China now has Bubonic Plauge problem....


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Health officials in China have confirmed a case of bubonic plague in a herdsman from the Inner Mongolia district, triggering increased prevention measures throughout the region, according to the Bayannur city health commission.

The man, who was diagnosed Sunday, is under isolation at a local hospital where he is receiving treatment and reported to be in stable condition.

The city health commission has issued a Level 3 warning to last until the end of year, urging residents not to hunt, transport, or consume potentially infected animals, including marmots, and to practice good infection prevention measures.

"At present, there is a risk of a human plague epidemic spreading in this city. The public should improve its self-protection awareness and ability, and report abnormal health conditions promptly," the local health authority said, according to China Daily.

It seems that things we thought were long gone are alive and well...

This is one area to watch closely..

Communist China should start feeding themselves like civilizated human beings instead of savages.....they really should stop eating everything that moves.

No wonder so many sicknesses are found in the wet markets over there, it's not a healthy way of living at all.

I feel so sorry for all animals in China. :(
I feel so sorry for all animals in China. :(

It's awful. They really are savages.
They've nearly killed off everything within hundreds of miles of China land and sea and are now sending out FLEETS
to wipe out everywhere else. Right now they have a flotilla Armada of nearly 300 ships near and round the Galapagos islands
wiping out long protected species.

Trump should send a few destroyers there and sink them ALL

China is set to destroy Mother Earth single handedly and Democrats LOVE the CCP
Well, the Bubonic Plague is easily treated now. Of course, if the Chinese somehow managed to weaponize it into something incurable, that would be a problem.
Its kind of odd that diseases that we had thought were eradicated still thrive... I'm going to have to do some research into the type of organizim that it is and see if they are manipulating this type of thing too.. Nothing is off the table in my mind. BP is known to ravage groups in close quarters as the Chinese are now.

I just find it odd that these things are showing up in China and nowhere else on earth.
I feel so sorry for all animals in China. :(

It's awful. They really are savages.
They've nearly killed off everything within hundreds of miles of China land and sea and are now sending out FLEETS
to wipe out everywhere else. Right now they have a flotilla Armada of nearly 300 ships near and round the Galapagos islands
wiping out long protected species.

China is set to destroy Mother earth single handedly and Democrats LOVE the CCP


Gandhi was spot on! :clap:

China is a disgrace when it comes to this.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

― Mahatma Gandhi
Very interesting...

The Bubonic Plague is more contagious than COVID-19 by a factor of 5. Its NOT a sister to the corona virus. It is passed by contact and can be transmitted by airborne means just as COVID is. Its basically a progressed bacteria and not a virus. It can enter the host via the sweat glands as well when deposited by fleas.

Its reaction however is very similar to COVID causing the body's immune system to overreact and attack itself.

Communist China should start feeding themselves like civilizated human beings instead of savages.....they really should stop eating everything that moves.

No wonder so many sicknesses are found in the wet markets over there, it's not a healthy way of living at all.

I feel so sorry for all animals in China. :(
Add to that, the lack of refrigeration, sanitation, cross contamination, insects on food supplies...
Hell, what could go wrong... :dunno:

Not to mention world wide poaching and sale of illegal exotic species and animal parts, I thought liberals cared more about animals, but apparently serve their Chinese masters instead.
Well, the Bubonic Plague is easily treated now. Of course, if the Chinese somehow managed to weaponize it into something incurable, that would be a problem.
There is a vaccine for it too.
The airlines are up and running ... so we'll get it here soon enough ...
Which I find odd considering how much panic about Covid is generated by the media.
Are all these travelers getting quarantined for 14 days as recommended?
I highly doubt it.
Health officials in China have confirmed a case of bubonic plague in a herdsman from the Inner Mongolia district, triggering increased prevention measures throughout the region, according to the Bayannur city health commission.

The man, who was diagnosed Sunday, is under isolation at a local hospital where he is receiving treatment and reported to be in stable condition.

The city health commission has issued a Level 3 warning to last until the end of year, urging residents not to hunt, transport, or consume potentially infected animals, including marmots, and to practice good infection prevention measures.

"At present, there is a risk of a human plague epidemic spreading in this city. The public should improve its self-protection awareness and ability, and report abnormal health conditions promptly," the local health authority said, according to China Daily.

It seems that things we thought were long gone are alive and well...

This is one area to watch closely..

It's anything but long gone however it doesn't affect even a minute fraction of what it once did.


On average we have 7 cases of "human" plague per year in the US alone, approximately 80% are of the bubonic form.

There are three kinds as identified by the CDC:
Septicemic (Black Plague)

The vast majority of cases occur in Africa, especially Madagascar and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

You Can Still Catch the Bubonic Plague - WhoWhatWhy
The airlines are up and running ... so we'll get it here soon enough ...
We've already got it. There are at least several cases of bubonic plague in the Western US every year. Mainly from prairie dogs.
There is a vaccine for it too.

Even with a vaccine, the FDA recommends antibiotics if exposed. The vaccine requires three doses over a six month period.

Was never exposed, just had the vaccine. Sucked worse than any other vaccine I ever had and I have had a lot. We came back home without further doses.
The airlines are up and running ... so we'll get it here soon enough ...
We've already got it. There are at least several cases of bubonic plague in the Western US every year. Mainly from prairie dogs.

I'd like to punch a prairie dog in the face. :mad:
That would be pretty hard to do.

Naw, bro. You just walk up to it all friendly, and say, "Aww, you're a cute prairie dog. Who's a cute prairie dog?" Then you punch it in the face.
The airlines are up and running ... so we'll get it here soon enough ...
We've already got it. There are at least several cases of bubonic plague in the Western US every year. Mainly from prairie dogs.

I'd like to punch a prairie dog in the face. :mad:
That would be pretty hard to do.

Naw, bro. You just walk up to it all friendly, and say, "Aww, you're a cute prairie dog. Who's a cute prairie dog?" Then you punch it in the face.
I dunno, they gotta be onto that one by now. Plus, they have really small faces, and they pop down those prairie dog holes mighty fast. Easier to find a guy named Doug, take him to a prairie, and punch him in the face.

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