China will make a move against U.S. very soon.

'China is wary of any incident overshadowing the G-20 summit in Hangzhou in September, the highlight of this year’s diplomatic calendar for Xi when he will be host to the leaders of most of the world’s economically most powerful countries, the sources said.

The Beijing-based diplomat said it was more likely China would choose the period between the end of the G-20 and the U.S. presidential election in November to make any move.'

'Give them a bloody nose': Xi pressed for stronger South China Sea response

So if no "move" is made by November, you'll shut the fuck up until you know what the hell you're talking about?
'China is wary of any incident overshadowing the G-20 summit in Hangzhou in September, the highlight of this year’s diplomatic calendar for Xi when he will be host to the leaders of most of the world’s economically most powerful countries, the sources said.

The Beijing-based diplomat said it was more likely China would choose the period between the end of the G-20 and the U.S. presidential election in November to make any move.'

'Give them a bloody nose': Xi pressed for stronger South China Sea response

So if no "move" is made by November, you'll shut the fuck up until you know what the hell you're talking about?

I have made a prediction and I stand by it. The chinese understand obama very well...they know with a certainty they have nothing to worry about as long as he is President....they also understand the possibility that Trump(who they do fear) may get elected.

Thus, a very,very strong possibility they will make a move before Trump is sworn in...aka....provoke an incident...humilitate Ameica and drive the U.S. out of that area thus establishing their total control of the S. China Sea before Donald Trump can do anything about it.

I would say there is a 75% chance a incident will occur before december and China will take very,very aggressive action....leaving obama with only two choices...engage in a wider war or withdraw from the area in utter humiliation and defeat.

Obama is very predictable and is falling into the trap precisely as the Chinese expect...sending a few sacrificial forces into the area to try and impress the Chinese...they no doubt are laughing their asses off as they prepare to take some American lives and sink some u.s. ship or shoot down some American Planes.

Not even to mention by taking this action the Chinese will influence the election....Americans after witnessing the toughness of China will be uttlerly scared shitless and afraid to vote for Trump believing a bigger war would be initiated...a win win situation for China...too enticing for them to pass up.
'China is wary of any incident overshadowing the G-20 summit in Hangzhou in September, the highlight of this year’s diplomatic calendar for Xi when he will be host to the leaders of most of the world’s economically most powerful countries, the sources said.

The Beijing-based diplomat said it was more likely China would choose the period between the end of the G-20 and the U.S. presidential election in November to make any move.'

'Give them a bloody nose': Xi pressed for stronger South China Sea response

So if no "move" is made by November, you'll shut the fuck up until you know what the hell you're talking about?

Is that a yes?
Whilst the democrats seek to divert attention to Russia..perhaps because they see Russia as a danger for hillary.......the real threat and challenge America will face in the immediate future comes from China in the S. China sea area.

China has a very strong desire to humiliate America....they do not want or need an all out war...what they want is a limited engagement in the S.China Sea where they can defeat and thus humiliate America...leaving them in control of that geographical area.

They will provoke a confrontation in the S. China Sea...a major that even obama will be forced to respond will end tragically for America due to obamas personal weakness and the fact he has gutted the military...China has been steadily and consistently building their forces in that area for a long time now....their target date is sometime before obama leaves office. They do not want to take a chance and wait to see if hillary wins....they will launch their effort now to make sure their goals are achieved before the possibility of a Trump victory in the coming election.

Beijing Sends Bombers and Jet Fighters Over Contested Islands in the South China Sea
Listen, unless you've been on another planet, China attacked us a long long time ago, it was called destroyed our economy, it put millions out of work, its help keep our wages low, and its given us the WORST WMD to date....DONALD TRUMP!!
Whilst the democrats seek to divert attention to Russia..perhaps because they see Russia as a danger for hillary.......the real threat and challenge America will face in the immediate future comes from China in the S. China sea area.

China has a very strong desire to humiliate America....they do not want or need an all out war...what they want is a limited engagement in the S.China Sea where they can defeat and thus humiliate America...leaving them in control of that geographical area.

They will provoke a confrontation in the S. China Sea...a major that even obama will be forced to respond will end tragically for America due to obamas personal weakness and the fact he has gutted the military...China has been steadily and consistently building their forces in that area for a long time now....their target date is sometime before obama leaves office. They do not want to take a chance and wait to see if hillary wins....they will launch their effort now to make sure their goals are achieved before the possibility of a Trump victory in the coming election.

