Children are starving to death in Syria

Children are starving to death in Syria
Do not go to link if you find this too disturbing, but for god's sake what the hell is going on, and what will it take to stop the dying?

Besieged Syrians Are Eating Trash To Survive | HuffPost

We should air drop a few hundred thousands tons of food to these poor kids. Its christmas.
It is the fault of Asaad and Putin. It was an evil dictatorship run by Asaad. Rebels during the Arab Spring tried to fight Asaad, and instead of negotiating with them, he tried to beat them down with chemical weapons and stronger fire power. Because the entire country was in a weakened state, enter ISIS. The country has been in dire straights now for years. Putin supports the evil dictator Asaad. Putin, Asaad and the rebels should join forces to get rid of ISIS and work together, but Asaad will never do that. And Putin supports Asaad no matter what.

Why is there a war in Syria?

One word "Islam".
Did Islam cause the religious wars in Europe between the Christian sects? There are no Christian or Islam children, just children. How we can do anything about the children that are starving, I don't know, but it certainly would something that the gently Jesus would encourage us to do. I may not be a Christian, but I certainly believe in the philosophy he taught, unlike so many self proclaimed 'Christians'.

"""Did Islam cause the religious wars in Europe between the Christian sects?"""" <<< IDIOTIC RESPONSE OF THE DECADE---the question was "what caused the war in Syria"------the response "was islam responsible for religious wars between Christians?" -----seems like something that a
perverted IMAM would say during the weekly Khutbah Jumaat feces fling
I do have one question. Why would you support Hillary when she and Obama started the wars in Libya and Syria?

I (rosied) would never support Hellcat-------but do not blame either Obama hellary for the Syrian civil war------any more than I would BLAME FDR for world war II

The two are a little different. But let me describe the situation in context of the Second World War.

Germany was prohibited from having Tanks, Combat aircraft, or Submarines after World War One. If we are to make this a realistic scenario, the League of Nations would have slapped sanctions on Germany to insure that nobody gave them those weapons.

FDR would have had to provide the Tanks, Combat Aircraft, and Submarines to Germany for this to be equitable.

Libya. It started there. The United States provided weapons to Libya in direct violation of international sanctions. We knew we were doing the wrong thing, but we did it anyway. But hey. We are the biggest kid on the block, who is going to tell us we can’t do any damned thing we want to?

It worked so well in Libya, we decided to do it again, in Syria. We had gotten rid of Gadaffi, so why not do the same damned thing and get rid of Assad? Besides, the Russians had a Naval Base in Syria. It was the only naval base the Russians had in the Mediterranean. If we could get a Regime change in Syria, we could drive the Russians back to the Black Sea. Win, Win.

Great days. We funneled the weapons through Benghazi. Weapons we bought and shipped in. Then we needed more weapons. So our CIA bought the weapons in Eastern Europe, with money from the Saudi’s. We gave the weapons to the Jordanian CIA, which then sold the weapons on the Black Market to ISIS.

It wasn’t a Civil War. It wasn’t grass roots. It wasn’t even astroturfed. It was ginned up entirely by us. It looked like a great plan. The Russians were talking about closing their Naval Base anyway as an effort to cut costs. We could win this one just as easily as we did Libya. Sure, Libya was in the midst of a Civil War, but hey, at least it wasn’t in our yard right?

Only the Russians didn’t just leave. They backed Assad. Well, in for a Penny, in for a Pound right?

We got rid of Gadaffi. Great. Hooray. A dictator is dead. Ding dong the dick is dead. Only the nation is a disaster. It is still involved in a civil war six years later. Millions of “refugees” have flooded Europe with predictable results. Chaos is snapping at the edges of the European nations. Those that aren’t dealing with a flood of “refugees” from Libya are dealing with the same thing from Syria. Europe is awash in millions of these young men of military age.

Why? Well. It’s our fault. When you gin up a revolution, the problem lies with the fact that there is no one to lead the nation afterwards. Libya devolved into essentially war lord or local lord feudal system again.

