China quivering in the face of trade war with their largest customer

I was referring to your oft repeated position.

YOu have repeatedly attacked me as a "statist" for supporting tariffs against China and voiced your support for the freedom of consumers to buy what they want, in so many words.

Now they are admitting to having tariffs of their own against our exports.

Did you know that? And if so, why did you pretend that you were against Tariffs when you were fine with China using them?

If you did not know it, doesn't this undermine your previous position?

China is an socialist nation that runs their economy on socialist model.

So, I guess if you wish to become like China, then yes taffis are the way to go.

Personally I prefer a capitalist free market system in my country. You might be different and support more Govt control over the economy
You approve of supporting a Socialist nation.
How telling.

What the fuck are you talking about? Let me guess, you do not have a single thing in your house made in China...right?
I buy quality American, Japan, German, any other country but China...then China...when it isn’t made anywhere else.
I probably spend a couple of thousand more a year on my purchases than most other people.
But I sleep pretty well at night.

I sleep well at night also, even use my made in China cellphone to wake up in the morning.

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Use an iPhone...Apple R&D is by the best, not the cheapest.
Listen, China really don't need us, they own us lock stock and barrel....if they really wanted to fuck us over, all they have to do is call in our debt and demand we pay up....but China is showing us what a real leader is all about. Trump's hand is full of holes, keep in mind, his brand is made in China.....

China is showing us what a real leader is about, like Chinas president just made it so there is no more elections because he decided he would be president from now on. So you’re saying Trump should do that too. Or maybe you’re just saying things because you don’t like Your President, sad sad sad

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Listen, China really don't need us, they own us lock stock and barrel....if they really wanted to fuck us over, all they have to do is call in our debt and demand we pay up....but China is showing us what a real leader is all about. Trump's hand is full of holes, keep in mind, his brand is made in China.....

China is showing us what a real leader is about, like Chinas president just made it so there is no more elections because he decided he would be president from now on. So you’re saying Trump should do that too. Or maybe you’re just saying things because you don’t like Your President, sad sad sad

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This Is China's Latest Response to Ongoing Trade Dispute With US (It's Probably Not What You Think)

China promised to lower the auto tariff, ease restrictions and open China’s markets to the US auto industry.

Liberals are you going to give Trump credit?

China has been erecting trade barriers and protectionism against us for a while. Finally good to see a President with backbone fighting back.

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Dude, they said they would do this back in November, long before Trump stated his stupid trade war.
So True.....China has nothing to lose in all this, nothing. There's nothing in this country we make that they want, nothing in this country that they don't make for us.....Trump is just a tweeting fool, that's all and constantly takes credit for shit that he has nothing to do with.

You are correct again, we buy lots of JUNK from China, so if we stop buying their JUNK who will hurt the most. You even said they don’t buy much of our great American made products, so it wouldn’t hurt us if they don’t buy anything would it?

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THey have auto tariffs? But I thought this was about Free Trade vs Statism?


that is because you are not very smart.

I was referring to your oft repeated position.

YOu have repeatedly attacked me as a "statist" for supporting tariffs against China and voiced your support for the freedom of consumers to buy what they want, in so many words.

Now they are admitting to having tariffs of their own against our exports.

Did you know that? And if so, why did you pretend that you were against Tariffs when you were fine with China using them?

If you did not know it, doesn't this undermine your previous position?

China is an socialist nation that runs their economy on socialist model.

So, I guess if you wish to become like China, then yes taffis are the way to go.

Personally I prefer a capitalist free market system in my country. You might be different and support more Govt control over the economy

Did you know about the Chinese tariffs?

If so, why were you so against the US fighting back.

If not, then why does that not undermine your previous position?

Yes I knew about them.

Did you know that China is a Socialist nation?

Did you know that China has a Socialist market economy?

If so, why do you want the US to become more like China? Do you want the US to switch to a Socialist market economy?