Beijing Sends Bombers and Jet Fighters Over Contested Islands in the South China Sea
Listen, unless you've been on another planet, China attacked us a long long time ago, it was called destroyed our economy, it put millions out of work, its help keep our wages low, and its given us the WORST WMD to date....DONALD TRUMP!!

Put down the crack pipe.
Listen, unless you've been on another planet, China attacked us a long long time ago, it was called destroyed our economy, it put millions out of work, its help keep our wages low, and its given us the WORST WMD to date....DONALD TRUMP!!

NAFTA with china??? somebody call bones
Whilst the democrats seek to divert attention to Russia..perhaps because they see Russia as a danger for hillary.......the real threat and challenge America will face in the immediate future comes from China in the S. China sea area.

China has a very strong desire to humiliate America....they do not want or need an all out war...what they want is a limited engagement in the S.China Sea where they can defeat and thus humiliate America...leaving them in control of that geographical area.

They will provoke a confrontation in the S. China Sea...a major that even obama will be forced to respond will end tragically for America due to obamas personal weakness and the fact he has gutted the military...China has been steadily and consistently building their forces in that area for a long time now....their target date is sometime before obama leaves office. They do not want to take a chance and wait to see if hillary wins....they will launch their effort now to make sure their goals are achieved before the possibility of a Trump victory in the coming election.

Beijing Sends Bombers and Jet Fighters Over Contested Islands in the South China Sea
How the US Army Is Getting Ready for the Unthinkable: War with Russia or China
(or both)
Whilst the democrats seek to divert attention to Russia..perhaps because they see Russia as a danger for hillary.......the real threat and challenge America will face in the immediate future comes from China in the S. China sea area.

China has a very strong desire to humiliate America....they do not want or need an all out war...what they want is a limited engagement in the S.China Sea where they can defeat and thus humiliate America...leaving them in control of that geographical area.

They will provoke a confrontation in the S. China Sea...a major that even obama will be forced to respond will end tragically for America due to obamas personal weakness and the fact he has gutted the military...China has been steadily and consistently building their forces in that area for a long time now....their target date is sometime before obama leaves office. They do not want to take a chance and wait to see if hillary wins....they will launch their effort now to make sure their goals are achieved before the possibility of a Trump victory in the coming election.

Beijing Sends Bombers and Jet Fighters Over Contested Islands in the South China Sea
How the US Army Is Getting Ready for the Unthinkable: War with Russia or China
(or both)

because that is their job, prepare for war
Whilst the democrats seek to divert attention to Russia..perhaps because they see Russia as a danger for hillary.......the real threat and challenge America will face in the immediate future comes from China in the S. China sea area.

China has a very strong desire to humiliate America....they do not want or need an all out war...what they want is a limited engagement in the S.China Sea where they can defeat and thus humiliate America...leaving them in control of that geographical area.

They will provoke a confrontation in the S. China Sea...a major that even obama will be forced to respond will end tragically for America due to obamas personal weakness and the fact he has gutted the military...China has been steadily and consistently building their forces in that area for a long time now....their target date is sometime before obama leaves office. They do not want to take a chance and wait to see if hillary wins....they will launch their effort now to make sure their goals are achieved before the possibility of a Trump victory in the coming election.

Beijing Sends Bombers and Jet Fighters Over Contested Islands in the South China Sea
How the US Army Is Getting Ready for the Unthinkable: War with Russia or China
(or both)

