China needs to be put in their place on trade.

(smile) Sure thing kid.

You need to learn the quote feature kid.

You seem to call everyone "kid." Are you from a bad 1940s gangster film?

Keep running boi.

Does anyone over the age of 13 spell "boy" as "boi"?

Yes when addressing homosexual ninja's.

You may be looking for a different forum...

Naa, I'm good coward.
I do remember those days. I also remember the democrats and the weak repubs giving out crap trade deals during that time.

We can win this trade war easily. If people like you can find the balls to fight it. It may hurt short time. Wars are like that. If you don't surrender though you can win and everything gets much better. Let Trump do what he needs to do to fix this and suck it up for a while. If not then we have your surrender letter in your post.

Under the current trade deals we have...

the longest period of positive job growth in the history of the country.

the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of the country (will be the longest in 2 months)

record low sustained unemployment

more jobs than people to fill them

record setting financial markets till the trade war started.

Which of those things would you like the new trade deals to get rid of?
I'd like to see a more fair trade deal that actually opens up the Chinese market for a longer term gain. We aren't going to lose much short term to make major gains long term. Intellectual property, money manipulation, open markets that are closed to us. Those three alone change the entire dynamic which favors us.

And to be honest if we don't let Trump get this done we may never have another president with the balls to not surrender.
Huge clean up in Aisle 7...guys discuss the topic please.
We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.
Opinion | Why Trump Is Raising Tariffs on China

Trump is playing a dangerous game with his tariff war. He has a few very critical disadvantages. First, he is playing politics with guys that don’t have to get re-elected or answer to the voting public. Also, the Chinese are playing the long game. Trump is focused on the 2020 election. The Chinese are focused on the next decade. I predict Trump will eventually find a way to bow out and claim success without any significant changes.
OK fine Coyote

Nixon opened the door, the globalists had 2 generations to completely protitute it, and now Trump's new taxes (which what a tariff really is) are suppose to bring back manufacturing ,jobs, etc.

Well that's a good 30 years too late , drop in the bucket

We're a consumer nation who's GND has outrun our GDP ,ergo we've about as much clout globally as a welfare queen screaming for his next bottle of ripple

China could care less is we dumped them, they've plenty of other countries to do biz with, we're just one of the most needy per capita

The real issue is the dollar, IMF , etc, of course that's an economic game of chicken given our debt holders loose along with us ,should it get knocked off as global fiat benchmark

But they could gain far more than they would loose, and if they form a consortium (i understand the asian countries have considered it) ,they'd have more clout to do just that

Trump, or any other sitting potus rates about as much as a monkey with a shotgun in light of this

Americans are FAR too addicted to Chinese goods and Chinese prices.

Think of Chinese goods as Heroin, and the US Consumer (yep, YOU and I) as the desperate junkies refusing rehab.

Even if a President tried to help, we (junkies) would bitch and scream for our fix (Chinese goods) even if it kills us (and it will)

WE are in no "place" to deal with China on trade. We also couldn't replace the manufacturing infrastructure even with massive price increases. It would take a decade or more. Too much has been forsaken to get cheap goods from China. And to top it all off, we've willfully handed all our manufacturing secrets to China in the name of profit. (Those they didn't simply take).

So when someone here in the USA says we need to "Put China in it's place on trade" can almost hear the Chinese laughing clear around the globe.

The ONLY ones who can stop the Chinese ARE the Chinese. As long as they are Communist, they'll suffer the perils of oppressive state control. They "could" be 10 times bigger (economically) than the US in a few years if they had a free market and more democratic system.

Ok, maybe not exactly 10x bigger, but hopefully you got the point.
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We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.
Opinion | Why Trump Is Raising Tariffs on China

Trump is playing a dangerous game with his tariff war. He has a few very critical disadvantages. First, he is playing politics with guys that don’t have to get re-elected or answer to the voting public. Also, the Chinese are playing the long game. Trump is focused on the 2020 election. The Chinese are focused on the next decade. I predict Trump will eventually find a way to bow out and claim success without any significant changes.
OK fine Coyote

Nixon opened the door, the globalists had 2 generations to completely protitute it, and now Trump's new taxes (which what a tariff really is) are suppose to bring back manufacturing ,jobs, etc.

Well that's a good 30 years too late , drop in the bucket

We're a consumer nation who's GND has outrun our GDP ,ergo we've about as much clout globally as a welfare queen screaming for his next bottle of ripple

China could care less is we dumped them, they've plenty of other countries to do biz with, we're just one of the most needy per capita

The real issue is the dollar, IMF , etc, of course that's an economic game of chicken given our debt holders loose along with us ,should it get knocked off as global fiat benchmark

But they could gain far more than they would loose, and if they form a consortium (i understand the asian countries have considered it) ,they'd have more clout to do just that

Trump, or any other sitting potus rates about as much as a monkey with a shotgun in light of this


China does NOT have “plenty of other countries” that could take the place of the American market. Not on this planet.
China can endure a level of economic pain far beyond what we can. Trump is playing a dangerous game with an adversary that has designed it's economy to be a weapon. We do not stand a chance of coming out of this with anything resembling a win.
Actually, China can't go tit for tat with Trump.

