Child Rapist Surge Into the US


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
It looks like a lot more than illegal government dependence are coming across the border. I guess we should have known the nation would fill with pedophiles when Joe's first act was putting ones like Joe out for a cheap sniff back in girl's restrooms. If I found a man in my daughter's rest room I would leave him a bloody pulp face down in a stall. democRats would want to join him.
I 'spose, as long as they're here legally that'll make it all better-
It looks like a lot more than illegal government dependence are coming across the border. I guess we should have known the nation would fill with pedophiles when Joe's first act was putting ones like Joe out for a cheap sniff back in girl's restrooms. If I found a man in my daughter's rest room I would leave him a bloody pulp face down in a stall. democRats would want to join him.

What are you proposing we do in Atlanta? 4,000 underaged girls are trafficked here every day.. Lots of businessmen come to Atlanta.
It looks like a lot more than illegal government dependence are coming across the border. I guess we should have known the nation would fill with pedophiles when Joe's first act was putting ones like Joe out for a cheap sniff back in girl's restrooms. If I found a man in my daughter's rest room I would leave him a bloody pulp face down in a stall. democRats would want to join him.
....the Latin American countries lead in serial killers/child killers/etc per numbers's not much better than Africa or else they would not want to come to the US
12 is legal in Mexico
The Age of Consent in Mexico is 17 years old. The age of consent is the minimum age at which an individual is considered legally old enough to consent to participation in sexual activity. Individuals aged 16 or younger in Mexico are not legally able to consent to sexual activity, and such activity may result in prosecution for statutory rape or the equivalent local law.

Lying, racist piece of shit.

Though in some states you can get married at 12-13.

What are you proposing we do in Atlanta? 4,000 underaged girls are trafficked here every day.. Lots of businessmen come to Atlanta.
Statistics show that African-American men are overwhelmingly the individuals that kidnap and traffic the majority of America’s sex trafficking victims. However, these traffickers are marketing and selling the services of their victims to a largely white, affluent base

It looks like a lot more than illegal government dependence are coming across the border. I guess we should have known the nation would fill with pedophiles when Joe's first act was putting ones like Joe out for a cheap sniff back in girl's restrooms. If I found a man in my daughter's rest room I would leave him a bloody pulp face down in a stall. democRats would want to join him.
Democrats are a large-tent party. Obviously, there is room for illegal alien kiddie fiddlers and not just their snowflake supporters.

What are you proposing we do in Atlanta? 4,000 underaged girls are trafficked here every day.. Lots of businessmen come to Atlanta.
Statistics show that African-American men are overwhelmingly the individuals that kidnap and traffic the majority of America’s sex trafficking victims. However, these traffickers are marketing and selling the services of their victims to a largely white, affluent base

I am speaking strictly of girls under 16.. It leaves a legal loophole for the pimps.

The "businessmen" coming thru Hartsville-Jackson are almost all white.
It looks like a lot more than illegal government dependence are coming across the border. I guess we should have known the nation would fill with pedophiles when Joe's first act was putting ones like Joe out for a cheap sniff back in girl's restrooms. If I found a man in my daughter's rest room I would leave him a bloody pulp face down in a stall. democRats would want to join him.
Democrats are a large-tent party. Obviously, there is room for illegal alien kiddie fiddlers and not just their snowflake supporters.

Illegal aliens can't vote.. Did you fail civics?
It looks like a lot more than illegal government dependence are coming across the border. I guess we should have known the nation would fill with pedophiles when Joe's first act was putting ones like Joe out for a cheap sniff back in girl's restrooms. If I found a man in my daughter's rest room I would leave him a bloody pulp face down in a stall. democRats would want to join him.
Democrats are a large-tent party. Obviously, there is room for illegal alien kiddie fiddlers and not just their snowflake supporters.

Illegal aliens can't vote.. Did you fail civics?
Yeah, right. Neither can women, blacks, ex-cons and so on. That's so 20th century.
Rape is a form of courtship in Hispanic countries
What are you talking about you racist idiot?

Also see this:

Mexican officials have long tolerated arranged marriages, Garcia concedes, adding that he doesn't know of any cases of prosecutions. But he says he will also propose to amend a "Treatment of People" law to include an article that makes bride-selling a criminal act. Such action is opposed by many who see indigenous traditions as a virtue of Mexico's cultural diversity. Demonizing arranged marriages is the latest portrayal of Indians as savages that has continued during five centuries since the Spanish conquest, says Ximena Avellaneda of the Rosario Castellanos Women House. "Why do Americans attack an arranged marriage between Triquis and say nothing about million-dollar marriage contracts between Hollywood stars?" she says. "Relationships between teenagers are also common in many communities, not just among indigenous people."

Back in the Triqui village, leaders lay no blame on U.S. authorities. But they excoriate the accused for going to the police. "This man must have had little experience in the United States and must really not understand the way it works there," Garcia says, shaking his head and showing a look of disbelief. "You just do not get the American police involved in a case like this."

They claim it's age 14, but we know they will sell their daughters at nearly any age for a buck, and do; they're selling their babies to cartel vermin to pose as 'parents' when illegally immigrating to the U.S. to vote as Democrats in 2022.

The narcos run the country, and they're subsidized by all the 'progressive' dopers who have been pouring money into their pockets for decades.

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It looks like a lot more than illegal government dependence are coming across the border. I guess we should have known the nation would fill with pedophiles when Joe's first act was putting ones like Joe out for a cheap sniff back in girl's restrooms. If I found a man in my daughter's rest room I would leave him a bloody pulp face down in a stall. democRats would want to join him.

What are you proposing we do in Atlanta? 4,000 underaged girls are trafficked here every day.. Lots of businessmen come to Atlanta.

Par for the course in the blue shitholes. You people want it that way, though. Otherwise, you'd do something about it.

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