Children are starving to death in Syria

Children are starving to death in Syria
Do not go to link if you find this too disturbing, but for god's sake what the hell is going on, and what will it take to stop the dying?

Besieged Syrians Are Eating Trash To Survive | HuffPost

We should air drop a few hundred thousands tons of food to these poor kids. Its christmas.
It is the fault of Asaad and Putin. It was an evil dictatorship run by Asaad. Rebels during the Arab Spring tried to fight Asaad, and instead of negotiating with them, he tried to beat them down with chemical weapons and stronger fire power. Because the entire country was in a weakened state, enter ISIS. The country has been in dire straights now for years. Putin supports the evil dictator Asaad. Putin, Asaad and the rebels should join forces to get rid of ISIS and work together, but Asaad will never do that. And Putin supports Asaad no matter what.

Why is there a war in Syria?
Children are starving to death in Syria
Do not go to link if you find this too disturbing, but for god's sake what the hell is going on, and what will it take to stop the dying?

Besieged Syrians Are Eating Trash To Survive | HuffPost

We should air drop a few hundred thousands tons of food to these poor kids. Its christmas.
It is the fault of Asaad and Putin. It was an evil dictatorship run by Asaad. Rebels during the Arab Spring tried to fight Asaad, and instead of negotiating with them, he tried to beat them down with chemical weapons and stronger fire power. Because the entire country was in a weakened state, enter ISIS. The country has been in dire straights now for years. Putin supports the evil dictator Asaad. Putin, Asaad and the rebels should join forces to get rid of ISIS and work together, but Asaad will never do that. And Putin supports Asaad no matter what.

Why is there a war in Syria?

One word "Islam".
Children are starving to death in Syria
Do not go to link if you find this too disturbing, but for god's sake what the hell is going on, and what will it take to stop the dying?

Besieged Syrians Are Eating Trash To Survive | HuffPost

We should air drop a few hundred thousands tons of food to these poor kids. Its christmas.
You’re a fake

So having compassion makes me a fake? wow...
Your "compassion" is just your narcissism made glaringly don't actually give two shits about starving Syrian kids, you're just virtue signaling to try to make yourself look good.
what will it take to stop the dying?


time for assad to SACRIFICE himself for the good of mankind

Do you even know what is going on there? Do you know how it started? Hint. It was Hillary and Ambassador Stevens.


That’s what I thought. Nope. You don’t know.

The Benghazi outrage we actually should be talking about

CIA 'running arms smuggling team in Benghazi when consulate was attacked'

It was us. We were trying to drive the Russians out under the cover of the “Arab Spring”. It was a geopolitical move to remove the only Russian naval base in the Mediterranean.

We started the war in Syria. We armed ISIS. C.I.A. Arms for Syrian Rebels Supplied Black Market, Officials Say

Our allies like Turkey funded ISIS. Syria oil map: the journey of a barrel of Isis oil

We are the bad guys in Syria. Stand proud for that national anthem.

America. Fuck Yeah!

That’s why I could never vote for Hillary. She started two wars. Neither had anything to do with us.
Children are starving to death in Syria
Do not go to link if you find this too disturbing, but for god's sake what the hell is going on, and what will it take to stop the dying?

Besieged Syrians Are Eating Trash To Survive | HuffPost

We should air drop a few hundred thousands tons of food to these poor kids. Its christmas.
You’re a fake

So having compassion makes me a fake? wow...

Where are your threads on the hundreds of thousands of dead Christians who were slaughtered thanks to Obama's Muslim Brothethood sponsored Arab spring turned Islamist winter?
Children are starving to death in Syria
Do not go to link if you find this too disturbing, but for god's sake what the hell is going on, and what will it take to stop the dying?

Besieged Syrians Are Eating Trash To Survive | HuffPost

We should air drop a few hundred thousands tons of food to these poor kids. Its christmas.
It is the fault of Asaad and Putin. It was an evil dictatorship run by Asaad. Rebels during the Arab Spring tried to fight Asaad, and instead of negotiating with them, he tried to beat them down with chemical weapons and stronger fire power. Because the entire country was in a weakened state, enter ISIS. The country has been in dire straights now for years. Putin supports the evil dictator Asaad. Putin, Asaad and the rebels should join forces to get rid of ISIS and work together, but Asaad will never do that. And Putin supports Asaad no matter what.