because that is their job, prepare for war
. Someone was talking about the Chinese military equipment verses the United States equipment, and someone said China only has the one aircraft carrier, but we have fleets of carriers... true..... But are carriers obsolete now, where as the last time they experienced major combat was during would war two, but are most surface ships obsolete in modern day warfare today ? Does nations focus more on ship killers these days, then they do on creating ships for the purpose of transporting equipment into a region ? We have seen some impressive technology coming out of Iran in the ways of ship killing technology. An aircraft having no home on the sea to return to is a major problem if we can't totally protect the fleet from the newest technology in missle systems, smaller attack delivering systems etc. What does China have in their arsenals these days, in which would be a grave threat to surface warfare one wonders ? What are their total capabilities in subs, aircraft, missle systems, surface craft etc. ? What do they place their most interest in when it comes to warfare on the high seas ?
China is trying to adapt Mahan's naval strategy. Their military build-up should be viewed from this perspective.
China wants all of the South China Sea and after all it is named South China Sea. Lots of oil under the South China Sea or China would not give a shit. The Philippine Sea is just east of The Philippines and give them that. Give Vietnam the Gulf of Tonkin and everyone is a happy camper.
China is pursuing a goal of three expanding zones of exclusion to gradually elbow the US out of the region. They have to make a big stink over this fake island bullshit in order to begin establishing the first zone. The US knows this and will continue sailing right on through as long as we possess such a lopsided military advantage. China knows this. And the dance goes on.
US guided-missile destroyer arrives in China for first time since South China Sea arbitration ruling
US navy destroyer in China
USS Benfold, a guided-missile destroyer, arrives at a port in Qingdao, Shandong Province, China on 8 August 2016 for the first time since The Hague tribunal rejected Beijing's claims in the South China Sea on 12 July
A US warship has made it to Chinese ports for the first time since Beijing unequivocally rejected the arbitration tribunal ruling on the South China Sea territorial dispute. An American Navy guided missile destroyer arrived in the eastern Chinese port of Qingdao in Shandong Province, on Monday (8 August).

It sounds like a gesture of goodwill or an act of desperation, a "show of force" that is just window dressing. Any way you look at it, the U.S. should not like I said earlier violate the new "territory."
Whilst the democrats seek to divert attention to Russia..perhaps because they see Russia as a danger for hillary.......the real threat and challenge America will face in the immediate future comes from China in the S. China sea area.

China has a very strong desire to humiliate America....they do not want or need an all out war...what they want is a limited engagement in the S.China Sea where they can defeat and thus humiliate America...leaving them in control of that geographical area.

They will provoke a confrontation in the S. China Sea...a major that even obama will be forced to respond will end tragically for America due to obamas personal weakness and the fact he has gutted the military...China has been steadily and consistently building their forces in that area for a long time now....their target date is sometime before obama leaves office. They do not want to take a chance and wait to see if hillary wins....they will launch their effort now to make sure their goals are achieved before the possibility of a Trump victory in the coming election.

Beijing Sends Bombers and Jet Fighters Over Contested Islands in the South China Sea
How the US Army Is Getting Ready for the Unthinkable: War with Russia or China
(or both)

We got the technology, but China has the military personnel, more than we could EVER muster.
Whilst the democrats seek to divert attention to Russia..perhaps because they see Russia as a danger for hillary.......the real threat and challenge America will face in the immediate future comes from China in the S. China sea area.

China has a very strong desire to humiliate America....they do not want or need an all out war...what they want is a limited engagement in the S.China Sea where they can defeat and thus humiliate America...leaving them in control of that geographical area.

They will provoke a confrontation in the S. China Sea...a major that even obama will be forced to respond will end tragically for America due to obamas personal weakness and the fact he has gutted the military...China has been steadily and consistently building their forces in that area for a long time now....their target date is sometime before obama leaves office. They do not want to take a chance and wait to see if hillary wins....they will launch their effort now to make sure their goals are achieved before the possibility of a Trump victory in the coming election.

Beijing Sends Bombers and Jet Fighters Over Contested Islands in the South China Sea
How the US Army Is Getting Ready for the Unthinkable: War with Russia or China
(or both)

We got the technology, but China has the military personnel, more than we could EVER muster.

This is not the 1700s.
Whilst the democrats seek to divert attention to Russia..perhaps because they see Russia as a danger for hillary.......the real threat and challenge America will face in the immediate future comes from China in the S. China sea area.

China has a very strong desire to humiliate America....they do not want or need an all out war...what they want is a limited engagement in the S.China Sea where they can defeat and thus humiliate America...leaving them in control of that geographical area.

They will provoke a confrontation in the S. China Sea...a major that even obama will be forced to respond will end tragically for America due to obamas personal weakness and the fact he has gutted the military...China has been steadily and consistently building their forces in that area for a long time now....their target date is sometime before obama leaves office. They do not want to take a chance and wait to see if hillary wins....they will launch their effort now to make sure their goals are achieved before the possibility of a Trump victory in the coming election.

Beijing Sends Bombers and Jet Fighters Over Contested Islands in the South China Sea
How the US Army Is Getting Ready for the Unthinkable: War with Russia or China
(or both)

We got the technology, but China has the military personnel, more than we could EVER muster.

If and when shooting start.... where the heck do you think they put those massive numbers of Chinese soldiers? Banana boat?
Unkotare said..... This ain't 1700.

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