China joins fight against ISIS

They are arming Iran, Iraq, and Assad..............Openly in combat now against ISIS............

The 1st Airstrikes were against the anti Assad Forces we were backing in Syria......................

No MAS is what they are saying...............China is supporting Russia with the Carrier, in a in your face moment in World History. Our Foreign policy sucks...........and the region is going into a Global power shift.
There are still no reports, that I am aware of, of the China in combat. These are all statements of intent. I believe they will, if not already, engage but no actual evidence of that yet. China wants to prove they will pull the trigger to intimidate the nations in the South China Sea region.
We liberated Iraq, then Obama abandon it to Iran, ISIS, now Russia and China. All this is Obama doing:mad:
We didn't liberate Iraq, much like Libya, we took out their iron fist leader and destabilized the country allowing radicals to take over.

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We liberated Iraq, then Obama abandon it to Iran, ISIS, now Russia and China. All this is Obama doing:mad:
We didn't liberate Iraq, much like Libya, we took out their iron fist leader and destabilized the country allowing radicals to take over.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Please.... if we had our base there it be fine. Push your Obama talking points somewhere else. You're the one who thinks Obama is a defender of Israel:slap:
absolutely when Obama pulled out we let the nutters take overl

5000 dead Americans and 35,000 wounded before Obama had the good sense to pull the plug.

I'd say the nutters were out in full force from the time we toppled poor old Saddam.

But, hey, they were only goyim, right?
The bulk of the fighting in Iraq was over Now it's not thanks to your pathetic president

Nonsense. Bush left a Shiite leader in charge of Iraq named Maliki and he refused to let Americans remain in Iraq in positions of authority or even real time observers. Malike predictably purged the Iraqi military of Shiite officers. When the Sunni ISIS attacked, the Shiite refused to fight them and be commanded by Sunni officers. They dropped their weapons and fled the battlefield.
The 1st Airstrikes were against the anti Assad Forces we were backing in Syria.....................
So says our lying government and lapdog media! Word to stupid, there are no moderate forces trying to overthrow AAAASSSad. If Russia hit AAASSSad's enemies then he hit ISIS or other radical Muslims elements.

The sole good guys are the Kurds who are trying to protect their families.

In this conflict the Obama administration is wrong she yes the Russians are right.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
absolutely when Obama pulled out we let the nutters take overl

5000 dead Americans and 35,000 wounded before Obama had the good sense to pull the plug.

I'd say the nutters were out in full force from the time we toppled poor old Saddam.

But, hey, they were only goyim, right?
The bulk of the fighting in Iraq was over Now it's not thanks to your pathetic president

Nonsense. Bush left a Shiite leader in charge of Iraq named Maliki and he refused to let Americans remain in Iraq in positions of authority or even real time observers. Malike predictably purged the Iraqi military of Shiite officers. When the Sunni ISIS attacked, the Shiite refused to fight them and be commanded by Sunni officers. They dropped their weapons and fled the battlefield.

Obama fled as well that wasn't Bush
The 1st Airstrikes were against the anti Assad Forces we were backing in Syria.....................
So says our lying government and lapdog media! Word to stupid, there are no moderate forces trying to overthrow AAAASSSad. If Russia hit AAASSSad's enemies then he hit ISIS or other radical Muslims elements.

The sole good guys are the Kurds who are trying to protect their families.

In this conflict the Obama administration is wrong she yes the Russians are right.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

and a Putin lover. You're way off base. Iran fights with Russia and Hazballah...Fuck Putin

Assad allies, Iranian troops prepare ground attack in Syria - Washington Times
All of it is bullshit. There is neither a need or want for Chinese aircraft. The US led coalition is not short or in need of more strike aircraft. The problem in not lack of aircraft. We have more strike aircraft on one of our carrier task forces than all the assets Russia has put in Syria. We have a dozen carrier strike forces. Our airbases in Turkey and Kuwait are full of strike aircraft and we have more in Iraq than need, including A-10's and Apache gun ships. The problem is target acquisition and being able to strike ISIS while maintaining a minimum amount of collateral damage.