So, you were arguing for "Free Trade", when you knew it was not Free and was slanted against US.

That makes absolutely no sense.

You are waving around the term "socialist" like it is a magic totem.

NOT allowing your trading partners to fuck you and your workers, while doing nothing to protect them, is not Free Market.

It is just being irresponsible and weak and corrupt.

Our citizens deserve national trade policy that serves their interest.. That is part of what "Mutually Beneficial" actually means.

If we just let the CHinese set the rules to benefit them and fuck US, that is not Mutually Beneficial.
This Is China's Latest Response to Ongoing Trade Dispute With US (It's Probably Not What You Think)

China promised to lower the auto tariff, ease restrictions and open China’s markets to the US auto industry.

Liberals are you going to give Trump credit?

China has been erecting trade barriers and protectionism against us for a while. Finally good to see a President with backbone fighting back.

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Dude, they said they would do this back in November, long before Trump stated his stupid trade war.

THey have auto tariffs? But I thought this was about Free Trade vs Statism?



They have a ton of trade barriers against us, but it was Clinton who opened our markets to them and they didn’t return the favor!

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This type of stupidity started way before Clinton, though he was certainly part of it.

Regardless. The results are in. It did not serve our interests the way it was supposed to.

Time to change policy.
This Is China's Latest Response to Ongoing Trade Dispute With US (It's Probably Not What You Think)

China promised to lower the auto tariff, ease restrictions and open China’s markets to the US auto industry.

Liberals are you going to give Trump credit?

China has been erecting trade barriers and protectionism against us for a while. Finally good to see a President with backbone fighting back.

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Dude, think about what you said.......CHINA COPIES EVERYTHING WE DO.....THEY DON'T NEED US, WE NEED CHINA

They need our money. We can buy shit from anyone else, or, God Forbid, make it ourselves.

What part of this is confusing to you?
it's really a jacked up symbiotic relationship i wish we could pull out of and not rely on them for our production / consumer products as much as we do and they not rely on our debt to keep paying their workforce.

It is a parasitic relationship. We can buy our shit elsewhere or make it ourselves.

We could pull out today, if we had a Political Class that was not completely incompetent and corrupt.
that is because you are not very smart.

I was referring to your oft repeated position.

YOu have repeatedly attacked me as a "statist" for supporting tariffs against China and voiced your support for the freedom of consumers to buy what they want, in so many words.

Now they are admitting to having tariffs of their own against our exports.

Did you know that? And if so, why did you pretend that you were against Tariffs when you were fine with China using them?

If you did not know it, doesn't this undermine your previous position?

China is an socialist nation that runs their economy on socialist model.

So, I guess if you wish to become like China, then yes taffis are the way to go.

Personally I prefer a capitalist free market system in my country. You might be different and support more Govt control over the economy

Did you know about the Chinese tariffs?

If so, why were you so against the US fighting back.

If not, then why does that not undermine your previous position?

Yes I knew about them.

Did you know that China is a Socialist nation?

Did you know that China has a Socialist market economy?

If so, why do you want the US to become more like China? Do you want the US to switch to a Socialist market economy?

So, you were arguing for "Free Trade", when you knew it was not Free and was slanted against US.

That makes absolutely no sense.

You are waving around the term "socialist" like it is a magic totem.

NOT allowing your trading partners to fuck you and your workers, while doing nothing to protect them, is not Free Market.

It is just being irresponsible and weak and corrupt.

Our citizens deserve national trade policy that serves their interest.. That is part of what "Mutually Beneficial" actually means.

If we just let the CHinese set the rules to benefit them and fuck US, that is not Mutually Beneficial.

You keep saying the trade deals are not Mutually Beneficial, yet the economic data would dispute that...

2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of our country....

Unemployment holding steady at close to historical lows....

Record setting financial markets, till someone started a trade war...

Manufacturing jobs have been increasing since 2010...

