Chickens come home to roost. From Monroe to the Bush Doctrine.

The right to privacy, for one example. Spying on US citizens. Indefinite detention. Assassination.

Should i go on?
You mean like in Libya? :lmao:

The hypocrisy knows no boundaries.

Or how about Egypt?

You're a fan of Gaddafi, I see.

A man who planned and financed the murder of over 100 people, including Americans.

He should have taken a dirt nap a long time ago.

And Egypt got rid of their own leader. You'd have more of a point if you pointed out that Obama threatened to cut funding for the military if they did not get rid of the Muslim Brotherhood. But even then? Egypt's been on our dime for a long time. It was part of the Peace plan that has kept Egypt from attacking Israel.
I see you like moving the goal posts. You're as stupid as you are hypocritical, Shallow. If I didn't know better, i'd think you were a high school kid with big socialist dreams.
The right to privacy, for one example. Spying on US citizens. Indefinite detention. Assassination.

Should i go on?

Thank heavens for the patriot act and AUMF, right? Who authored those wonderful pieces of legislation?

Which conservative wants those repealed?

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The right to privacy, for one example. Spying on US citizens. Indefinite detention. Assassination.

Should i go on?

Thank heavens for the patriot act and AUMF, right?

Which conservative wants those repealed?


I thought the liberals were the ones who were for freedom? Why are your liberals using these conservative(and liberal) policies?

Is this just you looking to obfuscate away from reality?

And the NDAA 2012 was Obama's policy. It's ALL his, fella. But spin around, click your heels...there is no place like the Dem plantation.
I see you like moving the goal posts. You're as stupid as you are hypocritical, Shallow. If I didn't know better, i'd think you were a high school kid with big socialist dreams.

Not moving any goal posts. And you should check yourself. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were bitter old man yearning for the days when the church dictated law.
The right to privacy, for one example. Spying on US citizens. Indefinite detention. Assassination.

Should i go on?

Thank heavens for the patriot act and AUMF, right?

Which conservative wants those repealed?


I thought the liberals were the ones who were for freedom? Why are your liberals using these conservative(and liberal) policies?

Is this just you looking to obfuscate away from reality?

And the NDAA 2012 was Obama's policy. It's ALL his, fella. But spin around, click your heels...there is no place like the Dem plantation.

The Patriot Act and the AUMF were authored by conservatives. And it's conservatives constantly braying about liberals being "weak" on defense. You folks on one hand say the President is "weak" but call him a dictator when he uses these tools to stop terrorists. What exactly do you think should happen? An executive order to repeal both? :lol:

And that little bit about indefinite detention in the NDAA was AUTHORED by CONSERVATIVES as a political poison pill.

Sucks it didn't work, right?
Was the 16 year old boy from Denver a terrorist?

NDAA 2012 has Obama;'s signature on it. Sorry, dude. You do not get to hypocrite your way around that. It's no different than democrats signing on yea for shit that people like you claim they were not in favor of. It's nonsense partisan hackery bullshit.
Thank heavens for the patriot act and AUMF, right?

Which conservative wants those repealed?


I thought the liberals were the ones who were for freedom? Why are your liberals using these conservative(and liberal) policies?

Is this just you looking to obfuscate away from reality?

And the NDAA 2012 was Obama's policy. It's ALL his, fella. But spin around, click your heels...there is no place like the Dem plantation.

The Patriot Act and the AUMF were authored by conservatives. And it's conservatives constantly braying about liberals being "weak" on defense. You folks on one hand say the President is "weak" but call him a dictator when he uses these tools to stop terrorists. What exactly do you think should happen? An executive order to repeal both? :lol:

And that little bit about indefinite detention in the NDAA was AUTHORED by CONSERVATIVES as a political poison pill.

Sucks it didn't work, right?

So, why do liberals keep using and expanding these conservative policies, Shallow? Riddle me that, you hypocritical, hyper-partisan hack.
Was the 16 year old boy from Denver a terrorist?

NDAA 2012 has Obama;'s signature on it. Sorry, dude. You do not get to hypocrite your way around that. It's no different than democrats signing on yea for shit that people like you claim they were not in favor of. It's nonsense partisan hackery bullshit.

