Childish Leftist Ideas - A RANT

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I read a story today about an idiot plan to reduce global warming by building a huge curtain in space to shield earth from the sun. I forget where I read it, but this link essentially lays out the idea. A Sun Shield over Earth? Catch an Asteroid, and It Might Work.

What kind of horse shit is THIS?!? Build a curtain in space?!? Who thought of this? Wile E. Coyote? Jesus Christ!! A while back I read a story where the greenies wanted to launch a bunch of particles into orbit around the earth to block out the sun. This is the type of bullshit children dream up! Were these "scientists" watching the Simpsons Movie and a light bulb went off over their heads?

Then there is the "defund the police" movement. A handful of unarmed blacks get caught doing shit they should not be doing, resist arrest, then get whacked. Even if the killings are unjustified, and many times they are, getting rid of the police altogether and replacing them with social workers is another example of something a 5 year old would dream up as a remedy.

I ask you, if we conclude that having too many people in prisons is a problem, then what is a reasonable solution? It took us a long time to get to this point, so obviously the problem will not be fixed overnight. The simplest, more child-like answer to prison overpopulation? Get rid of prisons!! The first tragic element is that an adult would come up with such an asinine fix. Prisons are necessary in order to segregate dangerous criminals from the general population, and to punish them for contravening our laws (which is inconsistent with our notion of civilization). The second tragic element of this is that there's a lot of people who think that getting rid of prisons is a good idea. IDIOTS!!

Clearly, the more rational and mature way to address this problem is to reduce crime. How do we do that? One way is to make convicts pay a much dire price for breaking the law in order to deter them. The left assumes that everyone is dumb. They are not. They are not smart, but they have certain animalistic baseline of intelligence with which they can learn simple things. Start putting criminals in "the hole", or subject them to other unpleasantries, and they will decide whether committing the crime is worth it or not. Second, reform the familial structures of the groups that are committing the most crimes. Penalize having children out of wedlock. Penalize dead beat dads in a meaningful and effective way. Yes, it is true that being with, say, an abusive spouse, is not a good thing for a child. But we cannot allow exceptions to dictate our behavior. The general rule is that you should only have children if you are going to support, nurture, and raise that child to be a good citizen. Nobody gives a shit about this anymore.

My point here is that there are ways to address things that do not involve the simplest, most asinine ideas. Obviously, we should not be defunding police, abolishing prisons, or letting violent offenders out of jail without bail. These ideas are brutally stupid and show a shocking lack of maturity.

Masking is another example of this. I get strongly suggesting that you mask up in the face of a new and rather unknown contagion. However, once it becomes clear that this makes no difference, then stop it. I still see people everyday wearing those stupid masks. Moreover, I see people today wearing the paper-thin masks and wearing them incorrectly (their noses hanging out) even though it has been well publicized that they are useless. This is another leftist idea from the "public health" officials (who tend to lean to the left). It is childish - "I don't want to breath in a virus, so I is gonna put a piece of paper over my mouth. DeRp!"

Electric cars. Some conclude that automobile emissions are contributing largely to "man-made climate change". What is their solution? Get rid of cars with combustion engines. What?!?!? Are you F-ing serious?!?! Hell, get rid of oil and gasoline altogether!! Does it bother these leftists that the creation of these cars and all the energy needed to charge them will cause as much, or more, of a carbon footprint than having gasoline powered cars?!? Of course not. Why? Because their minds are operating on the level of children.

Perhaps this is to be expected. People do not like to use their brains. It is a lot simpler for them just to accept something as fact than to have to critically analyze the matter. "It is what science says!!" "Follow the science!!!" "You are a science DENIER" if you do not accept what you are told without question!!! Maybe the childish behavior is more the result of laziness than stupidity?

Here is a real doozy. Here you are, a pretty and sweet young lass. You have your entire future ahead of you!! You are a "badass" woman!! But then - UH OH!! - you forgot to take your birth control pill and got knocked up!!! What in the world shall you do? Carry the child to term then (1) put him/her up for adoption, (2) reconcile your life to the reality of being a mother? FUCK NO!!! KILL THAT MOTHERFUCKER!!!! Rip it right out of there so you can go out into the world and become the first woman president of ... the fucking UNIVERSE!! Or a hairdresser, or retail worker ...