Each side can put tariffs on what they import, making it less profitable for the other side to export to the other.

China imports $120 billion from us, so they have a $120B in business to threat Trump with.

We import $540B from China.

How in the world do you thin China can go tit for tat with us, when we have 4.5 tats for their every tit?
We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.
Opinion | Why Trump Is Raising Tariffs on China

Trump is playing a dangerous game with his tariff war. He has a few very critical disadvantages. First, he is playing politics with guys that don’t have to get re-elected or answer to the voting public. Also, the Chinese are playing the long game. Trump is focused on the 2020 election. The Chinese are focused on the next decade. I predict Trump will eventually find a way to bow out and claim success without any significant changes.
OK fine Coyote

Nixon opened the door, the globalists had 2 generations to completely protitute it, and now Trump's new taxes (which what a tariff really is) are suppose to bring back manufacturing ,jobs, etc.

Well that's a good 30 years too late , drop in the bucket

We're a consumer nation who's GND has outrun our GDP ,ergo we've about as much clout globally as a welfare queen screaming for his next bottle of ripple

China could care less is we dumped them, they've plenty of other countries to do biz with, we're just one of the most needy per capita

The real issue is the dollar, IMF , etc, of course that's an economic game of chicken given our debt holders loose along with us ,should it get knocked off as global fiat benchmark

But they could gain far more than they would loose, and if they form a consortium (i understand the asian countries have considered it) ,they'd have more clout to do just that

Trump, or any other sitting potus rates about as much as a monkey with a shotgun in light of this


China does NOT have “plenty of other countries” that could take the place of the American market. Not on this planet.
Hear! Hear!

There are any number of third world suppliers like China and really no comparable first world consumer base like the United States.

AND DONALD TRUMP KNEW THAT: Xi Jinping Wanted Global Dominance. He Overshot. China wasn’t ready for the trade war with the United States.
China can endure a level of economic pain far beyond what we can. Trump is playing a dangerous game with an adversary that has designed it's economy to be a weapon. We do not stand a chance of coming out of this with anything resembling a win.
Actually, China can't go tit for tat with Trump.

Each side can put tariffs on what they import, making it less profitable for the other side to export to the other.

China imports $120 billion from us, so they have a $120B in business to threat Trump with.

We import $540B from China.

How in the world do you thin China can go tit for tat with us, when we have 4.5 tats for their every tit?

Better to have more tits than tats!
China can endure a level of economic pain far beyond what we can. Trump is playing a dangerous game with an adversary that has designed it's economy to be a weapon. We do not stand a chance of coming out of this with anything resembling a win.
Actually, China can't go tit for tat with Trump.

Each side can put tariffs on what they import, making it less profitable for the other side to export to the other.

China imports $120 billion from us, so they have a $120B in business to threat Trump with.

We import $540B from China.

How in the world do you thin China can go tit for tat with us, when we have 4.5 tats for their every tit?

Better to have more tits than tats!
That's China's problem, they need us a lot more than we need them, but, they pour a lot of money into DC's Left wing Think Tanks, politicians and left wing Universities, so they all spout the Chinese line in the US/Chines Trade dispute.
China can endure a level of economic pain far beyond what we can. Trump is playing a dangerous game with an adversary that has designed it's economy to be a weapon. We do not stand a chance of coming out of this with anything resembling a win.
Actually, China can't go tit for tat with Trump.

Each side can put tariffs on what they import, making it less profitable for the other side to export to the other.

China imports $120 billion from us, so they have a $120B in business to threat Trump with.

We import $540B from China.

How in the world do you thin China can go tit for tat with us, when we have 4.5 tats for their every tit?

Better to have more tits than tats!
That's China's problem, they need us a lot more than we need them, but, they pour a lot of money into DC's Left wing Think Tanks, politicians and left wing Universities, so they all spout the Chinese line in the US/Chines Trade dispute.

I wasn't talking about economics anymore! Titty talk distracted me.
Most reading this shopped at Wal*Mart sometime this week.

Congratulations, you’re supporting the largest single importer of Chinese made goods and you…yes you….are a globalist.

Walmart Could Become Casualty Of Trade War - Walmart Inc. (NYSE:WMT) | Seeking Alpha
So what? I thought you dems hated Walmart. Now you're upset they can't dump a bunch of cheap chinese shit on us?
I’m not upset at Wal*Mart at all. I shop where my dollar goes the furthest and am happy to shop at Wal Mart.

Are you sure you even know what your position is on this? Seems to be whatever Trump does you want the opposite without even thinking it through.

Its stated above. I shop where my dollar goes the furthest.

I don’t pretend that I am anti-globalist on the message board like you do then turn around and support the #1 importer of Chinese goods.
China can endure a level of economic pain far beyond what we can. Trump is playing a dangerous game with an adversary that has designed it's economy to be a weapon. We do not stand a chance of coming out of this with anything resembling a win.
How the hell are they in better shape than us when their entire economy is based on shipping to us? Our exports aren't going anywhere. Theirs are ruined if we put tariffs on them. There's no dangerous game. You just need to have the balls to hang in there and not let them run over us.

A large part of our economy is based on consumption. With higher prices, that means less money for consumers to spend.

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