China 'Worrisome Escalation' - Because They CAN, No Fear of Consequences, Filling The Void Left By US Absence

Pardon me if I choose not to accept tbe one link that agrees with you. I will stick with the athimrbts and many links posted in this in rhe thread actually about thos specific ven.

Its amazing how the military said its sensors were not arranged/ set up to catch those flights ... yet after Joe's f* up of allowing a CCP spy balloon to fly figure 8s over our nuclear silos and stealth bases suddey the Biden administration had a massive 'B..b..b...but Trump' revelation / claim.


You are the biggest, lying troll M*er f*er and sac-licking Biden apologist onthis noard, and that's saying something!

It has been proven by multiple sources that the Biden administration / US didn't do SHIT to prevent the CCP balloon from collecting Intel and sending back its information.

1. OF COURSE THEY KNEW THE BALLOON'S COURSE. Intel asgencies & the military reported they watched the balloon take off, fly half way around the world, violare our soveteignty / violate US airspace when it started coming up the Aleutian chain...
** Biden claimed he did not shoot it down sooner because it was over populated areas - BULLSHIT. HE IS A PROVEN LIAR - HE COULD HAVE HAD IT SHOT DOWN AT ANY TIME OVER THE ALEUTIAN CHAIN!

Biden watched Xi's spy balloon exit and re-enter US airspace, again violating our sovereignty and airspace. He watched it head for our ICBM SILOS AND PASSED UP OPPORTUNITIES TO SHOOT IT DOWN AGAIN OVER UNPOPULATED AREAS.

Biden watched as it collected intel, to include SIGINT, collecting on all communications coming in, out of, and around our ICBM Silos and Stealth base.


Biden allowed Xi to do whatever the f* he wanted to, allowed the CCP to successfully complete its mission, before ordering it shot down over one of the worst places possible off the Carolina coast.

2. To censor / jam / prevent the balloon from collecting would have required either ground-based jammers along its entire flight route or aerial jammers that require aircraft that followed the balloon the whole time.

2. The US would have had to jam the balloons spy / comm equipments exact frequency (if they identified it) or a frequency band. To do this the FAA would have had to reroute air traffic, gile official documentation, make some other adjustments, and approve the jamming over US soil.


Again you prove you don't know what the f* you're talking about. You have no idea what spy equipment the CCP has on is sayelites, you have no clue what equipment the CCP had on its balloon, don't know shit about SIGINT ir its capabilities. This is the same talking points you bots and trolls repeatedly posred in rhe thread about this

WTF? WHAT 'diolomatic kefluffle'? Niden publicly admitted he nor the US EVER communicated with Xi or rhe CCP while their spy balloon was doibg 'figure 8s' over our ICBM silos or stealth base. After it was over Bidenstated publicly he look forward to talking to Xi IN THE WEEKS AHEAD about the spy balloon and other isses!


LIAR! In the thread about this multiple links were posted proving Hunter acted illegally as anu registered which the Dept of the Treasury and IRS has confirmed he was paid MILLIONS.


Thete is no more need to read anything else from a proven ignorant / lying bot / troll who just set fire to any crecibility he had left.

You are dismissed. Please return to your handlers for additional training.
Dismissing people on a discussion board is counterproductive to having any discussion at all. You do realize trump's China Initiative was broadly criticized. By the way Biden isn't like trump, he allows the experts to make the big their arenas. Matthew Olsen, Assistant Attorney General of the National Security Division of the Justice Department had this to say about the initiative when speaking at George Mason University , " While I remain focused on the evolving, significant threat the government of China poses, I have concluded that the initiative is not the right approach. Instead, the current threat landscape- which includes Russia, Iran and North Korea in addition to China demands a broader approach. " I agree with him. Most of trump's schemes we're not well thought out and had untoward affects on everything. We just need to think smarter and take everything into perspective.
Biden revealed who he works for when he allowed their spy balloon to take pictures all across the country. He should be shot.>Yes, Chinese Spy Satellites Flew Over The Us when President Trump Was In Office Too. I guess they'll have to shoot trump first then.
'China on Friday once again disregarded Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and deployed a research ship along with five escort vessels to an area where a Russian state firm jointly operates a gas block with Hanoi in the energy rich South China Sea.'

'China has attempted to lay sovereign claim over the entire South China Sea, recently increasing its aggressive posture against neighboring nations with jurisdictional rights in the vast body of water like the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia and Vietnam.'

Who is going to stop them? Our dementia-ravaged, compromised President whose family has taken MILLIONS from the CCP?

You can hear the theme from 'Jaws' playing in the background as China continues to make escallatory moves as it sets its eyes not only on Taiwan but also the entire South China Sea / Region.

Continued shows of force surrounding Taiwan
Declaring they WILL take Taiwan
Threatening to destroy those who oppose
Escalation of Cyber attacks on Guam
Now this...

Where is President Biden?
- Does even HE know?