All of these are examples of childish thinking. Someone once said to beware of the simple solution. But people today, primarily those influenced by leftist ideology, morality, and ethics, almost always, without fail, gravitate toward the simple solutions, just like children.

Student loan debt. Should you give some thought to earning a living down the road and being able to repay your education loan BEFORE you become indebted? NAW!! FUCK THAT!!!! It will just work itself out!! Then reality sets in an you realize that your $25,000.00 salary does not afford you enough income to live and pay $500.00/mo. to pay off your $150,000.00 student loan debt you incurred to get your bachelor's degree in "women's studies". What do you do? Do you buckle down and pay it? Perhaps you put off having a family until you can get your debt under control? Do you learn a more profitable skill or trade so you can correct your past mistake and pay your loan off? Hmmmm... What would a 5 year old child say? How would this child remedy this problem? He or she would have the solution in a millisecond: WIPE OUT YOUR STUDENT LOAN DEBT ALTOGETHER!!! Make it magically DISAPPEAR!!! Hell, MAKE EDUCATION FREE!!!! Except, it is not free. Somebody has to pay for it. But don't you let that fact burden you, child! You wuz a victim of them bad baby boomers who dun messed up the eKonomY!

People have no balls today. Nobody wants to take responsibility for their own action. Nobody wants to put in the time and work to reach real solutions to real problems. They want a simple solution that requires little to no brain power so they can stay on TicToc watching mindless videos of of idiots eating laundry detergent. It is simpler to blame someone else for the woes that befall you in life rather than addressing them in any meaningful way.

It is no wonder that the herd today, the Gen X/Y things, are such easy marks for neo-Marxist leftists. They are dumber than shit and lazy as hell. Socialism sounds so peach keen to them. It is simple for them to understand. Forget about the administration of such a system, and how it is utterly inhumane in practice. Don't worry about the decades of evidence of this. "It just hasn't been done right yet!", you claim. Once it is done "right" it will be all unicorns and rainbows!! BULLSHIT!!!

Magical thinking will get you nowhere in life. You cannot waive a magic wand and just get your way. That is not how life works. God help us all if our society does not grow the fuck up and mature into adults. I have read, and I am sure you have too, articles about classes people can take on how to be an adult. It is pathetic that we have to have such things. Parents have the responsibility to teach this to their children. But in today's world, maybe we need more of this. Narcissistic parents have turned over their parenting responsibilities to government schools, corrupt leftist universities, TV, and the internet, all of which are full of childish nonsense, Marxists, deviancy and depravity, and little of any redeeming quality whatsoever.
I read a story today about an idiot plan to reduce global warming by building a huge curtain in space to shield earth from the sun. I forget where I read it, but this link essentially lays out the idea. A Sun Shield over Earth? Catch an Asteroid, and It Might Work.

What kind of horse shit is THIS?!? Build a curtain in space?!? Who thought of this? Wile E. Coyote? Jesus Christ!! A while back I read a story where the greenies wanted to launch a bunch of particles into orbit around the earth to block out the sun. This is the type of bullshit children dream up! Were these "scientists" watching the Simpsons Movie and a light bulb went off over their heads?

Then there is the "defund the police" movement. A handful of unarmed blacks get caught doing shit they should not be doing, resist arrest, then get whacked. Even if the killings are unjustified, and many times they are, getting rid of the police altogether and replacing them with social workers is another example of something a 5 year old would dream up as a remedy.

I ask you, if we conclude that having too many people in prisons is a problem, then what is a reasonable solution? It took us a long time to get to this point, so obviously the problem will not be fixed overnight. The simplest, more child-like answer to prison overpopulation? Get rid of prisons!! The first tragic element is that an adult would come up with such an asinine fix. Prisons are necessary in order to segregate dangerous criminals from the general population, and to punish them for contravening our laws (which is inconsistent with our notion of civilization). The second tragic element of this is that there's a lot of people who think that getting rid of prisons is a good idea. IDIOTS!!

