China needs to be put in their place on trade.

China can endure a level of economic pain far beyond what we can. Trump is playing a dangerous game with an adversary that has designed it's economy to be a weapon. We do not stand a chance of coming out of this with anything resembling a win.
Actually, China can't go tit for tat with Trump.

Each side can put tariffs on what they import, making it less profitable for the other side to export to the other.

China imports $120 billion from us, so they have a $120B in business to threat Trump with.

We import $540B from China.

How in the world do you thin China can go tit for tat with us, when we have 4.5 tats for their every tit?

Go to the farm belt and say that. Bankruptcies among farmers are skyrocketing since Trump started his trade war.
China can endure a level of economic pain far beyond what we can. Trump is playing a dangerous game with an adversary that has designed it's economy to be a weapon. We do not stand a chance of coming out of this with anything resembling a win.
Really ??
So What Do You Suggest
Besides Endless Hand-Wringing ??

You Just Let The Bully Next Door
Give You Your Daily Slap Up-Side The Head ??

How Do You Know It Will Fail
When You Have Nothing To Compare It To
No One But Trump Has Ever Tried Anything

So What Are Your Outlets
Saying About The Deals In Europe ??
NATO ?? Paris Accords ??
You Know You Need Their Inexperienced At Anything Punditry
To Tell You Every Word To Reply

Oh, Gloom And Doom
Worrah, Worrah, Worrah....
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China is notorious for its bad faith in international relations, so we shouldn’t be surprised that it has reneged on commitments made during negotiations. The proper response is to do exactly what Trump plans to do — inflict more pain on China.

But Trump is leaving the door open for China to return to the table if it’s willing to behave like a proper negotiating partner. The Times reports:

A final trade agreement could still be reached. Mr. Lighthizer [Trump’s top trade adviser] and Mr. Mnuchin [the Treasury Secretary] said on Monday that the Chinese delegation had not canceled travel plans to come to Washington on Thursday and Friday for negotiations.

“We’re not breaking up talks at this point,” Mr. Lighthizer said.
The Red Chinese are used to having their way, and used to dealing with an America that isn’t willing to make short term sacrifices to deny them their way. Trump has decided to reverse this pattern.

It was never going to be easy, and Trump deserves great credit for undertaking this course and for sticking to it.
We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.
Opinion | Why Trump Is Raising Tariffs on China

LOL...and making middle-low income Americans pay even more taxes on the low cost products they depend on to make ends meet is just the way?
Or costing US jobs by causing their products - that depend on cheaper Chinese components - to go up in price, lose competitiveness and thus result in US layoffs is just the way?

And the fact that the Chinese trade surplus was apparently down over 80% in the 5 years before Trump took office is a bad thing to you?

from 1:48 (though the entire interview is interesting)

You - and Trump - have not a fucking clue what you are talking about on this.
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We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.
Opinion | Why Trump Is Raising Tariffs on China

LOL...and making middle-low income Americans pay even more taxes on the low cost products they depend on to make ends meet is just the way?...
Except that despite tariffs, we are enjoying strong low inflation growth. That is, despite a strong increase in tariff and duty revenue to the Federal Treasury, we aren't experiencing unusual inflation, in fact, we remain well below the Fed's 2% target. If tariffs are inflationary, where is the inflation?
...causing their products - that depend on cheaper Chinese components - to go up in price, lose competitiveness and thus result in US layoffs...
Except that we aren't suffering from either inflation or high unemployment.
And the fact that the Chinese trade surplus was down 80% in the 5 years before Trump took office is a bad thing to you?
Please explain. Our trade balance with China in 2011 was -$295,249.7M
5 years later it was -$346,996.5M

That's not a decrease of 80%, that's an increase of over 17%.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China
We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.
Opinion | Why Trump Is Raising Tariffs on China

LOL...and making middle-low income Americans pay even more taxes on the low cost products they depend on to make ends meet is just the way?...
Except that despite tariffs, we are enjoying strong low inflation growth. That is, despite a strong increase in tariff and duty revenue to the Federal Treasury, we aren't experiencing unusual inflation, in fact, we remain well below the Fed's 2% target. If tariffs are inflationary, where is the inflation?
...causing their products - that depend on cheaper Chinese components - to go up in price, lose competitiveness and thus result in US layoffs...
Except that we aren't suffering from either inflation or high unemployment.
And the fact that the Chinese trade surplus was down 80% in the 5 years before Trump took office is a bad thing to you?
Please explain. Our trade balance with China in 2011 was -$295,249.7M
5 years later it was -$346,996.5M