Wages are rising and have been for more than 2 years (that is what happens when unemployment goes down)

Your claim that the US has not benefited is patently false.
I was referring to your oft repeated position.

YOu have repeatedly attacked me as a "statist" for supporting tariffs against China and voiced your support for the freedom of consumers to buy what they want, in so many words.

Now they are admitting to having tariffs of their own against our exports.

Did you know that? And if so, why did you pretend that you were against Tariffs when you were fine with China using them?

If you did not know it, doesn't this undermine your previous position?

China is an socialist nation that runs their economy on socialist model.

So, I guess if you wish to become like China, then yes taffis are the way to go.

Personally I prefer a capitalist free market system in my country. You might be different and support more Govt control over the economy

Did you know about the Chinese tariffs?

If so, why were you so against the US fighting back.

If not, then why does that not undermine your previous position?

Yes I knew about them.

Did you know that China is a Socialist nation?

Did you know that China has a Socialist market economy?

If so, why do you want the US to become more like China? Do you want the US to switch to a Socialist market economy?

So, you were arguing for "Free Trade", when you knew it was not Free and was slanted against US.

That makes absolutely no sense.

You are waving around the term "socialist" like it is a magic totem.

NOT allowing your trading partners to fuck you and your workers, while doing nothing to protect them, is not Free Market.

It is just being irresponsible and weak and corrupt.

Our citizens deserve national trade policy that serves their interest.. That is part of what "Mutually Beneficial" actually means.

If we just let the CHinese set the rules to benefit them and fuck US, that is not Mutually Beneficial.

You keep saying the trade deals are not Mutually Beneficial, yet the economic data would dispute that...

2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of our country....

Unemployment holding steady at close to historical lows....

Record setting financial markets, till someone started a trade war...

Manufacturing jobs have been increasing since 2010...

Wages are rising and have been for more than 2 years (that is what happens when unemployment goes down)

Your claim that the US has not benefited is patently false.

Those numbers are macro economic numbers that against the backdrop of generations of wage stagnation, for the middle class and working poor.

We are doing well, within the framework of a flawed and rigged game.

If we stop playing a rigged game, we would be in a whole new level of economic well being.
This Is China's Latest Response to Ongoing Trade Dispute With US (It's Probably Not What You Think)

China promised to lower the auto tariff, ease restrictions and open China’s markets to the US auto industry.

Liberals are you going to give Trump credit?

China has been erecting trade barriers and protectionism against us for a while. Finally good to see a President with backbone fighting back.

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Dude, think about what you said.......CHINA COPIES EVERYTHING WE DO.....THEY DON'T NEED US, WE NEED CHINA

They need our money. We can buy shit from anyone else, or, God Forbid, make it ourselves.

What part of this is confusing to you?
it's really a jacked up symbiotic relationship i wish we could pull out of and not rely on them for our production / consumer products as much as we do and they not rely on our debt to keep paying their workforce.

It is a parasitic relationship. We can buy our shit elsewhere or make it ourselves.

We could pull out today, if we had a Political Class that was not completely incompetent and corrupt.

We could buy our shit elsewhere and it would cost significantly more.

Why is it the function of the Govt to force people to pay more for what they purchase?
China is an socialist nation that runs their economy on socialist model.

So, I guess if you wish to become like China, then yes taffis are the way to go.

Personally I prefer a capitalist free market system in my country. You might be different and support more Govt control over the economy

Did you know about the Chinese tariffs?

If so, why were you so against the US fighting back.

If not, then why does that not undermine your previous position?

Yes I knew about them.

Did you know that China is a Socialist nation?

Did you know that China has a Socialist market economy?

If so, why do you want the US to become more like China? Do you want the US to switch to a Socialist market economy?

So, you were arguing for "Free Trade", when you knew it was not Free and was slanted against US.

That makes absolutely no sense.

You are waving around the term "socialist" like it is a magic totem.

NOT allowing your trading partners to fuck you and your workers, while doing nothing to protect them, is not Free Market.