Clearly, the more rational and mature way to address this problem is to reduce crime. How do we do that? One way is to make convicts pay a much dire price for breaking the law in order to deter them. The left assumes that everyone is dumb. They are not. They are not smart, but they have certain animalistic baseline of intelligence with which they can learn simple things. Start putting criminals in "the hole", or subject them to other unpleasantries, and they will decide whether committing the crime is worth it or not. Second, reform the familial structures of the groups that are committing the most crimes. Penalize having children out of wedlock. Penalize dead beat dads in a meaningful and effective way. Yes, it is true that being with, say, an abusive spouse, is not a good thing for a child. But we cannot allow exceptions to dictate our behavior. The general rule is that you should only have children if you are going to support, nurture, and raise that child to be a good citizen. Nobody gives a shit about this anymore.

My point here is that there are ways to address things that do not involve the simplest, most asinine ideas. Obviously, we should not be defunding police, abolishing prisons, or letting violent offenders out of jail without bail. These ideas are brutally stupid and show a shocking lack of maturity.

Masking is another example of this. I get strongly suggesting that you mask up in the face of a new and rather unknown contagion. However, once it becomes clear that this makes no difference, then stop it. I still see people everyday wearing those stupid masks. Moreover, I see people today wearing the paper-thin masks and wearing them incorrectly (their noses hanging out) even though it has been well publicized that they are useless. This is another leftist idea from the "public health" officials (who tend to lean to the left). It is childish - "I don't want to breath in a virus, so I is gonna put a piece of paper over my mouth. DeRp!"

Electric cars. Some conclude that automobile emissions are contributing largely to "man-made climate change". What is their solution? Get rid of cars with combustion engines. What?!?!? Are you F-ing serious?!?! Hell, get rid of oil and gasoline altogether!! Does it bother these leftists that the creation of these cars and all the energy needed to charge them will cause as much, or more, of a carbon footprint than having gasoline powered cars?!? Of course not. Why? Because their minds are operating on the level of children.

Perhaps this is to be expected. People do not like to use their brains. It is a lot simpler for them just to accept something as fact than to have to critically analyze the matter. "It is what science says!!" "Follow the science!!!" "You are a science DENIER" if you do not accept what you are told without question!!! Maybe the childish behavior is more the result of laziness than stupidity?

Here is a real doozy. Here you are, a pretty and sweet young lass. You have your entire future ahead of you!! You are a "badass" woman!! But then - UH OH!! - you forgot to take your birth control pill and got knocked up!!! What in the world shall you do? Carry the child to term then (1) put him/her up for adoption, (2) reconcile your life to the reality of being a mother? FUCK NO!!! KILL THAT MOTHERFUCKER!!!! Rip it right out of there so you can go out into the world and become the first woman president of ... the fucking UNIVERSE!! Or a hairdresser, or retail worker ...

All of these are examples of childish thinking. Someone once said to beware of the simple solution. But people today, primarily those influenced by leftist ideology, morality, and ethics, almost always, without fail, gravitate toward the simple solutions, just like children.

Student loan debt. Should you give some thought to earning a living down the road and being able to repay your education loan BEFORE you become indebted? NAW!! FUCK THAT!!!! It will just work itself out!! Then reality sets in an you realize that your $25,000.00 salary does not afford you enough income to live and pay $500.00/mo. to pay off your $150,000.00 student loan debt you incurred to get your bachelor's degree in "women's studies". What do you do? Do you buckle down and pay it? Perhaps you put off having a family until you can get your debt under control? Do you learn a more profitable skill or trade so you can correct your past mistake and pay your loan off? Hmmmm... What would a 5 year old child say? How would this child remedy this problem? He or she would have the solution in a millisecond: WIPE OUT YOUR STUDENT LOAN DEBT ALTOGETHER!!! Make it magically DISAPPEAR!!! Hell, MAKE EDUCATION FREE!!!! Except, it is not free. Somebody has to pay for it. But don't you let that fact burden you, child! You wuz a victim of them bad baby boomers who dun messed up the eKonomY!

People have no balls today. Nobody wants to take responsibility for their own action. Nobody wants to put in the time and work to reach real solutions to real problems. They want a simple solution that requires little to no brain power so they can stay on TicToc watching mindless videos of of idiots eating laundry detergent. It is simpler to blame someone else for the woes that befall you in life rather than addressing them in any meaningful way.

