Chickens come home to roost. From Monroe to the Bush Doctrine.

I know EXACTLY what installed means. Apparently it's you that's having trouble with linguistics.

He's having trouble with the scientific study of language?


And apparently his inability to back up his claim is just a matter of the scientific study of language. We agreed on the definition, he just couldn't back up his claim...
The United States has always had a complex relationship with it's expansionism. It declared some time ago that all of the Americas belong to Americans. And it could do that because of it's powerful military and economic influence. But that really didn't sit well with many Americans who favor the Constitution and a "limited" role in the world. There are Americans that want to lead by example and not force. The back and forth between Empire loving Conservatives and Freedom loving Liberals is one that goes beyond our borders.

The Soviet Union broke up some time ago. It wasn't cheap. The United States had to cushion the blow of the break up by spending billions. And for the most part this spending benefitted gangsters and ex-KGB. One of which who now heads the country. But they were reigned in by pesky treaties and agreements. Thanks to the Bush Doctrine, which says implicitly, that no powerful nation should ever be constrained by such doctrine, Putin now is engaging in reclaiming to his country what was lost when sane men sat down and agreed that the madness should end.

Bush, left a huge mess at the end of his presidency. And all of his domestic and foreign policies were warned against time and time again. These warnings were ignored or worse called "Unamerican". "You are with us, or you are with the Terrorists" Bush proclaimed about dissent.

Now, the chickens have come home to roost. And what do conservatives do? Apologize?


They cheer the bad guys and blame Liberals.


Bush indeed left a mess, two illegal wars in particular.

speaking of liars....
I don't feel like digging for the post

but the idea that sallow thinks the gop wants to install a theocracy is shared by one other poster on usmb.

that poster?


let that sink in
I know EXACTLY what installed means. Apparently it's you that's having trouble with linguistics.

He's having trouble with the scientific study of language?


And apparently his inability to back up his claim is just a matter of the scientific study of language. We agreed on the definition, he just couldn't back up his claim...

Yes your definition of install doesn't include governments.

Mine does.

If one country interferes with another country's electoral process, engages in covert operations to get the result they want with the people they want ruling in the target government?

I call that installing a government, you know, for short.

You don't.

Maybe you can enlighten us all on what term you would use.

Oh by the way? After installation? I like to refer to that government as a "puppet"..or a client state. can give me your preferred terms on those.

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