The overall point stands.

You folks think that might makes right and that the resources of the world belong to this nation.

And THAT mindset is the root cause of terrorism.
I thought the liberals were the ones who were for freedom? Why are your liberals using these conservative(and liberal) policies?

Is this just you looking to obfuscate away from reality?

And the NDAA 2012 was Obama's policy. It's ALL his, fella. But spin around, click your heels...there is no place like the Dem plantation.

The Patriot Act and the AUMF were authored by conservatives. And it's conservatives constantly braying about liberals being "weak" on defense. You folks on one hand say the President is "weak" but call him a dictator when he uses these tools to stop terrorists. What exactly do you think should happen? An executive order to repeal both? :lol:

And that little bit about indefinite detention in the NDAA was AUTHORED by CONSERVATIVES as a political poison pill.

Sucks it didn't work, right?

So, why do liberals keep using and expanding these conservative policies, Shallow? Riddle me that, you hypocritical, hyper-partisan hack.

You have trouble reading?

It's a part of the toolkit and it's available.

If there was an attack and those tools weren't being used?

What do you think would happen then?
"You folks". :lmao:

In other words, you can not answer because it makes you look like what you are - a pure hypocrite. And the best way to avoid the uncomfortable feeling associated with being unveiled for what you are, is to ignore the question and continue on pontificating on a point that is hypocritical.

You have no principles, you have no clothes and you point at conservatives for the same thing.

You mean like in Libya? :lmao:

The hypocrisy knows no boundaries.

Or how about Egypt?

You're a fan of Gaddafi, I see.

A man who planned and financed the murder of over 100 people, including Americans.

He should have taken a dirt nap a long time ago.

And Egypt got rid of their own leader. You'd have more of a point if you pointed out that Obama threatened to cut funding for the military if they did not get rid of the Muslim Brotherhood. But even then? Egypt's been on our dime for a long time. It was part of the Peace plan that has kept Egypt from attacking Israel.

Oh Sallow, with all due respect....bite me.:lol:

Morsi was Obama's bitch. AND many in the west were buying into the MB as being "just a secular organization". Egyptians finally wised up as to why the MB had been banned before. Oh and btw the MB is banned in many ME countries.

Obama warns Egypt against arbitrary arrests during Situation Room summit
By Dave Boyer

The Washington Times
Thursday, July 4, 2013

As a new interim president of Egypt was sworn in Thursday, President Obama met with his national security team at the White House to review the situation and to warn Egypt’s interim government away from retaliation against its former Muslim Brotherhood leaders.

Obama warns Egypt against arbitrary arrests during Situation Room summit - Washington Times

Obama asks Republican Senators McCain, Graham to visit Egypt

By Patricia Zengerle
WASHINGTON Tue Jul 30, 2013 7:23pm EDT

Obama asks Republican Senators McCain, Graham to visit Egypt | Reuters
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I know EXACTLY what installed means. Apparently it's you that's having trouble with linguistics.

When a foreign government chooses the leader of a nation, and helps that leader into power, that is INSTALLING a leader. Pinochet did not come to power by the will of the people. He came to power by forces beyond Chile.

Which is what we did not do. Yes, we undermined the government, no we did not select the new leader. And you haven't produced any evidence that we did. You just keep producing more evidence of the point not in contention, which is our opposition to the Marxist government.
The United States has always had a complex relationship with it's expansionism. It declared some time ago that all of the Americas belong to Americans. And it could do that because of it's powerful military and economic influence. But that really didn't sit well with many Americans who favor the Constitution and a "limited" role in the world. There are Americans that want to lead by example and not force. The back and forth between Empire loving Conservatives and Freedom loving Liberals is one that goes beyond our borders.

The Soviet Union broke up some time ago. It wasn't cheap. The United States had to cushion the blow of the break up by spending billions. And for the most part this spending benefitted gangsters and ex-KGB. One of which who now heads the country. But they were reigned in by pesky treaties and agreements. Thanks to the Bush Doctrine, which says implicitly, that no powerful nation should ever be constrained by such doctrine, Putin now is engaging in reclaiming to his country what was lost when sane men sat down and agreed that the madness should end.