This China situation is interesting indeed, otherwise coupled with our depletion of military resources sent to Ukraine, and the unrest of nation's that are slowly gaining speed around the world, but not in our favor uhhhhhh is getting real.

Are we exposing ourselves in Ukraine by giving the possibility of various other's to analyze our own Intel, tactics and weaponry used or sent into the Ukraine theater or conflict ?

Could Putin actually be feeding China with military Intel from the war torn theater, and giving analysis on our military platforms, there abilities, weaknesses, and strengths, otherwise a numerous study could with out a doubt be conducted in the theater correct ?

Having a two faced so called Allie in trade and tech like China, who is seeking to secure itself from the influences of what appears to be now a crazed western culture, where as we see evidence of the Chinese rather not allowing certain western culture's to become a rot (xi orders all films and film makers to exclude or not promote effeminate men in the industry starting immediately), upon it's own people or nation is another direct sign to Chinas bitterness and intentions as well.......

China appears to be seeking to stay out of world globalism now (as far as cultural rot goes), especially if it means staying engaged compromises it's religious values, culture and identity beliefs, especially in contrast to a hoard of western modern day beliefs that it doesn't want to creep into it's nations mindset any farther..

This is my beliefs as an analyst going on past and present evidence.

China is intent on stopping the west and it's forcing it's weird culture's, climate decrees, and environmental guidelines based on ESG scores, and globalism upon the Chinese nation as well as other's in a bid for a globalist go along to get along utopia.

Am I wrong ?
Biden revealed who he works for when he allowed their spy balloon to take pictures all across the country. He should be shot.
He damned sure should be brought into a hearing before the people on the matter.

They didn't mind bullying the hell out of Trump everytime they wanted a hunk of his flesh.
Dismissing people on a discussion board is counterproductive to having any discussion at all.


You're dismissed.

How does it feel to be that

How does it feel to pathetically come crawling back, chasing me, begging for attention, desperate to childishly get the last word, then run away?

That's ok, you can go. You are dismissed.

Pardon me if I choose not to accept tbe one link that agrees with you. I will stick with the athimrbts and many links posted in this in rhe thread actually about thos specific ven.

Its amazing how the military said its sensors were not arranged/ set up to catch those flights ... yet after Joe's f* up of allowing a CCP spy balloon to fly figure 8s over our nuclear silos and stealth bases suddey the Biden administration had a massive 'B..b..b...but Trump' revelation / claim.


You are the biggest, lying troll M*er f*er and sac-licking Biden apologist onthis noard, and that's saying something!

It has been proven by multiple sources that the Biden administration / US didn't do SHIT to prevent the CCP balloon from collecting Intel and sending back its information.

1. OF COURSE THEY KNEW THE BALLOON'S COURSE. Intel asgencies & the military reported they watched the balloon take off, fly half way around the world, violare our soveteignty / violate US airspace when it started coming up the Aleutian chain...
** Biden claimed he did not shoot it down sooner because it was over populated areas - BULLSHIT. HE IS A PROVEN LIAR - HE COULD HAVE HAD IT SHOT DOWN AT ANY TIME OVER THE ALEUTIAN CHAIN!

Biden watched Xi's spy balloon exit and re-enter US airspace, again violating our sovereignty and airspace. He watched it head for our ICBM SILOS AND PASSED UP OPPORTUNITIES TO SHOOT IT DOWN AGAIN OVER UNPOPULATED AREAS.

Biden watched as it collected intel, to include SIGINT, collecting on all communications coming in, out of, and around our ICBM Silos and Stealth base.


Biden allowed Xi to do whatever the f* he wanted to, allowed the CCP to successfully complete its mission, before ordering it shot down over one of the worst places possible off the Carolina coast.

2. To censor / jam / prevent the balloon from collecting would have required either ground-based jammers along its entire flight route or aerial jammers that require aircraft that followed the balloon the whole time.

2. The US would have had to jam the balloons spy / comm equipments exact frequency (if they identified it) or a frequency band. To do this the FAA would have had to reroute air traffic, gile official documentation, make some other adjustments, and approve the jamming over US soil.


Again you prove you don't know what the f* you're talking about. You have no idea what spy equipment the CCP has on is sayelites, you have no clue what equipment the CCP had on its balloon, don't know shit about SIGINT ir its capabilities. This is the same talking points you bots and trolls repeatedly posred in rhe thread about this

WTF? WHAT 'diolomatic kefluffle'? Niden publicly admitted he nor the US EVER communicated with Xi or rhe CCP while their spy balloon was doibg 'figure 8s' over our ICBM silos or stealth base. After it was over Bidenstated publicly he look forward to talking to Xi IN THE WEEKS AHEAD about the spy balloon and other isses!


LIAR! In the thread about this multiple links were posted proving Hunter acted illegally as anu registered foreignagent in which he helped arrange the talks and made it all come together ... for which the Dept of the Treasury and IRS has confirmed he was paid MILLIONS.


Thete is no more need to read anything else from a proven ignorant / lying bot / troll who just set fire to any crecibility he had left.

