Children dying at the border

These deaths are on the hands of Xiden....tragic..
Their deaths are at the hands of themselves as per usual.
they wouldn't of been there had Xiden not encouraged them to come.

The Cartels were planning for a Xiden win, well in advance:
Biden doesn't encourage anyone to come in fact he has ordered they be repatriated back to Mexico just like Trump was doing. If you doo-doo heads would stop trying to point fingers and play partisan politics you may get to know what is going on. All you people do is regurgitate what the echo chamber feeds yous. Trump did no different and tried to hide the numbers of his catch and release along with imprisoned youth with no parents.
After he already encouraged them to come.....and while he is inviting them in, COVID postive and all....he's a fork tongued devil....

the Cartels are booming, they are calling him the "migrant President" - they love getting rich of Xiden.....
Go ahead and show us the video or press release where he told these people to come here now.
Xiden encouraged the migrants.....he encouraged the crisis...he created the humanitarian abuses

" The president campaigned on easing immigration controls, including a moratorium on deportations, an end to former President Donald Trump’s “wait in Mexico” policy for asylum-seekers and halting construction of the border wall. That platform gave migrants good reason to believe it would be easier to get into the United States if he were elected. "

The numbers are stark. More than 100,000 migrants attempted to enter the U.S. in February, more than three times the amount for February 2020 and the highest level for the month in five years. “Internal DHS/HHS reports show the crisis at the border is significantly worse than Biden admin has acknowledged,” Washington Post reporter Nick Miroff tweeted Wednesday. “There are now 3,500 unaccompanied minors in grim Border Patrol detention cells, a record.” And more than 1,000 minors have exceeded the amount of time they can be detained before being transferred to a shelter, according to the New York Times.

These deaths are on the hands of Xiden....tragic..
Their deaths are at the hands of themselves as per usual.
they wouldn't of been there had Xiden not encouraged them to come.

The Cartels were planning for a Xiden win, well in advance:
Biden doesn't encourage anyone to come in fact he has ordered they be repatriated back to Mexico just like Trump was doing. If you doo-doo heads would stop trying to point fingers and play partisan politics you may get to know what is going on. All you people do is regurgitate what the echo chamber feeds yous. Trump did no different and tried to hide the numbers of his catch and release along with imprisoned youth with no parents.
After he already encouraged them to come.....and while he is inviting them in, COVID postive and all....he's a fork tongued devil....

the Cartels are booming, they are calling him the "migrant President" - they love getting rich of Xiden.....
Go ahead and show us the video or press release where he told these people to come here now.

If it weren’t for a stupid wall, these poor kids could have crossed elsewhere and not drowned in the river.

Instead of flying them to the Canadian border, Biden should fly them to Trump and DeSantis’ state of Florida. Lots of brown people are there and would welcome them
Brown kids fleeing Biden's child prisons.

If it weren’t for a stupid wall, these poor kids could have crossed elsewhere and not drowned in the river.

Instead of flying them to the Canadian border, Biden should fly them to Trump and DeSantis’ state of Florida. Lots of brown people are there and would welcome them

If it weren’t for a stupid wall, these poor kids could have crossed elsewhere and not drowned in the river.

Instead of flying them to the Canadian border, Biden should fly them to Trump and DeSantis’ state of Florida. Lots of brown people are there and would welcome them

Someone has her undies all wadded in a ball.

So you sound like a lifetime racist. I's not recent, is it?

If it weren’t for a stupid wall, these poor kids could have crossed elsewhere and not drowned in the river.

Instead of flying them to the Canadian border, Biden should fly them to Trump and DeSantis’ state of Florida. Lots of brown people are there and would welcome them
Brown kids fleeing Biden's child prisons.
yep....he encourages their migration...their parents get into bed with brutal Cartels that take all their money....the kids go through God knows what as they make their long tract....then get here to find Xiden has created a situation far worse then they left.....cargo containers with bars on the small windows.....packed full.....who can blame them for being scared of this massive humanitarian disaster created by Xiden and his admin?
If it weren’t for a stupid wall, these poor kids could have crossed elsewhere and not drowned in the river.

If it weren't for stupid adults (like you) kids would not be being dragged to the border of a foreign country and trying to be sneaked in illegally.

Thank God for rump. Thank God for the wall, which Texas is continuing to build.
Now if only we could build a wall around people like you and then throw in a supply of anti-stupid pills for you to chew on.

If it weren’t for a stupid wall, these poor kids could have crossed elsewhere and not drowned in the river.

Instead of flying them to the Canadian border, Biden should fly them to Trump and DeSantis’ state of Florida. Lots of brown people are there and would welcome them
I'd build a tunnel from Juarez to San Francisco
Simple solution.
A million bucks in an advertising campaign south of the border with a simple message.
"If you cross the border illegally, your status and those of your kids will NEVER be validated or legalised.. NUNCA."
End of deaths.

