China will make a move against U.S. very soon.

. Nope, Trump is wrong on this one, where as we are in these regions in order to over see these places after knowing their capabilities 1st hand in which they had deployed on us during world war two. If we abandon the world, then it won't be long before the world comes back for a visit, but it might not be the visit we want or will expect. Every nation wants their sovereignty, and they want nationalism and patriotism to thrive in their countries. If we are or have been monitoring these countries since world war two, then we should continue to monitor them right on and on or until they truly prove that they are a peaceful peace loving people with no need of their own war machine in order to challenge another nation as based upon nationalistic ideologies or radicalism. So why are these nations building up their militaries while we are going in the opposite direction ? Are we becoming the most Ignorant naive people in the world now ?

I personally am not suggesting disarm or completely withdraw, I am suggesting we stop leading at the vanguard for all these other countries that collectively are richer and more populous. We cannot afford it.

How long before Japan 'proves' itself?

Can you explain to me why I should give a shit about the Spratley Islands?
. Nope, Trump is wrong on this one, where as we are in these regions in order to over see these places after knowing their capabilities 1st hand in which they had deployed on us during world war two. If we abandon the world, then it won't be long before the world comes back for a visit, but it might not be the visit we want or will expect. Every nation wants their sovereignty, and they want nationalism and patriotism to thrive in their countries. If we are or have been monitoring these countries since world war two, then we should continue to monitor them right on and on or until they truly prove that they are a peaceful peace loving people with no need of their own war machine in order to challenge another nation as based upon nationalistic ideologies or radicalism. So why are these nations building up their militaries while we are going in the opposite direction ? Are we becoming the most Ignorant naive people in the world now ?

I personally am not suggesting disarm or completely withdraw, I am suggesting we stop leading at the vanguard for all these other countries that collectively are richer and more populous. We cannot afford it.

How long before Japan 'proves' itself?

Can you explain to me why I should give a shit about the Spratley Islands?
. Hey they can't help how stupid we have become, so that is why we hold on to the past with being involved in order to control the possible surprises that we don't want while we are being stupid here. They are watching our stupidity, while we are watching their reactions to it. The more ignorant and stupid we become, the more emboldened they become. It is us that have become our own worst enemy, and because of this we become more apt to engage in even more policing of the world. Think about it.. Haven't you known people who are scheming bull crap artist, and what do they want worst of all ? They want to monitor, eavesdrop and stay engaged in order to keep people from finding out just how bad they are.
There is no reason whatsoever to have to defend a Japan-Philippines-Indonesia-Vietnam-Australia alliance.....

You need thicker glasses.

Go look it up- Google is a fascinating tool.

Japan and South Korea both pay the United States for the American presence on their lands.

Meanwhile- China will continue to push the boundaries- but they are not going to risk a shooting war- unless maybe if Trump is elected- since he has signaled he may not honor our commitments to our allies.

it is called etiquette. If I am then one forwarding an idea, I post the data, and vice versa

should I not expect such from a liberal?

You were the one who brought the up the idea of Japan paying the United States for supporting their defense- with no data.

I responded with the fact that Japan is paying the United States.

You shouldn't expect a liberal- or anyone else- to go do the research you are too lazy to do yourself.

I do most all my own research, I post many links and data. I only ask others do the same, but I guess you are just another liberal a-hole

Yet once again- here in this thread- you have posted no links, no data- you posted an opinion- and I pointed out you are wrong- and you got all butt hurt when I pointed out your laziness.

I happen to be a well informed liberal.
Meanwhile- China will continue to push the boundaries- but they are not going to risk a shooting war- unless maybe if Trump is elected- since he has signaled he may not honor our commitments to our allies.

your ideas are nonsensical, above you stated that China would not enter a shooting war because of their economy, now you state that they would risk shutting down their economy simply because trump may not honor a treaty. Contradictory

I don't doubt China's aggressive intentions.

But I do not believe China will act in a way to start a shooting war because it would destroy their economy.

If they believe that they could push into the South China Sea and a Trump President would not respond- then they would be more likely to take a chance.
[ So why are these nations building up their militaries while we are going in the opposite direction ? Are we becoming the most Ignorant naive people in the world now ?

'these nations'?

China is attempting to build up its military- its navy is still not capable of forward operations- they have no functional aircraft carrier- we have aircraft carrier groups.

How big exactly do you think that our military should be? We spend more money on it than China, Russia, England and France combined.

