China installing small nuclear reactor that will pay big for them...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
And their favorite employee....joe helping them to make it happen...

Yesterday, the Chinese dropped the core module into the world’s first commercial small modular nuclear reactor.

We should actually be green around the gills at the news, nauseous with disgust that they can eat our lunch this way.
…which was, no doubt, funded in large part by Biden Inflation Reduction Action tax credits and subsidies allowing American climate cultists to buy Chinese solar and wind products.
The onshore small modular reactor is compact, efficient, clean as a whistle, and does it ever pack a reliable power punch.

…As the world’s first land-based commercial small modular pressurized water reactordeveloped by China National Nuclear Corporation, Linglong One, with a power generation capacity of 125 megawatts, can generate 1 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year once completed, which can meet the need of 526,000 households, and is equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 880,000 tonnes, or planting 7.5 million trees.
With the way the Chinese have worked their design, the reactor is also adaptable for other uses, and China is looking to that versatility to further bolster their expansionist plans in the Pacific theater and Africa.

Building a nuclear reactor is a commitment of multiple lifetimes not to poison the earth. Do you think the Chinese are responsible enough not to build crappy meltdown prone crap in developing countries? They don't care if they ruin their own land.
Building a nuclear reactor is a commitment of multiple lifetimes not to poison the earth. Do you think the Chinese are responsible enough not to build crappy meltdown prone crap in developing countries? They don't care if they ruin their own land.

Building a nuclear reactor is a commitment of multiple lifetimes not to poison the earth.

CO2 is going to doom us within the decade.........what could be worse?
Building a nuclear reactor is a commitment of multiple lifetimes not to poison the earth.

CO2 is going to doom us within the decade.........what could be worse?
I'm not against nuclear power, on the contrary, it must be used until fusion comes along, maybe, someday. The fact that they are creating something that will be dangerous for centuries should never be far from the conversation.
I'm not against nuclear power, on the contrary, it must be used until fusion comes along, maybe, someday. The fact that they are creating something that will be dangerous for centuries should never be far from the conversation.
how is it dangerous for centuries?
Nuclear waste is a serious and still unsolved drawback to nuclear power.
how serious, on a scale from 1 to 10

or, monday, how far should I be from nuclear waste

and, what kind of nuclear waste, specifically
how serious, on a scale from 1 to 10

or, monday, how far should I be from nuclear waste

and, what kind of nuclear waste, specifically
There are cooling ponds at every nuclear reactor. We assume they have something to do with cooling the reactors but this is not the case. They hold the spent fuel rods that are still very radioactive. So much so that they radiate a lot of heat. Were the ponds holding them happen to dry up they would spontaniously burn with a toxic cloud worse than nuclear bomb fallout. We still have no idea what to do about that.
Why is America so dumb, we should have been utilizing small nuclear reactors years ago.
Eh, probably Democrats again..
I'm not against nuclear power, on the contrary, it must be used until fusion comes along, maybe, someday. The fact that they are creating something that will be dangerous for centuries should never be far from the conversation.
It has arrived but introducing LENR here would cause mental break downs . New Trolls and instant nuclear experts would be the immediate order of the mad peoples .Try to get you interested. But do not tell the Climate Change crowd because it obliterates their garbage negative outcomes .
The RED FLAG for me is that these are using water as a primary coolant ... the failure point of all major nuclear accidents (except Windscale used oxygen) ... because using water we'll need a containment structure ... that's just the way water is ... our future is with sodium coolant, this doesn't boil at reactor core temperatures ...

Westinghouse bankrupted out from underneath her nuclear core manufacturing facilities ... China is where we'll be buying any future cores ... good to see they're up to the task ... slave labor has it's rewards ...
And their favorite employee....joe helping them to make it happen...

Yesterday, the Chinese dropped the core module into the world’s first commercial small modular nuclear reactor.

We should actually be green around the gills at the news, nauseous with disgust that they can eat our lunch this way.
…which was, no doubt, funded in large part by Biden Inflation Reduction Action tax credits and subsidies allowing American climate cultists to buy Chinese solar and wind products.
The onshore small modular reactor is compact, efficient, clean as a whistle, and does it ever pack a reliable power punch.

With the way the Chinese have worked their design, the reactor is also adaptable for other uses, and China is looking to that versatility to further bolster their expansionist plans in the Pacific theater and Africa.

Just one more thing the US will be dependent on China for.
It has arrived but introducing LENR here would cause mental break downs . New Trolls and instant nuclear experts would be the immediate order of the mad peoples .Try to get you interested. But do not tell the Climate Change crowd because it obliterates their garbage negative outcomes .

You have your Rossi power plant yet?

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