China will make a move against U.S. very soon.

Along time ago, my Dad said all this ruckus about commies and looking at Russia as a danger was stupid....and that the ones we REALLY need to keep an eyeball on is China. He said this back in the late 1950's.
Course it could be made to look like an "accident" say a carrier goes down because a missile was fired by "mistake" during an exercise.....I think Obama would accede to that readily

To use a poker analogy....(BTW the chinese are excellent poker players) obama is trying to bluff China....the problem being China knows it.

Anyone that knows anything about poker knows that in order for a bluff to work...the person you are trying to bluff must actually think there is a possibility of you having what you claim to have.

As a Chinese General said...the U.S. would not sacrifice L.A. to save Taiwan...and that statement has broad implications. aka they know that obama will not do anything at all that might provoke a war with if anyone has a capability of bluffing it is China.....if they tell obama to get the hell out of the S. China sea or they are gong to nuke L.A. he would get out very, very can bet on that.

But the Chinese are not going to have to say anything that drastic....what they will do is to set up a situation where there is some sort of military action with the U.S in the S. China sea....some American planes will be shot down or some U.S. navy vessel will be sunk....what would the U.S. do? You got it....nothing. I doubt China would even apologize...they will blame it on the U.S. being somewhere they should not be.

But that would not be the end of it....after such a 'humiliation' China will be emboldened to do it again...perhaps on a larger scale...perhaps with other nations aka Japan or the other words they will keep this policy going until no one at all opposes their right to control, dominate aka own the S.China Sea.

They want to accomplish this before the elections where a wild card (Trump) might come into play...a wild card they would be very wary if they can estblish their ownership of the S.China sea before Trump gets in...that would be a very good thing for them.

The chinese are very,very intelligent...unlike our leadership....they also are very cautious...and very patient but willing to make bold moves if everything is in their favor and it is. They know they must expand or die....they need territory and they need it very badly due to the numbers of people they order to maintain a good standard of living for most...they will fight to the death before they allow anyone to push them back into the situation they were in for so long....starving and unable to do anything to protect their interests. They absolutely understand now is a most opportune time for them to acquire the S.China Sea at very little costs.....later might not be so good for them.

They are going to have a secret meeting soon...the top leadership...i think this will be at the top of the agenda. Their military is very aggressive and wants to demonstrate what they are capable of doing thus insuring more power and more support for the fact I think the military will attempt to gain control of China and a good way to do it would be to run all other nations out of the S.China Sea....they would get huge amounts of support for doing that...people do not understand the great urge for revenge china has....especially against Japan but also against the whole western world for all the years the chinese were subjugated by the western powers.
Delusions of grandeur. You haven't a clue.
Whilst the democrats seek to divert attention to Russia..perhaps because they see Russia as a danger for hillary.......the real threat and challenge America will face in the immediate future comes from China in the S. China sea area.

China has a very strong desire to humiliate America....they do not want or need an all out war...what they want is a limited engagement in the S.China Sea where they can defeat and thus humiliate America...leaving them in control of that geographical area.

They will provoke a confrontation in the S. China Sea...a major that even obama will be forced to respond will end tragically for America due to obamas personal weakness and the fact he has gutted the military...China has been steadily and consistently building their forces in that area for a long time now....their target date is sometime before obama leaves office. They do not want to take a chance and wait to see if hillary wins....they will launch their effort now to make sure their goals are achieved before the possibility of a Trump victory in the coming election.

Beijing Sends Bombers and Jet Fighters Over Contested Islands in the South China Sea

1. China involvement in the South China Sea has to do with the oil and natural gas they want to control in the region and the Oil Barons do not want this to happen because of fear that China will extract the oil and glut the market even further.

2. Even if the U.S. is weaker ( Which I disagree with you on ) there is still the factor of Japan and Australia in the region which if you combine will be enough to counter China and also add in India hatred for their neighboring foe.

3. If any war were to happen it will be a Proxy War that will involve South Korea and North Korea and could drag the Philippines, Vietnam and Japan into it while Russia and China back North Korea and the U.S. and Australia will back South Korea, Japan, and the Phils.
As long as they don't match our sub technology, then we should be alright for quite sometime in the world, otherwise where jockeying for position, interest and power is the constant game. The hidden launch from a nuclear sub is something no nation wants to deal with, and then that being backed up by intercontinental bolistic missiles is enough to stop any nation from wanting to fight such a war. Actually this technology may have become our inward downfall from within, because fear is what creates weak character, and it leads to a complete meltdown of society over time. If a nation is wrong, then it is good to be corrected by others through peaceful means or measures, but if we are so powerful that we can't see clear enough to correct ourselves, then that is a sad state of affairs to be in... Actually it could be that nations will just sit back long enough to watch as we simply implode.

Yes because of that apathy, any of our bottom-of-the-barrel leaders will just simply surrender our nation, when legitimately threatened by China or resurgent Soviet communists.
3. If any war were to happen it will be a Proxy War that will involve South Korea and North Korea and could drag the Philippines, Vietnam and Japan into it while Russia and China back North Korea and the U.S. and Australia will back South Korea, Japan, and the Phils.

Due to Obama's foolish interference in Russia, our fearless leader might alone be responsible for resurrecting the communists, and what would be more incredible is if China were to then ally with them. That is the only way Vietnam could ever get involved again, although this time, they might choose to steer clear of communism.
Whilst the democrats seek to divert attention to Russia..perhaps because they see Russia as a danger for hillary.......the real threat and challenge America will face in the immediate future comes from China in the S. China sea area.

