China Funding Domestic Terrorist Groups In United States

Still waiting on the examples of how Biden is taking our nation down the path the Chinese are taking.
Why not? The US has funded domestic terror around the globe for decades, including Uyghurs operating in Western China.
Hmmm....This is the inside eating its way out with us

We had allies turn enemies over the years. Shit happens to everyone
Dude, that poster just admitted it is indeed terrorists in our nation funded by Chinese money

Some poster's are just plain anti-American.
Anyone see China Joe today. Is Kramalot running things from Guatemala???? Please stay there you dumb as dirt broad

My God it is like the TwilightZone
I think he was sitting on balcony facing Lafayette St. after his afternoon nappy watching the squirrels play.
This is an admin way over its head that all this is being planned for an awful purpose.

Hell they got Fauci-Kevorkian to lie to make Trump look as bad as possible. Horrible
No one needs to lie to make Trump look bad he can do that all by himself...
Trump looked great next to Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dumb that we have in White House now.
First they fund domestic terrorist groups in the United States of America, then they create a global pandemic, on top of all of that they now have a larger navy than the US Navy. Now they threaten Taiwan. When will media awaken to the " China Threat." Can you imagine if Putin and Russia were funding Proud Boys? Liberal's in Congress would go ballistic. But they are silent when China funds BLM.
BLM has not been designated a terrorist group..
Why not? The US has funded domestic terror around the globe for decades, including Uyghurs operating in Western China.
Hmmm....This is the inside eating its way out with us

We had allies turn enemies over the years. Shit happens to everyone
Dude, that poster just admitted it is indeed terrorists in our nation funded by Chinese money

Some poster's are just plain anti-American.
Anyone see China Joe today. Is Kramalot running things from Guatemala???? Please stay there you dumb as dirt broad

My God it is like the TwilightZone
I think he was sitting on balcony facing Lafayette St. after his afternoon nappy watching the squirrels play.
This is an admin way over its head that all this is being planned for an awful purpose.

Hell they got Fauci-Kevorkian to lie to make Trump look as bad as possible. Horrible
No one needs to lie to make Trump look bad he can do that all by himself...
And yet you can’t name one
of course the CCP is helping fund their puppet the DNC, and their brownshirts
Do you have any proof, no I am afraid not.. All you have is hot air..
read the OP
There is no Brown shirts, but you may abuse the language all you like.
i suppose they don’t wear the same uniform...but they were formed and do the same objective
BLM is not a terrorist group and neither is the US army, now the Marines they are because they bath less.
Why not? The US has funded domestic terror around the globe for decades, including Uyghurs operating in Western China.
Hmmm....This is the inside eating its way out with us

We had allies turn enemies over the years. Shit happens to everyone
Dude, that poster just admitted it is indeed terrorists in our nation funded by Chinese money

Some poster's are just plain anti-American.
Anyone see China Joe today. Is Kramalot running things from Guatemala???? Please stay there you dumb as dirt broad

My God it is like the TwilightZone
I think he was sitting on balcony facing Lafayette St. after his afternoon nappy watching the squirrels play.
This is an admin way over its head that all this is being planned for an awful purpose.

Hell they got Fauci-Kevorkian to lie to make Trump look as bad as possible. Horrible
No one needs to lie to make Trump look bad he can do that all by himself...
And yet you can’t name one
A Trump lie, oh that's easy, he said he would make Mexico pay for the wall, and Mexico did not pay for the wall...
of course the CCP is helping fund their puppet the DNC, and their brownshirts
Do you have any proof, no I am afraid not.. All you have is hot air..
read the OP
There is no Brown shirts, but you may abuse the language all you like.
Take your Brown Shirts and shove them up your ass
I will after you stop using yer mouth as a washing machine for them..
Why not? The US has funded domestic terror around the globe for decades, including Uyghurs operating in Western China.
Hmmm....This is the inside eating its way out with us

We had allies turn enemies over the years. Shit happens to everyone
Dude, that poster just admitted it is indeed terrorists in our nation funded by Chinese money

Some poster's are just plain anti-American.
Anyone see China Joe today. Is Kramalot running things from Guatemala???? Please stay there you dumb as dirt broad

My God it is like the TwilightZone
I think he was sitting on balcony facing Lafayette St. after his afternoon nappy watching the squirrels play.
This is an admin way over its head that all this is being planned for an awful purpose.