I am all for a strong defense- but that should be a defense as strong as we need it to be- not a knee jerk reaction that we should just shovel more money into the military project of the day.
Meanwhile- China will continue to push the boundaries- but they are not going to risk a shooting war- unless maybe if Trump is elected- since he has signaled he may not honor our commitments to our allies.

your ideas are nonsensical, above you stated that China would not enter a shooting war because of their economy, now you state that they would risk shutting down their economy simply because trump may not honor a treaty. Contradictory

I don't doubt China's aggressive intentions.

But I do not believe China will act in a way to start a shooting war because it would destroy their economy.

If they believe that they could push into the South China Sea and a Trump President would not respond- then they would be more likely to take a chance.
. Economies are secondary to nations who begin feeling like they are being controlled by a people who care not for their own mental health, and yet such a nation thinks that they are somehow right even though showing signs of a mental condition that has developed when trying to influence another to be just like them or to keep dealing with them...If that doesn't work, then the controlling nation figures that it can leverage the others will with a threat of the ruination of their economy if any actions are taken in which attempts to break free the bonds they have between each other. Just wonder where the breaking points are ?
[ So why are these nations building up their militaries while we are going in the opposite direction ? Are we becoming the most Ignorant naive people in the world now ?

'these nations'?

China is attempting to build up its military- its navy is still not capable of forward operations- they have no functional aircraft carrier- we have aircraft carrier groups.

How big exactly do you think that our military should be? We spend more money on it than China, Russia, England and France combined.

I am all for a strong defense- but that should be a defense as strong as we need it to be- not a knee jerk reaction that we should just shovel more money into the military project of the day.
. Ever heard of nations joining together in order to become strong enough to match powers ?
Meanwhile- China will continue to push the boundaries- but they are not going to risk a shooting war- unless maybe if Trump is elected- since he has signaled he may not honor our commitments to our allies.

your ideas are nonsensical, above you stated that China would not enter a shooting war because of their economy, now you state that they would risk shutting down their economy simply because trump may not honor a treaty. Contradictory

I don't doubt China's aggressive intentions.

But I do not believe China will act in a way to start a shooting war because it would destroy their economy.

If they believe that they could push into the South China Sea and a Trump President would not respond- then they would be more likely to take a chance.

then all we would have to do is embargo them and declare their bonds null and void, bingo, end of war
Go look it up- Google is a fascinating tool.

Japan and South Korea both pay the United States for the American presence on their lands.

Meanwhile- China will continue to push the boundaries- but they are not going to risk a shooting war- unless maybe if Trump is elected- since he has signaled he may not honor our commitments to our allies.

it is called etiquette. If I am then one forwarding an idea, I post the data, and vice versa

should I not expect such from a liberal?

You were the one who brought the up the idea of Japan paying the United States for supporting their defense- with no data.

I responded with the fact that Japan is paying the United States.

You shouldn't expect a liberal- or anyone else- to go do the research you are too lazy to do yourself.

I do most all my own research, I post many links and data. I only ask others do the same, but I guess you are just another liberal a-hole

Yet once again- here in this thread- you have posted no links, no data- you posted an opinion- and I pointed out you are wrong- and you got all butt hurt when I pointed out your laziness.

I happen to be a well informed liberal.

I cannot post data on the empty set, understand? It is the old proving the negative thing. You affirmed the positive.
Meanwhile- China will continue to push the boundaries- but they are not going to risk a shooting war- unless maybe if Trump is elected- since he has signaled he may not honor our commitments to our allies.

your ideas are nonsensical, above you stated that China would not enter a shooting war because of their economy, now you state that they would risk shutting down their economy simply because trump may not honor a treaty. Contradictory

I don't doubt China's aggressive intentions.

But I do not believe China will act in a way to start a shooting war because it would destroy their economy.

If they believe that they could push into the South China Sea and a Trump President would not respond- then they would be more likely to take a chance.

then all we would have to do is embargo them and declare their bonds null and void, bingo, end of war
. If war breaks out, then allies would form quickly wouldn't they ? Who supports who if world war was to break out again ? A nation that would appear isolated in it's aggression, might be joined by another who has the same interest as the other might have to gain. Look out for the one two punch right ? Most time the second swing comes out of no where.
. If war breaks out, then allies would form quickly wouldn't they ? Who supports who if world war was to break out again ?

we talking world war III now? I thought we were talking south china sea

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