China joins fight against ISIS

We liberated Iraq, then Obama abandon it to Iran, ISIS, now Russia and China. All this is Obama doing:mad:
Say it like it really happened.

Ok... We invaded Iraq because Iraq was a militant belligerent; which had for decades used Islamic Terrorists as proxy fighters to attack the US, her interests and her allies. Because Iraq was in material breach of it's international agreements which has kept it in power since the last time that in attacked a foreign nation, murdering innocents and was known to have used Chemical-Biological Weapons on Civilians, had on-going nuclear development programs and thought to have large quantities of stockpiled Chemical and Biological Weapons... and BECAUSE SINCE ISLAM HAD ATTACKED THE US, MURDERING 3000 Innocent people, Iraq's ongoing belligerence against the US, was no longer an acceptable risk.

In the wake of the invasion and subsequent defeat of Iraq, the Ideological Left in the US and abroad began taking action to support the terrorist enemy... and in the wake of the Bush administration, the Ideological Left in the US, elected a Muslim insurgent, which has used the power of the US Presidency to aid and comfort that enemy, hamper the means of US troops to effectively destroy that enemy, founded, armed and funded the largest Islamic fighting force since the 700AD and not only reversed all of the gains made in the 7 years after Islam attacked the US, it has effectively surrendered the Middle East to control by Islamic Terrorists, which is now allying itself with Russia and China which are now setting up combat operations in Syria, which is directly aligned with Iran... the current most belligerent Islamic nation on earth, which the Left in the US just licensed to arm itself with Nuclear missiles.

What the neo-cons did that was so destructive to the world, and the Obama administration has continued, is made the world a zero-sum game. If someone wants to do something other than what the U.S. has decided what is to be done they will have to go to war. And so they have.
So I reference the fact Obama is a pussy and has no leadership skills what so ever and you have to turn it into a racial issue.

You loons have over-played the race card. Nobody wants to hear it.

Just like a thief is the first to lock his doors at night, those who bring race and ethnicity into every argument are the very people who can't get past the color of a person's skin.

Guy, you all condemn Obama for the same shit Bush did. And that guy definitely had no leadership skills and was kind of a pussy who let Cheney slap him around.

Except Bush was white.

So, yeah, it's about racism. Always has been.
This is about a power shift in the region..................Russia creating a new alliance in the region, attempting to bring in BRICS nations for support. Our Idiot Leader has given arms to the very people he promised to destroy...................and he has stated for years THAT OUR POLICY is to REMOVE ASSAD.......................

Had he succeeded in this policy, Syria would suffer the same fate as LIBYA................which Obama admitted as a failure at the UN.........aka...............we blew the shit out of the place and hauled ass..................Leaving a VACUUM.................which the Radicals GLADLY MOVED INTO.......................such a VACUUM that the radical elements there NEARLY SEIZED CHAD.................and would have without France's military showing up.................

Russia wants a pipeline from Iran to they can maintain the supply of oil and gas to Europe for their economy..........Saudi Arabia and the United States want one from Saudi Arabia through the they can sell oil and gas to Europe to hurt Russia and the BRIC ALLIANCE.................which is why they want Assad gone.........................

Russia has said NO...............As it is there puppet and has been their puppet for over 3 decades...............let them have it.................Withdraw and let them die in the meat grinder............Saves us money...................and would stabilize the region earlier.............Assad is a Despot................and Despots have ruled the roost over there for a long time, because they are the only one's who can put a lid on the powder keg.............They don't do it by being nice.

The current gas field finds off of Israel and Egypt have now changed the equation...............These 2 sites can provide the gas Europe needs and compete with the current monopoly of Russia in Energy sales..............No pipeline needed across the middle east for that.
Let's take a look at 2 candidates positions on Syria..............

Clinton and Fiorina agree on Syrian strategy ...and they’re both wrong

Two Presidential candidates have, however, offeredtheirideas regarding how we should handle Russia, Syria, ISIS, and the CIA-backed rebels in the region.

As Breitbart reported, Carly Fiorina was first to voice her support for a no-fly zone.