China has a very strong desire to humiliate America....they do not want or need an all out war...what they want is a limited engagement in the S.China Sea where they can defeat and thus humiliate America...leaving them in control of that geographical area.

They will provoke a confrontation in the S. China Sea...a major that even obama will be forced to respond will end tragically for America due to obamas personal weakness and the fact he has gutted the military...China has been steadily and consistently building their forces in that area for a long time now....their target date is sometime before obama leaves office. They do not want to take a chance and wait to see if hillary wins....they will launch their effort now to make sure their goals are achieved before the possibility of a Trump victory in the coming election.

Beijing Sends Bombers and Jet Fighters Over Contested Islands in the South China Sea

1. China involvement in the South China Sea has to do with the oil and natural gas they want to control in the region and the Oil Barons do not want this to happen because of fear that China will extract the oil and glut the market even further.

2. Even if the U.S. is weaker ( Which I disagree with you on ) there is still the factor of Japan and Australia in the region which if you combine will be enough to counter China and also add in India hatred for their neighboring foe.

3. If any war were to happen it will be a Proxy War that will involve South Korea and North Korea and could drag the Philippines, Vietnam and Japan into it while Russia and China back North Korea and the U.S. and Australia will back South Korea, Japan, and the Phils.
. Sounds like world war three to me.
3. If any war were to happen it will be a Proxy War that will involve South Korea and North Korea and could drag the Philippines, Vietnam and Japan into it while Russia and China back North Korea and the U.S. and Australia will back South Korea, Japan, and the Phils.

Due to Obama's foolish interference in Russia, our fearless leader might alone be responsible for resurrecting the communists, and what would be more incredible is if China were to then ally with them. That is the only way Vietnam could ever get involved again, although this time, they might choose to steer clear of communism.
The kings of the east shall rise, and will make war with ??????? Revelations.
China was trashed in UN court, they are responding by getting more aggressive

As had been widely expected, the Permanent Court of Arbitration under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) ruled on July 12 in favor of the Philippines’ suit to declare Chinese territorial claims in the South China Sea (SCS) illegal
China’s Bad Day in Court

But the six persistents also included “never abandoning our legitimate rights and interests” (zhengdang quanyi)

the conflict was escalated by the UN, not resolved

The Chinese are very aggressive, and not very nice people
‘Paper cat’ Australia will learn its lesson
Around the announcement of the arbitration tribunal over the South China Sea, Australia was one of the most delirious countries. Canberra immediately supported the arbitration result and claimed China "must" abide by it, and also signed a joint declaration with the US and Japan. Australia has inked a free trade agreement with China, its biggest trading partner, which makes its move of disturbing the South China Sea waters surprising to many.........
If Australia steps into the South China Sea waters, it will be an ideal target for China to warn and strike. Australia is not even a "paper tiger," it's only a "paper cat" at best

‘Paper cat’ Australia will learn its lesson - Global Times
Whilst the democrats seek to divert attention to Russia..perhaps because they see Russia as a danger for hillary.......the real threat and challenge America will face in the immediate future comes from China in the S. China sea area.

China has a very strong desire to humiliate America....they do not want or need an all out war...what they want is a limited engagement in the S.China Sea where they can defeat and thus humiliate America...leaving them in control of that geographical area.

They will provoke a confrontation in the S. China Sea...a major that even obama will be forced to respond will end tragically for America due to obamas personal weakness and the fact he has gutted the military...China has been steadily and consistently building their forces in that area for a long time now....their target date is sometime before obama leaves office. They do not want to take a chance and wait to see if hillary wins....they will launch their effort now to make sure their goals are achieved before the possibility of a Trump victory in the coming election.

Beijing Sends Bombers and Jet Fighters Over Contested Islands in the South China Sea

The biggest danger is if Trump is elected- he has already signaled to China and Russia he would not necessarily defend America's allies.

As far as 'limited engagement' in the South China Sea- how does China keep it 'limited'?

China is going to do no such thing. China's entire economy is based upon international trade- they start any kind of a shooting war in the South China sea and container ships will stop calling in China ports- it would be economic disaster.
Whilst the democrats seek to divert attention to Russia..perhaps because they see Russia as a danger for hillary.......the real threat and challenge America will face in the immediate future comes from China in the S. China sea area.

China has a very strong desire to humiliate America....they do not want or need an all out war...what they want is a limited engagement in the S.China Sea where they can defeat and thus humiliate America...leaving them in control of that geographical area.

They will provoke a confrontation in the S. China Sea...a major that even obama will be forced to respond will end tragically for America due to obamas personal weakness and the fact he has gutted the military...China has been steadily and consistently building their forces in that area for a long time now....their target date is sometime before obama leaves office. They do not want to take a chance and wait to see if hillary wins....they will launch their effort now to make sure their goals are achieved before the possibility of a Trump victory in the coming election.

Beijing Sends Bombers and Jet Fighters Over Contested Islands in the South China Sea

The biggest danger is if Trump is elected- he has already signaled to China and Russia he would not necessarily defend America's allies.

As far as 'limited engagement' in the South China Sea- how does China keep it 'limited'?

China is going to do no such thing. China's entire economy is based upon international trade- they start any kind of a shooting war in the South China sea and container ships will stop calling in China ports- it would be economic disaster.

There is no reason whatsoever to have to defend a Japan-Philippines-Indonesia-Vietnam-Australia alliance, they should bear the major load as they have plenty of resources to do so, or they should at least pay us for our services

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