It is just being irresponsible and weak and corrupt.

Our citizens deserve national trade policy that serves their interest.. That is part of what "Mutually Beneficial" actually means.

If we just let the CHinese set the rules to benefit them and fuck US, that is not Mutually Beneficial.

You keep saying the trade deals are not Mutually Beneficial, yet the economic data would dispute that...

2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of our country....

Unemployment holding steady at close to historical lows....

Record setting financial markets, till someone started a trade war...

Manufacturing jobs have been increasing since 2010...

Wages are rising and have been for more than 2 years (that is what happens when unemployment goes down)

Your claim that the US has not benefited is patently false.

Those numbers are macro economic numbers that against the backdrop of generations of wage stagnation, for the middle class and working poor.

We are doing well, within the framework of a flawed and rigged game.

If we stop playing a rigged game, we would be in a whole new level of economic well being.

I agree the game is rigged, but not by the trade deals but by our own financial system that is designed to fail at regular intervals as a method of control.
This Is China's Latest Response to Ongoing Trade Dispute With US (It's Probably Not What You Think)

China promised to lower the auto tariff, ease restrictions and open China’s markets to the US auto industry.

Liberals are you going to give Trump credit?

China has been erecting trade barriers and protectionism against us for a while. Finally good to see a President with backbone fighting back.

Sent from my iPhone using
Dude, think about what you said.......CHINA COPIES EVERYTHING WE DO.....THEY DON'T NEED US, WE NEED CHINA

They need our money. We can buy shit from anyone else, or, God Forbid, make it ourselves.

What part of this is confusing to you?
it's really a jacked up symbiotic relationship i wish we could pull out of and not rely on them for our production / consumer products as much as we do and they not rely on our debt to keep paying their workforce.

It is a parasitic relationship. We can buy our shit elsewhere or make it ourselves.

We could pull out today, if we had a Political Class that was not completely incompetent and corrupt.

We could buy our shit elsewhere and it would cost significantly more.

Why is it the function of the Govt to force people to pay more for what they purchase?

Really? No other places in the world that can provide cheap labor for asshole corps that want it?
Did you know about the Chinese tariffs?

If so, why were you so against the US fighting back.

If not, then why does that not undermine your previous position?

Yes I knew about them.

Did you know that China is a Socialist nation?

Did you know that China has a Socialist market economy?

If so, why do you want the US to become more like China? Do you want the US to switch to a Socialist market economy?

So, you were arguing for "Free Trade", when you knew it was not Free and was slanted against US.

That makes absolutely no sense.

You are waving around the term "socialist" like it is a magic totem.

NOT allowing your trading partners to fuck you and your workers, while doing nothing to protect them, is not Free Market.

It is just being irresponsible and weak and corrupt.

Our citizens deserve national trade policy that serves their interest.. That is part of what "Mutually Beneficial" actually means.

If we just let the CHinese set the rules to benefit them and fuck US, that is not Mutually Beneficial.

You keep saying the trade deals are not Mutually Beneficial, yet the economic data would dispute that...

2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of our country....

Unemployment holding steady at close to historical lows....

Record setting financial markets, till someone started a trade war...

Manufacturing jobs have been increasing since 2010...

Wages are rising and have been for more than 2 years (that is what happens when unemployment goes down)

Your claim that the US has not benefited is patently false.

Those numbers are macro economic numbers that against the backdrop of generations of wage stagnation, for the middle class and working poor.

We are doing well, within the framework of a flawed and rigged game.

If we stop playing a rigged game, we would be in a whole new level of economic well being.

I agree the game is rigged, but not by the trade deals but by our own financial system that is designed to fail at regular intervals as a method of control.

We've established that the Chinese have tariffs against our imports, that you knew about.

That is them rigging the game to benefit their workers at the expense of ours.

Such behavior, over the last couple of generations has led to long term wage stagnation.

Do you already know all about that and are just pretending again, like with the tariffs?

