China Agrees With The Democrats


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
We spend too much on defense....

China says US spends too much on military

BEIJING (AP) — The United States is spending too much on its military in light of its recent economic troubles, China's top general said Monday while playing down his country's own military capabilities.

The chief of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army, Chen Bingde, told reporters that he thought the U.S. should cut back on defense spending for the sake of its taxpayers. He was speaking during a joint news conference in which he traded barbs with visiting U.S. counterpart Adm. Mike Mullen.

"I know the U.S. is still recovering from the financial crisis," Chen said. "Under such circumstances, it is still spending a lot of money on its military and isn't that placing too much pressure on the taxpayers?"

"If the U.S. could reduce its military spending a bit and spend more on improving the livelihood of the American people ... wouldn't that be a better scenario?" he said.

The visit by Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is the first of its kind in four years. Mullen and Chen are trying to upgrade military-to-military ties after setbacks over U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, cyberattacks traced to China and concern about Beijing's military plans.

Chen made a similar trip to the U.S. in May as part of efforts to improve often frosty relations between the two militaries, especially as the economies of the countries become more codependent.

The world's two biggest economies frequently clash over financial issues, such as Beijing's resistance to exchange rate reforms and the ballooning U.S. trade deficit with China. Such issues are not usually at the forefront of military to military talks, though both sides chide each other for their defense spending.

China's military budget of $95 billion this year is the world's second-highest after Washington's planned $650 billion in defense spending.

Chen said China remains more than two decades behind the U.S. in terms of military technology and Beijing still needs to upgrade by adding new hardware such as aircraft carriers

China says US spends too much on military - Yahoo! News
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Of course they do. They surely don't want the USA to have a strong military. It's kind of like Joe Fraizer telling Ali he works out to much befor a fight.
Of course they do. They surely don't want the USA to have a strong military. It's kind of like Joe Fraizer telling Ali he works out to much befor a fight.

Its good to know The Dems and China have the same goal.:eusa_whistle:

To be prosperous?

Yeah..I am down with that.

You been to China lately?

Oh yea, They've made us real prosperous. Of course they did make China more prosperous with all that borrowed stimulus debt.
Of course they do. They surely don't want the USA to have a strong military. It's kind of like Joe Fraizer telling Ali he works out to much befor a fight.

Its good to know The Dems and China have the same goal.:eusa_whistle:
Exactly. America needs to spend less on defense and more on crap made in China.


America needs to spend less on defense and more on infrastructure, science, education, research and space exploration.

We are at the point where this country can destroy the biosphere on the earth several times over and can invade 2 countries, simultaneously. We spend more money on the military (I'd hardly call it defense) then the top militaries of the world, combined. We have bases all over the world. What other country has bases all over the world?

And with all that spending..what the fuck are we expecting to "defend" against? The Death Star?
Its good to know The Dems and China have the same goal.:eusa_whistle:
Exactly. America needs to spend less on defense and more on crap made in China.


America needs to spend less on defense and more on infrastructure, science, education, research and space exploration.

We are at the point where this country can destroy the biosphere on the earth several times over and can invade 2 countries, simultaneously. We spend more money on the military (I'd hardly call it defense) then the top militaries of the world, combined. We have bases all over the world. What other country has bases all over the world?

And with all that spending..what the fuck are we expecting to "defend" against? The Death Star?

Talk to Obama. He's the president. He's the one that requested a bigger military budget than Bush.
Well, the Dems do seem to be the darlings of the antiquated Communist movement.

Reagan beat the USSR so badly he left the Communist no choice but to complete their takeover of the Dem Party, which is now a wholly owned subsidiary

Reagan didn't beat shit.

What he did was to not fuck up the fact that reform was coming to the USSR. He promised them all sorts of economic goodies for giving up the satellite republics (which they couldn't afford to maintain anyway) and switch their political system. It cost the US a good deal of tax payer money. But it was probably money well spent. Jury is still out.

In any case..if it was George W. Bush at the helm..the USSR would still exist. So I give Reagan credit.
Well, the Dems do seem to be the darlings of the antiquated Communist movement.

Reagan beat the USSR so badly he left the Communist no choice but to complete their takeover of the Dem Party, which is now a wholly owned subsidiary

Reagan didn't beat shit.

What he did was to not fuck up the fact that reform was coming to the USSR. He promised them all sorts of economic goodies for giving up the satellite republics (which they couldn't afford to maintain anyway) and switch their political system. It cost the US a good deal of tax payer money. But it was probably money well spent. Jury is still out.

In any case..if it was George W. Bush at the helm..the USSR would still exist. So I give Reagan credit.

Reagan called the USSR an Evil Empire and knew that given half a chance the Soviet people would scrap Communism any day of the week. So with the Pope, Lech and Thatcher they set out to topple the USSR and they did.

A friend of mine just told me a story, he's an engineer in NJ and after Reagan brought down the Berlin Wall some USSR engineers came to visit in NJ. My friend took them to a supermarket and it left the Soviets in tears. They lined up in Moscow for whatever unknown crap got delivered that morning; they'd heard that our prosperity was a lie, that no such thing as fresh produce, breads, meats really existed and was readily accessible to the Proletariat.

They'd been lied to their hold lives, that's something American Progressives can learn from

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