That's not a decrease of 80%, that's an increase of over 17%.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

1) Trump's GDP in his first two years was 2.55%. Which is barely adequate. And downright lousy with the Fed's very low interest rates and Trump's HUGE deficits.The 3.2% number for January was based mostly on inventory builds - nothing to hang one's hat on.

2) The point was it would cause job losses.
And the unemployment rate is a hoax. Trump himself said so.
Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the "Biggest Hoaxes in Politics"
The U-3 is a COMPLETE JOKE. It was under Obama and it still is under Trump.

3) I (and the video) said China's trade surplus - World trade surplus. Not just with America's.
If America cannot keep it's production costs under control compared to the rest of the world...that is not China's fault.
The point is that China's trade surplus with the world is shrinking FAST. The tariffs are not needed.
And they almost NEVER work anyway.
They will just hurt America - both long and short term.
Don't believe me? Just look at how the equity markets have reacted.
We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.
Opinion | Why Trump Is Raising Tariffs on China

LOL...and making middle-low income Americans pay even more taxes on the low cost products they depend on to make ends meet is just the way?...
Except that despite tariffs, we are enjoying strong low inflation growth. That is, despite a strong increase in tariff and duty revenue to the Federal Treasury, we aren't experiencing unusual inflation, in fact, we remain well below the Fed's 2% target. If tariffs are inflationary, where is the inflation?
...causing their products - that depend on cheaper Chinese components - to go up in price, lose competitiveness and thus result in US layoffs...
Except that we aren't suffering from either inflation or high unemployment.
And the fact that the Chinese trade surplus was down 80% in the 5 years before Trump took office is a bad thing to you?
Please explain. Our trade balance with China in 2011 was -$295,249.7M
5 years later it was -$346,996.5M

That's not a decrease of 80%, that's an increase of over 17%.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

3) I (and the video) said China's trade surplus - World trade surplus. Not just with America's.
If America cannot keep it's production costs under control compared to the rest of the world...that is not China's fault.
So if we are unwilling to pay slave wages like China does it isn't China's fault. Is that really your argument?
We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.
Opinion | Why Trump Is Raising Tariffs on China

LOL...and making middle-low income Americans pay even more taxes on the low cost products they depend on to make ends meet is just the way?...
Except that despite tariffs, we are enjoying strong low inflation growth. That is, despite a strong increase in tariff and duty revenue to the Federal Treasury, we aren't experiencing unusual inflation, in fact, we remain well below the Fed's 2% target. If tariffs are inflationary, where is the inflation?
...causing their products - that depend on cheaper Chinese components - to go up in price, lose competitiveness and thus result in US layoffs...
Except that we aren't suffering from either inflation or high unemployment.
And the fact that the Chinese trade surplus was down 80% in the 5 years before Trump took office is a bad thing to you?
Please explain. Our trade balance with China in 2011 was -$295,249.7M
5 years later it was -$346,996.5M

That's not a decrease of 80%, that's an increase of over 17%.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

3) I (and the video) said China's trade surplus - World trade surplus. Not just with America's.
If America cannot keep it's production costs under control compared to the rest of the world...that is not China's fault.
So if we are unwilling to pay slave wages like China does it isn't China's fault. Is that really your argument?

No...those are your words.

My solution is drop all tariffs to China, drop the corporate tax rate to zero and let free enterprise/American 'know how' decide who is king.

And - along the way - save American consumers and businesses TONS of money on cheap Chinese imports.