Why is there a war in Syria?

Because your beloved Obama decided to interfere in Syrian affairs and called for a regime change, even though Syria never attacked us. Obama was the de facto President of ISIS. He helped them gain power in Libya, Egypt, Iraq, and Syria.
Children are starving to death in Syria
Do not go to link if you find this too disturbing, but for god's sake what the hell is going on, and what will it take to stop the dying?

Besieged Syrians Are Eating Trash To Survive | HuffPost

We should air drop a few hundred thousands tons of food to these poor kids. Its christmas.
It is the fault of Asaad and Putin. It was an evil dictatorship run by Asaad. Rebels during the Arab Spring tried to fight Asaad, and instead of negotiating with them, he tried to beat them down with chemical weapons and stronger fire power. Because the entire country was in a weakened state, enter ISIS. The country has been in dire straights now for years. Putin supports the evil dictator Asaad. Putin, Asaad and the rebels should join forces to get rid of ISIS and work together, but Asaad will never do that. And Putin supports Asaad no matter what.

Why is there a war in Syria?

Because your beloved Obama decided to interfere in Syrian affairs and called for a regime change, even though Syria never attacked us. Obama was the de facto President of ISIS. He helped them gain power in Libya, Egypt, Iraq, and Syria.
All facts.
Assad is a dick, but he is the type of dick middle eastern countries need to keep the low iq, goat humping Muslim fanatics in check. Mubarak was doing a great job in Egypt doing the same, then Obama came in and fucked that up. Liberals should never be CIC, they're either too subversive to be trusted or totally stupid on what the middle east is like and make the worst decisions on who to back and who to oust.
Assad is a dick, but he is the type of dick middle eastern countries need to keep the low iq, goat humping Muslim fanatics in check. Mubarak was doing a great job in Egypt doing the same, then Obama came in and fucked that up. Liberals should never be CIC, they're either too subversive to be trusted or totally stupid on what the middle east is like and make the worst decisions on who to back and who to oust.

The only way there can ever be “peace” in the Middle East is when there is a dictator to suppress the Muslim animals.

Any time Muslims are given a democracy, they just end up voting in radical Islamists that want to suppress them anyway. Muslims crave subjugation (probably why liberals admire them).

Just look at Turkey, the one “democratic” Islamic country. They would keep electing further extremists leaders, then every decade or so the Ataturks would overthrow them and start over with a secular government. The UN and US would always go along with these coups. Of course when this happened on the Hussein’s watch, he backed the radicals instead of the Ataturks. Now Turkey is turning into a radical shithole just like every other Islamic country. Thanks Obama.
I do have one question. Why would you support Hillary when she and Obama started the wars in Libya and Syria?
Children are starving to death in Syria
Do not go to link if you find this too disturbing, but for god's sake what the hell is going on, and what will it take to stop the dying?

Besieged Syrians Are Eating Trash To Survive | HuffPost

We should air drop a few hundred thousands tons of food to these poor kids. Its christmas.
It is the fault of Asaad and Putin. It was an evil dictatorship run by Asaad. Rebels during the Arab Spring tried to fight Asaad, and instead of negotiating with them, he tried to beat them down with chemical weapons and stronger fire power. Because the entire country was in a weakened state, enter ISIS. The country has been in dire straights now for years. Putin supports the evil dictator Asaad. Putin, Asaad and the rebels should join forces to get rid of ISIS and work together, but Asaad will never do that. And Putin supports Asaad no matter what.

Why is there a war in Syria?
Children are starving to death in Syria
Do not go to link if you find this too disturbing, but for god's sake what the hell is going on, and what will it take to stop the dying?

Besieged Syrians Are Eating Trash To Survive | HuffPost

We should air drop a few hundred thousands tons of food to these poor kids. Its christmas.
It is the fault of Asaad and Putin. It was an evil dictatorship run by Asaad. Rebels during the Arab Spring tried to fight Asaad, and instead of negotiating with them, he tried to beat them down with chemical weapons and stronger fire power. Because the entire country was in a weakened state, enter ISIS. The country has been in dire straights now for years. Putin supports the evil dictator Asaad. Putin, Asaad and the rebels should join forces to get rid of ISIS and work together, but Asaad will never do that. And Putin supports Asaad no matter what.

