Chickens come home to roost. From Monroe to the Bush Doctrine.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
The United States has always had a complex relationship with it's expansionism. It declared some time ago that all of the Americas belong to Americans. And it could do that because of it's powerful military and economic influence. But that really didn't sit well with many Americans who favor the Constitution and a "limited" role in the world. There are Americans that want to lead by example and not force. The back and forth between Empire loving Conservatives and Freedom loving Liberals is one that goes beyond our borders.

The Soviet Union broke up some time ago. It wasn't cheap. The United States had to cushion the blow of the break up by spending billions. And for the most part this spending benefitted gangsters and ex-KGB. One of which who now heads the country. But they were reigned in by pesky treaties and agreements. Thanks to the Bush Doctrine, which says implicitly, that no powerful nation should ever be constrained by such doctrine, Putin now is engaging in reclaiming to his country what was lost when sane men sat down and agreed that the madness should end.

Bush, left a huge mess at the end of his presidency. And all of his domestic and foreign policies were warned against time and time again. These warnings were ignored or worse called "Unamerican". "You are with us, or you are with the Terrorists" Bush proclaimed about dissent.

Now, the chickens have come home to roost. And what do conservatives do? Apologize?


They cheer the bad guys and blame Liberals.

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The back and forth between Empire loving Conservatives and Freedom loving Liberals is one that goes beyond our borders.


I had to stop reading when I saw the above sentence. You actually started out sounding credible.

I am and always have been a Constitutional conservative who's opposed to expansion of the federal government; the police state mentality; and totalitarianism. I stand with Thomas Jefferson who emphasized that we not get entangled with foreign affairs. I believe in sovereignty amongst the various nations of the world and believe that we should lead by "good" example ... not force (unless we're left no choice).
The back and forth between Empire loving Conservatives and Freedom loving Liberals is one that goes beyond our borders.


I had to stop reading when I saw the above sentence. You actually started out sounding credible.

I am and always have been a Constitutional conservative who's opposed to expansion of the federal government; the police state mentality; and totalitarianism. I stand with Thomas Jefferson who emphasized that we not get entangled with foreign affairs. I believe in sovereignty amongst the various nations of the world and believe that we should lead by "good" example ... not force (unless we're left no choice).

There's no such thing.

Conservatives do not understand the constitution.

At all.
Dude...just stop the stupid trolling. It stopped being amusing about 49,000 posts ago & is now just tiresome.
The Major problem with Conservatives and the Constitution is that it is Alien to their dogma.

Conservatives are most happiest in Dictatorships, Monarchies and Theocracies.

They don't like diversity, democracy, freedom and liberty.

It's uncomfortable for them.
Dude...just stop the stupid trolling. It stopped being amusing about 49,000 posts ago & is now just tiresome.

My "time" is up eh?

Feel free.

I live in Brooklyn on Eckford Street.

"Trolling" by the way...involves the practice of angering people with personal attacks.

Here's a helpful video.

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Insane cocksucker....the US liberated Europe and Asia during WW2, Russia enslaved whatever they could.

Now Russia wants to go back to enslaving little countries because they are a third world country with nukes, need more money to fix their bad economy.

The United States has always had a complex relationship with it's expansionism. It declared some time ago that all of the Americas belong to Americans. And it could do that because of it's powerful military and economic influence. But that really didn't sit well with many Americans who favor the Constitution and a "limited" role in the world. There are Americans that want to lead by example and not force. The back and forth between Empire loving Conservatives and Freedom loving Liberals is one that goes beyond our borders.

The Soviet Union broke up some time ago. It wasn't cheap. The United States had to cushion the blow of the break up by spending billions. And for the most part this spending benefitted gangsters and ex-KGB. One of which who now heads the country. But they were reigned in by pesky treaties and agreements. Thanks to the Bush Doctrine, which says implicitly, that no powerful nation should ever be constrained by such doctrine, Putin now is engaging in reclaiming to his country what was lost when sane men sat down and agreed that the madness should end.

Bush, left a huge mess at the end of his presidency. And all of his domestic and foreign policies were warned against time and time again. These warnings were ignored or worse called "Unamerican". "You are with us, or you are with the Terrorists" Bush proclaimed about dissent.

Now, the chickens have come home to roost. And what do conservatives do? Apologize?


They cheer the bad guys and blame Liberals.

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Their guy has been screwing up domestic and foreign policy for five years and they are still blaming Bush. Desperate times call for desperate effort I guess.
Insane cocksucker....the US liberated Europe and Asia during WW2, Russia enslaved whatever they could.

Now Russia wants to go back to enslaving little countries because they are a third world country with nukes, need more money to fix their bad economy.

The United States has always had a complex relationship with it's expansionism. It declared some time ago that all of the Americas belong to Americans. And it could do that because of it's powerful military and economic influence. But that really didn't sit well with many Americans who favor the Constitution and a "limited" role in the world. There are Americans that want to lead by example and not force. The back and forth between Empire loving Conservatives and Freedom loving Liberals is one that goes beyond our borders.

