China joins fight against ISIS

Where is the Chinese carrier these source reported last week to be docked at Tartus? What and where is the airbase being offered to China in Iraq. You people believe the absolute craziest shit on the net.
not buying the Chinese Carrier part, because as fr as i know they only have one. A modified old soviet era ship the rest is probably true
All of it is bullshit. There is neither a need or want for Chinese aircraft. The US led coalition is not short or in need of more strike aircraft. The problem in not lack of aircraft. We have more strike aircraft on one of our carrier task forces than all the assets Russia has put in Syria. We have a dozen carrier strike forces. Our airbases in Turkey and Kuwait are full of strike aircraft and we have more in Iraq than need, including A-10's and Apache gun ships. The problem is target acquisition and being able to strike ISIS while maintaining a minimum amount of collateral damage.

The problem is lack of will from Obama
Yes, I agree. Obama lacks the will to take action that would bring back the days when dead and maimed American soldiers were acceptable and inflicting tens or even hundreds of thousands of casualties on a civilian population was OK. Obama is a pussy for not being willing to inflict a new round of excessive bloodshed on the Iraqi's and the USA.
Although in your warped mind Obama is a genius:uhoh3: His ineptitude caused the situation we have there now. His pinprick strikes are a joke. Our pilots are flying blind, we need spotters, special forces on the ground for targeting purposes.
Where is the Chinese carrier these source reported last week to be docked at Tartus? What and where is the airbase being offered to China in Iraq. You people believe the absolute craziest shit on the net.
not buying the Chinese Carrier part, because as fr as i know they only have one. A modified old soviet era ship the rest is probably true
All of it is bullshit. There is neither a need or want for Chinese aircraft. The US led coalition is not short or in need of more strike aircraft. The problem in not lack of aircraft. We have more strike aircraft on one of our carrier task forces than all the assets Russia has put in Syria. We have a dozen carrier strike forces. Our airbases in Turkey and Kuwait are full of strike aircraft and we have more in Iraq than need, including A-10's and Apache gun ships. The problem is target acquisition and being able to strike ISIS while maintaining a minimum amount of collateral damage.
The Carrier is there in support of Russia in taking out the rebel forces we have been supporting..............

It's part of the deal they are cutting, aka Alliance, with BRICS........................................

They are pushing for maintaining the supply of oil and gas to Europe.................which the west is trying to reverse.
Where is the Chinese carrier these source reported last week to be docked at Tartus? What and where is the airbase being offered to China in Iraq. You people believe the absolute craziest shit on the net.
not buying the Chinese Carrier part, because as fr as i know they only have one. A modified old soviet era ship the rest is probably true
All of it is bullshit. There is neither a need or want for Chinese aircraft. The US led coalition is not short or in need of more strike aircraft. The problem in not lack of aircraft. We have more strike aircraft on one of our carrier task forces than all the assets Russia has put in Syria. We have a dozen carrier strike forces. Our airbases in Turkey and Kuwait are full of strike aircraft and we have more in Iraq than need, including A-10's and Apache gun ships. The problem is target acquisition and being able to strike ISIS while maintaining a minimum amount of collateral damage.

The problem is lack of will from Obama
Yes, I agree. Obama lacks the will to take action that would bring back the days when dead and maimed American soldiers were acceptable and inflicting tens or even hundreds of thousands of casualties on a civilian population was OK. Obama is a pussy for not being willing to inflict a new round of excessive bloodshed on the Iraqi's and the USA.
Although in your warped mind Obama is a genius:uhoh3: His ineptitude caused the situation we have there now. His pinprick strikes are a joke. Our pilots are flying blind, we need spotters, special forces on the ground for targeting purposes.
I don't believe Obama is a genius. I agree with the doctrine of not being the worlds police force and putting our people on the ground in combat roles every time there is a crisis of fuck up somewhere in the world. Help out with equipment and perhaps airstrikes and other assets that few in the world have is one thing, but I am OK with letting regional forces fill the combat role and leaving the US out of as much of that as possible.
Our flyers are not flying blind. The rules of engagement are such that it is very frustrating. It is the coalition allies that apply pressure for these tough rules of engagement that minimize casualties to civilians.
Where is the Chinese carrier these source reported last week to be docked at Tartus? What and where is the airbase being offered to China in Iraq. You people believe the absolute craziest shit on the net.
not buying the Chinese Carrier part, because as fr as i know they only have one. A modified old soviet era ship the rest is probably true
All of it is bullshit. There is neither a need or want for Chinese aircraft. The US led coalition is not short or in need of more strike aircraft. The problem in not lack of aircraft. We have more strike aircraft on one of our carrier task forces than all the assets Russia has put in Syria. We have a dozen carrier strike forces. Our airbases in Turkey and Kuwait are full of strike aircraft and we have more in Iraq than need, including A-10's and Apache gun ships. The problem is target acquisition and being able to strike ISIS while maintaining a minimum amount of collateral damage.
The Carrier is there in support of Russia in taking out the rebel forces we have been supporting..............

