugs destroy America. However, it is the theme of the Blue Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat to control their Blue Plantation cities.
Actually, Chicago, Baltimore and other Blue Plantation cities massively dwarfs all the “mass shootings”, combined, everywhere else in the US. Yet it never gets a mention outside local media. Seldom by the LSM....

This has been going on for years. I guess it's okay for gang members to gun down anyone they want anytime they want. So these aren't even reported because it's a chance you take for living in these shithole lib run cities. Put up Chicago's murder numbers for the year so far! Crickets that's what I thought!
Chicagoland 2019 murders: about 300.
1600 victims of gunshots.
About five more months in 2019.
Where is the race whore/tax evader/drug dealer 'Rev' Al Sharpton?
I guess there's no sign of any cash on the horizon in Chicagoland.
Just another day in the Democrat killing fields of Chicago and Baltimore. Remember the only time they care about a death in the inner city is if it is a Black youth killed by a cop. They really love to bash cops.

Right, but you right wing, Trump Humpers care about young black kids dying in Chicago. Criminals break the law, cops are suppose to uphold the law. So yea folks usually have a problem with cops UNJUSTLY gunning folks down, oh wait folks like you don't mind them having a license to kill as long as the victim is black.
In a nation of 300 million, what statistic do you have that gives us the number of "UNJUSTLY" killed blacks by cops.

1 is too many, especially if YOU are that 1.
So, none. Got it.
If they were only blacks the left don't give a shit. Can't blame them, cause I don't give a shit either.
Chicago Shootings Leave 47 Shot, 4 Fatally; Mt. Sinai Hospital Closes Emergency Room

Chicago shootings leave 47 shot, 4 fatally; Mt. Sinai Hospital closes emergency room |
4 Aug 19 ~ By Michelle Gallardo and Meghan Kluth
CHICAGO (WLS) -- A West Side hospital was forced to stop accepting patients on the tail end of a violent weekend that has left 47 people been shot, four fatally, across the city.... The sheer number of shooting victims overwhelmed not just 10th district police but emergency rooms as well. Mt. Sinai Hospital in Douglas Park was forced to go on bypass for several hours.... The sheer number of shooting victims overwhelmed not just 10th district police but emergency rooms as well. Mt. Sinai Hospital in Douglas Park was forced to go on bypass for several hours. While investigators continue to follow up on last night's shootings, Chicago police said they're bringing in 50 additional officers and three organized crime teams to the district in anticipation of retaliatory shootings Sunday evening.
While investigators continue to follow up on last night's shootings, Chicago police said they're bringing in 50 additional officers and three organized crime teams to the district in anticipation of retaliatory shootings Sunday evening.

Shh shh, delete this! It goes against the Lame Stream Media's narrative! Certainly this mass shooting is overlooked. How’s that Blue Democrat gun control thing working out in Chicago? Indeed, this is overlooked because the elephant in the room is drug gangs protecting their drug market with violent street enforcement. As long as the proper technology is not used to smash the drug distribution system, drugs will continue to destroy America. Drugs destroy America. However, it is the theme of the Blue Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat to control their Blue Plantation cities.
Actually, Chicago, Baltimore and other Blue Plantation cities massively dwarfs all the “mass shootings”, combined, everywhere else in the US. Yet it never gets a mention outside local media. Seldom by the LSM....

This has been going on for years. I guess it's okay for gang members to gun down anyone they want anytime they want. So these aren't even reported because it's a chance you take for living in these shithole lib run cities. Put up Chicago's murder numbers for the year so far! Crickets that's what I thought!

All you have to do is go to: Chicago Crime 2019 | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass! to check the Chicago shootings and killing stats for the statistics...
So when will America say enough is enough? Do you have to wait until someone you love gets gunned down before you say "Time to ban guns?"
Bottom line: A nutcase would not have killed and injured close to 50 people with a knife or another available weapon.
Do something about America's gun crisis. Or is the juvenile mentality of gun nuts and profits for the rich more important than children's lives?

Tell me how well banning drugs has worked.
So when will America say enough is enough? Do you have to wait until someone you love gets gunned down before you say "Time to ban guns?"
Bottom line: A nutcase would not have killed and injured close to 50 people with a knife or another available weapon.
Do something about America's gun crisis. Or is the juvenile mentality of gun nuts and profits for the rich more important than children's lives?

Tell me how well banning drugs has worked.

Japan knife attack: stabbing at care centre leaves 19 dead ...
Jul 26, 2016 · Japan knife attack: stabbing at care centre leaves 19 dead. Petrified staff at the Tsukui Yamayuri En (Tsukui Lily Garden) facility in Sagamihara, south of Tokyo, called police at about 2.30am local time after the suspect, named as Satoshi Uematsu, launched his attack. It was the country’s worst mass killing in decades.
So when will America say enough is enough? Do you have to wait until someone you love gets gunned down before you say "Time to ban guns?"
Bottom line: A nutcase would not have killed and injured close to 50 people with a knife or another available weapon.
Do something about America's gun crisis. Or is the juvenile mentality of gun nuts and profits for the rich more important than children's lives?

A complete ban of guns is only in two countries, Eritea and N. Korea, that is it. Do you honestly think there will be a complete ban on guns in the United States? Politicians on both sides of the aisle would fight it as well as the American people. The 2nd Amendment would need to be changed and there is not enough support for that.
So when will America say enough is enough? Do you have to wait until someone you love gets gunned down before you say "Time to ban guns?"
Bottom line: A nutcase would not have killed and injured close to 50 people with a knife or another available weapon.
Do something about America's gun crisis. Or is the juvenile mentality of gun nuts and profits for the rich more important than children's lives?
More people shot and killed in Chicago and Detroit in last 2 months than both of these incidents combined please explain why the MSM doesn't report these "Acts of Domestic Terrorism" wrong color perps I guess!
Just another day in the Democrat killing fields of Chicago and Baltimore. Remember the only time they care about a death in the inner city is if it is a Black youth killed by a cop. They really love to bash cops.
Blacks can shoot each other like it's high noon at the OK Corral. No one seems to notice or care much at all.

But if a cop shoots a black youth in the commission of a crime....holy shit! The outrage machine gets turned up
full blast. CNN goes on red alert!

Opportunistic creeps like Corey Booker pop up like magic genies to get their faces in front of cameras and
Al Sharpton, or some other pile of talking pig crap, denounces racist America yet again in a Kabuki-like
stylized theater production put on video tape.

The real racism, ironically, goes on every single day in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit or St. Louis where democrat fiefdoms spawn poverty and are killing grounds for young black males. What’s the Homicide Capital of America? Murder Rates in U.S. Cities, Ranked

And no one blinks an eye. And the black electorate there keeps returning the same corrupt kleptocrats to office year after year after year. So when these people on the front lines of violence won't even help themselves what is anyone else supposed to do?

The rare voice of sanity, like Candace Owens, is shouted down. No one likes the truth.
It's ugly and brutal.

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