The problem is lack of will from Obama
Yes, I agree. Obama lacks the will to take action that would bring back the days when dead and maimed American soldiers were acceptable and inflicting tens or even hundreds of thousands of casualties on a civilian population was OK. Obama is a pussy for not being willing to inflict a new round of excessive bloodshed on the Iraqi's and the USA.
Although in your warped mind Obama is a genius:uhoh3: His ineptitude caused the situation we have there now. His pinprick strikes are a joke. Our pilots are flying blind, we need spotters, special forces on the ground for targeting purposes.
I don't believe Obama is a genius. I agree with the doctrine of not being the worlds police force and putting our people on the ground in combat roles every time there is a crisis of fuck up somewhere in the world. Help out with equipment and perhaps airstrikes and other assets that few in the world have is one thing, but I am OK with letting regional forces fill the combat role and leaving the US out of as much of that as possible.
Our flyers are not flying blind. The rules of engagement are such that it is very frustrating. It is the coalition allies that apply pressure for these tough rules of engagement that minimize casualties to civilians.
Saudi Arabia have any part in that? Making it difficult to kill ISIS members are they?
Chinese warplanes to join Russian air strikes in Syria. Russia gains Iraqi air base

Russia’s military intervention in Syria has expanded radically in two directions.DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources report that China sent word to Moscow Friday, Oct. 2, that J-15 fighter bombers would shortly join the Russian air campaign that was launched Wednesday, Sept. 30. Baghdad has moreover offered Moscow an air base for targeting the Islamic State now occupying large swathes of Iraqi territory
Russia’s military intervention in Syria has five additional participants: China, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Hizballah.

The J-15 warplanes will take off from the Chinese Liaoning-CV-16 aircraft carrier, which reached Syrian shores on Sept. 26 (as DEBKAfile exclusively reported at the time). This will be a landmark event for Beijing: its first military operation in the Middle East as well the carrier’s first taste of action in conditions of real combat.

Thursday night, China’s foreign minister Wang Yi, made this comment on the Syrian crisis at a UN Security Council session in New York: “The world cannot afford to stand by and look on with folded arms, but must also not arbitrarily interfere (in the crisis).”

A no less significant development occurred at about the same time when Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, speaking to the US PBS NewsHour, said he would welcome a deployment of Russian troops to Iraq to fight ISIS forces in his country too. As an added incentive, he noted that this would also give Moscow the chance to deal with the 2,500 Chechen Muslims whom, he said, are fighting with ISIS in Iraq.

DEBKAfile’s military sources add that Al-Abadi’s words came against the backdrop of two events closely related to Russia’s expanding role in the war arena:

Power shift in the Middle East................China joins the fight................
From the cited article I think this might be the most significant element not being added into the equation. The "war room" is in Baghdad. Look up the history of Hezbollah some time to see significance of Iraq for Hezbollah. The early, early history of Hezbollah. I am guessing this Russian/Iran move is on a scale far beyond what anyone in the West is considering. (At least I have have not heard of any such discussions.)

debkafile’s military sources add that Al-Abadi’s words came against the backdrop of two events closely related to Russia’s expanding role in the war arena:

1. A joint Russian-Iranian-Syrian-Iraqi war room has been working since last week out of the Iraqi Defense Ministry and military staff headquarters in Baghdad to coordinate the passage of Russian and Iranian airlifts to Syria and also Russian air raids. This command center is also organizing the transfer of Iranian and pro-Iranian Shiite forces into Syria.

2. Baghdad and Moscow have just concluded a deal for the Russian air force to start using the Al Taqaddum Air Base at Habbaniyah, 74 km west of Baghdad, both as a way station for the Russian air corridor to Syria and as a launching-pad for bombing missions against ISIS forces and infrastructure in northern Iraq and northern Syria.​
Chinese warplanes to join Russian air strikes in Syria. Russia gains Iraqi air base

Russia’s military intervention in Syria has expanded radically in two directions.DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources report that China sent word to Moscow Friday, Oct. 2, that J-15 fighter bombers would shortly join the Russian air campaign that was launched Wednesday, Sept. 30. Baghdad has moreover offered Moscow an air base for targeting the Islamic State now occupying large swathes of Iraqi territory
Russia’s military intervention in Syria has five additional participants: China, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Hizballah.