It is no wonder that the herd today, the Gen X/Y things, are such easy marks for neo-Marxist leftists. They are dumber than shit and lazy as hell. Socialism sounds so peach keen to them. It is simple for them to understand. Forget about the administration of such a system, and how it is utterly inhumane in practice. Don't worry about the decades of evidence of this. "It just hasn't been done right yet!", you claim. Once it is done "right" it will be all unicorns and rainbows!! BULLSHIT!!!

Magical thinking will get you nowhere in life. You cannot waive a magic wand and just get your way. That is not how life works. God help us all if our society does not grow the fuck up and mature into adults. I have read, and I am sure you have too, articles about classes people can take on how to be an adult. It is pathetic that we have to have such things. Parents have the responsibility to teach this to their children. But in today's world, maybe we need more of this. Narcissistic parents have turned over their parenting responsibilities to government schools, corrupt leftist universities, TV, and the internet, all of which are full of childish nonsense, Marxists, deviancy and depravity, and little of any redeeming quality whatsoever.
The Left loves darkness and misery, but at least they are consistent.
I read a story today about an idiot plan to reduce global warming by building a huge curtain in space to shield earth from the sun. I forget where I read it, but this link essentially lays out the idea. A Sun Shield over Earth? Catch an Asteroid, and It Might Work.

What kind of horse shit is THIS?!? Build a curtain in space?!? Who thought of this? Wile E. Coyote? Jesus Christ!! A while back I read a story where the greenies wanted to launch a bunch of particles into orbit around the earth to block out the sun. This is the type of bullshit children dream up! Were these "scientists" watching the Simpsons Movie and a light bulb went off over their heads?

Then there is the "defund the police" movement. A handful of unarmed blacks get caught doing shit they should not be doing, resist arrest, then get whacked. Even if the killings are unjustified, and many times they are, getting rid of the police altogether and replacing them with social workers is another example of something a 5 year old would dream up as a remedy.

I ask you, if we conclude that having too many people in prisons is a problem, then what is a reasonable solution? It took us a long time to get to this point, so obviously the problem will not be fixed overnight. The simplest, more child-like answer to prison overpopulation? Get rid of prisons!! The first tragic element is that an adult would come up with such an asinine fix. Prisons are necessary in order to segregate dangerous criminals from the general population, and to punish them for contravening our laws (which is inconsistent with our notion of civilization). The second tragic element of this is that there's a lot of people who think that getting rid of prisons is a good idea. IDIOTS!!

Clearly, the more rational and mature way to address this problem is to reduce crime. How do we do that? One way is to make convicts pay a much dire price for breaking the law in order to deter them. The left assumes that everyone is dumb. They are not. They are not smart, but they have certain animalistic baseline of intelligence with which they can learn simple things. Start putting criminals in "the hole", or subject them to other unpleasantries, and they will decide whether committing the crime is worth it or not. Second, reform the familial structures of the groups that are committing the most crimes. Penalize having children out of wedlock. Penalize dead beat dads in a meaningful and effective way. Yes, it is true that being with, say, an abusive spouse, is not a good thing for a child. But we cannot allow exceptions to dictate our behavior. The general rule is that you should only have children if you are going to support, nurture, and raise that child to be a good citizen. Nobody gives a shit about this anymore.

My point here is that there are ways to address things that do not involve the simplest, most asinine ideas. Obviously, we should not be defunding police, abolishing prisons, or letting violent offenders out of jail without bail. These ideas are brutally stupid and show a shocking lack of maturity.

Masking is another example of this. I get strongly suggesting that you mask up in the face of a new and rather unknown contagion. However, once it becomes clear that this makes no difference, then stop it. I still see people everyday wearing those stupid masks. Moreover, I see people today wearing the paper-thin masks and wearing them incorrectly (their noses hanging out) even though it has been well publicized that they are useless. This is another leftist idea from the "public health" officials (who tend to lean to the left). It is childish - "I don't want to breath in a virus, so I is gonna put a piece of paper over my mouth. DeRp!"

Electric cars. Some conclude that automobile emissions are contributing largely to "man-made climate change". What is their solution? Get rid of cars with combustion engines. What?!?!? Are you F-ing serious?!?! Hell, get rid of oil and gasoline altogether!! Does it bother these leftists that the creation of these cars and all the energy needed to charge them will cause as much, or more, of a carbon footprint than having gasoline powered cars?!? Of course not. Why? Because their minds are operating on the level of children.

