child beaten to death because he acted gay

Maybe he was wearing a shirt like this?

Well she killed the gay boy. The other kids are still alive to testify. Even a dumbass con who still says 'moonbat' should be able to see that. :cuckoo:

Well we can prove it because we have her own words.
Furthermore it's not the kid was gay, it was because he was acting gay.

The only thing we know is that a child is dead, and that the government claims the mother did it because he acted gay.

No you Moron. We have the mothers actual words to go off. Seriously just go away before you hurt yourself trying to think.
Her son was going to be gay, she wrote, using a slur. “He walks and talks like it. Ugh.”

Canady would have to “work on” Zachary, she wrote.

Seriously their is no angle Here for you to work an argument. There is no piece you can pick out to troll with. Now go away
I like to imagine a different outcome if that child had access to a psychologist who would learn that s/he was molested by a same sexed perp. Then the parents could have been educated about the behavioral issue and appropriate therapy would have saved them all.

But no, the falsehood that "gays are born that way" will be the persistent myth and because of that a wicked and ignorant backlash like this is bound to occur. Ignorance is the real enemy here. And the church of LGBT perpetuating their myth is partly to blame.

I'd like to imagine you being sucked into a sinkhole where you are never found.sadly though the world has to deal with you.
I like to imagine a different outcome if that child had access to a psychologist who would learn that s/he was molested by a same sexed perp. Then the parents could have been educated about the behavioral issue and appropriate therapy would have saved them all.

But no, the falsehood that "gays are born that way" will be the persistent myth and because of that a wicked and ignorant backlash like this is bound to occur. Ignorance is the real enemy here. And the church of LGBT perpetuating their myth is partly to blame.

I'd like to imagine you being sucked into a sinkhole where you are never found.sadly though the world has to deal with you.

Gee, that's not an ad hominem at all. Talk to the points I made. Such a tragedy that someone is citing prestigious institutions that supports a stance opposing the cult of LGBT. Yes, information is such a bummer.

If that family had been educated about the massive prevalence of molestation involved in "gay people" when they were children, they might have taken the child at the first warning signs [4 year olds expressing sexual obsession or themes are hugely suspect of having been molested...according to all the literature] to a psychologist and discovered why s/he was really "identifying as gay".

Instead the ignorance of the myth that "gays are born that way" has instigated another ignorant "conclusion" which resulted in this tragedy.

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...
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I like to imagine a different outcome if that child had access to a psychologist who would learn that s/he was molested by a same sexed perp. Then the parents could have been educated about the behavioral issue and appropriate therapy would have saved them all.

But no, the falsehood that "gays are born that way" will be the persistent myth and because of that a wicked and ignorant backlash like this is bound to occur. Ignorance is the real enemy here. And the church of LGBT perpetuating their myth is partly to blame.

I'd like to imagine you being sucked into a sinkhole where you are never found.sadly though the world has to deal with you.

Gee, that's not an ad hominem at all. Talk to the points I made. Such a tragedy that someone is citing prestigious institutions that supports a stance opposing the cult of LGBT. Yes, information is such a bummer.

If that family had been educated about the massive prevalence of molestation involved in "gay people" when they were children, they might have taken the child at the first warning signs [4 year olds expressing sexual obsession or themes are hugely suspect of having been molested...according to all the literature] to a psychologist and discovered why s/he was really "identifying as gay".

Instead the ignorance of the myth that "gays are born that way" has instigated another ignorant "conclusion" which resulted in this tragedy.

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

A sinkhole on fire...
Do you think that if that family had the knowledge that a 4 year old talking about a sexual fixation/orientation meant s/he had most probably been molested, and that they had received counseling would have made the difference in this tragedy?

The myth that gays are "born that way" comes with a price. Ignorance holds a kangaroo court. Information in contrast leads to healing.
Well we can prove it because we have her own words.
Furthermore it's not the kid was gay, it was because he was acting gay.

The only thing we know is that a child is dead, and that the government claims the mother did it because he acted gay.

No you Moron. We have the mothers actual words to go off. Seriously just go away before you hurt yourself trying to think.
Her son was going to be gay, she wrote, using a slur. “He walks and talks like it. Ugh.”

