China = Japan 1930's

China's military power an increasing threat to US, Pentagon official admits | South China Morning Post

I am really getting pissed-off at the lack of attention given to the Chinese threat to US security. What should the U.S. do to counter this?

Build up our educational sysem. Make sure that every person that has the ability and will to take higher education has the oppertunity to do so. Make sure that health does not bankrupt our workers and that the people working at getting an education have adaquete health care so that poor health is not a factor for them.

Build up our infrastructure. Our wonderful interstate system is falling apart. Our internet system is orders of magnitude behind that of Japan and South Korea. Most of our cities are served with water mains of which many are over a century old and leak more than they deliver. Our rail system, compared to that of Japan and Europe, looks like something pre-WW2. Start funding R and D on orders more of magnitude than we do today. And tell one major political party that science from obese junkies on the radio is idiocy.

Our military does not need more money, it needs more brains. Such things as defunding the A-10, simply because it is not as sexy as high speed fighter planes is idiocy. Until we have built a better replacement for a ground attack plane, we need to continue to build that weapons platform. And we need leaders that will not destroy our military resources on insanity like the invasion of Iraq.

Today, China graduates far more engineers than we do. Their rail system is more modern and more is being built daily. They are investing more into alternative energies than we are, and spending more on research on how to make the alternatives more efficient. Even little South Korea graduates more engineers than we do.
Build up our educational sysem. Make sure that every person that has the ability and will to take higher education has the oppertunity to do so. Make sure that health does not bankrupt our workers and that the people working at getting an education have adaquete health care so that poor health is not a factor for them.

Build up our infrastructure. Our wonderful interstate system is falling apart. Our internet system is orders of magnitude behind that of Japan and South Korea. Most of our cities are served with water mains of which many are over a century old and leak more than they deliver. Our rail system, compared to that of Japan and Europe, looks like something pre-WW2. Start funding R and D on orders more of magnitude than we do today. And tell one major political party that science from obese junkies on the radio is idiocy.

Why not say what you really mean? Sounds like you want to jack up taxes 25-30% at least. Great thinking. Perfect time for that. :rolleyes:

South Korea and Japan are much, much smaller than the US. The 'modern' rail system in China you admire so much is underused, losing ridiculous amounts of money, and in many cases is a flat-out death ride. Calm down.
Point WELL TAKEN!!! But, perhaps WWIII and a draft will cure America of its hopeless spin to the bottom.

Eh...'s more about a lack of grace. You don't need a military industrial complex to get people's butts in gear. You just need culture for people to be proud of.

We can be proud of our culture how? It's a Snoop-Dogg disgrace,

Well...'s a little complicated.

The first thing you have to do is get rid of mass media, pop culture, consumerism so people can organically organize.

This is one of the problems neocons tend to have against regular conservatives though because Jews own the media that would have to be reformed, yet neocons are Zionists who emphasize the self-determination of Jews:


The music behind Hollywood's golden age - Telegraph

Jews in Hollywood Jewish Actors Jewish Directors Jewish Producers

Jews In The American Media | Hollywood

Seven Jewish Americans Control Most US Media

The second thing you have to do is basically inquire about free will in society such that people have pride and confidence in themselves to cultivate culture...

...but again, Jews are an issue. In fact, Jews believe they're chosen by God to bring light to the world. They believe in fate before free will:

Jews as the chosen people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Light Unto the Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(There are scriptural citations, so wiki's OK.)

In fact, Jews are also the problem when it comes to how America depends on psychology to accommodate for the lack of cultural immersion in society, and this even goes hand in hand with feminist deconstruction of social values:

Judaism and Psychology - My Jewish Learning

Psychology in the United States | Jewish Women's Archive

The Century Of Self: Happiness Machines (Episode1) on Vimeo (Focus on 8:00 - 20:00, but there are details throughout.)

I mean it's no surprise that America is a Snoop Dog disgrace instead of taking pride in being classy. It's been deconstructed by Jewish multiculturalism that's taken things a step too far just to carve a niche in society where people need Jews to fix a problem they created in the first place.
China's military power an increasing threat to US, Pentagon official admits | South China Morning Post

I am really getting pissed-off at the lack of attention given to the Chinese threat to US security. What should the U.S. do to counter this?

I admire your spunk, but everything the United States does is to manufacture a world that specifically prevents China and their Russian dogs from usurping the U.S. hegemony. This is foreign policy 1001 as manifested by Brzezinski, Wolfowitz, and now Obozo's "China Pivot". The commie scum are reacting to our foreign policy.

What the U.S. should do to counter this crap, whether I agree with it or not, and I do not, is to checkmate Russian expansion into Central Asia which weakens China while at the same time creating valuable, lasting relationships with other Asian countries in the area.

There is nothing notable to compare with Japanese, western influenced, imperialism in regards to China. WWI Japan and afterward was pure Imperialism, British style.
I am really getting pissed-off at the lack of attention given to the Chinese threat to US security. What should the U.S. do to counter this?
艹! When do/can/will/would/might we threaten you? Use your brain before being pissed-off!

China spies on the United States daily and is building its military with the sole intent of a challenge to the United States.
China's Growing Military Muscle: A Looming Threat? : NPR
Sir, on this planet, there are none who would show more affections to the US than we Chinese people once did, but a serious of policies that your President Obama implements are pushing us to stand the opposite side of the US. I'm wondering why you're not able to penetrate this condition that I, a common Chinese woman, can see through, instead censure us showing military muscle to you without any causes over and over. In fact, we were/are/will be/can be/ the faithful ally of the US!
China's military power an increasing threat to US, Pentagon official admits | South China Morning Post

I am really getting pissed-off at the lack of attention given to the Chinese threat to US security. What should the U.S. do to counter this?

Please detail the Chinese military threat to the United States.
What are they actually going to do, invade Disneyland with selfie taking tourists, build cheap cars that outsell Chevy, what?

There isn't one - nothing, not a sausage.
艹! When do/can/will/would/might we threaten you? Use your brain before being pissed-off!

China spies on the United States daily and is building its military with the sole intent of a challenge to the United States.
China's Growing Military Muscle: A Looming Threat? : NPR
Sir, on this planet, there are none who would show more affections to the US than we Chinese people once did, but a serious of policies that your President Obama implements are pushing us to stand the opposite side of the US. I'm wondering why you're not able to penetrate this condition that I, a common Chinese woman, can see through, instead censure us showing military muscle to you without any causes over and over. In fact, we were/are/will be/can be/ the faithful ally of the US!

This isn't anti Chinese, America bullies everyone until they get pissed off at Yanks in general.
It's a great way for the armaments companies to convince the American public of the need to increase their profits.
Sadly, many of the American public are too fucking stupid to see they're being conned.

My appreciation, Paulo (Spelling correct?) :D

Not quite, the translation from a letter based oral system to a character based one doesn't quite work; still, it's close enough, and I have the tattoo on my right arm.
Sadly, after years of no use, my abilities in Mandarin are pretty terrible at the moment.
I just can't get my -/v\ right at the moment.

I'd still like to visit China, hopefully I'll get the chance.

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