China retaliation is 11' on scale of 1 to 10 wall street warns


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
(Yahoo) – Terms of Trade is a daily newsletter that untangles a world embroiled in trade wars. Sign up here. Analysts continued to warn about the dangers of an escalating trade war on Monday, as China moved to strike back at the U.S., hitting U.S. stocks and boosting Treasuries. Semiconductors, with direct exposure to trade, and banks stocks, which are sensitive to interest rates, were among the decliners. The biggest U.S. banks slid, with the KBW Bank Index dropping as much as 4.1% to the lowest since June 4. Bank of America Corp. led index decliners, with a drop of 5.5%,
China Retaliation Is ‘11’ on Scale of 1 to 10, Wall Street Warns

Well while the idiots had their idiots believing everything was Russia -- because fools navigate to their parental gov. who think for them they can't do it on their own........They just think they can.
Years of warning there would be a global collapse. The sheep laughed as they always do .
China is as intertwined with the US as we are to them. If they kill us it will mean their end as well. This is a global market...crashing treasuries means the death of a huge trading partner. China will piss and moan but eventually they will see the error their ways. At least that is the bet. I think it is a safe one.

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