Canady would have to “work on” Zachary, she wrote.
Seriously their is no angle Here for you to work an argument. There is no piece you can pick out to troll with. Now go away

Then, once again, why did she beat the other two children? Were they gay too? If not, she didn't beat the one that died because he was gay, she beat them because she is batshit crazy.

The difference between us is I would say the same thing if she has said "Ugh, he is going to be a Republican." You, opn the other hand, would be arguing with the people who insist that he is the perfect example of why liberals shouldn't be allowed to raise children.
The only thing we know is that a child is dead, and that the government claims the mother did it because he acted gay.

No you Moron. We have the mothers actual words to go off. Seriously just go away before you hurt yourself trying to think.
Her son was going to be gay, she wrote, using a slur. “He walks and talks like it. Ugh.”

Canady would have to “work on” Zachary, she wrote.
Seriously their is no angle Here for you to work an argument. There is no piece you can pick out to troll with. Now go away

Then, once again, why did she beat the other two children? Were they gay too? If not, she didn't beat the one that died because he was gay, she beat them because she is batshit crazy.

The difference between us is I would say the same thing if she has said "Ugh, he is going to be a Republican." You, opn the other hand, would be arguing with the people who insist that he is the perfect example of why liberals shouldn't be allowed to raise children.

she beat them because she was an asshole. She had the 4 year old killed because he was acting gay. Its very clear cut. We have her words in the Facebook emails.

Seriously you have no point here outside of trolling
No you Moron. We have the mothers actual words to go off. Seriously just go away before you hurt yourself trying to think.
Seriously their is no angle Here for you to work an argument. There is no piece you can pick out to troll with. Now go away

Then, once again, why did she beat the other two children? Were they gay too? If not, she didn't beat the one that died because he was gay, she beat them because she is batshit crazy.

The difference between us is I would say the same thing if she has said "Ugh, he is going to be a Republican." You, opn the other hand, would be arguing with the people who insist that he is the perfect example of why liberals shouldn't be allowed to raise children.

she beat them because she was an asshole. She had the 4 year old killed because he was acting gay. Its very clear cut. We have her words in the Facebook emails.

Seriously you have no point here outside of trolling

She had the 4 year old kid killed? That is the first I have heard of that, did you call up the prosecutor and inform him that you have evidence of conspiracy to commit murder?
Wish someone would beat the shit out of this mother.. IF the reason she did this is because he is gay then give him to a family that would love him no matter what his sexual orientation is.. But , I feel there is more then her thinking he was gay. I feel she would have probably abused him no matter what and she just used this as an excuse
But , I feel there is more then her thinking he was gay. I feel she would have probably abused him no matter what and she just used this as an excuse

Any excuse works ...... if you're a vicious, evil cow, interested in causing pain and misery.
As you say, she'd have thought up some other lame excuse if she hadn't used that one.
she beat them because she was an asshole. She had the 4 year old killed because he was acting gay. Its very clear cut. We have her words in the Facebook emails.

Seriously you have no point here outside of trolling

I repeat, if that person knew about child molestation and 4 year olds acting out sexually [including openly identifying as a "gay" at age 4; which is completely inappropriate for that formative year] that person would not have through ignorance done what she did. Instead, she would have had access and sense to bring that child to counselling to discover why such a young child was "acting out" sexually.

In such cases the answer is almost always because they were being molested. She should have knowledge of that. Any of us should know that if a young child is discussing sexuality or identifying as a certain sexual orientation at such a young age, they should immediately see a counselor to ferret out if an adult is creeping on them. That's the first sign child psychologists and law enforcement look for in molestation cases.

If everyone knew that, this crime wouldn't have happened..
As a child psychologist and family therapist....I thoroughly agree that one of us should have been consulted in this case...but a parent so deviant as to beat a child to death ...would not be likely to do so.
(By the way...I am often consulted by Child Protective Services in cases of young kids reporting sexual or gender identity related issues...sometimes it does indeed point to abuse...Other times it is revealed to be the consequence of a child viewing material involving sex or hearing about sexuality...)

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As a child psychologist and family therapist....I thoroughly agree that one of us should have been consulted in this case...but a parent so deviant as to beat a child to death ...would not be likely to do so.
(By the way...I am often consulted by Child Protective Services in cases of young kids reporting sexual or gender identity related issues...sometimes it does indeed point to abuse...Other times it is revealed to be the consequence of a child viewing material involving sex or hearing about sexuality...)