I believe in free enterprise and minimal government involvement in business.
We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.
Opinion | Why Trump Is Raising Tariffs on China

LOL...and making middle-low income Americans pay even more taxes on the low cost products they depend on to make ends meet is just the way?...
Except that despite tariffs, we are enjoying strong low inflation growth. That is, despite a strong increase in tariff and duty revenue to the Federal Treasury, we aren't experiencing unusual inflation, in fact, we remain well below the Fed's 2% target. If tariffs are inflationary, where is the inflation?
...causing their products - that depend on cheaper Chinese components - to go up in price, lose competitiveness and thus result in US layoffs...
Except that we aren't suffering from either inflation or high unemployment.
And the fact that the Chinese trade surplus was down 80% in the 5 years before Trump took office is a bad thing to you?
Please explain. Our trade balance with China in 2011 was -$295,249.7M
5 years later it was -$346,996.5M

That's not a decrease of 80%, that's an increase of over 17%.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

3) I (and the video) said China's trade surplus - World trade surplus. Not just with America's.
If America cannot keep it's production costs under control compared to the rest of the world...that is not China's fault.
So if we are unwilling to pay slave wages like China does it isn't China's fault. Is that really your argument?

No...those are your words.

My solution is drop all tariffs to China, drop the corporate tax rate to zero and let free enterprise/American 'know how' decide who is king.

And - along the way - save American consumers and businesses TONS of money on cheap Chinese imports.

I believe in free enterprise and minimal government involvement in business.
Without dropping China's tariffs on our goods at the same time that would be the equivalent of putting a gun to our heads.
I do remember those days. I also remember the democrats and the weak repubs giving out crap trade deals during that time.

We can win this trade war easily. If people like you can find the balls to fight it. It may hurt short time. Wars are like that. If you don't surrender though you can win and everything gets much better. Let Trump do what he needs to do to fix this and suck it up for a while. If not then we have your surrender letter in your post.

Under the current trade deals we have...

the longest period of positive job growth in the history of the country.

the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of the country (will be the longest in 2 months)

record low sustained unemployment

more jobs than people to fill them

record setting financial markets till the trade war started.

Which of those things would you like the new trade deals to get rid of?
I'd like to see a more fair trade deal that actually opens up the Chinese market for a longer term gain. We aren't going to lose much short term to make major gains long term. Intellectual property, money manipulation, open markets that are closed to us. Those three alone change the entire dynamic which favors us.

And to be honest if we don't let Trump get this done we may never have another president with the balls to not surrender.

Trade deals should be mutually beneficial, not "fair" as fair only exist in the eye of the beholder.

Have we as a nation done well under the current trade deals?
We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.
Opinion | Why Trump Is Raising Tariffs on China

Trump is playing a dangerous game with his tariff war. He has a few very critical disadvantages. First, he is playing politics with guys that don’t have to get re-elected or answer to the voting public. Also, the Chinese are playing the long game. Trump is focused on the 2020 election. The Chinese are focused on the next decade. I predict Trump will eventually find a way to bow out and claim success without any significant changes.
OK fine Coyote

Nixon opened the door, the globalists had 2 generations to completely protitute it, and now Trump's new taxes (which what a tariff really is) are suppose to bring back manufacturing ,jobs, etc.

Well that's a good 30 years too late , drop in the bucket

We're a consumer nation who's GND has outrun our GDP ,ergo we've about as much clout globally as a welfare queen screaming for his next bottle of ripple

China could care less is we dumped them, they've plenty of other countries to do biz with, we're just one of the most needy per capita

The real issue is the dollar, IMF , etc, of course that's an economic game of chicken given our debt holders loose along with us ,should it get knocked off as global fiat benchmark

But they could gain far more than they would loose, and if they form a consortium (i understand the asian countries have considered it) ,they'd have more clout to do just that

Trump, or any other sitting potus rates about as much as a monkey with a shotgun in light of this


China does NOT have “plenty of other countries” that could take the place of the American market. Not on this planet.




I do remember those days. I also remember the democrats and the weak repubs giving out crap trade deals during that time.

We can win this trade war easily. If people like you can find the balls to fight it. It may hurt short time. Wars are like that. If you don't surrender though you can win and everything gets much better. Let Trump do what he needs to do to fix this and suck it up for a while. If not then we have your surrender letter in your post.

Under the current trade deals we have...

the longest period of positive job growth in the history of the country.

the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of the country (will be the longest in 2 months)

record low sustained unemployment

more jobs than people to fill them

record setting financial markets till the trade war started.

