Chinese President XI tells military to be ready for war

Chinese President Xi Jinping told the country's armed forces to improve its war-winning capability and strengthen real combat training in a speech on Wednesday.

Chinese President Xi tells military to 'be ready for war' | Daily Mail Online

Bring it on bitches at this point it might knock a few leftist trendy's right back into reality ...................... Oh where oh where will little Obama and Clinton be oh , oh , oh maybe they'll save you because you are hat important to them........... LMMFASO!!!
Shouldn’t the head of a country always tell his milatary to be ready for war? Isn’t that the purpose of the millatary?
Ours is telling us tax breaks for the rich are more important than military readiness.
I was not a fantasy grunt

No, you ARE one of these fantasy grunts who loves to believe in their own 'heroism'. What was it, 'special forces'? It normally is with your type... And too secret to speak about any details is it? Yeah, though so... :cuckoo:

though so?

The Navy does not have "Special Forces". That would be the Army.

No, I was an officer on a guided missile cruiser during the war. I did nothing heroic.
Lets not forget China was caught shipping Oil to N. Korea too.
Yeah...let's kill those bastards for selling oil to a starving nation....

It is none of our fucking government's business, who China sells oil to.
On that note, I guess it’s also none of our fucking business that North Korea develops nukes and ICBMs.
They wouldn't be doing that if our corrupt government run by war profiteers, were not threatening them.

At any rate, are you okay will murdering thousands maybe millions to stop the NK fat boy from developing nukes???
I see from your post that you support the Palestinians which are the literal culls of the Middle East. No other Arab country will take them because they are such worthless human specimens.

What? You are calling Jews "worthless human specimens"? Surely that is anti semitic!!

And, to stay on topic and debunk your ludicrous BS capt america...

President Discusses Beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom

"our mission is clear, to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction"

Selective editing? That is a typically spineless acts of a demented mind. When you can't justify your position, lie, lie, and then lie some more.

From your link:

"And our mission is clear, to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, to end Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism, and to free the Iraqi people."

How convenient that you provided a link to a source to prove yourself wrong!

Thank you!

Have a nice day dumb ass!
Chinese President Xi Jinping told the country's armed forces to improve its war-winning capability and strengthen real combat training in a speech on Wednesday.

Chinese President Xi tells military to 'be ready for war' | Daily Mail Online

Bring it on bitches at this point it might knock a few leftist trendy's right back into reality ...................... Oh where oh where will little Obama and Clinton be oh , oh , oh maybe they'll save you because you are hat important to them........... LMMFASO!!!
Shouldn’t the head of a country always tell his milatary to be ready for war? Isn’t that the purpose of the millatary?
Ours is telling us tax breaks for the rich are more important than military readiness.

complete bs your numb brains can't seem to comprehend that yet.
And really when the rich CREATE JOBS Jesus Cripe guess what that actually makes jobs available right here in the US.
Sad part is the leftist morons who want to make every NON AMERICAN FK come first have it nicely set up to where that illegal is gonna get that job first DACA and all. and your taxes will pay for it all LOL PER OBAMA and not Trump mind you ..

Trump is trying to get rid of it all while leftist democratic crooked pricks step in his way on every turn they've gotta make it look like he's the bad one yah know.

Oh and look it's working. You too believe the bs already lol.
Last edited:
How many countries have we INVADED without provocation?

Its probably easier to name countries NOT invaded by the US with or without provocation!

Lets keep it simple for you... Where was provocation from Iraq for Iraq invasion 2.0?

The reason was the failure of Iraq to abide by the terms of the cease fire from 1992. That's all we needed.

No, the reason was WMD that were never found...

Yet another war engineered for cash and oil by the good old US of A

What cash and what oil?

You are clueless!

Iraq invasion was about oil | Nafeez Ahmed

The right wing are just a bunch of socialists on a national and international basis, who refuse to pay for it, afterward.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

That is what, Real Times of War, Tax Rates look like, right wingers. Fake news or fake wars; the rich are still getting richer and the People are still paying for it.

