China In Pre-Great Depression Mode: Possible Bank Runs Loom(?), (US Needs Pelosi's Next Stimulus)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
NRC has already shown how US Investment spending doesn't work very well. Spending has to open up at the "Essential Sectors," really soon. US Banks did get their bailout--people are not standing in line to pull out life-savings. Many stockholders did poorly just weeks ago. All that is RNC, celebratory of Matthew 25: 14-30, usury economics in play.

So now Speaker Pelosi notes that that $1.3 tril, new Stimulus is likely not enough. One indicator is the compare and contrast with the Chinese banking sector--now getting hit with its own "Essential Sectors" problem. Karl Marx was not a stranger to Usury Economics.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Pharaoh's inner household strikes again: Deut 23: 19-20)
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All these bailouts and stimulus spending, regardless to what they're adding to the debt.

So if the debt is a moot point, and we can print money and/or spend at will, then instead of giving every legal American a paltry $1,200, why not $10,000, why not $100,000? Why not give each American $250,000? It's all just 0's and 1's in some digital realm anyway.
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All these bailouts and stimulus spending, regardless to what they're adding to the debt.

So if the debt is a moot point, and we can print and spend at will, then instead of giving every legal American a paltry $1,200, why not $10,000, why not $100,000? Why not give each American $250,000? It's all just 0's and 1's in some digital realm anyway.
Because Joe Biden is gonna get in there and tax the hell of of ya, that's why.

Now back to work slave! Oh, that's right, Joe and his Marxists cronies won't let you work either.
Because Joe Biden is gonna get in there and tax the hell of of ya, that's why.

Now back to work slave! Oh, that's right, Joe and his Marxists cronies won't let you work either.
Yeah well, I don't think sleepy creepy hair sniffing geriatric groper uncle joe has a snowballs chance in hell of winning in November, but that's still besides the point.
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All these bailouts and stimulus spending, regardless to what they're adding to the debt.

So if the debt is a moot point, and we can print and spend at will, then instead of giving every legal American a paltry $1,200, why not $10,000, why not $100,000? Why not give each American $250,000? It's all just 0's and 1's in some digital realm anyway.
We are in the middle of a reset...believe that
All these bailouts and stimulus spending, regardless to what they're adding to the debt.

So if the debt is a moot point, and we can print money and/or spend at will, then instead of giving every legal American a paltry $1,200, why not $10,000, why not $100,000? Why not give each American $250,000? It's all just 0's and 1's in some digital realm anyway.
There is more truth to your statement than you realize. In theory it should work, how ever the dolllar is trust in the government when that disappears the dollar is worthless. Trust seems to be running low these days. Likely we see a repeat of 2007 here but I hope not.
The only way our national debt could EVER be "paid off," is to simply wipe it clean. Just declare it GONE, because there's no way in HELL at this point that it could ever be paid off by PAYING on it.
Exactly...a reset
The debt requirement is created from the inefficiency of the Usury returns on investments climate. Less invested gets less back. More retained, more gets created back. The usury returns need a source. The usual sources is an actual marketplace with buying and selling of goods and services. If more people have less money--it tanks. Effectively--No lives matter. Everyone loses. No investment returns.

The Stimulus provided a basis $1200 per person relief check: With basis of no known outcome. The Unemployed got the $600.00 per week, with basis in emergency, full employment income. One outcome is that banks came out on top. No lines formed to withdraw everything. No national bank holiday has happened.

The China economy knows about fixed percentage COLA's, and slumping sales. The US economy mainly has an ego-problem--especially at Trump White House. Noted by Biden, indirectly--nobody believes this is happening to them. So wrong--It is not(?)! Right--it is happening all over, and needs containent.

From prosperity comes revenues--a tax base. Mainly the Democrats understand this. There is a tax base. Some local sales taxes may have improved, even, in some areas where more is needed, than in other places. Senator Graham only indirectly figured that out. Probably Senator Jones can hammer than it--caused by him, personally--in a Red State.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Once upon a time--but the canaries aside, there was a household of Pharaoh, of mythological reputation, even: Called "Deity" in Deut 23: 19-20!)

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