The Soviet Union broke up some time ago. It wasn't cheap. The United States had to cushion the blow of the break up by spending billions. And for the most part this spending benefitted gangsters and ex-KGB. One of which who now heads the country. But they were reigned in by pesky treaties and agreements. Thanks to the Bush Doctrine, which says implicitly, that no powerful nation should ever be constrained by such doctrine, Putin now is engaging in reclaiming to his country what was lost when sane men sat down and agreed that the madness should end.

Bush, left a huge mess at the end of his presidency. And all of his domestic and foreign policies were warned against time and time again. These warnings were ignored or worse called "Unamerican". "You are with us, or you are with the Terrorists" Bush proclaimed about dissent.

Now, the chickens have come home to roost. And what do conservatives do? Apologize?


They cheer the bad guys and blame Liberals.


First thought to this posters mind is a vulgar homosexual act. :eek:

See above. :lol:
Their guy has been screwing up domestic and foreign policy for five years and they are still blaming Bush. Desperate times call for desperate effort I guess.

You might want to try something new?

Like a coherent counter argument or something.

Did you think Bush's trashing of international treaties, unilaterally invading other countries would not have any effect on the world?

The United States has always had a complex relationship with it's expansionism. It declared some time ago that all of the Americas belong to Americans. And it could do that because of it's powerful military and economic influence. But that really didn't sit well with many Americans who favor the Constitution and a "limited" role in the world. There are Americans that want to lead by example and not force. The back and forth between Empire loving Conservatives and Freedom loving Liberals is one that goes beyond our borders.

The Soviet Union broke up some time ago. It wasn't cheap. The United States had to cushion the blow of the break up by spending billions. And for the most part this spending benefitted gangsters and ex-KGB. One of which who now heads the country. But they were reigned in by pesky treaties and agreements. Thanks to the Bush Doctrine, which says implicitly, that no powerful nation should ever be constrained by such doctrine, Putin now is engaging in reclaiming to his country what was lost when sane men sat down and agreed that the madness should end.

Bush, left a huge mess at the end of his presidency. And all of his domestic and foreign policies were warned against time and time again. These warnings were ignored or worse called "Unamerican". "You are with us, or you are with the Terrorists" Bush proclaimed about dissent.

Now, the chickens have come home to roost. And what do conservatives do? Apologize?


They cheer the bad guys and blame Liberals.


Billions of dollars of throwing money at the failed USSR has produced what?


I guess it's the same with everything else liberal. Just throw more money that God has at public education and watch it come in 48th in the world.

Should they learn from history? Sure, but they are too corrupt and stupid to give a damn.
Bill Clinton bombed a defenseless European country to deflect attention from his sodomy adventures in the Oval Office and issued an order preventing the CIA from sharing information with the FBI on the eve of 9-11. Why did Clinton's NSA, Sandy Berger, become a common thief stealing documents from the National Archives and what did he steal?
The chickens are coming home to roost under Obama....

Telling the world (aka Russia, China, Iran and the Islamic world) that the USA is to blame for any tensions with them and that we would make sure to quit bothering them by cutting our national defense got their attention.

Russia, China, Iran and the Islamic terrorists viewed that as a GREEN light to keep doing what they have been doing and even more.

Today we have Islamic terrorists growing in Africa to Asia. Iran is building nukes thanks to Russia. Russia and Iran have kept Assad in power to kill his fellow Syrians in order to maintain a threat to Israel from Syria. Russia has invaded Ukraine and is making threats to other European countries. China is slowly stealing islands in the East and South China seas over natural resources.

Stupid Americans won't wake up until their lives are affected but it is too late at that moment....
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The United States has always had a complex relationship with it's expansionism. It declared some time ago that all of the Americas belong to Americans. And it could do that because of it's powerful military and economic influence. But that really didn't sit well with many Americans who favor the Constitution and a "limited" role in the world. There are Americans that want to lead by example and not force. The back and forth between Empire loving Conservatives and Freedom loving Liberals is one that goes beyond our borders.

The Soviet Union broke up some time ago. It wasn't cheap. The United States had to cushion the blow of the break up by spending billions. And for the most part this spending benefitted gangsters and ex-KGB. One of which who now heads the country. But they were reigned in by pesky treaties and agreements. Thanks to the Bush Doctrine, which says implicitly, that no powerful nation should ever be constrained by such doctrine, Putin now is engaging in reclaiming to his country what was lost when sane men sat down and agreed that the madness should end.

Bush, left a huge mess at the end of his presidency. And all of his domestic and foreign policies were warned against time and time again. These warnings were ignored or worse called "Unamerican". "You are with us, or you are with the Terrorists" Bush proclaimed about dissent.