They both play the same game dufis, gawd you zombies who can only use REPUB or DEM as your only blame point show with perfect evidence how hung up you all are on the left right paradigm when really anybody playing for the NWO play the same game.

Trump doesn't want the NWO , so every crooked pos asshole is out to attack him leading the sheep right into the BS LIES so they can keep the people from wanting to vote away from the lunatic Democrats. The Democrats will lie, cheat, steal their way to a win even if means bringing down one of their own and so will a fake Republican.

How to Create a New World Order Socialist State
Another writer that has promoted the agenda of the New World Order is Saul Alinsky.

The following has been attributed to him, however, I have yet to find concrete evidence he actually wrote the words. Even though he may not have written the words, the actual plan is real. It was inspired by Alinsky and enumerated by Cloward and Piven.

There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a socialist state.

  • Healthcare: Control health care and you control the people.
  • Poverty: Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
  • Debt: Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
  • Gun Control: Remove people’s ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
  • Welfare: Take control of every aspect of their lives, (food, housing, and income).
  • Education: Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.
  • Religion: Remove the belief in God from the Government and schools.
  • Class Warfare: Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (tax) the wealthy with the support of.....
The New World Order | Jeremiah Project
Chinese President Xi Jinping told the country's armed forces to improve its war-winning capability and strengthen real combat training in a speech on Wednesday.

Chinese President Xi tells military to 'be ready for war' | Daily Mail Online

Bring it on bitches at this point it might knock a few leftist trendy's right back into reality ...................... Oh where oh where will little Obama and Clinton be oh , oh , oh maybe they'll save you because you are hat important to them........... LMMFASO!!!
Shouldn’t the head of a country always tell his milatary to be ready for war? Isn’t that the purpose of the millatary?
Ours is telling us tax breaks for the rich are more important than military readiness.

Your is telling you complete bs your numb brains can't seem to comprehend that yet.
And really when the rich CREATE JOBS Jesus Cripe guess what that actually makes jobs available right here in the US.
Sad part is the leftist morons who want to make every NON AMERICAN FK come first have it nicely set up to where that illegal is gonna get that job first DACA and all. and your taxes will pay for it all LOL PER OBAMA and not Trump mind you ..

Trump is trying to get rid of it all while leftist democratic crooked pricks step in his way on every turn they've gotta make it look like he's the bad one yah know.

Oh and look it's working. You too believe the bs already lol.
Why waste resources engaging North Korea.
I see from your post that you support the Palestinians which are the literal culls of the Middle East. No other Arab country will take them because they are such worthless human specimens.

What? You are calling Jews "worthless human specimens"? Surely that is anti semitic!!

And, to stay on topic and debunk your ludicrous BS capt america...

President Discusses Beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom

"our mission is clear, to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction"

Selective editing? That is a typically spineless acts of a demented mind. When you can't justify your position, lie, lie, and then lie some more.

From your link:

"And our mission is clear, to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, to end Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism, and to free the Iraqi people."

How convenient that you provided a link to a source to prove yourself wrong!

Thank you!

Have a nice day dumb ass!

Yeah lets deal with the link...

Where in the link does it support your fucktard 'theory' fool?

Nowhere does it say anything remotely like your deluded idea of the war.

How does it feel to prove a liar dumbass!!!
Its probably easier to name countries NOT invaded by the US with or without provocation!

Lets keep it simple for you... Where was provocation from Iraq for Iraq invasion 2.0?

The reason was the failure of Iraq to abide by the terms of the cease fire from 1992. That's all we needed.

No, the reason was WMD that were never found...

Yet another war engineered for cash and oil by the good old US of A

What cash and what oil?

You are clueless!

Iraq invasion was about oil | Nafeez Ahmed

The right wing are just a bunch of socialists on a national and international basis, who refuse to pay for it, afterward.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

That is what, Real Times of War, Tax Rates look like, right wingers. Fake news or fake wars; the rich are still getting richer and the People are still paying for it.

