child beaten to death because he acted gay

Clearly the mother is a nut case if the prosecution is correct but on the other hand how many victims of homosexual predators have their lives ruined or commit suicide because the radical left protects these people?
Tigard, Oregon | News, Photos, Resources and More -
An 8-year-old girl came to court Thursday to tell Washington County jurors that her mother, Jessica Dutro, used to give her and her brothers “lickins” when they were bad.

The girl was 7 years old when her 4-year-old brother, Zachary Dutro-Boggess, died from injuries related to a beating.

Wearing a pink t-shirt and jeans, the girl answered attorneys’ questions from the witness stand during her mother’s murder trial. Dutro, 25, is charged with murder, murder by abuse and second-degree assault in Zachary’s August 2012 death.

Brian Canady, Dutro’s 24-year-old boyfriend, pleaded guilty earlier this month to first-degree manslaughter for his abuse of the child.

Prosecutors say both defendants abused Dutro’s three children and neglected to seek medical attention for Zachary until it was too late. The couple together had an infant son, who was not diagnosed with abuse.

Zachary, Dutro’s second child, was taken to a hospital Aug. 14, 2012, with tears in his bowel from a blow to his abdomen. Doctors kept him alive for two more days before he was taken off life support.

Zachary’s older sister told investigators that “Jessica and Brian” beat Zachary until he was sick. They knew he wasn't doing well, but they didn’t tell anyone, she said.

She also reported that she and her two preschool-aged brothers were put in timeout for long stretches. They were forced to “face the wall” with their hands in the air. If their arms dropped, she said, Dutro or Canady would hit them.

More at the link.

Why does scum like this always have to reproduce BEFORE they're caught being crazy?
Clearly the mother is a nut case if the prosecution is correct but on the other hand how many victims of homosexual predators have their lives ruined or commit suicide because the radical left protects these people?

The left protects the good ones. It's the right that doesn't differentiate.

There are no "good" pedophiles. The left attacked the Boy Scouts of America simply because they won the right to discriminate against hiring overt homosexuals to supervise young boys. Even the low information left has to be aware of the basic undisputed fact that homosexual men are attracted to young boys so it follows that the radical left is more concerned about the rights of persons who are attracted to young boys than the safety of young boys.
Clearly the mother is a nut case if the prosecution is correct but on the other hand how many victims of homosexual predators have their lives ruined or commit suicide because the radical left protects these people?

The left protects the good ones. It's the right that doesn't differentiate.

There are no "good" pedophiles. The left attacked the Boy Scouts of America simply because they won the right to discriminate against hiring overt homosexuals to supervise young boys. Even the low information left has to be aware of the basic undisputed fact that homosexual men are attracted to young boys so it follows that the radical left is more concerned about the rights of persons who are attracted to young boys than the safety of young boys.

Of course you think all gay and lesbian people are pedophiles. Good for you.
Clearly the mother is a nut case if the prosecution is correct but on the other hand how many victims of homosexual predators have their lives ruined or commit suicide because the radical left protects these people?

Really, you havr to make this partisan by doing this? You fucking worthless troll of a human.
The left protects the good ones. It's the right that doesn't differentiate.

There are no "good" pedophiles. The left attacked the Boy Scouts of America simply because they won the right to discriminate against hiring overt homosexuals to supervise young boys. Even the low information left has to be aware of the basic undisputed fact that homosexual men are attracted to young boys so it follows that the radical left is more concerned about the rights of persons who are attracted to young boys than the safety of young boys.

Of course you think all gay and lesbian people are pedophiles. Good for you.

My post clearly stated homosexual predators. About 98% of pedophiles are male so you can exclude lesbians from the equation. I say again, the radical left treated the BSA as an enemy because they won the right to discriminate against hiring persons who were attracted to young boys to supervise young boys. It's clear that the radical left cares more about the employment opportunities for homosexuals than the mental and physical health of young boys. It would be politically healthy for the left to admit that male homosexuals should not be put in positions of authority over young boys.
Jessica Dutro murder trial: Motive for Tigard killing was 4-year-old's perceived homosexuality, prosecutors say |

Put these animals on their knees and put a bullet in their heads..seriously this is the extreme version of when people call something abnormal.

Nice excuse by defense. Watch every killing by a mother or father now will be *cough* based on this . Okay every was over the top. :)

ETA:And I should have added this. Was posting on the fly. It's used on both sides in the courtroom. And it's a disgusting excuse no matter which side uses it.

Two cases come to mind. Larry King who was killed because he was gay and the defense of the killer claimed the kid was sexually harassing the kid who killed Larry. And this recent one where there are serious rumors that the father felt he had the right to kill his daughter and her lesbian lover because it's against his religion.
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Jessica Dutro murder trial: Motive for Tigard killing was 4-year-old's perceived homosexuality, prosecutors say |

Put these animals on their knees and put a bullet in their heads..seriously this is the extreme version of when people call something abnormal.

Funny, my first thought was that the mother was bat shit crazy. Turns out that she beat her other kids, even though they weren't "born gay." Maybe the idiots should stop pretending that science says something it doesn't, then you wouldn't be able to blame the people that understand science for the acts of a bat shit crazy nut bag.
There is much more going on here than simply believing the child was gay.

I couldn't be less surprised to see you write that :cool:

Why did she beat the other kids? Were they making the 4 year old gay?

I have no idea. Beating someone up simply for perceiving their behavior as gay is definitely a sign of severe mental disorder. Who knows what the lunatic woman was beating her other kids for?

Her and her loathsome husband will have a lot of time to think about that behind bars.

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