11 people shot in 6 separate DC shootings within 12-hour span

This is all Black-on-Black violence.

It is caused by a fiendish invention by a racist neurologist decades ago. He was working for the CIA in the early 1950s on mind control devices, and developed a device that, by the use of a certain pattern of electromagnetic radiation of shifting frequencies, could provoke the target to act violently.

At the time, the necessary electronics was large (using vacuum tubes), took a lot of power, and had a limited range. So the project was abandoned.

But by the end of the 20th Century, his discovery could be micro-miniaturized, and hidden in places where it would be unlikely to be discovered (and it was disguised as piece of dried food or something similar, so if it were discovered, it would be discarded). It uses almost no power and run for years and years.

This scientist took then his plans to the KKK, who bought them and had tens of thousands of these devices manufactured abroad. They were then distributed in South Chicago, Oakland, DC, and similar places, switched on, and now we see the results.

So you see ... it's all the white man's fault.
The president seems concerned about a white guy in Mississippi but not so much about black on black shootings in his backyard.
No one is concerned about black-on-black shootings.

Partly this is because we all know nothing can be done about it, and partly because they usually are actually a kind of informal capital punishment of people who would otherwise cause endless misery for everyone until they finally ended up in prison.
This is all Black-on-Black violence.

It is caused by a fiendish invention by a racist neurologist decades ago. He was working for the CIA in the early 1950s on mind control devices, and developed a device that, by the use of a certain pattern of electromagnetic radiation of shifting frequencies, could provoke the target to act violently.

At the time, the necessary electronics was large (using vacuum tubes), took a lot of power, and had a limited range. So the project was abandoned.

But by the end of the 20th Century, his discovery could be micro-miniaturized, and hidden in places where it would be unlikely to be discovered (and it was disguised as piece of dried food or something similar, so if it were discovered, it would be discarded). It uses almost no power and run for years and years.

This scientist took then his plans to the KKK, who bought them and had tens of thousands of these devices manufactured abroad. They were then distributed in South Chicago, Oakland, DC, and similar places, switched on, and now we see the results.

So you see ... it's all the white man's fault.
You mean all the suburban whites and rural whites who go down to the hood to buy their drugs? Of course it's the whites fault, they are in charge of everything. Blacks have on average 1/10th the wealth of whites. Legalize it give up on the ridiculous war on drugs and tax the rich again for crying out loud and invest in America and Americans, a living wage and cheap college and training just like every other modern country, super dupes. A real mental health system would be nice instead of just pill pushers.
Capitol Hill has some very crime-ridden areas. Been that way for decades.
'Funny' that our officials can not even rid their own back yard (and front yard) - DC - of violent crime but want to rid the country of crime by disarming law-abiding citizens.
You mean all the suburban whites and rural whites who go down to the hood to buy their drugs? Of course it's the whites fault, they are in charge of everything. Blacks have on average 1/10th the wealth of whites. Legalize it give up on the ridiculous war on drugs and tax the rich again for crying out loud and invest in America and Americans, a living wage and cheap college and training just like every other modern country, super dupes. A real mental health system would be nice instead of just pill pushers.

The democrats have had total control over D.C. since 1961....so sell that bullshit somewhere else.........
The only reason those other countries can afford their welfare states is the U.S. is providing all of their national defense, all of their medical and technological advances......so they can sit back, live off the handouts from their governments....
You mean all the suburban whites and rural whites who go down to the hood to buy their drugs? Of course it's the whites fault, they are in charge of everything. Blacks have on average 1/10th the wealth of whites. Legalize it give up on the ridiculous war on drugs and tax the rich again for crying out loud and invest in America and Americans, a living wage and cheap college and training just like every other modern country, super dupes. A real mental health system would be nice instead of just pill pushers.
How is it that non-white people from Asia come to America and end up with family incomes higher than that of whites?
[ Median household income by race or ethnic group U.S. 2021 | Statista ] (Click to see graph.)
Are white racists that selective?
It's not more welfare that the Black inner city needs, it's the Asian work ethic. (And lots of whites could use some of that as well.)


