China is mocking the leftists in America

"You appear to be a Chinese pawn. ..."

China knows it has a partner in the the Neo-GOP not only because of their Anti-Democracy position from the 01-06-2021 Zippy Insurrection, but also their willingness to ignore the Constitution when it suits them.

Autocrats love the actions of other autocrats.

Small potatoes compared to insane Pelosi and the 'Resistance' you vermin announced in 2016 when your crooked traitor with the fat ankles lost, followed by two fake 'impeachments', a torrent of fake news stories, putting hired violent mobs on the streets, and other fun Democrat scum stuff.
China knows it has a partner in the the Neo-GOP not only because of their Anti-Democracy position from the 01-06-2021 Zippy Insurrection, but also their willingness to ignore the Constitution when it suits them.

Autocrats love the actions of other autocrats.

Small potatoes compared to insane Pelosi and the 'Resistance' you vermin announced in 2016 when your crooked traitor with the fat ankles lost, followed by two fake 'impeachments', a torrent of fake news stories, putting hired violent mobs on the streets, and other fun Democrat scum stuff.

In reality Hillary conceded in the wee hours of the night (next morning) and never accused Trumpybear of rigging the election. Never urged supported to fight the transition. Dems were out of power for the first two year of Donnie's term. The news media is free to love (Faux) or hate (everyone else) Trumpyberra as they will. Race riots over police conduct is part of our history and accusing Democrats of paying them is specious.

You lost plan and simple. Buck up.
China knows it has a partner in the the Neo-GOP not only because of their Anti-Democracy position from the 01-06-2021 Zippy Insurrection, but also their willingness to ignore the Constitution when it suits them.

Autocrats love the actions of other autocrats.

Small potatoes compared to insane Pelosi and the 'Resistance' you vermin announced in 2016 when your crooked traitor with the fat ankles lost, followed by two fake 'impeachments', a torrent of fake news stories, putting hired violent mobs on the streets, and other fun Democrat scum stuff.

In reality Hillary conceded in the wee hours of the night (next morning) and never accused Trumpybear of rigging the election. Never urged supported to fight the transition. Dems were out of power for the first two year of Donnie's term. The news media is free to love (Faux) or hate (everyone else) Trumpyberra as they will. Race riots over police conduct is part of our history and accusing Democrats of paying them is specious.

You lost plan and simple. Buck up.

None of which has squat to do with the 'Resistance' Democrats launched, the fake impeachments, and media blitz of lies, innuendo, and outright fraud and abuses of power.

You buck it up, kid, and stop being a scumbag commie shill; your 'peer group' are a fickle bunch of lunatics and deviants.

Are YOU Baizuo?

I think most on this board are and on this I 1000000000% agree with China.

Donald have them whatever they wanted nutter butter. So his creepy daughter could get Chinese parents.

mans let’s remember Donald has the secret vhinese back account.
So who did China laugh at, trumpkin?
huh? President Trump's daughter has Chinese parents?
Shhhhh dont tell her. It's funnier this way.
Putin won’t take any crap from the demoncat cartel

He laughs at them. He saw how easily he bribed the Obama administration and how weak minded they all are, from the top down. He probably preferred Hillary but Biden and his successor Kamala are plenty stupid and weak enough for his purposes.

Are YOU Baizuo?

I think most on this board are and on this I 1000000000% agree with China.

While Transocrats tell us that men may be women, China is doing quite the opposite

I recommend JoeB, Faun, Lesh, Mac, Fort Fun Indians, IM2 and AFrench2 go to China and take that course.
He laughs at them. He saw how easily he bribed the Obama administration and how weak minded they all are, from the top down. He probably preferred Hillary but Biden and his successor Kamala are plenty stupid and weak enough for his purposes.
You are free to cling to your hyper-partisan fantasy, of course but, in the real world, the FBI, NSA, CIA, and two Republican-led Senate Special Committees on Intelligence all concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election to hurt Clinton and help Trump:

Of course, irrational denial may comport far better with the cult's dogma.

Putin certainly got his money's worth.


Lilly-white SJW libtards don't know it, but black people mock them behind their backs too.
Your hyper-partisan derangement appears to cause you to project your paranoia as you delude yourself with your fantasy that you are the spokesperson for Black Americans.

Compose yourself. Have a bracing cup of tea and a nice biscuit.
China knows it has a partner in the the Neo-GOP not only because of their Anti-Democracy position from the 01-06-2021 Zippy Insurrection, but also their willingness to ignore the Constitution when it suits them.

Autocrats love the actions of other autocrats.

Small potatoes compared to insane Pelosi and the 'Resistance' you vermin announced in 2016 when your crooked traitor with the fat ankles lost, followed by two fake 'impeachments', a torrent of fake news stories, putting hired violent mobs on the streets, and other fun Democrat scum stuff.

In reality Hillary conceded in the wee hours of the night (next morning) and never accused Trumpybear of rigging the election. Never urged supported to fight the transition. Dems were out of power for the first two year of Donnie's term. The news media is free to love (Faux) or hate (everyone else) Trumpyberra as they will. Race riots over police conduct is part of our history and accusing Democrats of paying them is specious.

You lost plan and simple. Buck up.

None of which has squat to do with the 'Resistance' Democrats launched, the fake impeachments, and media blitz of lies, innuendo, and outright fraud and abuses of power.

You buck it up, kid, and stop being a scumbag commie shill; your 'peer group' are a fickle bunch of lunatics and deviants.

Poor poor Republicans, only held all three branches of government for two full years and failed so miserably, and yet they still whine about the tactics they used against Obama being used against them. Then your fucking crime boss gets caught trying to strong arm a foreign country into lying about the great Joe Biden. When that didn't work and the Trumpybear lost in 2020, he fomented the plan from his new book "The Idiot's Guide to Insurrection".

The Pseudo-Cons have shown their true Neo-Fascism desires.

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