child '''accidentally'' shoots mom with shotgun !!

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I tried it and linked another
If those other children under 4 years old had been armed, they could have stopped this shooting. The only way to stop a bad toddler with a gun is a good toddler with a gun.
Are you still looking for reasons to take guns away from people who are responsible owners?
are you talking to me??
STFU if you are--dumbshit
I also put out a thread on a cop ''accidentally'' shooting another cop
no--it isn't what the thread is about --or the other one
it's about humans being stupid

..but now that YOU mention it, a lot of ''responsible''' legal gun owners do this shit also--and other shit
no---this isn't a pro- or anti- gun thread
You know what I do when relatives are bringing kids over? I unload/disable all the guns. :eek:
....when I took my WW2 pistol, that had no mag in it and I have no rounds for it ,over to show it off, I placed wire into the chamber sticking out
Are you still looking for reasons to take guns away from people who are responsible owners?
are you talking to me??
STFU if you are--dumbshit
I also put out a thread on a cop ''accidentally'' shooting another cop
no--it isn't what the thread is about --or the other one
it's about humans being stupid

..but now that YOU mention it, a lot of ''responsible''' legal gun owners do this shit also--and other shit
no---this isn't a pro- or anti- gun thread
Should we also ban alcohol because of the deaths it causes?
You know what I do when relatives are bringing kids over? I unload/disable all the guns. :eek:

Also put them up.

That sucks. The wife and I are sorta "anti-social", and have no visiting relatives or kids.

So there are loaded guns within a couple steps in every room of the house.

That reminds me of a story my Grandmother told me:

My dad and mom lived in a cabin in Arkansas, after they first got married. My dad for some reason kept a loaded shotgun leaned up against one of the interior doors.

One day they were having and argument. My mom slammed the door and the shotgun fell over and discharged. It didn't hit anyone but they continued to argue.

My dad quietly went in the other room, retrieved another shotgun, and leaned one on both sides of the door. The argument then stopped.

Hey, it was Arkansas, back in the 50's. What can I say?
Every gun owner should start teaching their kids about gun safety at a young age.

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