How do you not blame Obama for it? How do you not blame Hillary? If FDR had given the Germans Tanks, Submarines, and Planes, then he would have absolutely been responsible.
Asshole, we owed the bastard a blood debt. Remember Lockerby? You murder Americans, you need to know that eventually you will pay the ultimate price. We exacted that price in Libya. Good for President Obama.

And the others who have died since? The children and women drowning trying to flee the nation? The tens of thousands who die every year since due to the ongoing hostilities? Did they deserve it too?

The Syrian civil war began after the invasion of Iraq, 2003. Now, Russia has its paws in, and starvation is the issue; solutions?

It started in 2011. Russia was always there. That is their only Naval Base in the Mediterranean.

Russia wants MORE ----along with Iran

You just won’t learn. Not surprising.

learn what? you have no answer! -----Not surprising
The Syrian civil war began after the invasion of Iraq, 2003. Now, Russia has its paws in, and starvation is the issue; solutions?

It started in 2011. Russia was always there. That is their only Naval Base in the Mediterranean.

Russia wants MORE ----along with Iran

You just won’t learn. Not surprising.

learn what? you have no answer! -----Not surprising

It isn’t Russia taking more. It is undeniably us.
Syria was in discussions soon after 2003:

he White House has privately ruled out suggestions that the US should go to war against Syria following its military success in Iraq, and has blocked preliminary planning for such a campaign in the Pentagon, the Guardian learned yesterday.

In the past few weeks, the US defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, ordered contingency plans for a war on Syria to be reviewed following the fall of Baghdad.

Meanwhile, his undersecretary for policy, Doug Feith, and William Luti, the head of the Pentagon's office of special plans, were asked to put together a briefing paper on the case for war against Syria, outlining its role in supplying weapons to Saddam Hussein, its links with Middle East terrorist groups and its allegedly advanced chemical weapons programme. Mr Feith and Mr Luti were both instrumental in persuading the White House to go to war in Iraq.

Mr Feith and other conservatives now playing important roles in the Bush administration, advised the Israeli government in 1996 that it could "shape its strategic environment... by weakening, containing and even rolling back Syria".

Bush vetoes Syria war plan

For better or for worse, invading Iraq destabilized the region.
The Syrian civil war began after the invasion of Iraq, 2003. Now, Russia has its paws in, and starvation is the issue; solutions?

It started in 2011. Russia was always there. That is their only Naval Base in the Mediterranean.

Russia wants MORE ----along with Iran

You just won’t learn. Not surprising.

learn what? you have no answer! -----Not surprising

It isn’t Russia taking more. It is undeniably us.

you are CLUELESS. You have no idea as to the issue of the VERY LONG STANDING BAATHIST/RUSSIAN alliance
or how it has affected the middle east. A clue----it has existed, AT LEAST, since circa 1950. It was the Baathist/Russian alliance that galvanized the UAR and
the Middle East war of 1967. It was the BAATHISM of
Saddam Hussein that inspired him to GENOCIDE of
Kurds in northern Iraq and Shiites in Southern Iraq and
INVASION OF KUWAIT. all of which led to the implantation of the CALIPHATE in Iraq. Do you know where the first
CALIPHATE outside of Saudi Arabia was situated?. ---(another clue-----baathism is the spawn of caliphatism).
CALIPHATE is the Arabic counterpart of REICH ---(actually the Arabic is something like KHALIFA) Your hero to the
north------ERDOGAN----is trying to bring the OTTOMAN
CALIPHATE back to life
Syria was in discussions soon after 2003:

he White House has privately ruled out suggestions that the US should go to war against Syria following its military success in Iraq, and has blocked preliminary planning for such a campaign in the Pentagon, the Guardian learned yesterday.

In the past few weeks, the US defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, ordered contingency plans for a war on Syria to be reviewed following the fall of Baghdad.