They both play the same game dufis, gawd you zombies who can only use REPUB or DEM as your only blame point show with perfect evidence how hung up you all are on the left right paradigm when really anybody playing for the NWO play the same game.

Trump doesn't want the NWO , so every crooked pos asshole is out to attack him leading the sheep right into the BS LIES so they can keep the people from wanting to vote away from the lunatic Democrats. The Democrats will lie, cheat, steal their way to a win even if means bringing down one of their own and so will a fake Republican.

How to Create a New World Order Socialist State
Another writer that has promoted the agenda of the New World Order is Saul Alinsky.

The following has been attributed to him, however, I have yet to find concrete evidence he actually wrote the words. Even though he may not have written the words, the actual plan is real. It was inspired by Alinsky and enumerated by Cloward and Piven.

There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a socialist state.

  • Healthcare: Control health care and you control the people.
  • Poverty: Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
  • Debt: Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
  • Gun Control: Remove people’s ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
  • Welfare: Take control of every aspect of their lives, (food, housing, and income).
  • Education: Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.
  • Religion: Remove the belief in God from the Government and schools.
  • Class Warfare: Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (tax) the wealthy with the support of.....
The New World Order | Jeremiah Project
It would help if the right wing had more than fallacy to work with.
My guess is he thinks the US is going to attack ANOTHER nation, and maybe China will be involved.

I know many Americans think their nation doesn't attack other nations, but they are deluding themselves. Over the last hundred years no nation has been more aggressive than the USA.

I love my country, but I hate it's political leadership
I kind of agree, but if there's a war with China or Russia, it's on THEN, not us. They need to join us in slapping down lil kim. If they want to side with a dictator starving his own population, that's on him.
Chinese President Xi Jinping told the country's armed forces to improve its war-winning capability and strengthen real combat training in a speech on Wednesday.

Chinese President Xi tells military to 'be ready for war' | Daily Mail Online

Bring it on bitches at this point it might knock a few leftist trendy's right back into reality ...................... Oh where oh where will little Obama and Clinton be oh , oh , oh maybe they'll save you because you are hat important to them........... LMMFASO!!!
Shouldn’t the head of a country always tell his milatary to be ready for war? Isn’t that the purpose of the millatary?
Ours is telling us tax breaks for the rich are more important than military readiness.

Your is telling you complete bs your numb brains can't seem to comprehend that yet.
And really when the rich CREATE JOBS Jesus Cripe guess what that actually makes jobs available right here in the US.
Sad part is the leftist morons who want to make every NON AMERICAN FK come first have it nicely set up to where that illegal is gonna get that job first DACA and all. and your taxes will pay for it all LOL PER OBAMA and not Trump mind you ..

Trump is trying to get rid of it all while leftist democratic crooked pricks step in his way on every turn they've gotta make it look like he's the bad one yah know.

Oh and look it's working. You too believe the bs already lol.
Why waste resources engaging North Korea.

Because it gives the US control. Which spiders out into many other areas. Wars generate money.
My guess is he thinks the US is going to attack ANOTHER nation, and maybe China will be involved.

I know many Americans think their nation doesn't attack other nations, but they are deluding themselves. Over the last hundred years no nation has been more aggressive than the USA.

I love my country, but I hate it's political leadership
I kind of agree, but if there's a war with China or Russia, it's on THEN, not us. They need to join us in slapping down lil kim. If they want to side with a dictator starving his own population, that's on him.

Just out of interest...

Why is it that Americans feel the need to interfere in countries miles away rather than resolving the issues in American for Americans?
Chinese President Xi Jinping told the country's armed forces to improve its war-winning capability and strengthen real combat training in a speech on Wednesday.

Chinese President Xi tells military to 'be ready for war' | Daily Mail Online

Bring it on bitches at this point it might knock a few leftist trendy's right back into reality ...................... Oh where oh where will little Obama and Clinton be oh , oh , oh maybe they'll save you because you are hat important to them........... LMMFASO!!!
Shouldn’t the head of a country always tell his milatary to be ready for war? Isn’t that the purpose of the millatary?
Ours is telling us tax breaks for the rich are more important than military readiness.