It's part of the deal they are cutting, aka Alliance, with BRICS........................................

They are pushing for maintaining the supply of oil and gas to Europe.................which the west is trying to reverse.
Show proof of the carrier being there. So far all you have shown is stock footage of China's only carrier being in the South China Sea.
not buying the Chinese Carrier part, because as fr as i know they only have one. A modified old soviet era ship the rest is probably true
All of it is bullshit. There is neither a need or want for Chinese aircraft. The US led coalition is not short or in need of more strike aircraft. The problem in not lack of aircraft. We have more strike aircraft on one of our carrier task forces than all the assets Russia has put in Syria. We have a dozen carrier strike forces. Our airbases in Turkey and Kuwait are full of strike aircraft and we have more in Iraq than need, including A-10's and Apache gun ships. The problem is target acquisition and being able to strike ISIS while maintaining a minimum amount of collateral damage.

The problem is lack of will from Obama
Yes, I agree. Obama lacks the will to take action that would bring back the days when dead and maimed American soldiers were acceptable and inflicting tens or even hundreds of thousands of casualties on a civilian population was OK. Obama is a pussy for not being willing to inflict a new round of excessive bloodshed on the Iraqi's and the USA.
Although in your warped mind Obama is a genius:uhoh3: His ineptitude caused the situation we have there now. His pinprick strikes are a joke. Our pilots are flying blind, we need spotters, special forces on the ground for targeting purposes.
I don't believe Obama is a genius. I agree with the doctrine of not being the worlds police force and putting our people on the ground in combat roles every time there is a crisis of fuck up somewhere in the world. Help out with equipment and perhaps airstrikes and other assets that few in the world have is one thing, but I am OK with letting regional forces fill the combat role and leaving the US out of as much of that as possible.
Our flyers are not flying blind. The rules of engagement are such that it is very frustrating. It is the coalition allies that apply pressure for these tough rules of engagement that minimize casualties to civilians.
Airstrikes without special forces spotters are mostly useless ,and Obama is barley doing anything anyway. Token effort for the consumption of people like you. We should have had a military base in Iraq, like we do after most all wars, like we still have in Europe. If that were the case, we wouldn't have the problems there we have now
Airstrikes without special forces spotters are mostly useless ,and Obama is barley doing anything anyway. Token effort for the consumption of people like you. We should have had a military base in Iraq, like we do after most all wars, like we still have in Europe. If that were the case, we wouldn't have the problems there we have now

Or we could just mind our own fucking business.

That works a lot better.
How much oil did we liberate..............................

How much got shipped to the United States...........................Didn't did it.................

Now if you want to discuss the opposing pipelines in the region we might debate that............

One side wants a pipeline from Saudi Arabia through the Europe.........

And the other side wants a pipeline from Iran to Europe..........

You see, this is where you are a little confused. The oil wasn't liberated for YOUR benefit. It was liberated to make the oil companies richer.
Although in your warped mind Obama is a genius:uhoh3: His ineptitude caused the situation we have there now. His pinprick strikes are a joke. Our pilots are flying blind, we need spotters, special forces on the ground for targeting purposes.

Or we could just keep the hell out of it. That works, too.

If the Russians want Syria that badly, let them have it.
How much oil did we liberate..............................

How much got shipped to the United States...........................Didn't did it.................

Now if you want to discuss the opposing pipelines in the region we might debate that............

One side wants a pipeline from Saudi Arabia through the Europe.........

And the other side wants a pipeline from Iran to Europe..........

You see, this is where you are a little confused. The oil wasn't liberated for YOUR benefit. It was liberated to make the oil companies richer.
Tell me about the Petro Dollar and the world trying to get off of it.....................

And the competing pipelines to Europe and who's behind that aspect.
All of it is bullshit. There is neither a need or want for Chinese aircraft. The US led coalition is not short or in need of more strike aircraft. The problem in not lack of aircraft. We have more strike aircraft on one of our carrier task forces than all the assets Russia has put in Syria. We have a dozen carrier strike forces. Our airbases in Turkey and Kuwait are full of strike aircraft and we have more in Iraq than need, including A-10's and Apache gun ships. The problem is target acquisition and being able to strike ISIS while maintaining a minimum amount of collateral damage.

