China takes over the sea and ‘Bamlet’ dithers — again


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
If your neighbor’s house catches fire, is it wiser to call the fire department or to trust the good will of the flames to put themselves out? Faced with strategic conflagrations scorching much of the globe, President Obama’s approach is to delay as long as possible then to attempt to negotiate with the blaze.

If forced to act at last, he responds to wildfires with a water pistol.

In the administration’s latest weak-loined response to a swelling crisis, Obama belatedly allowed one US Navy destroyer to enter South China Sea waters illegally claimed by Beijing. The intrusion was brief, but China’s senior admiral threatened war. (Don’t worry: We’ll back down.)

What’s at stake? China constructed at least seven artificial islands atop reefs far from its mainland, in waters on which other countries have stronger claims. It’s a hostile takeover of some of the most important sea lanes on the planet, vital in peace and war. The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Japan and Taiwan looked to us for leadership.


Well, at least he started out the the "Nobel Peace Prize" before he took office and then went on a world wide apology tour on the behalf of this country that he hates.

Oh, make no mistake. Democrats and their retarded voting base......are all doing this.


Gee, I sure hope the world likes us. Especially all of those European socialist countries. Man, this president has sure garnered respect from the world leaders.

A complete disaster of a president.
The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Japan and Taiwan looked to us for leadership.

Shouldn't they be solving their own problems? If they have a problem with China, they have the economic ability to deal with it. Just let it be known Chinese Goods will no longer be welcome in their countries until China modifies its behavior.

since Japan and China do 311 BILLION in trade, that would probably be a pretty big hit.

It's kind of silly for us to be playing referee in the South China Sea over some crappy little Islands when our own roads and schools are crumbling in this country.
If your neighbor’s house catches fire, is it wiser to call the fire department or to trust the good will of the flames to put themselves out? Faced with strategic conflagrations scorching much of the globe, President Obama’s approach is to delay as long as possible then to attempt to negotiate with the blaze.

If forced to act at last, he responds to wildfires with a water pistol.

In the administration’s latest weak-loined response to a swelling crisis, Obama belatedly allowed one US Navy destroyer to enter South China Sea waters illegally claimed by Beijing. The intrusion was brief, but China’s senior admiral threatened war. (Don’t worry: We’ll back down.)

What’s at stake? China constructed at least seven artificial islands atop reefs far from its mainland, in waters on which other countries have stronger claims. It’s a hostile takeover of some of the most important sea lanes on the planet, vital in peace and war. The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Japan and Taiwan looked to us for leadership.


Well, at least he started out the the "Nobel Peace Prize" before he took office and then went on a world wide apology tour on the behalf of this country that he hates.

Oh, make no mistake. Democrats and their retarded voting base......are all doing this.


Gee, I sure hope the world likes us. Especially all of those European socialist countries. Man, this president has sure garnered respect from the world leaders.

A complete disaster of a president.
You seem to think that the US is in charge of the world. It's not. But your irrational hatred is noted.
Not our problem.

Do you want war with China over a few tiny islands?

No doubt Big Ears is incompetent at all levels, but another war is not the answer.
Gee, I sure hope the world likes us. Especially all of those European socialist countries.

America is facing this:

America, take heed.

A Muslim in Germany was caught on video last week saying this to a German man:

Islam is coming to take over Germany whether you want it or not … not through war but by the fact that Germans don’t reproduce and Muslims have seven to eight children each … but not only that, your daughters will marry bearded Muslims and wear the hijab; their sons will wear a beard! The Muslims will have four wives and 27 children, and what does the German man have? One child and maybe a little pet dog! The German has taken advantage of the Muslim for too long, just so he can drive his Mercedes. … Now Islam is coming and your daughters will wear the hijab! Ha! I can see the look of hate in your eyes!

This is a full-blown invasion.

Read more at Europe: ‘Islam is coming to take over’

the illegal alien muslime mulatto from Kenya is condoning this for America, in fact i BELIEVE he will make it mandatory. :up:
The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Japan and Taiwan looked to us for leadership.

Shouldn't they be solving their own problems? If they have a problem with China, they have the economic ability to deal with it. Just let it be known Chinese Goods will no longer be welcome in their countries until China modifies its behavior.

since Japan and China do 311 BILLION in trade, that would probably be a pretty big hit.

It's kind of silly for us to be playing referee in the South China Sea over some crappy little Islands when our own roads and schools are crumbling in this country.
"The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Japan and Taiwan looked to us for leadership."
Don't care, don't care, they're muslim we should bomb them, meaningless, sneak attacked us, and they make cheap stuff that breaks down quickly.
So, trade between us and these other countries won't be affected in any way? Do any of you think beyond your noses?
More proof that liberals are dumber than even I think. Every thread and each post they make, they prove their utter ignorance along with their naivety.

They are ridiculous.
So, trade between us and these other countries won't be affected in any way? Do any of you think beyond your noses?
"The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Japan and Taiwan looked to us for leadership."
Nike's problem, Reebok's problem, Adidas' problem, they have nothing to sell, they're bankrupt again, they can't afford our good stuff.
You are so short sighted
So, trade between us and these other countries won't be affected in any way? Do any of you think beyond your noses?
"The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Japan and Taiwan looked to us for leadership."
Nike's problem, Reebok's problem, Adidas' problem, they have nothing to sell, they're bankrupt again, they can't afford our good stuff.
You are so short sighted
So, trade between us and these other countries won't be affected in any way? Do any of you think beyond your noses?
"The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Japan and Taiwan looked to us for leadership."
Nike's problem, Reebok's problem, Adidas' problem, they have nothing to sell, they're bankrupt again, they can't afford our good stuff.
I don't buy cheap asian crap, except maybe for a TV, and it's crap. Japanese cars are made for midgets. Anything else?
Tsunami's and cyclones will have no effect on these islands as they are built out of sturdy grade sand.

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