Do you want a link about it?
Dude, think about what you said.......CHINA COPIES EVERYTHING WE DO.....THEY DON'T NEED US, WE NEED CHINA

They need our money. We can buy shit from anyone else, or, God Forbid, make it ourselves.

What part of this is confusing to you?
it's really a jacked up symbiotic relationship i wish we could pull out of and not rely on them for our production / consumer products as much as we do and they not rely on our debt to keep paying their workforce.

It is a parasitic relationship. We can buy our shit elsewhere or make it ourselves.

We could pull out today, if we had a Political Class that was not completely incompetent and corrupt.

We could buy our shit elsewhere and it would cost significantly more.

Why is it the function of the Govt to force people to pay more for what they purchase?

Really? No other places in the world that can provide cheap labor for asshole corps that want it?

If they could, then we would already be exploiting them. But China has the advantage of not just cheap labor, but a shit ton of it.

But do not worry, it will happen eventually anyhow, it always does.

The more a country prosopers the more the people demand and eventually the cheap labor becomes more expensive (see Japan as an example), then people move on to the next country.
Yes I knew about them.

Did you know that China is a Socialist nation?

Did you know that China has a Socialist market economy?

If so, why do you want the US to become more like China? Do you want the US to switch to a Socialist market economy?

So, you were arguing for "Free Trade", when you knew it was not Free and was slanted against US.

That makes absolutely no sense.

You are waving around the term "socialist" like it is a magic totem.

NOT allowing your trading partners to fuck you and your workers, while doing nothing to protect them, is not Free Market.

It is just being irresponsible and weak and corrupt.

Our citizens deserve national trade policy that serves their interest.. That is part of what "Mutually Beneficial" actually means.

If we just let the CHinese set the rules to benefit them and fuck US, that is not Mutually Beneficial.

You keep saying the trade deals are not Mutually Beneficial, yet the economic data would dispute that...

2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of our country....

Unemployment holding steady at close to historical lows....

Record setting financial markets, till someone started a trade war...

Manufacturing jobs have been increasing since 2010...

Wages are rising and have been for more than 2 years (that is what happens when unemployment goes down)

Your claim that the US has not benefited is patently false.

Those numbers are macro economic numbers that against the backdrop of generations of wage stagnation, for the middle class and working poor.

We are doing well, within the framework of a flawed and rigged game.

If we stop playing a rigged game, we would be in a whole new level of economic well being.

I agree the game is rigged, but not by the trade deals but by our own financial system that is designed to fail at regular intervals as a method of control.

We've established that the Chinese have tariffs against our imports, that you knew about.

That is them rigging the game to benefit their workers at the expense of ours.

Such behavior, over the last couple of generations has led to long term wage stagnation.

Do you already know all about that and are just pretending again, like with the tariffs?

Do you want a link about it?

That is them controlling their Socialist market economy, if you wish for the US to adopt a Socialist market economy, then tariffs are the way to go. If you wish to remain a free market capitalist society, then the Govt needs to stay out of it.
They need our money. We can buy shit from anyone else, or, God Forbid, make it ourselves.

What part of this is confusing to you?
it's really a jacked up symbiotic relationship i wish we could pull out of and not rely on them for our production / consumer products as much as we do and they not rely on our debt to keep paying their workforce.

It is a parasitic relationship. We can buy our shit elsewhere or make it ourselves.

We could pull out today, if we had a Political Class that was not completely incompetent and corrupt.

We could buy our shit elsewhere and it would cost significantly more.

Why is it the function of the Govt to force people to pay more for what they purchase?

Really? No other places in the world that can provide cheap labor for asshole corps that want it?

If they could, then we would already be exploiting them. But China has the advantage of not just cheap labor, but a shit ton of it.

That doesn't follow.

It could just be intellectual laziness on the part of our CEOs.
I was referring to your oft repeated position.

