China is mocking the leftists in America

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Trump Praises Xi for Handling of Coronavirus Outbreak

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Statesmanship is back.

President Biden is preparing to confront China on a range of issues in the coming week as he seeks to reassert America's position on the global stage...
The meeting will follow an effort by the White House to demonstrate U.S. solidarity with its allies in the Indo-Pacific. Biden is seeking to work in solidarity with other countries to stand up to Beijing, in contrast with his predecessor’s go-it-alone approach.​
The president wants to work with China on areas of mutual concern, such as the coronavirus pandemic and climate change, but not without pushing back on its crackdown on human rights, unfair trade practices and theft of U.S. technology...​
Biden on Friday met with the leaders of Australia, Japan and India, which together with the U.S. comprise the “Quad,” as all four nations experience rising tensions with China.​
“The four leaders did discuss the challenge posed by China and they made clear that none of them have any illusions about China, but today was not fundamentally about China,” Sullivan told reporters Friday, noting that the focus of the meeting was cooperation on the pandemic and climate change.​
Only the "right" is as 'mockable' as the "left". The rest of us don't know whether to laugh or cry.
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Trump Praises Xi for Handling of Coronavirus Outbreak

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Statesmanship is back.

President Biden is preparing to confront China on a range of issues in the coming week as he seeks to reassert America's position on the global stage...
The meeting will follow an effort by the White House to demonstrate U.S. solidarity with its allies in the Indo-Pacific. Biden is seeking to work in solidarity with other countries to stand up to Beijing, in contrast with his predecessor’s go-it-alone approach.​
The president wants to work with China on areas of mutual concern, such as the coronavirus pandemic and climate change, but not without pushing back on its crackdown on human rights, unfair trade practices and theft of U.S. technology...​
Biden on Friday met with the leaders of Australia, Japan and India, which together with the U.S. comprise the “Quad,” as all four nations experience rising tensions with China.​
“The four leaders did discuss the challenge posed by China and they made clear that none of them have any illusions about China, but today was not fundamentally about China,” Sullivan told reporters Friday, noting that the focus of the meeting was cooperation on the pandemic and climate change.​
Trump shot from the hip. That is his style. Always has been. You are people who dot the I's and cross the T's even if it means concentration camps open up. Face it. China is going to rule. They are of machismo and have us and other nations addicted to their current cheaply made products. Biden knows it. We will decline until China makes most of their products for their own people first. And that is only a couple of decades away or so.
China Joe needs only to look at the Lincoln painting in the White House dining room: it’s the CIA-Chinese connection to his son’s cocaine. Suggested further reading is McCoy, The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade.
Trump shot from the hip. That is his style. Always has been. You are people who dot the I's and cross the T's even if it means concentration camps open up. Face it. China is going to rule. They are of machismo and have us and other nations addicted to their current cheaply made products. Biden knows it. We will decline until China makes most of their products for their own people first. And that is only a couple of decades away or so.
Biden's nuanced, coalition-building strategy in confronting China is far more auspicious than Trump's pulling policy out of his butt and thoughtlessly blurting out his inanities
China Joe needs only to look at the Lincoln painting in the White House dining room: it’s the CIA-Chinese connection to his son’s cocaine. Suggested further reading is McCoy, The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade.

You must be for the Keystone XL.. its very beneficial to China.
lol and the most obnoxious of China Joe's Cadre supporters will be purged when the regime consolidates, same as Lenin murdered masses of people, Stalin in his turn, Mao was still murdering masses of people until the day he died, and of course the Mad Midget in NK still murders as a matter of routine.
Look at all the people the US murdered to make it to where they are today.

So give all your stuff away to imaginary 'victims' and move, asshole.
These Moon Bats are Useful Idiots to the Chicoms.

The Moon Bats worked hard to get rid of that pesky Trump that had a great American economy, strong military, fair trade deals and all the technology the Chicom's little heart could ever want.

They even put China's Boy into the White House.

Things are going to be great now for Xi and he has the Useful Idiots to thank.
Trump bum kissers seem to cling to the crackpot notion that alienating allies is good for America. Reasserting global leadership in mutually-beneficial coalitions is a far more effective strategy. Divisiveness is enervating.

Putin saw the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer as a golden opportunity to weaken NATO.

The United States and three of its closest Indo-Pacific partners committed to supplying up to a billion coronavirus vaccine doses across Asia by the end of 2022 at a summit on Friday carefully choreographed to counter China's growing influence.
President Joe Biden and the leaders of Australia, India and Japan - countries together known as the Quad - pledged at their first summit to work to ensure a free and open Indo-Pacific and to cooperate on maritime, cyber and economic security, issues vital to the four democracies in the face of challenges from Beijing.
The former guy's egomania allowed forces antithetical to U.S. interests have their way with him in flagrante delicto.

The Cry Baby Loser had unconditionally surrendered global leadership in confronting anthropogenic climate change to China when he absconded from the Paris Accord. (I realize that anyone who believes that climate change is a scam perpetrated by China to hurt U.S. manufacturing will be in a snit and will sulk with a vengeance.)