You are dismissed. Please return to your handlers for additional training.

Not one link backing up your position. Just a childish, name calling tantrum. Not surprising given your posting history.

I will not lower myself to your level. When you care to discuss like an adult, I'll be here.
Not one link backing up your position. Just a childish, name calling tantrum. Not surprising given your posting history.

I will not lower myself to your level. When you care to discuss like an adult, I'll be here.
Look at his responses, I believe we are dealing with a troll. Out of here too ! Take care.
Kind of like a child with a new toy excitement. Very superficial.very obsessed and excitable.

Its amusing watching you two 'girls' sit together, whining and crying, complaining again how 'mean tweets' have completely wrecked your fragile, over-sensitive, easily-offended feelings.

The whole time neither of you have been able to disprove / debunk what has been provided / posted. It is, after all, hard to debunk the truth.

You piss and moan about links but offer none to support your claim that Biden Is a strong, decisive leader respected .... and feared ... the world over, how he has 'handled' Xi and the CCP...

...when the truth is Xi has so little respect for Biden tbat he fly a spy balloon half way around the world - without trying to hide it - openly over US airspace, right up Biden's ass, stopping over US nuclear ICBM silos and a stealth base and spied as long as he wanted to.

You're two friggin' clowns ... two fragile, imbecilic, talking point-parroting, Hillary Hoax-pushing, reality-denying, Biden / Democrat sac-licking apologists who don't have the common sense God gave a door knob. You have been paid / indoctrinated bots / trolls for so long you have lost the ability to think for yourselves

China has filled the void left by your reclusive, dementia-ravaged, criminal, compromised paid CCP puppet, running rough shod over tbat region... and over US airspace, attacking Guam to eliminate its interference when it takes Taiwan.

Biden refuses to give Taiwan the weapons it has already paid for, gives Taiwan and its defense lip service, does nothing to bolster a crumbling US alliance, as France has already stated that it might not defy China by takibg part in the Defense of Taiwan.

The biggest thing Biden and Democrats have done in Ukraine to prove what they really care about there was engage in a 'For Ukraine' Ponzi Scheme in which he and Democrats were caught lining their pockets with tax payer cash.

Biden has't shown anyone any type of military might / capability with Biden's disastrous pull-out in Afghanistan, repeatedly blowing up civilians / kids while claiming to have taken out terrorist bombers or leaders, and after allowing Xi to fly a spycraft over the US / military targets uncontested.

COVID-19, Fentynal - it doesn't matter what deadly product Xi sends into the US or how many Americans he has killed or keeps killing - Joe doesn't give a damn because he won't even pick up a phone to confront Xi.

...but you two 'girls' keep huddling together to whine anout your feeling and how hurt you are by 'mean teeets / posts'.

In the meantime, you are both dismissed.
Its amusing watching you two 'girls' sit together, whining and crying, complaining again how 'mean tweets' have completely wrecked your fragile, over-sensitive, easily-offended feelings.

The whole time neither of you have been able to disprove / debunk what has been provided / posted. It is, after all, hard to debunk the truth.

You piss and moan about links but offer none to support your claim that Biden Is a strong, decisive leader respected .... and feared ... the world over, how he has 'handled' Xi and the CCP...

...when the truth is Xi has so little respect for Biden tbat he fly a spy balloon half way around the world - without trying to hide it - openly over US airspace, right up Biden's ass, stopping over US nuclear ICBM silos and a stealth base and spied as long as he wanted to.

You're two friggin' clowns ... two fragile, imbecilic, talking point-parroting, Hillary Hoax-pushing, reality-denying, Biden / Democrat sac-licking apologists who don't have the common sense God gave a door knob. You have been paid / indoctrinated bots / trolls for so long you have lost the ability to think for yourselves

China has filled the void left by your reclusive, dementia-ravaged, criminal, compromised paid CCP puppet, running rough shod over tbat region... and over US airspace, attacking Guam to eliminate its interference when it takes Taiwan.

Biden refuses to give Taiwan the weapons it has already paid for, gives Taiwan and its defense lip service, does nothing to bolster a crumbling US alliance, as France has already stated that it might not defy China by takibg part in the Defense of Taiwan.

The biggest thing Biden and Democrats have done in Ukraine to prove what they really care about there was engage in a 'For Ukraine' Ponzi Scheme in which he and Democrats were caught lining their pockets with tax payer cash.

Biden has't shown anyone any type of military might / capability with Biden's disastrous pull-out in Afghanistan, repeatedly blowing up civilians / kids while claiming to have taken out terrorist bombers or leaders, and after allowing Xi to fly a spycraft over the US / military targets uncontested.

COVID-19, Fentynal - it doesn't matter what deadly product Xi sends into the US or how many Americans he has killed or keeps killing - Joe doesn't give a damn because he won't even pick up a phone to confront Xi.

...but you two 'girls' keep huddling together to whine anout your feeling and how hurt you are by 'mean teeets / posts'.

In the meantime, you are both dismissed.
As in sad to be you.

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