Thats way too simple.
Doing the right thing for the American people is bad and cruel.
Ask Mac1958 Slade3200 and all the other fragile bleeding hearts.
Simple solution.
A million bucks in an advertising campaign south of the border with a simple message.
"If you cross the border illegally, your status and those of your kids will NEVER be validated or legalised.. NUNCA."
End of deaths.

Thats way too simple.
Doing the right thing for the American people is bad and cruel.
Ask Mac1958 Slade3200 and all the other fragile bleeding hearts.
Very true, BL thinks the right thing is being bad and cruel. You can explain the “why” if you like
This little girl died of starvation just before reaching the border fence.

No one knows what her name was or where she came from but one thing we all know is SHE (that little child) is DEAD
Curious Kay.jpg

This little girl died of starvation just before reaching the border fence.

No one knows what her name was or where she came from but one thing we all know is SHE (that little child) is DEAD
View attachment 470122
That's one we don't have to educate medicate or incarcerate. Who took her food? Looking at the flood of people crashing against our southern border they look like none of them ever missed a meal. They run from fat to morbidly obese. Not even the walk was a fat loser. If this girl starved to death, which I doubt, someone refused to feed her. Make sure that gets into the media. If you send your child we will starve them to death.

After watching the horror of the border for years, after actually going there to see what the situation has been for decades, this little girl probably not real is a creation of the media for sympathy.

Not to say that the dead bodies of little girls aren't found. They are. They usually die of blood loss after having been raped to death. Boys aren't immune either. They are meat. Bought and paid for.

If it weren’t for a stupid wall, these poor kids could have crossed elsewhere and not drowned in the river.

Instead of flying them to the Canadian border, Biden should fly them to Trump and DeSantis’ state of Florida. Lots of brown people are there and would welcome them
THey need to stay the fuck home. The parents of these kids should be held accountable and charged with child neglect. We have the same problems here that they are running from in their own countries. The borders should be closed. More border agents. What are we going to do with more homeless poor immigrant kids when we have 4 million homeless hunger kids of our own. Give them green cards when we have 10million unemployment. Trump had the right plan but the democrats wanted votes more than they wanted to help. I am a diehard liberal and I will never vote democrat again.
This little girl died of starvation just before reaching the border fence.

No one knows what her name was or where she came from but one thing we all know is SHE (that little child) is DEAD
View attachment 470122
Blame the parents who are sending these kids here and blame Biden for sending the welcome messages. "Don't come" but he keeps letting them in and taking care of them with taxpayer's money.
Yup. Stay home. Form a militia. Get arms. Start shooting MS13 or whoever is attacking your community.
The new President of El salvador seems to quite tough on crime.
About bloody time.
Simple solution.
A million bucks in an advertising campaign south of the border with a simple message.
"If you cross the border illegally, your status and those of your kids will NEVER be validated or legalised.. NUNCA."
End of deaths.

Thats way too simple.
Doing the right thing for the American people is bad and cruel.
Ask Mac1958 Slade3200 and all the other fragile bleeding hearts.
Very true, BL thinks the right thing is being bad and cruel. You can explain the “why” if you like

See that's where we differ.
Doing the right thing for Americas people is NEVER the wrong or cruel thing to do. When did you start hating America and assisting in its demise?

If it weren’t for a stupid wall, these poor kids could have crossed elsewhere and not drowned in the river.

Instead of flying them to the Canadian border, Biden should fly them to Trump and DeSantis’ state of Florida. Lots of brown people are there and would welcome them
Maybe if Biden didn't offer the free stuff they wouldn't of make the journey to begin with.

Biden didn't offer "free stuff". Biden is on TV telliing these people to stay at home. What solutions are you offering? Trump created these problems on the Southern Border by dismantling the refugee programs there.

When Trump took office, the number of illegal border crossings were at their lowest levels in 50 years. In typical conservative fashion, Trump set out to create a crisis at the Southern Border, so he could solve it with his Wall, and be a great hero! It's the oldest political trick in the book.

All Trump did was pile up people on the other side of the border, in squalid conditions. He hoped that if he made these people wait long enough, in conditions that were bad enough, that riots would break out in the camps of people waiting to get but that didn't happen. The people at the Southern Border, tried to come in by legal means, and Trump block and metered access. Trump WANTED people to jump the border so he could arrest them and use them to show you the unwashed hoards desperate to get in.

Trump sent these children back to Mexico where they have been piling up for 4 years. Being preyed upon by coyotes, sex traffickers, and other dangers. Instead, he spent hundreds of millions of dollars, building prison camps, and holding these people in squalid conditions at $700 per day, per person.

Biden is allowing the children in, but after 4 years, there are so many people waiting to get in, and the system to process them, hold them, and get in touch with their families, has been dismantled. Biden is trying to rebuild the system, but build it back so it is better equipped to process children and families.

Holding facilities on the border were designed to hold single men, not families or children. Taking out DHS workers, processes and facilities and replacing them with "for profit" prison jackboots, has done a LOT of damage to US reputations at home and abroad.

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