Children dying at the border

If it weren’t for a stupid wall, these poor kids could have crossed elsewhere and not drowned in the river.

Instead of flying them to the Canadian border, Biden should fly them to Trump and DeSantis’ state of Florida. Lots of brown people are there and would welcome them
Maybe if Biden didn't offer the free stuff they wouldn't of make the journey to begin with.

Biden didn't offer "free stuff". Biden is on TV telliing these people to stay at home. What solutions are you offering? Trump created these problems on the Southern Border by dismantling the refugee programs there.

When Trump took office, the number of illegal border crossings were at their lowest levels in 50 years. In typical conservative fashion, Trump set out to create a crisis at the Southern Border, so he could solve it with his Wall, and be a great hero! It's the oldest political trick in the book.

All Trump did was pile up people on the other side of the border, in squalid conditions. He hoped that if he made these people wait long enough, in conditions that were bad enough, that riots would break out in the camps of people waiting to get but that didn't happen. The people at the Southern Border, tried to come in by legal means, and Trump block and metered access. Trump WANTED people to jump the border so he could arrest them and use them to show you the unwashed hoards desperate to get in.

Trump sent these children back to Mexico where they have been piling up for 4 years. Being preyed upon by coyotes, sex traffickers, and other dangers. Instead, he spent hundreds of millions of dollars, building prison camps, and holding these people in squalid conditions at $700 per day, per person.

Biden is allowing the children in, but after 4 years, there are so many people waiting to get in, and the system to process them, hold them, and get in touch with their families, has been dismantled. Biden is trying to rebuild the system, but build it back so it is better equipped to process children and families.

Holding facilities on the border were designed to hold single men, not families or children. Taking out DHS workers, processes and facilities and replacing them with "for profit" prison jackboots, has done a LOT of damage to US reputations at home and abroad.
Quit your lying, there was no border crisis when biden supposedly won. This is his crisis 100%, they are crossing over in Biden let me in t shirts for goodness sakes. He owns the gas price increase 100%. He will also own unemployment spiking back up, he has already started working on that one with a vengeance.

Donald Trump declared a "National Emergency" at the Southern Border to divert funds to build his Wall and his concentration camps. That EO was never lifted, so to say there was "No crisis" at the Southern Border is a total lie. This is yet another example of the right creating a problem, and then blaming Democrats for the problem when the Democrats come in to clean up the mess.

A National Emergency is in effect until the President lifts it, and Trump has never lifted this emergency. It was the basis for building the Wall, and for the suspension of asylum rules, so for you to say there was problem on the border before Biden was elected is a very convenient lie, but a lie, all the same.
When Trump first took over, caravans were coming across. Trump got Mexico to stop the caravans, started building the wall. With the Republicans against him and you loons were having a fake Russian investigation . He got it done, and left Biden a border that was under control.

If it weren’t for a stupid wall, these poor kids could have crossed elsewhere and not drowned in the river.

Instead of flying them to the Canadian border, Biden should fly them to Trump and DeSantis’ state of Florida. Lots of brown people are there and would welcome them
No if it were not fr all the stupid parents the kids were not have tried to cross the river in the first place. Blame the parents
Simple solution.
A million bucks in an advertising campaign south of the border with a simple message.
"If you cross the border illegally, your status and those of your kids will NEVER be validated or legalised.. NUNCA."
End of deaths.

Thats way too simple.
Doing the right thing for the American people is bad and cruel.
Ask Mac1958 Slade3200 and all the other fragile bleeding hearts.
Very true, BL thinks the right thing is being bad and cruel. You can explain the “why” if you like

See that's where we differ.
Doing the right thing for Americas people is NEVER the wrong or cruel thing to do. When did you start hating America and assisting in its demise?

When doing "right" by your family, involves harming others, no good will come of it. Your national reputation is trashed, and those who carried out these illegal orders will be prosecuted. The USA cannot, as a nation, let this violence against refugees stand.

I dont see Canaduh taking in these so callled refugees.

We"ve consistently taken in MORE refugees than the USA since Trump was elected.

Refugees who join the queue, not illegal aliens.

If it weren’t for a stupid wall, these poor kids could have crossed elsewhere and not drowned in the river.

Instead of flying them to the Canadian border, Biden should fly them to Trump and DeSantis’ state of Florida. Lots of brown people are there and would welcome them
A fisherman down there said he saw "several" women drown. I bet Joe Biden will hide in the White House a few days to avoid the press, who will forgettaboutit in a few days since he's far left now. I don't think Biden cares to face the music--his policies not only destroyed peace at the border, his hate police thoughts have convinced criminals they have nothing to fear if they rape, kill, pillage, and destroy any thing and anyone. I think the Secret Service is in for a rough ride until the unelected, cheater playboy potus admits his greed for power party's manipulation of the polls to express their misplaced hatred of people who do the right thing, come what may.
This country is under no obligation to take in anyone. No one has to come here or pile up along the border. Start shipping them home in body bags and we won't have an immigrant problem.
Get rid of the top ten mobsters in the House and Senate, and we can fix the border back. Biden would have folded without those 10 million illegal votes the Demmies foisted on the nation's trashed citizens whose Trump and Republican votes were stolen and conveniently placed in Democrat pockets by every means they could. And Americans are less enchanted with the $2 trillion a week the Demmies threaten to destroy America with, into fiscal chaos for generations. It's time to clobber the spendthriftery back to where the Demmies have to account for every billion they took by hook or by crook, every million, thousand, hundred or red cent they wasted on frivolous and mostly, selfish pursuits.

If you ask me, the anything goes atheists in the Democrat Party failed to save the world by offing Trump's power with filthy tricks and chicanery.
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