Why is there a war in Syria?

thank you Esmeralda------you have provided the reader's digest version of the ongoing civil war in Syria ( I used to
read TONS of reader's digests------digests-----they fell on me
as donations to a hospital in which I worked------they leave out
important "parts" but are better than "classic comics" ). Important part----the DRIVING forces are------- Russian/ Iranian imperialism. The US cannot stay out any more than
the US could stay out of World War I thru II following which we, (USA) have been engaged in long periods of cold war
I do have one question. Why would you support Hillary when she and Obama started the wars in Libya and Syria?

I (rosied) would never support Hellcat-------but do not blame either Obama hellary for the Syrian civil war------any more than I would BLAME FDR for world war II
Children are starving to death in Syria
Do not go to link if you find this too disturbing, but for god's sake what the hell is going on, and what will it take to stop the dying?

Besieged Syrians Are Eating Trash To Survive | HuffPost

We should air drop a few hundred thousands tons of food to these poor kids. Its christmas.
It is the fault of Asaad and Putin. It was an evil dictatorship run by Asaad. Rebels during the Arab Spring tried to fight Asaad, and instead of negotiating with them, he tried to beat them down with chemical weapons and stronger fire power. Because the entire country was in a weakened state, enter ISIS. The country has been in dire straights now for years. Putin supports the evil dictator Asaad. Putin, Asaad and the rebels should join forces to get rid of ISIS and work together, but Asaad will never do that. And Putin supports Asaad no matter what.

Why is there a war in Syria?
Children are starving to death in Syria
Do not go to link if you find this too disturbing, but for god's sake what the hell is going on, and what will it take to stop the dying?

Besieged Syrians Are Eating Trash To Survive | HuffPost

We should air drop a few hundred thousands tons of food to these poor kids. Its christmas.
It is the fault of Asaad and Putin. It was an evil dictatorship run by Asaad. Rebels during the Arab Spring tried to fight Asaad, and instead of negotiating with them, he tried to beat them down with chemical weapons and stronger fire power. Because the entire country was in a weakened state, enter ISIS. The country has been in dire straights now for years. Putin supports the evil dictator Asaad. Putin, Asaad and the rebels should join forces to get rid of ISIS and work together, but Asaad will never do that. And Putin supports Asaad no matter what.

Why is there a war in Syria?

thank you Esmeralda------you have provided the reader's digest version of the ongoing civil war in Syria ( I used to
read TONS of reader's digests------digests-----they fell on me
as donations to a hospital in which I worked------they leave out
important "parts" but are better than "classic comics" ). Important part----the DRIVING forces are------- Russian/ Iranian imperialism. The US cannot stay out any more than
the US could stay out of World War I thru II following which we, (USA) have been engaged in long periods of cold war

The BBC is NOT Reader's Digest. BBC News is the most respected news organization in the world and has been so for many decades. You are a nutcase.
Children are starving to death in Syria
Do not go to link if you find this too disturbing, but for god's sake what the hell is going on, and what will it take to stop the dying?

Besieged Syrians Are Eating Trash To Survive | HuffPost

We should air drop a few hundred thousands tons of food to these poor kids. Its christmas.
It is the fault of Asaad and Putin. It was an evil dictatorship run by Asaad. Rebels during the Arab Spring tried to fight Asaad, and instead of negotiating with them, he tried to beat them down with chemical weapons and stronger fire power. Because the entire country was in a weakened state, enter ISIS. The country has been in dire straights now for years. Putin supports the evil dictator Asaad. Putin, Asaad and the rebels should join forces to get rid of ISIS and work together, but Asaad will never do that. And Putin supports Asaad no matter what.

Why is there a war in Syria?
Children are starving to death in Syria
Do not go to link if you find this too disturbing, but for god's sake what the hell is going on, and what will it take to stop the dying?