“Well, first, we know what’s going on. Syria and Russia, who have had a longstanding relationship, Iran, and Iraq, are forming an unholy alliance. Russia’s intentions are to shore up, and stabilize the Assad regime. ISIS is sort of a camouflage. There is no doubt, that Russia will be conducting airstrikes against anti-Assad rebels, whether or not they happen to strike a few ISIS folks as well is, I don’t know, to be determined. Here’s what we need to do immediately, I believe. First, not only can we not withdraw our air support, but I believe we must tell the Russians that we will conduct—we will secure a no-fly zone around anti-Assad rebel forces that we’re supporting. This is a tricky maneuver, it’s a dangerous maneuver, but it’s a maneuver that we must undertake, because we must make it crystal clear to Russia that they do not get to move into the Middle East, and become the dominant outside power, which is clearly their intention.”

When asked if these means the US might use force against Russian aircraft, Fiorina answered, “Well, hopefully not. hopefully, if we are signaling clearly to the Russians our intention, it will not come to that.”

Today, Hillary Clinton had a little “me too” moment where she echoed Fiorina’s sentiment, saying:

“I personally would be advocating now for a no-fly zone and humanitarian corridors to try to stop the carnage on the ground and from the air, to try to provide some way to take stock of what’s happening, to try to stem the flow of refugees.”

What a couple of Complete IDIOTS.
This thread is based on a bullshit story about a Chinese aircraft carrier showing up off the coast or on the way to Syria. Still not a singe viable and credible source. The OP is basing an entire world view analysis with specific conclusions and predicted consequences on a story that has an invisible aircraft carrier traveling through the Suez Canal and operating in the Mediterranean Sea.
We liberated Iraq, then Obama abandon it to Iran, ISIS, now Russia and China. All this is Obama doing:mad:
Say it like it really happened.

Ok... We invaded Iraq because Iraq was a militant belligerent; which had for decades used Islamic Terrorists as proxy fighters to attack the US, her interests and her allies. Because Iraq was in material breach of it's international agreements which has kept it in power since the last time that in attacked a foreign nation, murdering innocents and was known to have used Chemical-Biological Weapons on Civilians, had on-going nuclear development programs and thought to have large quantities of stockpiled Chemical and Biological Weapons... and BECAUSE SINCE ISLAM HAD ATTACKED THE US, MURDERING 3000 Innocent people, Iraq's ongoing belligerence against the US, was no longer an acceptable risk.

In the wake of the invasion and subsequent defeat of Iraq, the Ideological Left in the US and abroad began taking action to support the terrorist enemy... and in the wake of the Bush administration, the Ideological Left in the US, elected a Muslim insurgent, which has used the power of the US Presidency to aid and comfort that enemy, hamper the means of US troops to effectively destroy that enemy, founded, armed and funded the largest Islamic fighting force since the 700AD and not only reversed all of the gains made in the 7 years after Islam attacked the US, it has effectively surrendered the Middle East to control by Islamic Terrorists, which is now allying itself with Russia and China which are now setting up combat operations in Syria, which is directly aligned with Iran... the current most belligerent Islamic nation on earth, which the Left in the US just licensed to arm itself with Nuclear missiles.

What the neo-cons did that was so destructive to the world, and the Obama administration has continued, is made the world a zero-sum game. If someone wants to do something other than what the U.S. has decided what is to be done they will have to go to war. And so they have.

So the Neocons sent 19 Muslims to the US to learn to only FLY jumbo jets, hijack those jets and fly them into the WTC, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania?

I had no idea!

Thank you informing me of this addle-minded notion.

Let me clue you in... a Neo-Con is a Progressive, a Progressive is a fascist and a fascists is a Leftists who seeks to ease a culture into socialism.

There is NOTHING CONSERVATIVE about a fuckin' PROG... and using the contraction for 'Conservative' to describe a socialists, DOES NOT CHANGE THAT.

Where Bush fucked up can be plotted precisely...

He fucked up by allowing Turkey to prevent the US from mounting a pincer, by deploying forces simultaneously from the North and South.

He fucked up by responding to the Left's bluster over Abu Ghraib...

He fucked up by not immediately following the invasion of Iraq with a pincer upon Iran from Afghanistan and Iraq, with a SPECTACULAR SHOCK and AWE PROGRAM demonstrated in Tehran.

THESE are the three fundamental errors Bush made. If you set aside his initial blunder of not having the Clinton seized, arrested and subjected to rendition... for superior debriefing at his inauguration.
Eagle droppings, why don't you and all your right wing friends form a volunteer brigade to go fight the war in Syria. That will work.
Why don't you Shut the Hell up.............

We have a right to state our opinions on the world scene as do you.....................and I've served over take a long walk off a short bridge and have a nice swim.......................