YOu have repeatedly attacked me as a "statist" for supporting tariffs against China and voiced your support for the freedom of consumers to buy what they want, in so many words.

Now they are admitting to having tariffs of their own against our exports.

Did you know that? And if so, why did you pretend that you were against Tariffs when you were fine with China using them?

If you did not know it, doesn't this undermine your previous position?

China is an socialist nation that runs their economy on socialist model.

So, I guess if you wish to become like China, then yes taffis are the way to go.

Personally I prefer a capitalist free market system in my country. You might be different and support more Govt control over the economy

Did you know about the Chinese tariffs?

If so, why were you so against the US fighting back.

If not, then why does that not undermine your previous position?

Yes I knew about them.

Did you know that China is a Socialist nation?

Did you know that China has a Socialist market economy?

If so, why do you want the US to become more like China? Do you want the US to switch to a Socialist market economy?

So, you were arguing for "Free Trade", when you knew it was not Free and was slanted against US.

That makes absolutely no sense.

You are waving around the term "socialist" like it is a magic totem.

NOT allowing your trading partners to fuck you and your workers, while doing nothing to protect them, is not Free Market.

It is just being irresponsible and weak and corrupt.

Our citizens deserve national trade policy that serves their interest.. That is part of what "Mutually Beneficial" actually means.

If we just let the CHinese set the rules to benefit them and fuck US, that is not Mutually Beneficial.

You keep saying the trade deals are not Mutually Beneficial, yet the economic data would dispute that...

2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of our country....

Unemployment holding steady at close to historical lows....

Record setting financial markets, till someone started a trade war...

Manufacturing jobs have been increasing since 2010...

Wages are rising and have been for more than 2 years (that is what happens when unemployment goes down)

Your claim that the US has not benefited is patently false.
people have been trading since the dawn of time. to say trading isn't beneficial i couldn't never go with. "free trade" means you simply make the best deal you can. to negotiate these you need to take the time to understand what the other side needs and values vs. what you may need and value at the time.

25% car tariff to 2.5%. wow. sounds jacked up beyond all measure and it could very well be. but that number alone does NOT tell the story any more than a 6 second video showing a someone committing a violent act tells that whole story. i *do* believe in general obama gave up too much to get the deals he did, but i don't know for sure. if i use the above criteria then i can't say he got raked w/o digging in deeper. but most will just dog obama cause he's obama in the same light people do trump.

so - need to know more than some numbers thrown on the wall. we all do.
That doesn't follow.

It could just be intellectual laziness on the part of our CEOs.

Do you find Trump to be intellectually lazy, considering his shit is made in China.
what products does he have made in china? just curious, not a slam. wondering how many people here can make it and for what cost. we've lost a lot of production to china simply because their labor cost is so very low - would making this product in the US effectively make it unsellable and giving him the exact motivation to change these trade practices so we can be more competitive? then again why is it their fault our cost of living is so high in comparison?

lot on the table when they figure this out.
That doesn't follow.

It could just be intellectual laziness on the part of our CEOs.

Do you find Trump to be intellectually lazy, considering his shit is made in China.
what products does he have made in china? just curious, not a slam. wondering how many people here can make it and for what cost. we've lost a lot of production to china simply because their labor cost is so very low - would making this product in the US effectively make it unsellable and giving him the exact motivation to change these trade practices so we can be more competitive? then again why is it their fault our cost of living is so high in comparison?

lot on the table when they figure this out.

Almost everything that carries the "Trump" label besides his cologne (who knew there was a Trump cologne?) is made outside of the US.

The only way to make the US more competitive is to tax (called a tariff) items from other countries so much that making them here will be cheaper. But what this does is raise the price on everything that you made "competitive", it does not lower the cost of making things here, just makes stuff from other countries more expensive.

Do this and that cost of living you spoke of will skyrocket, the tax cut will be eaten up and a whole lot more.

Will it cause wages to go up, maybe. The only thing that really pushes wages up is a tight labor market.

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