Hell they got Fauci-Kevorkian to lie to make Trump look as bad as possible. Horrible
No one needs to lie to make Trump look bad he can do that all by himself...
Trump looked great next to Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dumb that we have in White House now.
They all look like shit to me..But you have your special turds you like to adorn.
of course the CCP is helping fund their puppet the DNC, and their brownshirts
Do you have any proof, no I am afraid not.. All you have is hot air..
read the OP
There is no Brown shirts, but you may abuse the language all you like.
i suppose they don’t wear the same uniform...but they were formed and do the same objective
BLM is not a terrorist group and neither is the US army, now the Marines they are because they bath less.
the Army isn’t

BLM certainly is...the terrorist wing of the dnc
Why not? The US has funded domestic terror around the globe for decades, including Uyghurs operating in Western China.
Hmmm....This is the inside eating its way out with us

We had allies turn enemies over the years. Shit happens to everyone
Dude, that poster just admitted it is indeed terrorists in our nation funded by Chinese money

Some poster's are just plain anti-American.
Anyone see China Joe today. Is Kramalot running things from Guatemala???? Please stay there you dumb as dirt broad

My God it is like the TwilightZone
I think he was sitting on balcony facing Lafayette St. after his afternoon nappy watching the squirrels play.
This is an admin way over its head that all this is being planned for an awful purpose.

Hell they got Fauci-Kevorkian to lie to make Trump look as bad as possible. Horrible
No one needs to lie to make Trump look bad he can do that all by himself...
And yet you can’t name one
A Trump lie, oh that's easy, he said he would make Mexico pay for the wall, and Mexico did not pay for the wall...
because xiden shut the project down...only to restart it
Hock- tooey!

Republicans have been in bed with Chinese decades longer than Democrats....starting with Nixon and George H W Bush as China Ambassador working to open up China on trade.....that began our downfall on manufacturing.... Then came Walmart...near all China goods, wiping out most American businesses with American made products....

all WAL-MART mega donations went to Republicans, while democrats fought the spread to China on manufacturing.... Democrats supported Domestic made and their unions wanting manufacturing to stay here.

y'all got it ass backwards.

That being said it is very disturbing when foreigners interfere in our own domestic issues, policies, and disgruntleness.

BUT, by no means are most black lives matter supporters associated with China or communism or the group mentioned in the op, Black Futures Lab, or Black Lives Matter Global Network....

65% of ALL American adults support the cause of Black Lives Matter movement here in the USA, in 2020...and found George Floyd's murder by a cop, repugnant, along with easy killings of several unarmed blacks by trained policemen that seemed unnecessary.

Here is an article from the same site as your op article, the Heritage foundation/Daily Signal on it, that I got out of a link in your original article....

With protesters taking to the streets all over the United States to protest police brutality after the killings of unarmed black men, the phrase “Black Lives Matter” has become synonymous with the movement.

Regardless of where you find yourself on the ideological spectrum, a significant percentage of those protesting have done so peacefully. But it’s the violent protesters and Antifa thugs who continue to get most of the attention.

The media would have it no other way; after all, who wants to watch continuous news about protesters marching peacefully? That’s boring. For a news media that’s become all about ratings and being first, they care only about what suits that agenda.

What do I mean in the paragraphs above, you might ask? Well, I wonder if you know that a recent Gallup poll found that “65% of U.S. adults support the protests” and that “53% said the protests ‘will help’ public support for equality and racial justice

read the rest here:

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of course the CCP is helping fund their puppet the DNC, and their brownshirts
Do you have any proof, no I am afraid not.. All you have is hot air..
read the OP
There is no Brown shirts, but you may abuse the language all you like.
Plenty of Che Guevara supporters on Capitol Hill. Called Democrats.
Che is dead, I doubt he'll be doing anything soon, still waiting on that proof that Biden is steering the US into the Chinese state.
First they fund domestic terrorist groups in the United States of America, then they create a global pandemic, on top of all of that they now have a larger navy than the US Navy. Now they threaten Taiwan. When will media awaken to the " China Threat." Can you imagine if Putin and Russia were funding Proud Boys? Liberal's in Congress would go ballistic. But they are silent when China funds BLM.
A larger navy in numbers but not in capitol ships..
This is still another step towards challenging out supremacy on the Pacific.
They have a very long way to go to get to that point since we took it away along with the British and Dutch.
How many territories in Pacific are occupied by by Dutch, British, and United States of America? I noticed you left out the Japanese? Guess you hoped they would have WW2 against the evil Americans?
Hock- tooey!