Which of those things would you like the new trade deals to get rid of?
I'd like to see a more fair trade deal that actually opens up the Chinese market for a longer term gain. We aren't going to lose much short term to make major gains long term. Intellectual property, money manipulation, open markets that are closed to us. Those three alone change the entire dynamic which favors us.

And to be honest if we don't let Trump get this done we may never have another president with the balls to not surrender.

Trade deals should be mutually beneficial, not "fair" as fair only exist in the eye of the beholder.

Have we as a nation done well under the current trade deals?
We have a trade deficit with China because we can't sell our shit over there. One of the reasons preventing us from selling our shit over there are their tariffs. Our initializing a Tariff on Chinese goods is only a trading tool to get them to stop tariffing us.
We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.

are you some kind of a retard.

Here's why the Chinese are beating us on trade. They are building better, cheaper products than we can build.

That's why they are beating us.

Your average Chinese can't afford most American made products, and they can get something better and cheaper at home.
We have a trade deficit with China because we can't sell our shit over there. One of the reasons preventing us from selling our shit over there are their tariffs. Our initializing a Tariff on Chinese goods is only a trading tool to get them to stop tariffing us.

We have a trade deficit with China because we are far more prosperous country and our citizens want to buy their shit. And now our government is making that more expensive for our citizens...a tariff is nothing more than a tax, and the consumer always pays the tax.

There is nothing inherent wrong with a trade deficit, that is why the trade deficit gets larger the better the economy is doing.

Let’s get this straight: Trade deficits aren’t bad

America's Misunderstood Trade Deficit
We need to hit China hard on trade. They are allowed to dump products into the U.S. market place but they have such high tariffs on American made products, their market is close to U.S. companies. Bring jobs back to the USA.

are you some kind of a retard.

Here's why the Chinese are beating us on trade. They are building better, cheaper products than we can build.

That's why they are beating us.

Your average Chinese can't afford most American made products, and they can get something better and cheaper at home.
True, but also true a lot of those workers are being paid subsistence wages. Do you really want your fellow Americans to be on subsistence wages?
We have a trade deficit with China because we can't sell our shit over there. One of the reasons preventing us from selling our shit over there are their tariffs. Our initializing a Tariff on Chinese goods is only a trading tool to get them to stop tariffing us.

We have a trade deficit with China because we are far more prosperous country and our citizens want to buy their shit. And now our government is making that more expensive for our citizens...a tariff is nothing more than a tax, and the consumer always pays the tax.

There is nothing inherent wrong with a trade deficit, that is why the trade deficit gets larger the better the economy is doing.

Let’s get this straight: Trade deficits aren’t bad

America's Misunderstood Trade Deficit
First off it's stupid we are giving money away when we are borrowing it, but that's another argument.
Second off I have no problem paying $5,000 for a big screen tv or doing without if it means everyone can afford groceries.
Third off, it's unsustainable to maintain the deficit. We need the Tariff to save Americans from having to live like Chinese.
I heard some Chinese were covering the 10%
they may cover the 25% .wanna hear em squeal like a stuck pig? hit em 150% and put 10 million chinks out of work .

heres what you'll hear out of bejing
yes mr president whatever you want

the chinks already overplayed their hand while the USa still has more ammunition to fire at them ....the chinks at this time in the year 2019 we're supposed to be MUCH MUCH less export dependent ..........According to the chi coms and blowers of chinks themselves ...WHAT HAPPENED BOYS?
another bullshit dream that never materialized ...thats what happened

Trump needs bigger balls + i would love to see walmart having to scramble.
and if youre running a company like chinesecrapmart its your own goddamn fault if you haven't been sourcing elsewhere and limiting your exposure.

who mentioned debt on the first page? please kill yourself the chinks own your mother ...they own no one
the lions share of US debt is owned by the AMerican people and corps, the US government , and fed reserve
let em call in the debt watch what happens.....

LA la la la la la
True, but also true a lot of those workers are being paid subsistence wages. Do you really want your fellow Americans to be on subsistence wages?

Well, let's look at that. China's standard of living has increased vastly in the last 50 years... So there's that.

If Americans can't produce good products as a good cost, that's kind of them.

But the reality is, most manufacturing jobs weren't replaced by outsourcing, they were replaced by automation.

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