My opinions are mine and I will state them openly. I've stated the current policy of the Obama policy is Fing Stupid...........I've stated repeatedly that Assad is the only one capable of holding the area after a defeat of ISIS................ISIS needs to go............and whether we like it our not the Sunni's need to maintain power there to block the expansion of Shiite dominance in the region....................

Iran wants dominance there.................including Syria in the end.............By stabilizing Syria, it puts up the buffer to stop their expansion.........even though the current Caliphate is for Sunni Dominance............

I have stated to let the dang Russians end it.......let them spend their money and blood to do it..................It is after all, their puppet they are protecting.............and their interests for a new pipeline across that region for their economy they are supporting...........It's just they will get the money SELLING ARMS to Iran and Iraq in the end for their share............Funding our enemy Iran, to be another thorn in our side.....................and so on..............

It is about dominance of power in the region..
This thread is based on a bullshit story about a Chinese aircraft carrier showing up off the coast or on the way to Syria. Still not a singe viable and credible source. The OP is basing an entire world view analysis with specific conclusions and predicted consequences on a story that has an invisible aircraft carrier traveling through the Suez Canal and operating in the Mediterranean Sea.
I stated a long time ago that I couldn't find the proof on that...................and I stated that it's symbolic at best via the BRICS agreements.................

Along those lines I posted data from China that they support Russia in an alliance with Iran, Iraq, and Syria................

The aircraft carrier doesn't matter...........It's an old piece of junk anyway, with limited is about the positions of nations on the balance of power in the region. And an incompetent Obama on the world stage.................They are LAUGHING AT HIM.
This thread is based on a bullshit story about a Chinese aircraft carrier showing up off the coast or on the way to Syria. Still not a singe viable and credible source. The OP is basing an entire world view analysis with specific conclusions and predicted consequences on a story that has an invisible aircraft carrier traveling through the Suez Canal and operating in the Mediterranean Sea.
I stated a long time ago that I couldn't find the proof on that...................and I stated that it's symbolic at best via the BRICS agreements.................

Along those lines I posted data from China that they support Russia in an alliance with Iran, Iraq, and Syria................

The aircraft carrier doesn't matter...........It's an old piece of junk anyway, with limited is about the positions of nations on the balance of power in the region. And an incompetent Obama on the world stage.................They are LAUGHING AT HIM.
The BRICS statement from China was over a year old. The Chinese refused to support the Russians in the UN by not voting for the acceptance of Crimea as a legitimate nation. That is why news articles often become obsolete. The situations change. Russia has little if any support for their activity in Syria. Obama has been 100% right about them not having support. The China story is just a propaganda ploy to muddy those waters and make people think that perhaps Obama is wrong and Russia does have some global support. Promoting the nonsense propaganda story helps Russia. US pilots are in danger from Russian forces. Promoting Russian propaganda is supporting the endangering of US pilots. Supporting Putin in Syria is treason if you are an American. Facts are facts and you need to be sure of your facts before you do shit that supports the enemies of your country.
We liberated Iraq, then Obama abandon it to Iran, ISIS, now Russia and China. All this is Obama doing:mad:
Say it like it really happened. We invaded Iraq because of non-existant WMD's. A lie created by the Bush admin. And the country went completely to hell as one bad decision in the occupation of that nation after another compounded the chaos. We installed a Shite government, same as Iran, and then act surprised when that government begins to deal with Iran. And marginalized the Sunni, who had the people with military experiance, then wonder why that ISIS is so successful.

As far as I am concerned, Russia and China are welcome to stick their peckers in that meat grinder.

Obama, Biden, Kerry are Clowns which is why they are being treated like clowns by our adversaries

Let's take a look at 2 candidates positions on Syria..............

Clinton and Fiorina agree on Syrian strategy ...and they’re both wrong

Two Presidential candidates have, however, offeredtheirideas regarding how we should handle Russia, Syria, ISIS, and the CIA-backed rebels in the region.

As Breitbart reported, Carly Fiorina was first to voice her support for a no-fly zone.

“Well, first, we know what’s going on. Syria and Russia, who have had a longstanding relationship, Iran, and Iraq, are forming an unholy alliance. Russia’s intentions are to shore up, and stabilize the Assad regime. ISIS is sort of a camouflage. There is no doubt, that Russia will be conducting airstrikes against anti-Assad rebels, whether or not they happen to strike a few ISIS folks as well is, I don’t know, to be determined. Here’s what we need to do immediately, I believe. First, not only can we not withdraw our air support, but I believe we must tell the Russians that we will conduct—we will secure a no-fly zone around anti-Assad rebel forces that we’re supporting. This is a tricky maneuver, it’s a dangerous maneuver, but it’s a maneuver that we must undertake, because we must make it crystal clear to Russia that they do not get to move into the Middle East, and become the dominant outside power, which is clearly their intention.”