Your is telling you complete bs your numb brains can't seem to comprehend that yet.
And really when the rich CREATE JOBS Jesus Cripe guess what that actually makes jobs available right here in the US.
Sad part is the leftist morons who want to make every NON AMERICAN FK come first have it nicely set up to where that illegal is gonna get that job first DACA and all. and your taxes will pay for it all LOL PER OBAMA and not Trump mind you ..

Trump is trying to get rid of it all while leftist democratic crooked pricks step in his way on every turn they've gotta make it look like he's the bad one yah know.

Oh and look it's working. You too believe the bs already lol.
Why waste resources engaging North Korea.

Because it gives the US control. Which spiders out into many other areas. Wars generate money.
For the rich.
Frankly I'm still puzzled about why Bill Clinton authorized the bombing of a defenseless country in Europe

What country was that then?

So you admit that you are terminally ignorant?

Oh you again!

Well, if the poster cannot answer maybe you want to give it a try? Or is that beyond your comprehension?

Ever think or see how much shit I post, ever think you are NOT the ONLY one asking questions dip shittyeous.

For most leftist answering questions is a waste of time when they don't bother to research the information given to them. Why should the posters be the gopher and find you the answers when you don't believe a freaking thing put in front of you anyway.
Frankly I'm still puzzled about why Bill Clinton authorized the bombing of a defenseless country in Europe

What country was that then?

So you admit that you are terminally ignorant?

Oh you again!

Well, if the poster cannot answer maybe you want to give it a try? Or is that beyond your comprehension?

I know the answer. The fact you don't is very telling since we were saving your poor Muslim's asses, much like those Palestinians you support. It is common knowledge for those with an IQ above room temperature. The fact you are clueless is no surprise at all.
Frankly I'm still puzzled about why Bill Clinton authorized the bombing of a defenseless country in Europe

What country was that then?

So you admit that you are terminally ignorant?

Oh you again!

Well, if the poster cannot answer maybe you want to give it a try? Or is that beyond your comprehension?

Ever think or see how much shit I post, ever think you are NOT the ONLY one asking questions dip shittyeous.

For most leftist answering questions is a waste of time when they don't bother to research the information given to them. Why should the posters be the gopher and find you the answers when you don't believe a freaking thing put in front of you anyway.

Asking a question of someone making a claim or comment is normal.

What the fuck is wrong with that?
Frankly I'm still puzzled about why Bill Clinton authorized the bombing of a defenseless country in Europe

What country was that then?

So you admit that you are terminally ignorant?

Oh you again!

Well, if the poster cannot answer maybe you want to give it a try? Or is that beyond your comprehension?

Ever think or see how much shit I post, ever think you are NOT the ONLY one asking questions dip shittyeous.

For most leftist answering questions is a waste of time when they don't bother to research the information given to them. Why should the posters be the gopher and find you the answers when you don't believe a freaking thing put in front of you anyway.

Asking a question of someone making a claim or comment is normal.

What the fuck is wrong with that?

LMAO Nuttin..............................

but here connect all these dots.

The ancient strategy of divide and conquer is masterfully used to herd us into intellectual, economic, spiritual, gender, and racial groups at conflict with one another in order for the powers that shouldn’t be to manipulate events for their purposes. This is nothing new… divide and conquer is an agitprop strategy used by authoritarians throughout history to gain power over their subjects. Only today, the technocratic elite have been able to invade our minds leaving many clueless as to what’s happening around them.

The New World Order | Jeremiah Project
Frankly I'm still puzzled about why Bill Clinton authorized the bombing of a defenseless country in Europe

What country was that then?

So you admit that you are terminally ignorant?

Oh you again!

Well, if the poster cannot answer maybe you want to give it a try? Or is that beyond your comprehension?

I know the answer. The fact you don't is very telling since we were saving your poor Muslim's asses, much like those Palestinians you support. It is common knowledge for those with an IQ above room temperature. The fact you are clueless is no surprise at all.


Clearly you don't... Your ego would not let you keep it to yourself dummy!

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