Bush, left a huge mess at the end of his presidency. And all of his domestic and foreign policies were warned against time and time again. These warnings were ignored or worse called "Unamerican". "You are with us, or you are with the Terrorists" Bush proclaimed about dissent.

Now, the chickens have come home to roost. And what do conservatives do? Apologize?


They cheer the bad guys and blame Liberals.


Bush indeed left a mess, two illegal wars in particular.
I know EXACTLY what installed means. Apparently it's you that's having trouble with linguistics.

When a foreign government chooses the leader of a nation, and helps that leader into power, that is INSTALLING a leader. Pinochet did not come to power by the will of the people. He came to power by forces beyond Chile.

Which is what we did not do. Yes, we undermined the government, no we did not select the new leader. And you haven't produced any evidence that we did. You just keep producing more evidence of the point not in contention, which is our opposition to the Marxist government.

This is one of those blue sky arguments.

Where you are questioning "blue".

There's really nothing to discuss, then.

We don't agree on the language.
You mean like in Libya? :lmao:

The hypocrisy knows no boundaries.

Or how about Egypt?

You're a fan of Gaddafi, I see.

A man who planned and financed the murder of over 100 people, including Americans.

He should have taken a dirt nap a long time ago.

And Egypt got rid of their own leader. You'd have more of a point if you pointed out that Obama threatened to cut funding for the military if they did not get rid of the Muslim Brotherhood. But even then? Egypt's been on our dime for a long time. It was part of the Peace plan that has kept Egypt from attacking Israel.

Oh Sallow, with all due respect....bite me.:lol:

Morsi was Obama's bitch. AND many in the west were buying into the MB as being "just a secular organization". Egyptians finally wised up as to why the MB had been banned before. Oh and btw the MB is banned in many ME countries.

Obama warns Egypt against arbitrary arrests during Situation Room summit
By Dave Boyer

The Washington Times
Thursday, July 4, 2013

As a new interim president of Egypt was sworn in Thursday, President Obama met with his national security team at the White House to review the situation and to warn Egypt’s interim government away from retaliation against its former Muslim Brotherhood leaders.

Obama warns Egypt against arbitrary arrests during Situation Room summit - Washington Times

Obama asks Republican Senators McCain, Graham to visit Egypt

By Patricia Zengerle
WASHINGTON Tue Jul 30, 2013 7:23pm EDT

Obama asks Republican Senators McCain, Graham to visit Egypt | Reuters

Morsi was not the desired outcome of the Obama administration.

If the Muslim brotherhood, had been the desired outcome..they would still be in power.
The United States has always had a complex relationship with it's expansionism. It declared some time ago that all of the Americas belong to Americans. And it could do that because of it's powerful military and economic influence. But that really didn't sit well with many Americans who favor the Constitution and a "limited" role in the world. There are Americans that want to lead by example and not force. The back and forth between Empire loving Conservatives and Freedom loving Liberals is one that goes beyond our borders.

The Soviet Union broke up some time ago. It wasn't cheap. The United States had to cushion the blow of the break up by spending billions. And for the most part this spending benefitted gangsters and ex-KGB. One of which who now heads the country. But they were reigned in by pesky treaties and agreements. Thanks to the Bush Doctrine, which says implicitly, that no powerful nation should ever be constrained by such doctrine, Putin now is engaging in reclaiming to his country what was lost when sane men sat down and agreed that the madness should end.

Bush, left a huge mess at the end of his presidency. And all of his domestic and foreign policies were warned against time and time again. These warnings were ignored or worse called "Unamerican". "You are with us, or you are with the Terrorists" Bush proclaimed about dissent.

Now, the chickens have come home to roost. And what do conservatives do? Apologize?


They cheer the bad guys and blame Liberals.


Bush indeed left a mess, two illegal wars in particular.

And now we have 7 proxy/drone wars, plus the expansion of the Bush policies. Tell me more about how the democrat liberals are for freedom. Furthermore, as much as i despise the wars Bush got us into, you wanna show us how they were illegal? Or is that just your partisanship showing? Because neither war was illegal. They were unconstitutional, but that hasn't stopped the US in any conflict initiated in imperial empire America. Whether it was a left or right deal.

