Chicago teachers union head says rich whites are the cause of education woes

The president of the Chicago teachers union Karen Lewis thinks that the failure of those who she represents is the fault of rich white racists. That's laughable. I'm sure the teachers she represents have nothing to do with Chicago's failed education system... Nothing at all.
Chicago is a victim of white flight. When the schools were integrated, whites, starting with rich ones, started abandoning the city. As the city started its decline, more whites left, now there are too few to support the benefits that teachers and administrators demanded when there was still a tax base.
The problem with black inner city education is the lack of parenting and lack of valuing of education
The rich whites she refers to a liberals. That's the funny part

Rich white liberals left FIRST. Lewis wants progressive taxation, because she is too stupid to know that there is already progressive taxation. She's still demanding that the rich pay more. There are no rich. They left. Starting with the rich white liberals.

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