China declares position on Ukraine conflict

You're posting in the wrong universe. Trump never said that we were "leaving" NATO. He just made them pay what they were supposed to be paying, instead of us paying for their protection. Even the NATO Secretary General said that NATO has never been so strong, after those slacker countries started ponying up their fair share.
Obama had already taken care of that. Trump was grandstanding which he is famous for doing. NATO isn't strong because of Trump. He made a complete ass of himself just like his speech at the UN and his dumbass performance at G7. Tillerson said Trump is a fucking moron and he's correct. Tillerson is a skilled and experienced businessman/executive not a flamboyant game show host.
You're posting in the wrong universe. Trump never said that we were "leaving" NATO. He just made them pay what they were supposed to be paying, instead of us paying for their protection. Even the NATO Secretary General said that NATO has never been so strong, after those slacker countries started ponying up their fair share.

Trump pushed NATO nations to pay the 2% of GDP they promised, rather than the 0.8 % they were paying, while America paid the rest.
Relevant reading....

China warns of ''unimaginable consequences'' of forcing nuclear power into a corner. Additionally, Beijing's vice foreign minister blames NATO for stoking the instability that led to the Russia-Ukraine conflict....

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng has said globalization should not be ''weaponized'' and military-bloc politics must be ''rejected.''

The comments come one day after US President Joe Biden warned his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping of “consequences” if Beijing supports Russia's military action in Ukraine.

Saturday, the Chinese official agreed with Moscow’s assessment that NATO’s unchecked expansion in Eastern Europe and the failure to address Russia’s national security concerns had paved the way for the current crisis. He said a simple “commitment of no eastward expansion could have easily ended the crisis and stopped the suffering.”

“Instead, one chose to fan the flames at a safe distance, watching its own arms dealers, bankers and oil tycoons make a fortune out of the war, while leaving the people of a small country with the wounds of war that would take years to heal,”
he said.

“History has proven time and again that sanctions cannot solve problems,” Le said. “The sanctions against Russia are getting more and more outrageous… Sanctions will only harm ordinary people, impact the economic and financial system... and worsen the global economy.”

NATO’s pursuit of “absolute security” leads to “absolute non-security,” Le added


Not sure what specific 'news/goings-on that the western overlords and their extentions who operate in cable news/Internet entertainment platforms are allowing the nation's serfdom to have access to lately. Just looking at the topical content over the last couple of weeks on various message boards and social media, as well as flipping throug hthe channels on my idiot box, it doesn't seem like much at all, aside from promoting the usual interests of arms dealers and bankers from behind the cloak of American interests (lolol) so will add a couple of different links here...

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Putins been warning us about nato expansion for 15 years

What if Russia expanded all over the Caribbean and let's say wants mexico to join a military alliance ...
The Chinese aint wrong We're the baddies and putins not gonna march into Poland....well maybe unless the morons of the west put up a no fly zone

Russia used a hypersonic missile as a warning ....its far superior to the chineee hypersonic ....nuclear or conventional
3 different delivery aircraft available ...

oh yeah
the ukranians are frigging nazi fags ...

The progs wanna start ww3 for globo homo and thier Installed ukranian money laundering whores

Relevant reading....

China warns of ''unimaginable consequences'' of forcing nuclear power into a corner. Additionally, Beijing's vice foreign minister blames NATO for stoking the instability that led to the Russia-Ukraine conflict....

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng has said globalization should not be ''weaponized'' and military-bloc politics must be ''rejected.''

The comments come one day after US President Joe Biden warned his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping of “consequences” if Beijing supports Russia's military action in Ukraine.

Saturday, the Chinese official agreed with Moscow’s assessment that NATO’s unchecked expansion in Eastern Europe and the failure to address Russia’s national security concerns had paved the way for the current crisis. He said a simple “commitment of no eastward expansion could have easily ended the crisis and stopped the suffering.”

“Instead, one chose to fan the flames at a safe distance, watching its own arms dealers, bankers and oil tycoons make a fortune out of the war, while leaving the people of a small country with the wounds of war that would take years to heal,”
he said.

“History has proven time and again that sanctions cannot solve problems,” Le said. “The sanctions against Russia are getting more and more outrageous… Sanctions will only harm ordinary people, impact the economic and financial system... and worsen the global economy.”

NATO’s pursuit of “absolute security” leads to “absolute non-security,” Le added


Not sure what specific 'news/goings-on that the western overlords and their extentions who operate in cable news/Internet entertainment platforms are allowing the nation's serfdom to have access to lately. Just looking at the topical content over the last couple of weeks on various message boards and social media, as well as flipping throug hthe channels on my idiot box, it doesn't seem like much at all, aside from promoting the usual interests of arms dealers and bankers from behind the cloak of American interests (lolol) so will add a couple of different links here...

C'mon, man!!!

Why would the Chinese waste nukes when they can buy whatever they want:

1. BRICS...........they have been and ARE AGAINST US........They intend to break the dollar...........Make NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT.

2. Trade.......Any country that makes itself DEPENDENT on other countries for their own supplies........are STUPID..........Trump was correct. We are held over a barrel by cheap labor from China. Not to mention the pharma industry that showed the market share of basic medical comes from there.

We need to start producing our own stuff...........and understand the World ..........BRICS wants to take us down.

KNOW YOUR ENEMY............and those idiots destroying us from within from DC
1. BRICS...........they have been and ARE AGAINST US........They intend to break the dollar...........Make NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT.

