China makes biggest move yet to make the Yuan the world reserve currency.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Xi Jinping announces his plans to do Gulf oil purchases in Yuan and to start importing more oil from Saudi Arabia and less from the US. The Democrats are facilitating China's rise and America's decline and now we are seeing undeniable proof. When the Yuan is accepted as the world's reserve currency, China will have defeated us without firing a shot.

Xi Jinping announces his plans to do Gulf oil purchases in Yuan and to start importing more oil from Saudi Arabia and less from the US. The Democrats are facilitating China's rise and America's decline and now we are seeing undeniable proof. When the Yuan is accepted as the world's reserve currency, China will have defeated us without firing a shot.

Yep. They convinced the world to push climate change and green energy, the usual low performing "elite" (especially those in Hollywood) jumped on board for personal profit, dumb politicians promoted th education of their young to embrace tis, the wealthy who own the MSM pushed it too. China bided their time knowing damn well that THEY will become the new petrol dolllar.

While all the old dinosaurs and their controlled friends repeated the mantra that "Trump is the enemy', Americas adversaries made their move knowing that America was now so defeated they would openly destroy a prsident who promoted policies that were in their best interests, but contrary to their enemies.

Congrats to China, you used the greed of the rich to help replace America, really in 25 short years. They were so effective that they had Western intel agencies doing their work for them. Absolutely stunning work by China intelligent agencies. Meticulous and thorough.

Hey, don't worry, you still have the old caste system/police states like Canada in your corner (so we say publicly)...

Tell me, what nation and honest politicians would purposely undermine the power and influence of their own currency? What domestic police agencies and media would watch and allow it? Hey, I'm just a dumb F&3% from Canada, I only ask the questions
Yep. They convinced the world to push climate change and green energy, the usual low performing "elite" (especially those in Hollywood) jumped on board for personal profit, dumb politicians promoted th education of their young to embrace tis, the wealthy who own the MSM pushed it too. China bided their time knowing damn well that THEY will become the new petrol dolllar.

While all the old dinosaurs and their controlled friends repeated the mantra that "Trump is the enemy', Americas adversaries made their move knowing that America was now so defeated they would openly destroy a prsident who promoted policies that were in their best interests, but contrary to their enemies.

Congrats to China, you used the greed of the rich to help replace America, really in 25 short years. They were so effective that they had Western intel agencies doing their work for them. Absolutely stunning work by China intelligent agencies. Meticulous and thorough.

Hey, don't worry, you still have the old caste system/police states like Canada in your corner (so we say publicly)...

Tell me, what nation and honest politicians would purposely undermine the power and influence of their own currency? What domestic police agencies and media would watch and allow it? Hey, I'm just a dumb F&3% from Canada, I only ask the questions

Nobody is going to want to hold Yuan.
Yep. They convinced the world to push climate change and green energy, the usual low performing "elite" (especially those in Hollywood) jumped on board for personal profit, dumb politicians promoted th education of their young to embrace tis, the wealthy who own the MSM pushed it too. China bided their time knowing damn well that THEY will become the new petrol dolllar.

While all the old dinosaurs and their controlled friends repeated the mantra that "Trump is the enemy', Americas adversaries made their move knowing that America was now so defeated they would openly destroy a prsident who promoted policies that were in their best interests, but contrary to their enemies.

Congrats to China, you used the greed of the rich to help replace America, really in 25 short years. They were so effective that they had Western intel agencies doing their work for them. Absolutely stunning work by China intelligent agencies. Meticulous and thorough.

Hey, don't worry, you still have the old caste system/police states like Canada in your corner (so we say publicly)...

Tell me, what nation and honest politicians would purposely undermine the power and influence of their own currency? What domestic police agencies and media would watch and allow it? Hey, I'm just a dumb F&3% from Canada, I only ask the questions

A Saudi source, speaking before Xi's visit, told Reuters that a decision to sell small amounts of oil in yuan to China could make sense in order to pay Chinese imports directly, but "it is not yet the right time".
Nobody is going to want to hold Yuan.
This is the arrogance that allows other nations to sneak up on America.

