Chick-Fil-A Infuriates the Left

The Holy Bible on the table is what infuriates the Left.

Other than in your own imagination, where are these people infuriated about The Bible on the table?

I'm an athiest and even I know that it pisses off the LWNJs. That's what is so fucking funny about it. It pisses off total losers

Nobody seems to be very pissed off over The Bible on this table though. lol
Then what are they so pissed off about?

Perhaps it's because the homophobic Chik Fil La honored this nation's finest? You have three choices, the Bible, honoring the military or they just hate on Chik Fil La because they dare to not cave into the infantile demands of the left

Nobody is pissed off about this event. The OP is full of horse shit. This is nothing more than a lame troll thread. Entertaining at times, but a troll thread nevertheless. lol
Other than in your own imagination, where are these people infuriated about The Bible on the table?

I'm an athiest and even I know that it pisses off the LWNJs. That's what is so fucking funny about it. It pisses off total losers

Nobody seems to be very pissed off over The Bible on this table though. lol
Then what are they so pissed off about?

Perhaps it's because the homophobic Chik Fil La honored this nation's finest? You have three choices, the Bible, honoring the military or they just hate on Chik Fil La because they dare to not cave into the infantile demands of the left

Nobody is pissed off about this event. The OP is full of horse shit. This is nothing more than a lame troll thread. Entertaining at times, but a troll thread nevertheless. lol

Then why do you persist trolling it?
I'm an athiest and even I know that it pisses off the LWNJs. That's what is so fucking funny about it. It pisses off total losers

Nobody seems to be very pissed off over The Bible on this table though. lol
Then what are they so pissed off about?

Perhaps it's because the homophobic Chik Fil La honored this nation's finest? You have three choices, the Bible, honoring the military or they just hate on Chik Fil La because they dare to not cave into the infantile demands of the left

Nobody is pissed off about this event. The OP is full of horse shit. This is nothing more than a lame troll thread. Entertaining at times, but a troll thread nevertheless. lol

Then why do you persist trolling it?


I am trolling this thread? In what way?
Nobody seems to be very pissed off over The Bible on this table though. lol
Then what are they so pissed off about?

Perhaps it's because the homophobic Chik Fil La honored this nation's finest? You have three choices, the Bible, honoring the military or they just hate on Chik Fil La because they dare to not cave into the infantile demands of the left

Nobody is pissed off about this event. The OP is full of horse shit. This is nothing more than a lame troll thread. Entertaining at times, but a troll thread nevertheless. lol

Then why do you persist trolling it?


I am trolling this thread? In what way?

Your previous post was a troll post. All one has to do is read the comments on here and some on the left are rabid anti Chik Fil La. It's simple really, if you don't like Chik Fil La or don't agree with how they conduct THEIR business then don't patronize them. Much like I do with Starbucks. But instead they call for boycotts and such trying to force them to conform. It didn't work and in fact Chik Fil La came out the winner. They would have been better off just avoiding the entire thing...but some people have to make a stink
Then what are they so pissed off about?

Perhaps it's because the homophobic Chik Fil La honored this nation's finest? You have three choices, the Bible, honoring the military or they just hate on Chik Fil La because they dare to not cave into the infantile demands of the left

Nobody is pissed off about this event. The OP is full of horse shit. This is nothing more than a lame troll thread. Entertaining at times, but a troll thread nevertheless. lol

Then why do you persist trolling it?


I am trolling this thread? In what way?

Your previous post was a troll post. All one has to do is read the comments on here and some on the left are rabid anti Chik Fil La. It's simple really, if you don't like Chik Fil La or don't agree with how they conduct THEIR business then don't patronize them. Much like I do with Starbucks. But instead they call for boycotts and such trying to force them to conform. It didn't work and in fact Chik Fil La came out the winner. They would have been better off just avoiding the entire thing...but some people have to make a stink
You were saying? Christian Petition Targets Chick-fil-A For 'Going Gay,' Sponsoring LGBT Film Fest |
Then what are they so pissed off about?