2. Trade.......Any country that makes itself DEPENDENT on other countries for their own supplies........are STUPID..........Trump was correct. We are held over a barrel by cheap labor from China. Not to mention the pharma industry that showed the market share of basic medical comes from there.

We need to start producing our own stuff...........and understand the World ..........BRICS wants to take us down.

KNOW YOUR ENEMY............and those idiots destroying us from within from DC
Trade? Yeah. China used to buy all their soybeans from US farmers.
Trade? Yeah. China used to buy all their soybeans from US farmers.

We are dependent on foreign countries and that is a recipe for disaster..............Your short term PROFITS mean nothing to OUR LONG TERM SECURITY. You would sell us out for a buck.
Think this is the first time China has said anything on the official level about it.


A spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry, Zhao Lijian, said during a press conference on Thursday that the ''key to solving the Ukraine crisis is in the hands of the US and NATO,” as these are the “culprits of the crisis. According to the Chinese diplomat, America and its European allies should “reflect upon their roles in the Ukraine crisis,” as well as “earnestly shoulder due responsibilities and take real actions to ease the situation.”


President Vladimir Putin gave an extensive speech on the Ukrainian crisis on Wednesday, as he met with regional heads to discuss measures of socioeconomic support to counter the wave of anti-Russian sanctions. Putin provided his take on the ongoing conflict with Ukraine, its causes, and the goals Russia pursues.

The collective West clinging on its ''crumbling dominance'' has been the ultimate driver of the crisis, Russian president says.

“Today, the entire planet has to pay the price for the ambitions of the West, for its attempts by any means to maintain its crumbling dominance,” he said.

Concerned only with their “vested interests and super profits,” the Western elites led the world into the current situation through “years of mistakes and short-sited decisions.”

''For instance, the impact of the anti-Russian sanctions, imposed over the Ukrainian conflict, is already being felt by the common people in the West – while the elites have been bizarrely trying to blame it on Moscow'', Putin noted.

''I want ordinary Western people to hear me as well. You are being persistently told that your current difficulties are the result of Russia’s hostile actions and that you have to pay from your own pockets for the efforts to counter the alleged Russian threat. All of that is a lie.''


We are dependent on foreign countries and that is a recipe for disaster..............Your short term PROFITS mean nothing to OUR LONG TERM SECURITY. You would sell us out for a buck.
Do you understand that Trump is a fucking moron? He's poorly educated , lazy and incurious. He craves the limelight. He just never studies the issues. Remember he has a big brain and is his own advisor
We sell alot of stuff to China and the world. The People's Republic of China
Yes. And they have fucked us in a lot of them. At some point you say enough........But you surrender over your stock options........Many areas we toasted our industries that are vital to our military and MEDICAL..........NEED TO STAY HERE..........

That is STRATEGIC not your GAMBLING problem on the markets...............The world always needs FOOD.........There will be a buyer for it .........Right now fertilizer is the problem and we are DEPENDENT on their asses again........

Imagine that.

And yet we just closed a phosphate plant down here...........competition destroyed it......along with enviro nightmare issues.

Now they hold us over a barrel for it.
Do you understand that Trump is a fucking moron? He's poorly educated , lazy and incurious. He craves the limelight. He just never studies the issues. Remember he has a big brain and is his own advisor
I understand you have terminal TDS and that he was RIGHT to try and bring back industry here.

You would have us held HOSTAGE to critical markets and supplies by destroying production here.

Kinda like the 5.5 bbd of oil here since 2019. Right now Fertilizer is killing us.
Obama had already taken care of that. Trump was grandstanding which he is famous for doing. NATO isn't strong because of Trump. He made a complete ass of himself just like his speech at the UN and his dumbass performance at G7. Tillerson said Trump is a fucking moron and he's correct. Tillerson is a skilled and experienced businessman/executive not a flamboyant game show host.
the head of NatO disagrees with you
I understand you have terminal TDS and that he was RIGHT to try and bring back industry here.

You would have us held HOSTAGE to critical markets and supplies by destroying production here.

Kinda like the 5.5 bbd of oil here since 2019. Right now Fertilizer is killing us.
Russian oil imports to the US increased from 14 million barrels to 72 million barrels between 2016 and 2020. Use your head. US oil production isn't set up for much downstream from or capturing of sulphur and urea.
Russian oil imports to the US increased from 14 million barrels to 72 million barrels between 2016 and 2020. Use your head. US oil production isn't set up for much downstream from or capturing of sulphur and urea.
Heavy crude can be obtained from others than Russia.

I've shown the data..............We increased oil production to 17 million barrels a day in 2019. Before we screwed ourselves locking the hell down over the plannedemic.

5.5 million barrels a day more production from the time Trump stepped into office. He was approving permits in a few days.........takes 6 months under the current clown then lawsuits.
Heavy crude can be obtained from others than Russia.

I've shown the data..............We increased oil production to 17 million barrels a day in 2019. Before we screwed ourselves locking the hell down over the plannedemic.

5.5 million barrels a day more production from the time Trump stepped into office. He was approving permits in a few days.........takes 6 months under the current clown then lawsuits.
Biden approved more permits and leases in 90 day s than Trump did in the first year. Trump is a liar and a braggart.
Biden approved more permits and leases in 90 day s than Trump did in the first year. Trump is a liar and a braggart.
Same Lie DIFFERENT DAY........Ignore the permits.............and why oil companies just avoid federal land because of the BS.

And the numbers DON'T LIE......under TRUMP we increased over 5 million bbd in oil production. PERIOD.........That is as much OR MORE than Russia Exports.

We are down 5.5 million barrels a day under BIDEN............And HE OWNS IT.

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