Besieged Syrians Are Eating Trash To Survive | HuffPost

We should air drop a few hundred thousands tons of food to these poor kids. Its christmas.
It is the fault of Asaad and Putin. It was an evil dictatorship run by Asaad. Rebels during the Arab Spring tried to fight Asaad, and instead of negotiating with them, he tried to beat them down with chemical weapons and stronger fire power. Because the entire country was in a weakened state, enter ISIS. The country has been in dire straights now for years. Putin supports the evil dictator Asaad. Putin, Asaad and the rebels should join forces to get rid of ISIS and work together, but Asaad will never do that. And Putin supports Asaad no matter what.

Why is there a war in Syria?

thank you Esmeralda------you have provided the reader's digest version of the ongoing civil war in Syria ( I used to
read TONS of reader's digests------digests-----they fell on me
as donations to a hospital in which I worked------they leave out
important "parts" but are better than "classic comics" ). Important part----the DRIVING forces are------- Russian/ Iranian imperialism. The US cannot stay out any more than
the US could stay out of World War I thru II following which we, (USA) have been engaged in long periods of cold war

The BBC is NOT Reader's Digest. BBC News is the most respected news organization in the world and has been so for many decades. You are a nutcase.

Reader's digest is respected too------and has brought lots of
books to the attention of millions of people------in a DIGESTABLE form. Your statement is idiotic
It is the fault of Asaad and Putin. It was an evil dictatorship run by Asaad. Rebels during the Arab Spring tried to fight Asaad, and instead of negotiating with them, he tried to beat them down with chemical weapons and stronger fire power. Because the entire country was in a weakened state, enter ISIS. The country has been in dire straights now for years. Putin supports the evil dictator Asaad. Putin, Asaad and the rebels should join forces to get rid of ISIS and work together, but Asaad will never do that. And Putin supports Asaad no matter what.

Why is there a war in Syria?
It is the fault of Asaad and Putin. It was an evil dictatorship run by Asaad. Rebels during the Arab Spring tried to fight Asaad, and instead of negotiating with them, he tried to beat them down with chemical weapons and stronger fire power. Because the entire country was in a weakened state, enter ISIS. The country has been in dire straights now for years. Putin supports the evil dictator Asaad. Putin, Asaad and the rebels should join forces to get rid of ISIS and work together, but Asaad will never do that. And Putin supports Asaad no matter what.

Why is there a war in Syria?

thank you Esmeralda------you have provided the reader's digest version of the ongoing civil war in Syria ( I used to
read TONS of reader's digests------digests-----they fell on me
as donations to a hospital in which I worked------they leave out
important "parts" but are better than "classic comics" ). Important part----the DRIVING forces are------- Russian/ Iranian imperialism. The US cannot stay out any more than
the US could stay out of World War I thru II following which we, (USA) have been engaged in long periods of cold war

The BBC is NOT Reader's Digest. BBC News is the most respected news organization in the world and has been so for many decades. You are a nutcase.

Reader's digest is respected too------and has brought lots of
books to the attention of millions of people------in a DIGESTABLE form. Your statement is idiotic
Unrest began with the Iraq disaster, 2003. Syrians are God's children, and humans, thus Christians, Jews, and Muslims, and non believers must help:

The UN has ongoing missions, the Russians are not assisting, surprise.
Children are starving to death in Syria
Do not go to link if you find this too disturbing, but for god's sake what the hell is going on, and what will it take to stop the dying?

Besieged Syrians Are Eating Trash To Survive | HuffPost

We should air drop a few hundred thousands tons of food to these poor kids. Its christmas.
It is the fault of Asaad and Putin. It was an evil dictatorship run by Asaad. Rebels during the Arab Spring tried to fight Asaad, and instead of negotiating with them, he tried to beat them down with chemical weapons and stronger fire power. Because the entire country was in a weakened state, enter ISIS. The country has been in dire straights now for years. Putin supports the evil dictator Asaad. Putin, Asaad and the rebels should join forces to get rid of ISIS and work together, but Asaad will never do that. And Putin supports Asaad no matter what.

Why is there a war in Syria?

Because your beloved Obama decided to interfere in Syrian affairs and called for a regime change, even though Syria never attacked us. Obama was the de facto President of ISIS. He helped them gain power in Libya, Egypt, Iraq, and Syria.

Then killed anyone who could rat them out. Obama watched the Benghazi murders, breathed a sigh of relief that they were silenced, then went to bed so he'd be well rested for a party he attended the next day.

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