Chick-Fil-A Infuriates the Left

Get real...and stop being an annoyance. You have to be a sad person to let a chicken joint upset you so much. "oh boo hoo that mean old Chik Fil La upset me!!!!!"
To be honest I don't even remember what they did I only remember that they were political and leaned right and Eileen left so just like you guys boycott any liberal joints I don't go to Chik Fila or hobby lobby. And I know give it much thought other than that going the only reason I posted was because I was bored

Yeah you jumped on the bandwagon because the media told you to. Do you realize how stupid and gullible you look right now?
I hear Christians or conservatives do it all the time. How many times you listen to Howard stern? Boycott!
You think Howard Stern is conservative?
No, the conservative religious right sensored Howard, called the FCC, boycotted, called sponsors and ran Howard off free radio, the rat bastards. Turn your dial.
To be honest I don't even remember what they did I only remember that they were political and leaned right and Eileen left so just like you guys boycott any liberal joints I don't go to Chik Fila or hobby lobby. And I know give it much thought other than that going the only reason I posted was because I was bored

Yeah you jumped on the bandwagon because the media told you to. Do you realize how stupid and gullible you look right now?
I hear Christians or conservatives do it all the time. How many times you listen to Howard stern? Boycott!
You think Howard Stern is conservative?
No, the conservative religious right sensored Howard, called the FCC, boycotted, called sponsors and ran Howard off free radio, the rat bastards. Turn your dial.
Then he signed a $500 million dollar contract and created a satellite radio empire takng their subscriber base from 900,000 to 30,000,000.
Does Chick Fil A donate to homophobe groups anymore? Nope. = Success

LMAO@ your made up word "homophobe". Nobody fears a snowflake
Nonetheless, Chick Fil A ceased ALL donations to anti-gay groups as a result of the boycott.
Still waiting for you to find one group.
Just one.
Family Research Council. Would you like some more?
Yoohoo Weatherman2020

You never told me if you wanted more.
Not interested huh? Can't say I'm surprised.
Why exactly is that infuriating?
If you can;t see it then there's nothing to say to explain it to you.
She served. Did you?

Are you one of the conservatives who misses seeing waves of coffins draped in American flags coming home? I think you are.
Bode joined after lying about her homo nature. She only did so for young girl meat.
Oh okay you greasy old whore.
Why would this infuriate the left?
Because they hate America, and Americans. Anything that uplifts, praises, or glorifies America, freedom, honor, or God, they are bound to attack.

What doesn't upset the daffy left loons? If they don't have something to be upset about they invent something. Safe places anyone?
Yep. Let's see... they launched a boycott against Papa Johns for not paying employees benefits ( AKA being against the ACA).. but ignore places like Starbucks for the same thing.

It's called selective outrage and should be ignored ...always.
Why exactly is that infuriating?
If you can;t see it then there's nothing to say to explain it to you.
She served. Did you?

Are you one of the conservatives who misses seeing waves of coffins draped in American flags coming home? I think you are.
Bode joined after lying about her homo nature. She only did so for young girl meat.
Oh okay you greasy old whore.
Bigoted, anti American and're the whole package.
Why exactly is that infuriating?
If you can;t see it then there's nothing to say to explain it to you.
She served. Did you?

Are you one of the conservatives who misses seeing waves of coffins draped in American flags coming home? I think you are.
Bode joined after lying about her homo nature. She only did so for young girl meat.
Oh okay you greasy old whore.
Bigoted, anti American and're the whole package.
Funny you type that after accusing someone of going after young girl meat you fatass cum dumpster.

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