Now, the chickens have come home to roost. And what do conservatives do? Apologize?


They cheer the bad guys and blame Liberals.


Billions of dollars of throwing money at the failed USSR has produced what?


I guess it's the same with everything else liberal. Just throw more money that God has at public education and watch it come in 48th in the world.

Should they learn from history? Sure, but they are too corrupt and stupid to give a damn.

Wasn't that done by the Reagan/Bush administration?

They aren't conservative to you?
The chickens are coming home to roost under Obama....

Telling the world (aka Russia, China, Iran and the Islamic world) that the USA is to blame for any tensions with them and that we would make sure to quit bothering them by cutting our national defense got their attention.

Russia, China, Iran and the Islamic terrorists viewed that as a GREEN light to keep doing what they have been doing and even more.

Today we have Islamic terrorists growing in Africa to Asia. Iran is building nukes thanks to Russia. Russia and Iran have kept Assad in power to kill his fellow Syrians in order to maintain a threat to Israel from Syria. Russia has invaded Ukraine and is making threats to other European countries. China is slowly stealing islands in the East and South China seas over natural resources.

Stupid Americans won't wake up until their lives are affected but it is too late at that moment....

And what's the root cause of terrorism?

"Cutting" defense?

Is that your answer?
Cocksucker....the root cause of Islamic terrorism is nutjob muslims that hate Jews and Christians. Their main goal in life is to covert the planet and kill whoever opposes that goal.

The DoD budget has been cut every year under Obama while entitlement spending has gone through the roof. Obama and his goons need national defense money for their welfare goodie programs like obamacare. Keeping this country safe is secondary to getting people on welfare programs for votes.

The chickens are coming home to roost under Obama....

Telling the world (aka Russia, China, Iran and the Islamic world) that the USA is to blame for any tensions with them and that we would make sure to quit bothering them by cutting our national defense got their attention.

Russia, China, Iran and the Islamic terrorists viewed that as a GREEN light to keep doing what they have been doing and even more.

Today we have Islamic terrorists growing in Africa to Asia. Iran is building nukes thanks to Russia. Russia and Iran have kept Assad in power to kill his fellow Syrians in order to maintain a threat to Israel from Syria. Russia has invaded Ukraine and is making threats to other European countries. China is slowly stealing islands in the East and South China seas over natural resources.

Stupid Americans won't wake up until their lives are affected but it is too late at that moment....

And what's the root cause of terrorism?

"Cutting" defense?

Is that your answer?
The United States has always had a complex relationship with it's expansionism. It declared some time ago that all of the Americas belong to Americans. And it could do that because of it's powerful military and economic influence. But that really didn't sit well with many Americans who favor the Constitution and a "limited" role in the world. There are Americans that want to lead by example and not force. The back and forth between Empire loving Conservatives and Freedom loving Liberals is one that goes beyond our borders.

The Soviet Union broke up some time ago. It wasn't cheap. The United States had to cushion the blow of the break up by spending billions. And for the most part this spending benefitted gangsters and ex-KGB. One of which who now heads the country. But they were reigned in by pesky treaties and agreements. Thanks to the Bush Doctrine, which says implicitly, that no powerful nation should ever be constrained by such doctrine, Putin now is engaging in reclaiming to his country what was lost when sane men sat down and agreed that the madness should end.

Bush, left a huge mess at the end of his presidency. And all of his domestic and foreign policies were warned against time and time again. These warnings were ignored or worse called "Unamerican". "You are with us, or you are with the Terrorists" Bush proclaimed about dissent.

Now, the chickens have come home to roost. And what do conservatives do? Apologize?


They cheer the bad guys and blame Liberals.


Who is cheering Putin? Again, you lie and keep lying.

No one cheers Putin, in fact he is embarrassing us at every turn we make. He is laughing at America and Obama just sits and takes it. I blame a leader who isn't leading, and Obama is not leading. It is obvious that the world has no confidence in Obama as they all back down to Russia and Putin.

Today liberals tell us we agree with bad liberal policies or we are racist.
Every conflict in the bloody 20th century started during a democrat administration. Wilson promised he would not sent American Troops to fight in a foreign war and then he or his wife sent the Doughboys to protect France from imperialist Germany. Hitler came into power about the same time as FDR. Through ignorance and profound negligence FDR managed to get about 300,000 Americans killed in a two front war. Harry Truman didn't even consult congress when he sent Troops to Korea. His mismanagement turned victory into an embarrassing truce at the cost of about 50,000 American lives. LBJ faked a crisis in the Tonkin Gulf as an excuse to send Troops to Vietnam and he set the rules so that the US could win every battle and still lose the war. Bill Clinton called the first attack on the World Trade Center a "stupid act by stupid people" and ignored the terrorist threat and even turned down the opportunity to arrest Bin Ladin. The 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school in the US while Clinton was playing sucky games with Monica.

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