So it goes.

Stupid uneducated Moon Bats never seem to understand that we should put American interest first and not give away the store to shitheads like the Chicoms.

Of course the Chinese paid off Hunter Biden's cocaine dealer with that sweet billion dollar investment and the Big Guy got his kickback so they have their man in the White House to give away the store.

Life is good for the Chinese now. Their Useful idiots help them do away with a President that put American interests first. They will eat our lunch but the traitorous Biden family will live well.
You appear to be a Chinese pawn. Nevertheless, the United States is again exercising global statesmanship in leading democratic nations against the "Divide and conquer!" resolve of totalitarian regimes that manipulate naïve dupes.

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"Oh, yeah!
Well, I made CHINA pay for its wall!"

You appear to be a dope addled halfwit.

Your Commie party's 'COVID relief Bill' merely pays off a bunch of corrupt left wing scum and 'causes'. Less than 10% of it has anything to do with the COVID epidemic. Where is the rest of the money going? lol and why do they keep calling it a COVID Relief bill? Because shit for brains like yourself will run around peddling it.
China knows conservatives are the losers.
They certainly know they are losers in the last Presidential election......which mean the Chinese CCP is the winner. They own the DNC, and have been interferring in our elections on their behalf for quite some time. A win for the DNC is a win for the know human rights abuses, poverty, one party state control...etc
If that were true we'd have more products manufactured in the US.
um nope....the Chinese want less in the USA...hence their support for the DNC. The DNC needs to break the USA first....hence why the CCP supports the DNC

Chinese companies spend big to fend off Trump
You support the CCP what with it's investments in the Alberta tar sands

The China Institute estimates China has invested a total of $55 billion in Alberta, the majority in energy projects, out of $85 billion in Canada

And you protest if the Keystone XL and international development

Keystone XL: Fresh Evidence That China and Not U.S. Will Benefit

So, go ahead and keep on pushing for China...
lol and the most obnoxious of China Joe's Cadre supporters will be purged when the regime consolidates, same as Lenin murdered masses of people, Stalin in his turn, Mao was still murdering masses of people until the day he died, and of course the Mad Midget in NK still murders as a matter of routine.
Look at all the people the US murdered to make it to where they are today.

So give all your stuff away to imaginary 'victims' and move, asshole.
No, I try not to get murdered.
Everyone certainly has more to gain from a reasoned, practical approach to China. The régime in charge is impossible to love, but the people are like all others and would be receptive to friendly overtures. Cultural exchange is a big plus for our side. Direct political, economic or military confrontation is not likely to work in our favor.
China knows conservatives are the losers.
They certainly know they are losers in the last Presidential election......which mean the Chinese CCP is the winner. They own the DNC, and have been interferring in our elections on their behalf for quite some time. A win for the DNC is a win for the know human rights abuses, poverty, one party state control...etc
If that were true we'd have more products manufactured in the US.
um nope....the Chinese want less in the USA...hence their support for the DNC. The DNC needs to break the USA first....hence why the CCP supports the DNC

Chinese companies spend big to fend off Trump
You support the CCP what with it's investments in the Alberta tar sands

The China Institute estimates China has invested a total of $55 billion in Alberta, the majority in energy projects, out of $85 billion in Canada

And you protest if the Keystone XL and international development

Keystone XL: Fresh Evidence That China and Not U.S. Will Benefit

So, go ahead and keep on pushing for China...
Not at all....I want us to get that oil out and make money off don' want to bypass the United no real surprise to see China filling he vaccum there after Obama and Xiden's admin backed out during their admin
Everyone certainly has more to gain from a reasoned, practical approach to China. The régime in charge is impossible to love, but the people are like all others and would be receptive to friendly overtures. Cultural exchange is a big plus for our side. Direct political, economic or military confrontation is not likely to work in our favor.

Like all sociopaths and the countries they run, The Cadre vermin just see 'friendly overtures' as a sign of weakness to be exploited. And no, people are not 'all alike'; you don't get out much, do you?
China knows it has a partner in the the Neo-GOP not only because of their Anti-Democracy position from the 01-06-2021 Zippy Insurrection, but also their willingness to ignore the Constitution when it suits them.

Autocrats love the actions of other autocrats.
Everyone certainly has more to gain from a reasoned, practical approach to China. The régime in charge is impossible to love, but the people are like all others and would be receptive to friendly overtures. Cultural exchange is a big plus for our side. Direct political, economic or military confrontation is not likely to work in our favor.

Like all sociopaths and the countries they run, The Cadre vermin just see 'friendly overtures' as a sign of weakness to be exploited. And no, people are not 'all alike'; you don't get out much, do you?
Reminds me of a dear friend who was a life long communist. We didn't agree on that part but could talk about it quite objectively. Once I made a comment that all people are the same inside and, without a second's pause, he replied, "Yes, red!"

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