The J-15 warplanes will take off from the Chinese Liaoning-CV-16 aircraft carrier, which reached Syrian shores on Sept. 26 (as DEBKAfile exclusively reported at the time). This will be a landmark event for Beijing: its first military operation in the Middle East as well the carrier’s first taste of action in conditions of real combat.

Thursday night, China’s foreign minister Wang Yi, made this comment on the Syrian crisis at a UN Security Council session in New York: “The world cannot afford to stand by and look on with folded arms, but must also not arbitrarily interfere (in the crisis).”

A no less significant development occurred at about the same time when Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, speaking to the US PBS NewsHour, said he would welcome a deployment of Russian troops to Iraq to fight ISIS forces in his country too. As an added incentive, he noted that this would also give Moscow the chance to deal with the 2,500 Chechen Muslims whom, he said, are fighting with ISIS in Iraq.

DEBKAfile’s military sources add that Al-Abadi’s words came against the backdrop of two events closely related to Russia’s expanding role in the war arena:

Power shift in the Middle East................China joins the fight................
From the cited article I think this might be the most significant element not being added into the equation. The "war room" is in Baghdad. Look up the history of Hezbollah some time to see significance of Iraq for Hezbollah. The early, early history of Hezbollah. I am guessing this Russian/Iran move is on a scale far beyond what anyone in the West is considering. (At least I have have not heard of any such discussions.)

debkafile’s military sources add that Al-Abadi’s words came against the backdrop of two events closely related to Russia’s expanding role in the war arena:

1. A joint Russian-Iranian-Syrian-Iraqi war room has been working since last week out of the Iraqi Defense Ministry and military staff headquarters in Baghdad to coordinate the passage of Russian and Iranian airlifts to Syria and also Russian air raids. This command center is also organizing the transfer of Iranian and pro-Iranian Shiite forces into Syria.

2. Baghdad and Moscow have just concluded a deal for the Russian air force to start using the Al Taqaddum Air Base at Habbaniyah, 74 km west of Baghdad, both as a way station for the Russian air corridor to Syria and as a launching-pad for bombing missions against ISIS forces and infrastructure in northern Iraq and northern Syria.​
Bibbi was correct....................a Game of Thrones for regional dominance is underway.
Chinese warplanes to join Russian air strikes in Syria. Russia gains Iraqi air base

Russia’s military intervention in Syria has expanded radically in two directions.DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources report that China sent word to Moscow Friday, Oct. 2, that J-15 fighter bombers would shortly join the Russian air campaign that was launched Wednesday, Sept. 30. Baghdad has moreover offered Moscow an air base for targeting the Islamic State now occupying large swathes of Iraqi territory
Russia’s military intervention in Syria has five additional participants: China, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Hizballah.

The J-15 warplanes will take off from the Chinese Liaoning-CV-16 aircraft carrier, which reached Syrian shores on Sept. 26 (as DEBKAfile exclusively reported at the time). This will be a landmark event for Beijing: its first military operation in the Middle East as well the carrier’s first taste of action in conditions of real combat.

Thursday night, China’s foreign minister Wang Yi, made this comment on the Syrian crisis at a UN Security Council session in New York: “The world cannot afford to stand by and look on with folded arms, but must also not arbitrarily interfere (in the crisis).”

A no less significant development occurred at about the same time when Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, speaking to the US PBS NewsHour, said he would welcome a deployment of Russian troops to Iraq to fight ISIS forces in his country too. As an added incentive, he noted that this would also give Moscow the chance to deal with the 2,500 Chechen Muslims whom, he said, are fighting with ISIS in Iraq.

DEBKAfile’s military sources add that Al-Abadi’s words came against the backdrop of two events closely related to Russia’s expanding role in the war arena:

Power shift in the Middle East................China joins the fight................
From the cited article I think this might be the most significant element not being added into the equation. The "war room" is in Baghdad. Look up the history of Hezbollah some time to see significance of Iraq for Hezbollah. The early, early history of Hezbollah. I am guessing this Russian/Iran move is on a scale far beyond what anyone in the West is considering. (At least I have have not heard of any such discussions.)

debkafile’s military sources add that Al-Abadi’s words came against the backdrop of two events closely related to Russia’s expanding role in the war arena:

1. A joint Russian-Iranian-Syrian-Iraqi war room has been working since last week out of the Iraqi Defense Ministry and military staff headquarters in Baghdad to coordinate the passage of Russian and Iranian airlifts to Syria and also Russian air raids. This command center is also organizing the transfer of Iranian and pro-Iranian Shiite forces into Syria.