Perhaps it's because the homophobic Chik Fil La honored this nation's finest? You have three choices, the Bible, honoring the military or they just hate on Chik Fil La because they dare to not cave into the infantile demands of the left

Nobody is pissed off about this event. The OP is full of horse shit. This is nothing more than a lame troll thread. Entertaining at times, but a troll thread nevertheless. lol

Then why do you persist trolling it?


I am trolling this thread? In what way?

Your previous post was a troll post. All one has to do is read the comments on here and some on the left are rabid anti Chik Fil La. It's simple really, if you don't like Chik Fil La or don't agree with how they conduct THEIR business then don't patronize them. Much like I do with Starbucks. But instead they call for boycotts and such trying to force them to conform. It didn't work and in fact Chik Fil La came out the winner. They would have been better off just avoiding the entire thing...but some people have to make a stink

It most certainly was not. Nobody is 'infuriated' b/c they held a Veteran's Day event with a Missing Man table. That much is clear. If people wish to boycott them for donating to some anti-gay organizations several years ago than are free to do so. Personally, I think it is uncommonly silly. They do amazing and noble charity work in my community all the time. When I am hungry, I don't base where I dine on politics, even if some other people.
Perhaps it's because the homophobic Chik Fil La honored this nation's finest? You have three choices, the Bible, honoring the military or they just hate on Chik Fil La because they dare to not cave into the infantile demands of the left

Nobody is pissed off about this event. The OP is full of horse shit. This is nothing more than a lame troll thread. Entertaining at times, but a troll thread nevertheless. lol

Then why do you persist trolling it?


I am trolling this thread? In what way?

Your previous post was a troll post. All one has to do is read the comments on here and some on the left are rabid anti Chik Fil La. It's simple really, if you don't like Chik Fil La or don't agree with how they conduct THEIR business then don't patronize them. Much like I do with Starbucks. But instead they call for boycotts and such trying to force them to conform. It didn't work and in fact Chik Fil La came out the winner. They would have been better off just avoiding the entire thing...but some people have to make a stink

It most certainly was not. Nobody is 'infuriated' b/c they held a Veteran's Day event with a Missing Man table. That much is clear. If people wish to boycott them for donating to some anti-gay organizations several years ago than are free to do so. Personally, I think it is uncommonly silly. They do amazing and noble charity work in my community all the time. When I am hungry, I don't base where I dine on politics even if some other people.

Kudos to you but you can't deny the left's outrage at Chik Fil La for their do so would be silly. There was a call for a boycott, right?
I'm an athiest and even I know that it pisses off the LWNJs. That's what is so fucking funny about it. It pisses off total losers

Nobody seems to be very pissed off over The Bible on this table though. lol
Then what are they so pissed off about?
Nobody is pissed off. When the gays people found out profits from Chic fil a were being used to finance anti-gay groups the gay people decided to boycott them. The company agreed to meet with the gay community. work things out and stopped contributing to some of the most obvious anti-gay groups. That was the end of it. Chic fil a has become a gay-friendly establishment and gay people go there.
Which anti-gay groups? I call bullshit.
Seriously, are you to lazy to look of Chic fil a boycott. The list is on Wikipedia. One has already been listed on this thread today.
wiki is a joke. And so are you since you were full of it.
Nobody is pissed off about this event. The OP is full of horse shit. This is nothing more than a lame troll thread. Entertaining at times, but a troll thread nevertheless. lol

Then why do you persist trolling it?


I am trolling this thread? In what way?