Perhaps this is to be expected. People do not like to use their brains. It is a lot simpler for them just to accept something as fact than to have to critically analyze the matter. "It is what science says!!" "Follow the science!!!" "You are a science DENIER" if you do not accept what you are told without question!!! Maybe the childish behavior is more the result of laziness than stupidity?

Here is a real doozy. Here you are, a pretty and sweet young lass. You have your entire future ahead of you!! You are a "badass" woman!! But then - UH OH!! - you forgot to take your birth control pill and got knocked up!!! What in the world shall you do? Carry the child to term then (1) put him/her up for adoption, (2) reconcile your life to the reality of being a mother? FUCK NO!!! KILL THAT MOTHERFUCKER!!!! Rip it right out of there so you can go out into the world and become the first woman president of ... the fucking UNIVERSE!! Or a hairdresser, or retail worker ...

All of these are examples of childish thinking. Someone once said to beware of the simple solution. But people today, primarily those influenced by leftist ideology, morality, and ethics, almost always, without fail, gravitate toward the simple solutions, just like children.

Student loan debt. Should you give some thought to earning a living down the road and being able to repay your education loan BEFORE you become indebted? NAW!! FUCK THAT!!!! It will just work itself out!! Then reality sets in an you realize that your $25,000.00 salary does not afford you enough income to live and pay $500.00/mo. to pay off your $150,000.00 student loan debt you incurred to get your bachelor's degree in "women's studies". What do you do? Do you buckle down and pay it? Perhaps you put off having a family until you can get your debt under control? Do you learn a more profitable skill or trade so you can correct your past mistake and pay your loan off? Hmmmm... What would a 5 year old child say? How would this child remedy this problem? He or she would have the solution in a millisecond: WIPE OUT YOUR STUDENT LOAN DEBT ALTOGETHER!!! Make it magically DISAPPEAR!!! Hell, MAKE EDUCATION FREE!!!! Except, it is not free. Somebody has to pay for it. But don't you let that fact burden you, child! You wuz a victim of them bad baby boomers who dun messed up the eKonomY!

People have no balls today. Nobody wants to take responsibility for their own action. Nobody wants to put in the time and work to reach real solutions to real problems. They want a simple solution that requires little to no brain power so they can stay on TicToc watching mindless videos of of idiots eating laundry detergent. It is simpler to blame someone else for the woes that befall you in life rather than addressing them in any meaningful way.

It is no wonder that the herd today, the Gen X/Y things, are such easy marks for neo-Marxist leftists. They are dumber than shit and lazy as hell. Socialism sounds so peach keen to them. It is simple for them to understand. Forget about the administration of such a system, and how it is utterly inhumane in practice. Don't worry about the decades of evidence of this. "It just hasn't been done right yet!", you claim. Once it is done "right" it will be all unicorns and rainbows!! BULLSHIT!!!

Magical thinking will get you nowhere in life. You cannot waive a magic wand and just get your way. That is not how life works. God help us all if our society does not grow the fuck up and mature into adults. I have read, and I am sure you have too, articles about classes people can take on how to be an adult. It is pathetic that we have to have such things. Parents have the responsibility to teach this to their children. But in today's world, maybe we need more of this. Narcissistic parents have turned over their parenting responsibilities to government schools, corrupt leftist universities, TV, and the internet, all of which are full of childish nonsense, Marxists, deviancy and depravity, and little of any redeeming quality whatsoever.
Tl:dr, but I assume that Stumpy is telling us how much he hates Democrats again.
Tl:dr, but I assume that Stumpy is telling us how much he hates Democrats again.
Thanks , I thought about reading the book but it appears to be the same book that was posted yesterday that I didn't read but I thought about reading it.
Ok, so you're a day drinker. No wonder you're here at all hours.
You should have to pay rent to USMB because you are here so much. Now pop that cap and do what you were meant to do, cocksucker!
Thanks , I thought about reading the book but it appears to be the same book that was posted yesterday that I didn't read but I thought about reading it.
Good. I am glad you did not burden yourself with reading more than a paragraph when you could be watching children eating laundry detergent on TicToc. 🙄

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