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Yes, but imagine if that parent had been schooled herself since early childhood that any sexualized behavior in young children = extremely high probability that child had been molested: the warning signs we all should be well versed in to protect this outcome might have been different. Even if she had other issues, perhaps her first instinct would not have been to "beat the gay out of the child" but instead to take that child to a specialist at school or something to use words to "beat the gay out of the child"? At least the child would be alive even if her motive was skewed.

People make ignorant mistakes and react ignorantly when they are ignorant. Educate them and see if it doesn't make a difference.

This goes for ANY of you reading this right now. If a child is identifying in any way in a sexualized manner before the age of say 11 when their hormones start to surge, be IMMEDIATELY suspicious that that child has been "tampered with".

Where is the openly gay education czar Kevin Jennings on this well-known phenomenon? Oh, he's too busy teaching gay-fisting techniques and how to swallow cum to not be 'rude' to kids in schools... Probably just after Harvey Milk Day exercises are over..

Not kidding:

The Obama administration is stonewalling serious inquiries about sexual filth propagated by a senior presidential appointee who is responsible for promoting and implementing federal education policy. Democrats clearly are terrified of ruffling the feathers of their activist homosexual supporters, who are an influential part of the Democratic party’s base. This scandal, however, is not merely about homosexual behavior; it is about promoting sex between children and adults - and it’s time for President Obama to make clear that abetting such illegal perversion has no place in his administration.

It is curious why White House officials and Education Secretary Arne Duncan believe it’s worth it politically to continue taking arrows for defending Kevin Jennings, who is Mr. Obama’s controversial “safe schools czar.” The evidence suggesting he is unfit to serve as a senior presidential appointee is startling and plentiful. It was revealed this week that Mr. Jennings was involved in promoting a reading list for children 13 years old or older that made the most explicit sex between children and adults seem normal and acceptable. This brought up anew Mr. Jennings’ past controversies, such as his seeming encouragement of sex between one of his high school students and a much older man as well as his praise for Harry Hay, a notorious supporter of the North American Man Boy Love Association.

But there is more. There are shocking new revelations this week of tape recordings from a youth conference involving 14-year-old students. The conference, billed as a forum to encourage tolerance of homosexuality, was sponsored by Mr. Jennings’ organization and was held at Tufts University in March 2000. Mr. Jennings was executive director of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) from its founding in 1995 until August 2008. The conference sessions appear to have had less to do with promoting tolerance and more to do with teaching children how to engage in sex....

...The conference discussions were very graphic and cannot be relayed in full detail in a family newspaper. A few examples are sufficient to describe the depravity of the subject matter. During one session about oral sex, a presenter asked the 14-year-old students: “Spit or swallow? Is it rude?” In another session, the 14-year-olds are taught about a gross practice called “fisting,” in which “the man leading the discussion position[ed] his hand and show[ed] 14-year-olds how to insert their entire hand into the rectum of their sex partnerEDITORIAL: Obama's risky-sex czar - Washington Times

Less emphasis on the above curriculum and more emphasis on teaching the warning signs of inappropriate sexualizing of children might be the best course to keep things like this tragedy from happening...
As a child psychologist and family therapist....I thoroughly agree that one of us should have been consulted in this case...but a parent so deviant as to beat a child to death ...would not be likely to do so.
(By the way...I am often consulted by Child Protective Services in cases of young kids reporting sexual or gender identity related issues...sometimes it does indeed point to abuse...Other times it is revealed to be the consequence of a child viewing material involving sex or hearing about sexuality...)

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People that are trained to find gender identity problems actually find them? Why the fuck am I not surprised?

Tell me something, as a child psychologist and family therapist, did yo learn about all the false allegations of sexual assault that came out of the 1980s hysterical belief in a nationwide ring of child sex predators that used daycare to groom victims? Given how stupid that scare looks, is it remotely possible that in, say 40 or 50 years, people are going to look back on the current trend of identifying children with gender identity issues with the same level of scorn we currently look back on the actions of social services, police and child psychologist of that era?
Ah...ur living proof that "ignorance is bliss" only for the ignorant...If u read my post carefully, u would see that I also debunk false suspicions and claims of child well as help ensure that abuse is stopped when it can be substantiated.

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