Your previous post was a troll post. All one has to do is read the comments on here and some on the left are rabid anti Chik Fil La. It's simple really, if you don't like Chik Fil La or don't agree with how they conduct THEIR business then don't patronize them. Much like I do with Starbucks. But instead they call for boycotts and such trying to force them to conform. It didn't work and in fact Chik Fil La came out the winner. They would have been better off just avoiding the entire thing...but some people have to make a stink

It most certainly was not. Nobody is 'infuriated' b/c they held a Veteran's Day event with a Missing Man table. That much is clear. If people wish to boycott them for donating to some anti-gay organizations several years ago than are free to do so. Personally, I think it is uncommonly silly. They do amazing and noble charity work in my community all the time. When I am hungry, I don't base where I dine on politics even if some other people.

Kudos to you but you can't deny the left's outrage at Chik Fil La for their do so would be silly. There was a call for a boycott, right?

For their donations to anti-gay groups? Sure. Of course there was pearl clutching outrage and calls for boycotts for that silliness. There isn't however any such animus surrounding this event and the Missing Man table. I thought that was a touching gesture for the event.

Oh well. Have a good day. I have guests on the way for a board game marathon. lol.
There is nothing more American that a business enterprise pandering for profit! Kind of like auto dealerships always fly an American flag over the lot.....
They said the same thing about Walmart and lately they haven't been doing as well, closing stores, less profit.

Number one today gone tomorrow.

And they could be doing better if they weren't political

Get real...and stop being an annoyance. You have to be a sad person to let a chicken joint upset you so much. "oh boo hoo that mean old Chik Fil La upset me!!!!!"
To be honest I don't even remember what they did I only remember that they were political and leaned right and Eileen left so just like you guys boycott any liberal joints I don't go to Chik Fila or hobby lobby. And I know give it much thought other than that going the only reason I posted was because I was bored

Yeah you jumped on the bandwagon because the media told you to. Do you realize how stupid and gullible you look right now?
I hear Christians or conservatives do it all the time. How many times you listen to Howard stern? Boycott!
You think Howard Stern is conservative?
No, the conservative religious right sensored Howard, called the FCC, boycotted, called sponsors and ran Howard off free radio, the rat bastards. Turn your dial.
Other than in your own imagination, where are these people infuriated about The Bible on the table?

I'm an athiest and even I know that it pisses off the LWNJs. That's what is so fucking funny about it. It pisses off total losers

Nobody seems to be very pissed off over The Bible on this table though. lol
Then what are they so pissed off about?

Perhaps it's because the homophobic Chik Fil La honored this nation's finest? You have three choices, the Bible, honoring the military or they just hate on Chik Fil La because they dare to not cave into the infantile demands of the left

Nobody is pissed off about this event. The OP is full of horse shit. This is nothing more than a lame troll thread. Entertaining at times, but a troll thread nevertheless. lol

Of course it's a troll thread to Marxists like you! If you can't deal with it, unsubscribe from the thread.
I'm an athiest and even I know that it pisses off the LWNJs. That's what is so fucking funny about it. It pisses off total losers

Nobody seems to be very pissed off over The Bible on this table though. lol
Then what are they so pissed off about?

Perhaps it's because the homophobic Chik Fil La honored this nation's finest? You have three choices, the Bible, honoring the military or they just hate on Chik Fil La because they dare to not cave into the infantile demands of the left

Nobody is pissed off about this event. The OP is full of horse shit. This is nothing more than a lame troll thread. Entertaining at times, but a troll thread nevertheless. lol

Of course it's a troll thread to Marxists like you! If you can't deal with it, unsubscribe from the thread.

I am not a Marxist but you can think I am if it fits your narrative.

I am sorry if I interrupted your circle jerk. I'll leave you to it in peace. Wash your hands afterwards. lol
Oh baloney, stop lying when EVERYONE knows you are lying
Does Chick Fil A donate to homophobe groups anymore? Nope. = Success

LMAO@ your made up word "homophobe". Nobody fears a snowflake
Nonetheless, Chick Fil A ceased ALL donations to anti-gay groups as a result of the boycott.
Still waiting for you to find one group.
Just one.
Family Research Council. Would you like some more?
Yoohoo Weatherman2020

You never told me if you wanted more.

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