Chinese EMP Weapons Program Confirmed

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Chinese EMP weapons program was confirmed back in 2011. This article contains some information that should concern us. Some scientists claim they have the technology for a super EMP. The threat of an EMP strike is could wipe out the entire infrastructure of the USA the report says.

Chinese EMP Weapons Program Confirmed by Intelligence Agencies; Designed to Attack US Carrier Fleets, Taiwan | CRISISBOOM
Reports from organizations like the Center for Security Policy have confirmed that Electromagnetic Pulse, or EMP, weapons could potentially wipe out the entire infrastructure of the United States in a matter of seconds, the consequences of which may be the death of 9 out of 10 Americans within a period of one year after the blast. Many Senators, Congressman, and terrorism experts have said that EMP is the single biggest security threat the United States faces from foreign powers and terrorist organizations. Research by EMPact America indicates that a properly deployed EM pulse weapon, or weapons, has the capability of wiping out and disabling the power grid across the lower 48 states.

The threat is serious, and it just got a whole lot worse.

According to a declassified report obtained by The Washington Times the Chinese have been building and testing EMP weapons in an effort to offset their inferior technological capabilities, and are prepared to use those weapons in the event of conflict over the island of Taiwan (and likely other potential theaters of war):

China’s military is developing electromagnetic pulse weapons that Beijing plans to use against U.S. aircraft carriers in any future conflict over Taiwan, according to an intelligence report made public on Thursday.

Portions of a National Ground Intelligence Center study on the lethal effects of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and high-powered microwave (HPM) weapons revealed that the arms are part of China’s so-called “assassin’s mace” arsenal – weapons that allow a technologically inferior China to defeat U.S. military forces. continue reading on link...

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It is an interesting thought that perhaps the reason the Russians and Chinese haven't made a move on America is that we have a bigger military than they do. Over 200 million armed Americans. Let's keep it that way.
True, Matthew which is why Americans had better not give up their 2nd amendment rights. It is the only thing hold back our enemies. They won't come in if they expect a rifle behind every blade of grass. They have already said as much.
All we need to do is provoke a war between Pakistan and India and 4 billion people will die or starve to death. Commie problem solved. Climate change solved. Russia solved. Population problem solved. The U.S can continue to be the colossal piece of shit it is. 9 out of 10 oligarchs agree that regional nuclear war is hope and change reborn.
True, Matthew which is why Americans had better not give up their 2nd amendment rights. It is the only thing hold back our enemies. They won't come in if they expect a rifle behind every blade of grass. They have already said as much.

You seem like a very nice person. Why do you associate with a racist pussy like Matthew? You do realize his enemies are blacks and Jews, right. Do you hold that same ideology? I hope not, but it seems that way when you even entertain these racist pussies.

While I agree 100% that the 2nd Amendment is a necessity and that every American should own a gun if they reasoning will never be associated with the Pussy Brigade.
Further, I believe WWIII is inevitable so there is really no point pretending.

As for an EMP in the East China Sea that is just a Chinese area denial tactic which is centric to thwarting U.S. imperialism and the Asia Pivot. It's a piece that includes advanced anti-ship missile technology that can thwart an Arleigh Burke class destroyer, cyber warfare, and so on. Definitely something that would be tantamount to the Bismark vs. the Hood, Pearl harbor or any other historic episode that included any proud imperialist nation getting it's naval head severed.
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I did and no book that I have read scared the shit out of me like this one....
And I'm talking...

The Exorcist.
The Omen.
Or any Stephen King novel....

Forget about who has the bigger or better Armed forces...

Detonate a few of these babies and we are thrown into the stone age.
I hope the US has been designing systems to protect against this.

I did and no book that I have read scared the shit out of me like this one....
And I'm talking...

The Exorcist.
The Omen.
Or any Stephen King novel....

Forget about who has the bigger or better Armed forces...

Detonate a few of these babies and we are thrown into the stone age.
I hope the US has been designing systems to protect against this.

They haven't.

I did and no book that I have read scared the shit out of me like this one....
And I'm talking...

The Exorcist.
The Omen.
Or any Stephen King novel....

Forget about who has the bigger or better Armed forces...

Detonate a few of these babies and we are thrown into the stone age.
I hope the US has been designing systems to protect against this.

They haven't.
The US has been aware of EMP technology since 1958...I would bet you are incorrect in your assertion.
Video: Doomsday for Iran? US Tests EMP Bomb

Boeing has successfully tested an EMP missile that could be doomsday for Iran; media have largely ignored the development.

By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

December 05, 2012 "Israel National News" -- Boeing has successful tested an electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) missile that turns “science fiction into science fact” and could be the doomsday weapon against Iran, but media have largely ignored the development.

The U.S. Air Force and Boeing demonstrated the device more than two months ago over a military site in the Utah desert, reported the VR-Zone technology website.

Boeing did not keep the test a secret, but most mainstream media and technology sites overlooked the report.

The test was codenamed CHAMP -- Counter-Electronics High Power Advanced Missile Project and was the first time a real EMP missile has been tested with positive real world results.

One of the most startling developments in the research and test is that the missile system does not use any explosives, thereby limiting damage to its intended goal of directing microwave energy that can cause instant blackouts.

Keith Coleman, who serves as Boeing’s CHAMP program manager in their Phantom Works division, stated that video camera showed “images of numerous desktop computers running, and then suddenly all of them go out quickly followed by the camera going to black,” VR-Zone reported.

“We hit every target we wanted to... Today we made science fiction, science fact,” said Coleman.

An Arutz Sheva opinion article in August mentioned Israel's possible use of an EMP bomb against Iran. The report triggered a chain reaction, allegedly influencing U.S. intelligence sources who have since been quoted in several publications with doubtful assumptions that the article reflected Israel government thinking.

The London Times subsequently reported that an EMP bomb could cripple Iran by shutting down its electronics and sending the Islamic Republic “back to the Stone Age.”

EMP causes non-lethal gamma energy to react with the magnetic field and produces a powerful electromagnetic shock wave that can destroy electronic devices, especially those used in Iran’s nuclear plants.

The shock wave would knock out Iran’s power grid and communications systems for transport and financial services, leading to economic collapse.

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