2. Baghdad and Moscow have just concluded a deal for the Russian air force to start using the Al Taqaddum Air Base at Habbaniyah, 74 km west of Baghdad, both as a way station for the Russian air corridor to Syria and as a launching-pad for bombing missions against ISIS forces and infrastructure in northern Iraq and northern Syria.​
Bibbi was correct....................a Game of Thrones for regional dominance is underway.
That's what I get for not watching TV. I have no idea what that reference means, but I bet my guess is pretty good. Yes, Bibbi does know what day it is.
We liberated Iraq, then Obama abandon it to Iran, ISIS, now Russia and China. All this is Obama doing:mad:
No, the Bush Administration toppled a regime that did not need toppling, which, in turn, created a vacuum into which ISIS and others rushed, to fill the void.

Oh, there's no getting around the idea that our Imperial Joke, Obumble, screwed the pooch in pulling out, the way he did.

But we must not forget that the Iraq War was unnecessary in the first place, and that it led to this quagmire which we now see unfolding.

And that George W. Bush, and the advisory-team that he inherited from Daddy, are responsible for that quagmire.
We liberated Iraq, then Obama abandon it to Iran, ISIS, now Russia and China. All this is Obama doing:mad:
No, the Bush Administration toppled a regime that did not need toppling, which, in turn, created a vacuum into which ISIS and others rushed to fill the void.

Oh, there's no getting around the idea that our Imperial Joke, Obumble, screwed the pooch in pulling out, the way he did.

But we must not forget that the Iraq War was unnecessary in the first place, and that it led to this quagmire which we now see unfolding.

And that George W. Bush, and the advisory-team that he inherited from Daddy, are responsible for that quagmire.
Full withdrawal..............sucking sound.

Even Obama has recently his mistake in Libya as well......................sucking sound.

And now................he has thrown weapons into the grinder...............mostly ending up in ISIS hands................Those he said are our allies against Assad............Russia is killing them.
Chinese warplanes to join Russian air strikes in Syria. Russia gains Iraqi air base

Russia’s military intervention in Syria has expanded radically in two directions.DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources report that China sent word to Moscow Friday, Oct. 2, that J-15 fighter bombers would shortly join the Russian air campaign that was launched Wednesday, Sept. 30. Baghdad has moreover offered Moscow an air base for targeting the Islamic State now occupying large swathes of Iraqi territory
Russia’s military intervention in Syria has five additional participants: China, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Hizballah.

The J-15 warplanes will take off from the Chinese Liaoning-CV-16 aircraft carrier, which reached Syrian shores on Sept. 26 (as DEBKAfile exclusively reported at the time). This will be a landmark event for Beijing: its first military operation in the Middle East as well the carrier’s first taste of action in conditions of real combat.

Thursday night, China’s foreign minister Wang Yi, made this comment on the Syrian crisis at a UN Security Council session in New York: “The world cannot afford to stand by and look on with folded arms, but must also not arbitrarily interfere (in the crisis).”

A no less significant development occurred at about the same time when Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, speaking to the US PBS NewsHour, said he would welcome a deployment of Russian troops to Iraq to fight ISIS forces in his country too. As an added incentive, he noted that this would also give Moscow the chance to deal with the 2,500 Chechen Muslims whom, he said, are fighting with ISIS in Iraq.

DEBKAfile’s military sources add that Al-Abadi’s words came against the backdrop of two events closely related to Russia’s expanding role in the war arena:

Power shift in the Middle East................China joins the fight................
From the cited article I think this might be the most significant element not being added into the equation. The "war room" is in Baghdad. Look up the history of Hezbollah some time to see significance of Iraq for Hezbollah. The early, early history of Hezbollah. I am guessing this Russian/Iran move is on a scale far beyond what anyone in the West is considering. (At least I have have not heard of any such discussions.)

debkafile’s military sources add that Al-Abadi’s words came against the backdrop of two events closely related to Russia’s expanding role in the war arena:

1. A joint Russian-Iranian-Syrian-Iraqi war room has been working since last week out of the Iraqi Defense Ministry and military staff headquarters in Baghdad to coordinate the passage of Russian and Iranian airlifts to Syria and also Russian air raids. This command center is also organizing the transfer of Iranian and pro-Iranian Shiite forces into Syria.