But keep pointing at Bush with that log jammed in your eye. :lmao:
I know EXACTLY what installed means. Apparently it's you that's having trouble with linguistics.

When a foreign government chooses the leader of a nation, and helps that leader into power, that is INSTALLING a leader. Pinochet did not come to power by the will of the people. He came to power by forces beyond Chile.

Which is what we did not do. Yes, we undermined the government, no we did not select the new leader. And you haven't produced any evidence that we did. You just keep producing more evidence of the point not in contention, which is our opposition to the Marxist government.

This is one of those blue sky arguments.

Where you are questioning "blue".

There's really nothing to discuss, then.

We don't agree on the language.

Um...reading comprehension anyone?

Actually, we did agree on the language, we agreed to install a new leader is to select the leader. What you have not done is produce any evidence of that. And you can't because you are wrong, we did not select Pinochet. We did have to do with the circumstances that allowed Pinochet to take power, but we did not select him. Which is what we ... agreed ... that install means.

Every discussion with liberals you go duh, I don't get it, duh, I don't get it, duh, I don't get it.
You're a fan of Gaddafi, I see.

A man who planned and financed the murder of over 100 people, including Americans.

He should have taken a dirt nap a long time ago.

And Egypt got rid of their own leader. You'd have more of a point if you pointed out that Obama threatened to cut funding for the military if they did not get rid of the Muslim Brotherhood. But even then? Egypt's been on our dime for a long time. It was part of the Peace plan that has kept Egypt from attacking Israel.

Oh Sallow, with all due respect....bite me.:lol:

Morsi was Obama's bitch. AND many in the west were buying into the MB as being "just a secular organization". Egyptians finally wised up as to why the MB had been banned before. Oh and btw the MB is banned in many ME countries.

Obama warns Egypt against arbitrary arrests during Situation Room summit
By Dave Boyer

The Washington Times
Thursday, July 4, 2013

As a new interim president of Egypt was sworn in Thursday, President Obama met with his national security team at the White House to review the situation and to warn Egypt’s interim government away from retaliation against its former Muslim Brotherhood leaders.

Obama warns Egypt against arbitrary arrests during Situation Room summit - Washington Times

Obama asks Republican Senators McCain, Graham to visit Egypt

By Patricia Zengerle
WASHINGTON Tue Jul 30, 2013 7:23pm EDT

Obama asks Republican Senators McCain, Graham to visit Egypt | Reuters

Morsi was not the desired outcome of the Obama administration.

If the Muslim brotherhood, had been the desired outcome..they would still be in power.

Au contraire! There could be no reversal of Morsi's fortune ruling Egypt after he pulled this one stunt that really sent the Egyptians over the edge. Not even Obama could have saved his sorry ass.

Morsi went ahead and appointed 17 Governors. This one person he appointed was the straw that broke the camel's back.

He appointed the mastermind of the Luxor massacre to be governor of Luxor. Whoopsies! You could hear the sound of Egypt's tourism industry being flushed down the drain.

62 people slaughtered.

The people of Luxor went ballistic. The rest of the country kicked into high gear and there was no turning back and no way that anyone was going to allow Morsi to stay in power.

Egypt's dance with radical Islamists has come to an end. The Grand Mufti will now be deciding the fate of over 500 MB members. To allow them to live or die.

There was a reason the MB was banned in Egypt all those years. Just as they are banned in so many other ME countries.

Militant from terror group behind Luxor massacre which left 58 foreigners dead is sworn in to govern same region by Egypt's Islamist president

Adel Mohamed al-Khayat swore oath to Egyptian president Mohamed Mursi

He was among 17 new governors sworn in, several of whom are Islamists

He was a leader of al-Gamaa al-Islamiya behind Valley of Queens massacre

6 men from group shot their way into Temple of Hatshepsut, killing 62

58 were tourists, mostly Swiss, also Japanese, British, German, Colombian


Militant from terror group behind Luxor massacre which left 58 foreigners dead is sworn in to govern same region by Egypt's Islamist president | Mail Online
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