Meanwhile, his undersecretary for policy, Doug Feith, and William Luti, the head of the Pentagon's office of special plans, were asked to put together a briefing paper on the case for war against Syria, outlining its role in supplying weapons to Saddam Hussein, its links with Middle East terrorist groups and its allegedly advanced chemical weapons programme. Mr Feith and Mr Luti were both instrumental in persuading the White House to go to war in Iraq.

Mr Feith and other conservatives now playing important roles in the Bush administration, advised the Israeli government in 1996 that it could "shape its strategic environment... by weakening, containing and even rolling back Syria".

Bush vetoes Syria war plan

For better or for worse, invading Iraq destabilized the region.

It was stable before we invaded? Your hero---Saddam Hussein was not only committing genocide IN IRAQ upon Shiites and Kurds, he was also FUNDING international
terrorism------the "blowing up buses" kind of thing and the clandestine----slit a throat here and slit a throat there kind of
thing----especially infant throats
Syria was in discussions soon after 2003:

he White House has privately ruled out suggestions that the US should go to war against Syria following its military success in Iraq, and has blocked preliminary planning for such a campaign in the Pentagon, the Guardian learned yesterday.

In the past few weeks, the US defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, ordered contingency plans for a war on Syria to be reviewed following the fall of Baghdad.

Meanwhile, his undersecretary for policy, Doug Feith, and William Luti, the head of the Pentagon's office of special plans, were asked to put together a briefing paper on the case for war against Syria, outlining its role in supplying weapons to Saddam Hussein, its links with Middle East terrorist groups and its allegedly advanced chemical weapons programme. Mr Feith and Mr Luti were both instrumental in persuading the White House to go to war in Iraq.

Mr Feith and other conservatives now playing important roles in the Bush administration, advised the Israeli government in 1996 that it could "shape its strategic environment... by weakening, containing and even rolling back Syria".

Bush vetoes Syria war plan

For better or for worse, invading Iraq destabilized the region.

It was stable before we invaded? Your hero---Saddam Hussein was not only committing genocide IN IRAQ upon Shiites and Kurds, he was also FUNDING international
terrorism------the "blowing up buses" kind of thing and the clandestine----slit a throat here and slit a throat there kind of
thing----especially infant throats

No, and Saddam also tried to eliminate the Kurds. Syria was the nation Saddam allegedly sent those mythical WMDs to, before we invaded. Who mourns the loss of Saddam or Kaddafi? None of their victims families or kinsmen. That is why I wrote for better or for worse.
Children are starving to death in Syria
Do not go to link if you find this too disturbing, but for god's sake what the hell is going on, and what will it take to stop the dying?

Besieged Syrians Are Eating Trash To Survive | HuffPost

We should air drop a few hundred thousands tons of food to these poor kids. Its christmas.
Maybe we could also airdrop you to properly distribute the food. I’m sure it’ll help if you wear a nice dress.

Children are starving to death in Syria
Do not go to link if you find this too disturbing, but for god's sake what the hell is going on, and what will it take to stop the dying?

Besieged Syrians Are Eating Trash To Survive | HuffPost

We should air drop a few hundred thousands tons of food to these poor kids. Its christmas.
It is the fault of Asaad and Putin. It was an evil dictatorship run by Asaad. Rebels during the Arab Spring tried to fight Asaad, and instead of negotiating with them, he tried to beat them down with chemical weapons and stronger fire power. Because the entire country was in a weakened state, enter ISIS. The country has been in dire straights now for years. Putin supports the evil dictator Asaad. Putin, Asaad and the rebels should join forces to get rid of ISIS and work together, but Asaad will never do that. And Putin supports Asaad no matter what.

Why is there a war in Syria?

One word "Islam".
Did Islam cause the religious wars in Europe between the Christian sects? There are no Christian or Islam children, just children. How we can do anything about the children that are starving, I don't know, but it certainly would something that the gently Jesus would encourage us to do. I may not be a Christian, but I certainly believe in the philosophy he taught, unlike so many self proclaimed 'Christians'.