You've heard of the term "hope for the best, expect the worst"?

You don't live your life in fear, but you have a security system, cameras and three German Sheppards just in case. In the U.S you probably also have a pistol or two if all else fails.

I've done enough reading on the Belt and Road, I've seen the amount of money China spends on infrastructure. Xi is globe trotting and making deals, America and the West better be doing the same while unabashedly demanding civil liberties in Western nations (such as in police state Canada) and using that invaluable Goodwill to convert citizens around the world.

The U.S Constitution is the one powerful U.S "export" of sorts that costs nothing and some in the U.S want to alter it (just who do they work for?). The U.S should leverage this and raise the stakes.
A Saudi source, speaking before Xi's visit, told Reuters that a decision to sell small amounts of oil in yuan to China could make sense in order to pay Chinese imports directly, but "it is not yet the right time".

Please, not another "source".

If anyone believes these leaders couldn't possibly be hiding another agenda they are fooling themselves. It could easily be the "peace for our time" schtick while the German leaders laughed.

Consider the B.R.I.C countries and the words themselves promoted by China. They want to replace the U.S dollar, they see that correctly as a path to global dominance.

What will prop up the U.S dollar? The sale of EVs? Military equipment? California wine? China is the manufacturing hub of the world, from Apple to Tesla, the demand will increase. Now the purchasing of oil through the yuan?

Isolated it may not move the needle entirely, as a collection of policies, it is a big deal for China.
This is the arrogance that allows other nations to sneak up on America.

You've heard of the term "hope for the best, expect the worst"?

You don't live your life in fear, but you have a security system, cameras and three German Sheppards just in case. In the U.S you probably also have a pistol or two if all else fails.

I've done enough reading on the Belt and Road, I've seen the amount of money China spends on infrastructure. Xi is globe trotting and making deals, America and the West better be doing the same while unabashedly demanding civil liberties in Western nations (such as in police state Canada) and using that invaluable Goodwill to convert citizens around the world.

The U.S Constitution is the one powerful U.S "export" of sorts that costs nothing and some in the U.S want to alter it (just who do they work for?). The U.S should leverage this and raise the stakes.

You've heard of the term "hope for the best, expect the worst"?

Have you heard the term, "No one wants to hold a commie currency"?
Please, not another "source".

If anyone believes these leaders couldn't possibly be hiding another agenda they are fooling themselves. It could easily be the "peace for our time" schtick while the German leaders laughed.

Consider the B.R.I.C countries and the words themselves promoted by China. They want to replace the U.S dollar, they see that correctly as a path to global dominance.

What will prop up the U.S dollar? The sale of EVs? Military equipment? California wine? China is the manufacturing hub of the world, from Apple to Tesla, the demand will increase. Now the purchasing of oil through the yuan?

Isolated it may not move the needle entirely, as a collection of policies, it is a big deal for China.

Consider the B.R.I.C countries and the words themselves promoted by China. They want to replace the U.S dollar, they see that correctly as a path to global dominance.

They want to replace the US dollar, but no one wants to hold the Iranian or Russian currency either.
Consider the B.R.I.C countries and the words themselves promoted by China. They want to replace the U.S dollar, they see that correctly as a path to global dominance.

They want to replace the US dollar, but no one wants to hold the Iranian or Russian currency either.

They will hold a currency if it is backed by all those nations though, lead primarily by China. Not indifferent from the Euro for instance.

Of course, the other nations would have to release some of their sovereignty, which as we saw with England, is often a deal breaker. However, China is working hard and may succeed.
They will hold a currency if it is backed by all those nations though, lead primarily by China. Not indifferent from the Euro for instance.

Of course, the other nations would have to release some of their sovereignty, which as we saw with England, is often a deal breaker. However, China is working hard and may succeed.

They will hold a currency if it is backed by all those nations though, lead primarily by China.

Why will they hold more Yuan, if it's also backed by Russia, Iran and Venezuela?

What do the 3 shitholes bring that China didn't already have?

Not indifferent from the Euro for instance.

You think those countries will merge currencies into a BRIC currency?

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