  • Median Family Income by Ethnic Group.png
    Median Family Income by Ethnic Group.png
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The democrats have had total control over D.C. since 1961....so sell that bullshit somewhere else.........
The only reason those other countries can afford their welfare states is the U.S. is providing all of their national defense, all of their medical and technological advances......so they can sit back, live off the handouts from their governments....
That is absolutely idiotic. We have the GOP reconciliation and filibuster rules since the early 70s and the giveaway to the rich tax rates since Reagan. Democrats have only been able to pass a bare bones Obamacare with 30 days of 60 votes in session, and a way overdue infrastructure bill finally. 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and BS have given us the worst inequality, upward mobility, homelessness, and by the way the worst propaganda machine ever in our history and the worst voters Ditto, absolute brainwashed functional morons. None of what you say is true. The problem for the rest of the modern world is they do not have anything like our natural resources and wealth, and every time the GOP gets into office for eight years they produce a corrupt bubble and bust recession or depression.
Because they aren't black? And they have a tradition of family and education which is incredible.
So white racists are really 'color' racists. They aren't pro-Caucausian but anti-people-with-dark-skin? So watch out if you've got a deep tan?
But if this were true, dark-skinned immigrants from India would be subject to the racism of these supposed white racists. (And remember, when Lefties use the word 'racist', they don't mean just a handful of KKK nutters, but almost all whites, except themselves -- and sometimes they include themselves!)
And when did these supposed racists stop being racist towards Chinese? Don't you know anything about how Chinese people were treated in America not so long ago? [ Chinese Exclusion Act - Wikipedia ]
However, you're on to something when you refer to Asian (Chinese and Indian) behavior: that is, they value education and work hard, and honor the family. Watch out! You're using conservative talking points now!
So white racists are really 'color' racists. They aren't pro-Caucausian but anti-people-with-dark-skin? So watch out if you've got a deep tan?
But if this were true, dark-skinned immigrants from India would be subject to the racism of these supposed white racists. (And remember, when Lefties use the word 'racist', they don't mean just a handful of KKK nutters, but almost all whites, except themselves -- and sometimes they include themselves!)
And when did these supposed racists stop being racist towards Chinese? Don't you know anything about how Chinese people were treated in America not so long ago? [ Chinese Exclusion Act - Wikipedia ]
However, you're on to something when you refer to Asian (Chinese and Indian) behavior: that is, they value education and work hard, and honor the family. Watch out! You're using conservative talking points now!
Black Americans have been demonized and ruined since 1619. Don't be ridiculous
How is it that non-white people from Asia come to America and end up with family incomes higher than that of whites?
[ Median household income by race or ethnic group U.S. 2021 | Statista ] (Click to see graph.)
Are white racists that selective?
It's not more welfare that the Black inner city needs, it's the Asian work ethic. (And lots of whites could use some of that as well.)
Agree. And as I’ve mentioned previously, Jews came to America fleeing religious persecution, with no education and no real skills. Yet a generation later, their kids were well-educated and prosperous.
Agree. And as I’ve mentioned previously, Jews came to America fleeing religious persecution, with no education and no real skills. Yet a generation later, their kids were well-educated and prosperous.
Always good to get the blind bigot outlook lol.... So you people are saying there is no discrimination against blacks or history of discrimination against blacks? You must be really in favor of doing away with black history month and black history courses... Oops, brainwashed functional bigot....
'Funny' that our officials can not even rid their own back yard (and front yard) - DC - of violent crime but want to rid the country of crime by disarming law-abiding citizens.
DC is like 90% black and that's why their votes don't count and it is a disgrace just like the rest of the blacks situations...
Always good to get the blind bigot outlook lol.... So you people are saying there is no discrimination against blacks or history of discrimination against blacks? You must be really in favor of doing away with black history month and black history courses... Oops, brainwashed functional bigot....
Nobody said there’s no discrimination against blacks, but blacks are not the only minority who have experienced bigotry - and extreme at that.

Rather, I and the poster above have shown that OTHER minorities, also experiencing bigotry, manage to rise above it by valuing education, intact families, and other positive values, and that blacks are capable of reducing racism by acknowledging their own role in creating racism and their ability to reduce it.
That is absolutely idiotic. We have the GOP reconciliation and filibuster rules since the early 70s and the giveaway to the rich tax rates since Reagan. Democrats have only been able to pass a bare bones Obamacare with 30 days of 60 votes in session, and a way overdue infrastructure bill finally. 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and BS have given us the worst inequality, upward mobility, homelessness, and by the way the worst propaganda machine ever in our history and the worst voters Ditto, absolute brainwashed functional morons. None of what you say is true. The problem for the rest of the modern world is they do not have anything like our natural resources and wealth, and every time the GOP gets into office for eight years they produce a corrupt bubble and bust recession or depression.

Bare bones obamacare is wrecking the healthcare system.....we are lucky we didn't get full obamacare.......
Bare bones obamacare is wrecking the healthcare system.....we are lucky we didn't get full obamacare.......
Obamacare is the GOP plan they always put up when Democrats wanted single payer the real solution. It proves once again that no progress is what the GOP wants, they love the give away to the rich screw everyone else crap we have these days. Only pure misinformation and ignoramuses like you make it possible.
Nobody said there’s no discrimination against blacks, but blacks are not the only minority who have experienced bigotry - and extreme at that.

Rather, I and the poster above have shown that OTHER minorities, also experiencing bigotry, manage to rise above it by valuing education, intact families, and other positive values, and that blacks are capable of reducing racism by acknowledging their own role in creating racism and their ability to reduce it.
Obviously blacks are discriminated against more than anyone else easily. Obviously duhhhh....
DC is 45% black, not even a majority. You're an ignorant liar and a racist.

you hater dupes really call people liars don't you? I believe Americans are not liars, only that the GOP is so misinformed it's absolutely ridiculous at this point. At any rate in 1975, Washington DC was over 70% black. I believe they have been complaining about gentrification throwing them out of the area. The usual.

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