Christianity has undergone a reformation and enlightenment, Muslim children have been indoctrinated into a death cult responsible for more deaths than Hitler and Stalin combined.
Syria was in discussions soon after 2003:

he White House has privately ruled out suggestions that the US should go to war against Syria following its military success in Iraq, and has blocked preliminary planning for such a campaign in the Pentagon, the Guardian learned yesterday.

In the past few weeks, the US defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, ordered contingency plans for a war on Syria to be reviewed following the fall of Baghdad.

Meanwhile, his undersecretary for policy, Doug Feith, and William Luti, the head of the Pentagon's office of special plans, were asked to put together a briefing paper on the case for war against Syria, outlining its role in supplying weapons to Saddam Hussein, its links with Middle East terrorist groups and its allegedly advanced chemical weapons programme. Mr Feith and Mr Luti were both instrumental in persuading the White House to go to war in Iraq.

Mr Feith and other conservatives now playing important roles in the Bush administration, advised the Israeli government in 1996 that it could "shape its strategic environment... by weakening, containing and even rolling back Syria".

Bush vetoes Syria war plan

For better or for worse, invading Iraq destabilized the region.

It was stable before we invaded? Your hero---Saddam Hussein was not only committing genocide IN IRAQ upon Shiites and Kurds, he was also FUNDING international
terrorism------the "blowing up buses" kind of thing and the clandestine----slit a throat here and slit a throat there kind of
thing----especially infant throats

No, and Saddam also tried to eliminate the Kurds. Syria was the nation Saddam allegedly sent those mythical WMDs to, before we invaded. Who mourns the loss of Saddam or Kaddafi? None of their victims families or kinsmen. That is why I wrote for better or for worse.

LOL---oh---when I read your post-------MY MIND YELLED
FOR BETTER !!!!!!!
Syria was in discussions soon after 2003:

he White House has privately ruled out suggestions that the US should go to war against Syria following its military success in Iraq, and has blocked preliminary planning for such a campaign in the Pentagon, the Guardian learned yesterday.

In the past few weeks, the US defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, ordered contingency plans for a war on Syria to be reviewed following the fall of Baghdad.

Meanwhile, his undersecretary for policy, Doug Feith, and William Luti, the head of the Pentagon's office of special plans, were asked to put together a briefing paper on the case for war against Syria, outlining its role in supplying weapons to Saddam Hussein, its links with Middle East terrorist groups and its allegedly advanced chemical weapons programme. Mr Feith and Mr Luti were both instrumental in persuading the White House to go to war in Iraq.

Mr Feith and other conservatives now playing important roles in the Bush administration, advised the Israeli government in 1996 that it could "shape its strategic environment... by weakening, containing and even rolling back Syria".

Bush vetoes Syria war plan

For better or for worse, invading Iraq destabilized the region.

It was stable before we invaded? Your hero---Saddam Hussein was not only committing genocide IN IRAQ upon Shiites and Kurds, he was also FUNDING international
terrorism------the "blowing up buses" kind of thing and the clandestine----slit a throat here and slit a throat there kind of
thing----especially infant throats

No, and Saddam also tried to eliminate the Kurds. Syria was the nation Saddam allegedly sent those mythical WMDs to, before we invaded. Who mourns the loss of Saddam or Kaddafi? None of their victims families or kinsmen. That is why I wrote for better or for worse.

LOL---oh---when I read your post-------MY MIND YELLED
FOR BETTER !!!!!!!


Nothing done in the political stage is all for the better.

There are equal and opposite effects to most things we do.

The best idea is to try to make the good things mostly help your friends and the bad things mostly screw over your enemies, though we may still love them.
Children are starving to death in Syria
Do not go to link if you find this too disturbing, but for god's sake what the hell is going on, and what will it take to stop the dying?

Besieged Syrians Are Eating Trash To Survive | HuffPost

We should air drop a few hundred thousands tons of food to these poor kids. Its christmas.
Syrians sound like they have a destructive culture

Thank you Mr President for not polluting our country with them

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