Republicans have been in bed with Chinesedecades longer than Democrats....starting with Nixon and George H W Bush as China Ambassador working to open up China on trade.....that began our downfall on manufacturing.... Then came Walmart...near all China goods, wiping out most American businesses with American made products....

all WAL-MART mega donations went to Republicans, while democrats fought the spread to China on manufacturing.... Democrats supported Domestic made and their unions wanting manufacturing to stay here.

y'all got it ass backwards.

that being said it is very disturbing when foreigners interfere in our own domestic issues, policies, and disgruntleness.

BUT, by no means are most black lives matter supporters associated with China or communism or the group mentioned in the op, Black Futures Lab, or Black Lives Matter Global Network....

65% of ALL American adults support the cause of Black Lives Matter movement here in the USA, in 2020...and found George Floyd's murder by a cop, repugnant, along with easy killings of several unarmed blacks by trained policemen that seemed unnecessary.

Here is an article from the same site as your op article, the Heritage foundation/Daily Signal on it, that I got out of a link in your original article....

With protesters taking to the streets all over the United States to protest police brutality after the killings of unarmed black men, the phrase “Black Lives Matter” has become synonymous with the movement.

Regardless of where you find yourself on the ideological spectrum, a significant percentage of those protesting have done so peacefully. But it’s the violent protesters and Antifa thugs who continue to get most of the attention.

The media would have it no other way; after all, who wants to watch continuous news about protesters marching peacefully? That’s boring. For a news media that’s become all about ratings and being first, they care only about what suits that agenda.

What do I mean in the paragraphs above, you might ask? Well, I wonder if you know that a recent Gallup poll found that “65% of U.S. adults support the protests” and that “53% said the protests ‘will help’ public support for equality and racial justice

read the rest here:

Hock-Tooey? Is what guys do when smell your snatch? BTW we used China during Cold War as counter balance to Soviet Union. Now Cold War is over and we need China for nothing.
Hock- tooey!

Republicans have been in bed with Chinese decades longer than Democrats....starting with Nixon and George H W Bush as China Ambassador working to open up China on trade.....that began our downfall on manufacturing.... Then came Walmart...near all China goods, wiping out most American businesses with American made products....

all WAL-MART mega donations went to Republicans, while democrats fought the spread to China on manufacturing.... Democrats supported Domestic made and their unions wanting manufacturing to stay here.

y'all got it ass backwards.

That being said it is very disturbing when foreigners interfere in our own domestic issues, policies, and disgruntleness.

BUT, by no means are most black lives matter supporters associated with China or communism or the group mentioned in the op, Black Futures Lab, or Black Lives Matter Global Network....

65% of ALL American adults support the cause of Black Lives Matter movement here in the USA, in 2020...and found George Floyd's murder by a cop, repugnant, along with easy killings of several unarmed blacks by trained policemen that seemed unnecessary.

Here is an article from the same site as your op article, the Heritage foundation/Daily Signal on it, that I got out of a link in your original article....

With protesters taking to the streets all over the United States to protest police brutality after the killings of unarmed black men, the phrase “Black Lives Matter” has become synonymous with the movement.

Regardless of where you find yourself on the ideological spectrum, a significant percentage of those protesting have done so peacefully. But it’s the violent protesters and Antifa thugs who continue to get most of the attention.

The media would have it no other way; after all, who wants to watch continuous news about protesters marching peacefully? That’s boring. For a news media that’s become all about ratings and being first, they care only about what suits that agenda.

What do I mean in the paragraphs above, you might ask? Well, I wonder if you know that a recent Gallup poll found that “65% of U.S. adults support the protests” and that “53% said the protests ‘will help’ public support for equality and racial justice

read the rest here:

Did they ask about how Americans felt about rioting and burning down neighborhood's?

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