China harvests organs of political prisoners


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017

It is not lost on Jewher Ilham that her life in the United States allows her the freedom to do what led to her losing her father Ilham Tohti.

“It means a lot to me and my family that the State Department is prioritizing religious freedom,” Ilham said in remarks made on Tuesday at the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom at the U.S. State Department in Washington, DC. “My father Ilham Tohti is in a Chinese prison serving a life sentence because he chose to speak out about what he believes are basic, essential human rights — the right to believe what you believe; the right to worship the way you want to worship; the right to think what you want to think.”

His crime, Ilham said, was “speaking openly about what was happening to Uighurs in China” – more than 1 million fellow Muslim Uighurs who have been forced into what the communist regime euphemistically calls “re-education camps.”

But the truth, Ilham said, is that the Chinese are holding Uighurs in concentration camps where some are tortured and killed. Others are the victims of organ harvesting.

“They harvest prisoners’ organs for sale,” Ilhan said. “At the airport, there is now a fast track security lane for organs to pass.”

“That’s how common this is,” Ilham said.

Uyghur Woman Reveals Chinese Horror Story of Organ Harvesting
Falun Gong or Falun Dafa were on that list previously but apparently they are running low on them so the Uighurs are next on the list of expendable humans.
As I've been posting for years, China is a monstrous regime. Cheating on trade and theft of intellectual property is just the tip of the iceberg. The misery they've inflicted on their own citizens, Muslims and people of other countries puts them on the level of Nazi Germany.
I don't condone the organ harvesting but not all the Uighurs are hapless victims. They are laden with militant separatists with ties to radical islamic groups. The US has bombed some of the camps they set up with the Taliban.

It is not lost on Jewher Ilham that her life in the United States allows her the freedom to do what led to her losing her father Ilham Tohti.

“It means a lot to me and my family that the State Department is prioritizing religious freedom,” Ilham said in remarks made on Tuesday at the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom at the U.S. State Department in Washington, DC. “My father Ilham Tohti is in a Chinese prison serving a life sentence because he chose to speak out about what he believes are basic, essential human rights — the right to believe what you believe; the right to worship the way you want to worship; the right to think what you want to think.”

His crime, Ilham said, was “speaking openly about what was happening to Uighurs in China” – more than 1 million fellow Muslim Uighurs who have been forced into what the communist regime euphemistically calls “re-education camps.”

But the truth, Ilham said, is that the Chinese are holding Uighurs in concentration camps where some are tortured and killed. Others are the victims of organ harvesting.

“They harvest prisoners’ organs for sale,” Ilhan said. “At the airport, there is now a fast track security lane for organs to pass.”

“That’s how common this is,” Ilham said.

Uyghur Woman Reveals Chinese Horror Story of Organ Harvesting

Remember that every time you buy some junk made in China.

Remember that man who posted a "help us" inside the product he made? I think he was a Chinese prisoner/slave worker.

Stand up to these animals now or they will come for all of us in time.
Uighurs are an easy target for the CCP because historically the Han have been scared to death of them.
It is not lost on Jewher Ilham that her life in the United States allows her the freedom to do what led to her losing her father Ilham Tohti.

“It means a lot to me and my family that the State Department is prioritizing religious freedom,” Ilham said in remarks made on Tuesday at the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom at the U.S. State Department in Washington, DC. “My father Ilham Tohti is in a Chinese prison serving a life sentence because he chose to speak out about what he believes are basic, essential human rights — the right to believe what you believe; the right to worship the way you want to worship; the right to think what you want to think.”

His crime, Ilham said, was “speaking openly about what was happening to Uighurs in China” – more than 1 million fellow Muslim Uighurs who have been forced into what the communist regime euphemistically calls “re-education camps.”

But the truth, Ilham said, is that the Chinese are holding Uighurs in concentration camps where some are tortured and killed. Others are the victims of organ harvesting.

“They harvest prisoners’ organs for sale,” Ilhan said. “At the airport, there is now a fast track security lane for organs to pass.”

“That’s how common this is,” Ilham said.

Uyghur Woman Reveals Chinese Horror Story of Organ Harvesting

How much for a new liver?
Uighurs are an easy target for the CCP because historically the Han have been scared to death of them.

And not without cause. Uighurs are tough customers, generally speaking. The presence of any extremists among them is all the excuse the CCP needs to lash out at one of their boogeymen.
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Yet, despite all this and much more you will rarely if ever see a liberal that will face up to the harsh reality of China, however they do constantly go after and complain about Russia.

Well, of course I suppose since Russians are white....that makes a big difference to liberals...always willing to look the other way when people of color are involved.

They must maintain the narrative of evil white people.

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