The problem is lack of will from Obama
Yes, I agree. Obama lacks the will to take action that would bring back the days when dead and maimed American soldiers were acceptable and inflicting tens or even hundreds of thousands of casualties on a civilian population was OK. Obama is a pussy for not being willing to inflict a new round of excessive bloodshed on the Iraqi's and the USA.
Although in your warped mind Obama is a genius:uhoh3: His ineptitude caused the situation we have there now. His pinprick strikes are a joke. Our pilots are flying blind, we need spotters, special forces on the ground for targeting purposes.
I don't believe Obama is a genius. I agree with the doctrine of not being the worlds police force and putting our people on the ground in combat roles every time there is a crisis of fuck up somewhere in the world. Help out with equipment and perhaps airstrikes and other assets that few in the world have is one thing, but I am OK with letting regional forces fill the combat role and leaving the US out of as much of that as possible.
Our flyers are not flying blind. The rules of engagement are such that it is very frustrating. It is the coalition allies that apply pressure for these tough rules of engagement that minimize casualties to civilians.
Airstrikes without special forces spotters are mostly useless ,and Obama is barley doing anything anyway. Token effort for the consumption of people like you. We should have had a military base in Iraq, like we do after most all wars, like we still have in Europe. If that were the case, we wouldn't have the problems there we have now
We have spotters in Iraq. We keep them as safe as possible from being captured. It is not because we are afraid or the spotters are afraid. A determination has been made the the propaganda value to our opponents is not worth the gains that might be acquired from taking the risk. The lack of your desired speed and level of progress is caused by what has been explained by the US military. That explanation is that a priority is given to keeping collateral damage to absolute minimums. Fortunately a "kill them all let God sort them out" kind of guy isn't making the decisions.
absolutely when Obama pulled out we let the nutters take overl

5000 dead Americans and 35,000 wounded before Obama had the good sense to pull the plug.

I'd say the nutters were out in full force from the time we toppled poor old Saddam.

But, hey, they were only goyim, right?
The bulk of the fighting in Iraq was over Now it's not thanks to your pathetic president

not buying the Chinese Carrier part, because as fr as i know they only have one. A modified old soviet era ship the rest is probably true
All of it is bullshit. There is neither a need or want for Chinese aircraft. The US led coalition is not short or in need of more strike aircraft. The problem in not lack of aircraft. We have more strike aircraft on one of our carrier task forces than all the assets Russia has put in Syria. We have a dozen carrier strike forces. Our airbases in Turkey and Kuwait are full of strike aircraft and we have more in Iraq than need, including A-10's and Apache gun ships. The problem is target acquisition and being able to strike ISIS while maintaining a minimum amount of collateral damage.

The problem is lack of will from Obama
Yes, I agree. Obama lacks the will to take action that would bring back the days when dead and maimed American soldiers were acceptable and inflicting tens or even hundreds of thousands of casualties on a civilian population was OK. Obama is a pussy for not being willing to inflict a new round of excessive bloodshed on the Iraqi's and the USA.
Although in your warped mind Obama is a genius:uhoh3: His ineptitude caused the situation we have there now. His pinprick strikes are a joke. Our pilots are flying blind, we need spotters, special forces on the ground for targeting purposes.
I don't believe Obama is a genius. I agree with the doctrine of not being the worlds police force and putting our people on the ground in combat roles every time there is a crisis of fuck up somewhere in the world. Help out with equipment and perhaps airstrikes and other assets that few in the world have is one thing, but I am OK with letting regional forces fill the combat role and leaving the US out of as much of that as possible.
Our flyers are not flying blind. The rules of engagement are such that it is very frustrating. It is the coalition allies that apply pressure for these tough rules of engagement that minimize casualties to civilians.
Saudi Arabia have any part in that? Making it difficult to kill ISIS members are they?
The problem is lack of will from Obama
Yes, I agree. Obama lacks the will to take action that would bring back the days when dead and maimed American soldiers were acceptable and inflicting tens or even hundreds of thousands of casualties on a civilian population was OK. Obama is a pussy for not being willing to inflict a new round of excessive bloodshed on the Iraqi's and the USA.
Although in your warped mind Obama is a genius:uhoh3: His ineptitude caused the situation we have there now. His pinprick strikes are a joke. Our pilots are flying blind, we need spotters, special forces on the ground for targeting purposes.
I don't believe Obama is a genius. I agree with the doctrine of not being the worlds police force and putting our people on the ground in combat roles every time there is a crisis of fuck up somewhere in the world. Help out with equipment and perhaps airstrikes and other assets that few in the world have is one thing, but I am OK with letting regional forces fill the combat role and leaving the US out of as much of that as possible.
Our flyers are not flying blind. The rules of engagement are such that it is very frustrating. It is the coalition allies that apply pressure for these tough rules of engagement that minimize casualties to civilians.
Airstrikes without special forces spotters are mostly useless ,and Obama is barley doing anything anyway. Token effort for the consumption of people like you. We should have had a military base in Iraq, like we do after most all wars, like we still have in Europe. If that were the case, we wouldn't have the problems there we have now
We have spotters in Iraq. We keep them as safe as possible from being captured. It is not because we are afraid or the spotters are afraid. A determination has been made the the propaganda value to our opponents is not worth the gains that might be acquired from taking the risk. The lack of your desired speed and level of progress is caused by what has been explained by the US military. That explanation is that a priority is given to keeping collateral damage to absolute minimums. Fortunately a "kill them all let God sort them out" kind of guy isn't making the decisions.

What generals might those be? special forces job is not to stay safe :slap:

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