2. Baghdad and Moscow have just concluded a deal for the Russian air force to start using the Al Taqaddum Air Base at Habbaniyah, 74 km west of Baghdad, both as a way station for the Russian air corridor to Syria and as a launching-pad for bombing missions against ISIS forces and infrastructure in northern Iraq and northern Syria.​
Are the Marines at Taqaddum going to be responsible for protecting the Russians or have the been pulled out? What about the US aircraft? Will they be pulled out or did the Iranians and Russians negotiate them over to themselves?
Chinese warplanes to join Russian air strikes in Syria. Russia gains Iraqi air base

Russia’s military intervention in Syria has expanded radically in two directions.DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources report that China sent word to Moscow Friday, Oct. 2, that J-15 fighter bombers would shortly join the Russian air campaign that was launched Wednesday, Sept. 30. Baghdad has moreover offered Moscow an air base for targeting the Islamic State now occupying large swathes of Iraqi territory
Russia’s military intervention in Syria has five additional participants: China, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Hizballah.

The J-15 warplanes will take off from the Chinese Liaoning-CV-16 aircraft carrier, which reached Syrian shores on Sept. 26 (as DEBKAfile exclusively reported at the time). This will be a landmark event for Beijing: its first military operation in the Middle East as well the carrier’s first taste of action in conditions of real combat.

Thursday night, China’s foreign minister Wang Yi, made this comment on the Syrian crisis at a UN Security Council session in New York: “The world cannot afford to stand by and look on with folded arms, but must also not arbitrarily interfere (in the crisis).”

A no less significant development occurred at about the same time when Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, speaking to the US PBS NewsHour, said he would welcome a deployment of Russian troops to Iraq to fight ISIS forces in his country too. As an added incentive, he noted that this would also give Moscow the chance to deal with the 2,500 Chechen Muslims whom, he said, are fighting with ISIS in Iraq.

DEBKAfile’s military sources add that Al-Abadi’s words came against the backdrop of two events closely related to Russia’s expanding role in the war arena:

Power shift in the Middle East................China joins the fight................
From the cited article I think this might be the most significant element not being added into the equation. The "war room" is in Baghdad. Look up the history of Hezbollah some time to see significance of Iraq for Hezbollah. The early, early history of Hezbollah. I am guessing this Russian/Iran move is on a scale far beyond what anyone in the West is considering. (At least I have have not heard of any such discussions.)

debkafile’s military sources add that Al-Abadi’s words came against the backdrop of two events closely related to Russia’s expanding role in the war arena:

1. A joint Russian-Iranian-Syrian-Iraqi war room has been working since last week out of the Iraqi Defense Ministry and military staff headquarters in Baghdad to coordinate the passage of Russian and Iranian airlifts to Syria and also Russian air raids. This command center is also organizing the transfer of Iranian and pro-Iranian Shiite forces into Syria.

2. Baghdad and Moscow have just concluded a deal for the Russian air force to start using the Al Taqaddum Air Base at Habbaniyah, 74 km west of Baghdad, both as a way station for the Russian air corridor to Syria and as a launching-pad for bombing missions against ISIS forces and infrastructure in northern Iraq and northern Syria.​
Are the Marines at Taqaddum going to be responsible for protecting the Russians or have the been pulled out? What about the US aircraft? Will they be pulled out or did the Iranians and Russians negotiate them over to themselves?
Excellent questions. Probably no one has a clue. This paragraph was directly after what I quoted and should have included I guess:
Chinese warplanes to join Russian air strikes in Syria. Russia gains Iraqi air base
Russia has thus gained a military enclave in Iraq, just as it has in Syria, where it has taken over a base outside Latakia on the western coast of Syria. At the same time, the Habbaniyah air base also serves US forces operating in Iraq, which number an estimated 5,000.​

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