When asked if these means the US might use force against Russian aircraft, Fiorina answered, “Well, hopefully not. hopefully, if we are signaling clearly to the Russians our intention, it will not come to that.”

Today, Hillary Clinton had a little “me too” moment where she echoed Fiorina’s sentiment, saying:

“I personally would be advocating now for a no-fly zone and humanitarian corridors to try to stop the carnage on the ground and from the air, to try to provide some way to take stock of what’s happening, to try to stem the flow of refugees.”

What a couple of Complete IDIOTS.

obama is not going to do a dam' thing "TO" the Russians...

Let's review obama's position, RE: The Russians:

obama: "Tell Vladimir, after my election I will have more flexibility"

What we're seeing played out NOW... is what that 'flexibility' looks like.
Russia wants a pipeline from Iran to they can maintain the supply of oil and gas to Europe for their economy..........Saudi Arabia and the United States want one from Saudi Arabia through the they can sell oil and gas to Europe to hurt Russia and the BRIC ALLIANCE.................which is why they want Assad gone.........................
I'm not following you here. How does an Iranian pipeline to Europe help Russia? Is Russia trying to decrease it's revenue stream?
We liberated Iraq, then Obama abandon it to Iran, ISIS, now Russia and China. All this is Obama doing:mad:

Hey, Buns-n-Roses....remind us again WHO signed the agreement with Iraq to have our troops out of there by a certain date????

(what a right wing dolt !!!)
US pilots are in danger from Russian forces. Promoting Russian propaganda is supporting the endangering of US pilots. Supporting Putin in Syria is treason if you are an American. Facts are facts and you need to be sure of your facts before you do shit that supports the enemies of your country.
C'mon drama queen, give it a rest. Russia is not targeting US forces dumb ass.
We liberated Iraq, then Obama abandon it to Iran, ISIS, now Russia and China. All this is Obama doing:mad:

Hey, Buns-n-Roses....remind us again WHO signed the agreement with Iraq to have our troops out of there by a certain date????

(what a right wing dolt !!!)

The agreement was signed in 2008 with the intention of a final status of forces agreement to be negotiated by the New, incoming, president. Obama fail because, he wanted to fail and have all troops out. He also failed when isis was forming. He ignored them "the JV team" even as the Iraqi government asked for help supporting Iraqi forces from the air.He even delivering the planes they already paid for. Obama's an incompetent fool
Russia wants a pipeline from Iran to they can maintain the supply of oil and gas to Europe for their economy..........Saudi Arabia and the United States want one from Saudi Arabia through the they can sell oil and gas to Europe to hurt Russia and the BRIC ALLIANCE.................which is why they want Assad gone.........................
I'm not following you here. How does an Iranian pipeline to Europe help Russia? Is Russia trying to decrease it's revenue stream?
They sell weapons and tech to Iran.............get the money through another door.
Russia wants a pipeline from Iran to they can maintain the supply of oil and gas to Europe for their economy..........Saudi Arabia and the United States want one from Saudi Arabia through the they can sell oil and gas to Europe to hurt Russia and the BRIC ALLIANCE.................which is why they want Assad gone.........................
I'm not following you here. How does an Iranian pipeline to Europe help Russia? Is Russia trying to decrease it's revenue stream?
They sell weapons and tech to Iran.............get the money through another door.
Your rationale fails. Russia needs to maintain it's role in supplying Europe it's gas, it's their bread and butter. Iran can already afford to purchase Russian weapons.
US pilots are in danger from Russian forces. Promoting Russian propaganda is supporting the endangering of US pilots. Supporting Putin in Syria is treason if you are an American. Facts are facts and you need to be sure of your facts before you do shit that supports the enemies of your country.
C'mon drama queen, give it a rest. Russia is not targeting US forces dumb ass.
I did not say US forces were being targeted. I said they are in danger. I will make it clear that the Russian pilots are in the same kind of danger from a mstake. American pilots are in danger because Russia entered the theater of operations. Mistakes happen and Russia has created a situation where an accident can happen.

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